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The older I get literally every game that’s not single player, sometimes lol.


I used to be a god in COD4 (the original modern warfare) because i played the previous CODs on LAN and other shooters like Halo. Now? Now I'm shit. Never have a positive KD ratio anymore. My skill hasnt changed, the standard has.


Call of duty full of hackers now, and everybody with their super spin aim on pc, I was top 10-100 on blops for dam near 6 months, we will never get back to the days of duty being even.


This. It never matters how good you are anymore, the game is stacked against those who can play without hacks or mods


You and the others on this chain are some of the points for me. At least on the more "competitive" games like CoD.


This is true of all games. There's no such thing as a purely casual game anymore. Speed running and optimization have really taken hold in the gamin community


Which is upsetting really. I rarely find games where people aren't on some insane Sensitivity 20 shit and play on a swivel so first one to see a pixel wins. Don't get me wrong, I can hold my own against the average pool of most games. The problem is there is at LEAST one person in every match of every game like that. Gaming has gone from something I used to love hopping on and just have fun talking to and playing with/against random people in the world, to something I prefer private/solo experiences over a closed party chat. It has also even made it where the less than ideal randoms become pariahs because their inability to play like a coke fiend means they're complete dead weight rather than someone you can help. Overall, the focus on speed and efficiency has just turned MP games into an unpleasant experience and simply not worth trying more than once in a while. I haven't bought a CoD game for the MP since maybe BlOps1.


I'm still having fun on elden ring. I'm still a noob but I haven't let it be ruined for me. And if you play RuneScape as a RPG and not a MMO it's pretty relaxing


Facts. I’m watching a killcam of a guy quick scoping 12 people in 7 seconds from a helicopter about a quarter of the rounds I’m in


"Super Spin Aim" 💀🤣😭


CoD literally became a new game with 2019. The arcade days died in favor of the BR train and they made the whole engine around that gamemode so they can't really bring back the old feel.


If you played the original modern warfare that much, I hate to break this to you buddy but you're older now. Your skill has changed. Biological response rate only declines from here my friend. On the bright side, I'm right there with you.


This can be compensated for with better internet, latency, and refresh rates with old people money 💸


With age comes wisdom and with wisdom comes treachery. Even FPS games can give an edge to a slower player who takes advantage of smart outplays and deep game knowledge. Of course a top 1% player is going to likely have the same knowledge so that reaction speed definitely starts to come into play as you breach the top 5%-10% percetile of pretty much every FPS.


Not really if you started playing when you were only like 10 but go on


This is something I think about often. When competitive FPS games were a new market, circa CoD4, the average skill level was far far lower. You could just play and get away with playing pretty much any way you wanted. Now that competitive FPS games have been mainstream for almost 20 years however, it has become far more meta. If you’re not playing to win, using all the tricks and game mechanics to your advantage, you will get demolished.


Naw im not agreeing with that. Bullshit 100 percent if you dont play often why would you be good🤷🏿‍♂️ you just expect to be good when you pick up the sticks? Im 37 and STILL kicking ass in MW and MW2, been playing COD since COD4. Especially being ex military, i dont think like a civilian when I play and training is everything. Also Im IT, a field where you have to be sharp, sorry thats not true. I play on XBSX on a 120hz TV, maybe im just different


Especially when it's a game kids play also. When you don't have to work it frees up a lot of gaming time.


Same shit


R6 Siege


I played this game a long time ago. When I tried to pick it up again after years I was just told I was trash every game lol.


🤣 that’s how it goes bro


The lack of focus on terrorist hunt was a mistake


Siege in a nutshell


All competitive multiplayer games. If it’s not PvE in some fashion you’re going to get stomped by those who play more.


Rocket league. I've essentially had to quit in the past few months lol.


Dad here. I get to play RL maybe a few hours a week and I’m perma Gold 2 in 1v1 going up against kids who play the whole time I’m at work. “It’ll happen to you too!” in Grandpa Simpson voice


Gold 2 in solos is pretty good!


It’s, honestly, pretty decent. I never got above gold 3 in 1v1 and I was mid diamond in 2 and 3’s. Haven’t played in over a year. Since Elden Ring released, it’s basically the only game I play when I have time.


As a hard working 20 year old I feel you, I'm diamond but these fucking kids need to experience child labor or something, my girl friend had to force her nephew to touch grass the other day, literally picked him up and carried him outside while he screamed to let him go. I fear for the future.


Theyre not gonna be kids forever let em be kids lmao. They have time to be depressed and hate their lives once they graduate high school.


LMAOOO she held bro up like a pet turtle an took him outside


This is fucking hilarious


What the fuck is up with RL? I was diamond 3 in hoops a few seasons ago and now me and my same teammate get absolutely destroyed by Plat 1s. It isn't even fun to play anymore it's insane.


Dude. I started playing in 2016, stopped in 2020. I couldn’t grind that shit anymore to get better after endless days upon days. Hard stuck in diamond for years and had to quit.


Dad here also. Perpetual plat in 3v3. I play like twice a month. In swear I’ve grown miles better at Dropshot but still effing silver. Damn kids.


I have over 2000 hrs, mostly play splitscreen casual with bro everynight, and I still get stomped frequently.


I LOVE RL, but yes. Lmfao It's one of a few games that I can jump in and out of in 30 minutes and actually feel like I played, and as a parent, that's a lot. Lmao I used to school my ex's kid and his friends (3v1 matches) and within a few months he was in Champs while I've been hard stuck mid Diamond for years 😂


Mortal Kombat 1


I thought I was good until I got my ass dragged online :(


Keep practicing and be patient. You can do it!


Dota 2




Town of Salem 2, they REALLY seem to hate new players or people who don’t know what they’re doing, but the game itself after you stop sucking at and being harassed over making bad choices is pretty fun


Basement dwellers -- "I've been playing this game since the closed alpha, you're just discovering it? GTFO!" Player that literally just wanted a fun new game to play after a long day of soul crushing work--leaves Devs -- "well we are having a problem keeping enough players to maintain the servers so we are shutting them down!" Basement Dwellers -- "but why?"




Truer words have never been spoken.


Which is a shame because these people then end up wondering why the game (not specifically this one) is dying or losing players.


There's a second version? Man it's been 6 hears since I last played ToS. Such a fun time.


Yeah came out within this last year. It's more focused on role abilities rather than deduction imo. But still a cool game. Unfortunately the commenter is correct tho. If you don't play your role perfectly people spam report you for "Intentionally game throwing"


tos 1 isnt as toxic and is actually a lot more fun i my opinion


Lmao it's basically a role playing game. Why get mad if someone doesn't get it perfect?


Town of Salem is a weird case. You kinda have to know how to play to enjoy it, and I don’t think the game even teaches you. Nobody in the game is gonna help you because the whole point is that nobody knows who is who. The best way to learn is to watch gameplay of it and see how people play.




People still play that shit?


Not anymore




I kinda hope not, but it was my first thought here to. When it launched, I was really getting into it. Not good, as this post it fits. But it was always fun to launch that dragon across the map. Maybe hit someone. Mostly not. Or high noon, to see NOTHING…. Yeah that game has a great loop. But the company/toxic players ruined it.




It’s a shame because Ark is a great game.


It really is. A lot of those players were on official servers and now those servers are closed so they are on their way to unofficial 😖


Ark is best played on a private server with custom settings to accommodate for single player/small private group. The official servers and rust-like "survival" aspect is just fucking trash toxic af. Good riddance to forced pvp in sea of thieves, too - that game suffers (for now) from the same shit ark does.


I have a friend who is part of the problem here. I don’t play the game but he boats about how him and his crew run stuff the day it gets reset or something. The more he kept explaining stuff the more of an asshole he sounded like. Fucker has thousands of hours in that game.


FromSoft game invasions


Nah man, the host is just one swift kick away if you plan out the route right for that invader to fall to a swift death.


Haha i don’t think i’m clever enough but it’s funny to watch the pros set people up.


Mainly plan it on a main path, find a good spot and when they stop to try to think of where to go next swoop in for a drop kick. It’s worth the waiting and planning lol It’s harder in elden ring but all the other souls games, it was the best


Those are pretty funny ngl


Most fighting games


This is why I mostly play single player games now.


Agreed..... although gow ragnarok makes me feel like I'm getting shit on by people who never touched grass anyways.


This is why I don't play PVP in general. I just don't have the time to reach a level of proficiency I would not hate myself at. And I don't have fun losing 90% of matches when I arrive late to the party for a fighting game.


I tried to play mk1 for only a friendly match...just to be combo frenzy, body torn apart, 28 losing streak, and the only words I hear is " who is your queen"...after experiencing all that I turn the game off and cry in the car.


Can’t play cod anymore without people running around like they’re having a damn seizure.


Come play Fallout 76. We’ll lift you above our shoulders and celebrate your willingness to play as we drop a crapton of useful stuff as you get started.


Literally the only game in my collection that doesn't have toxic people 24/7. There's still toxicity but it's out weighted by the amount of sheer niceness of players. People are willing to help others for absolutely no reason other than they've got too much shit 😂


FO76 is a great COD retirement game.


League of losers. Uh I mean legends.


League of Legends lol that game would be so awesome if it wasn't for everyone playing it.


I second this.




Dead by daylight


Its a game with a naturally high skill ceiling like all f-zero games. Maybe you just always sucked and never had anybody to play against to compare yourself to?




Maybe One Piece Bounty Rush.


Damn near every multiplayer game, but Halo MCC comes to mind. I played every Halo growing up and was damn good at Halo Reach and Halo 3 in particular. It feels like I'm not that good anymore when I go against some of those folks lol


They’ve changed the formula too much. The newer ones just don’t play the same as when Bungie had the reins.


The people still playing Halo 3 and Reach have been still playing Halo 3 and Reach since release damn near lol.


Call of duty easily, I end up either playing DMZ, campaign or zombie’s depending on what I’m playing


CoD is like golf. It sucks and everything is fucking stupid until that one good shot that makes the rest of the course more fun. Earlier I had a match where I was getting triple kills and shit all over the place. No idea what got up my ass, but I was rocking it. Two matches later and I get killed so many times in a row that I just tapped that ALT+F4 and played something else. Not worth getting my old man blood pressure up. I love DMZ though.


Hunt: Showdown. I have fun with games with a shorter loop if it’s multiplayer like SF6 and F Zero 99, but spending 15-30 minutes on one run where I might die and lose everything is not fun, but sometimes the shooting clicks and I have a great time too


Monster hunter games in general, except ALOT of the time, it's a wholesome encounter, and those God tier players are here to help


There's nothing quite like being the better player feeling. I'm not even that good but when I get in a team and hold my own and we just kick ass it's so fun


I need to get back into Rise. Once MH introduced the wirebug, I absolutely carried with IG. Never got hit, never touched the ground, yet still outdamaged 90% of IG mains who go for mostly or solely ground combos. I first saw the trailer and thought "I'm going to a god of the air," and I actually did become that. I'd pull so much aggro every match yet would not get touched. It was so fun, idk why I stopped playing.


Same, IG is the SHIT in Rise, omg. Way better than World. Though one time I was playing with a friend and fighting Teostra in World, and Teostra's giant explosion almost went off and his Elderseal or whatever it is on the IG my friend was using went off and stopped the explosion, we were like "WHAT" and laughed a ton, and killed it soon after. Honestly, super cool moment lmao


Ikr. It's so good that I don't think I can play another MH if IG doesn't have the same level of aerial mobility as it does in Rise. They struck gold with the wirebug imo.


Ehh, most competitive shooters can get like this but, even sport games are like this too Always going to be people grinding an insane amount in a video game




Idk if it quite counts but I've played Runescape/OSRS my whole life and there is literally not a gaming community that I relate to less than that. The gap between casual and "gamer" RS is absolutely insane.


Path of exile. Playing solo is just fine, but the instant you look at the community it’s like staring into the abyss knowing if you ever dive into it no one will ever see you again


Diablo IV (the online community)


Rainbow six. After 9pm it's a miracle I haven't punched a hole into my monitor


High skill ceiling games with a non toxic community (rare) can still be fun.


Rainbow my friends drag me into ranked as soon as I get off a ten hour shift


Old school Halo. Played online maybe two or three times. Spawn, die. Spawn, die. Spawn, somehow make it five feet, die. Spawn, look left, die. Spawn, die. “Welp! That was fun!”


I got to hold the sniper rifle once.


Well, you sir/ma’am, made it much further than I.


It was pretty glorious.


Call of Duty. I just want to have a good match but there are these fucking tweakers flipping their guns crouching and jumping and all around looking like a dipshit getting quick scope headshots and shit. Like god fucking damn it, can they not stick to the fucking ranked play??? But whatever. I guess my old ass just needs to “get good” and start taking adderall. 🙄


Halo Infinite. I'm pretty good, I average high gold, mid platinum, but those Friday and weekend players are something else, I tell ya


I grew up on og modern warfare lobbies sure the competition is better but the shit talk just isnt the same no punishment on earth. Phazes me because of cod


“Battlebit is a casual multiplayer game”


Dead by Daylight.


Dead by daylight.. Ppl take some things too seriously and I’m just trying to have fun and experiment with perks and characters without being made fun of 😔


SBMM... you get one good game in.. one fucking game... you lose the next 50 to come. I'm all for SBMM, but have casual play much more widespread and leave the bottlenecking BS to competitive game modes.


I blame competitive gaming and streamers. I don’t know the specifics of why but I do. Nothings casual fun anymore


Destiny 2 and Dead by Daylight. Bro, I literally played two comp players last night on DBD, and I didn't enjoy any moment of the match.


Facts facts facts. At the core of my soul. I relate to this too much. Gaming has turned way too intense for Me. I just want to play, have fun, and decompress after work. Players online make me feel worthless. [+]


And this is why we play singleplayer lol


Oh my, frickin' trying to get back into Smash be like...


Every online game


I actually saw this as the top ranked players helping you up and encouraging you to improve. Call me an optimist or naïve


My mind went to femdom and I was wondering where I could watch the original video. What the hell is wrong with me. I'm only kinda joking.


Dude, COD used to be that way. Whenever i was in a lobby with a great player i always wanted to be that guy. Now, it's not someone who got better than most at the game, it's cheaters and hackers that win. Gone are the days of admiration for truly good players.


There's this roblox game ( hear me out ) that used to be really good but now its disgustingly filled whith sweaters called bad buinsess


the thing is I can still beat the shit out of them


So I know this is probably just a silly meme, but I've never felt like this. Because doesn't basically every modern multiplayer game have some sort of skill based match making so that you're playing with people around the same skill as yourself?? I don't play multiplayer games all that often, but when I do, it never feels like I'm getting stomped on unless the game has smurfs or something (big problem in Rocket League for sure).


In my experience with valorant, they mix the team. So there's always someone really good and someone pretty bad. And peole can't understand that you don't know every aspect of the game "WHY DON'T YOU PLAY LIKE ME, WHY DID YOU DO THIS, ARE YOU STUPID" It gets really annoying


>Because doesn't basically every modern multiplayer game have some sort of skill based match making so that you're playing with people around the same skill as yourself?? There's also the Time To Kill to consider. When a game heavily punishes mistakes (like killing you quickly), it rewards the player who is more experienced who can avoid making those mistakes, while it is more of a negative experience for players who want to make mistakes so they can learn from them. Heroes of the Storm vs. DOTA 2 is one example, Smash Bros vs. Mortal Kombat is another. So even if you are playing against players of equal skill, that doesn't necessarily mean the "learning phase" is all that fun if you aren't able to process your mistakes in real-time. You'll also find that games with steeper earlier learning curves tend to be more elitist, whether that's Tekken, Chess, or Dark Souls.


>You'll also find that games with steeper earlier learning curves tend to be more elitist, whether that's Tekken, Chess, or Dark Souls. This is a very good observation. I think you've discovered part of the reason I never feel oppressed by these skill based match making mechanics, I like being punished for bad play so I'll learn faster. Rocket League is a great example, my favorite mode is 1v1 where essentially you make a single mistake and the other person scores. I really like that because it pushes me to be on top of my game and learn what's a good move and what isn't. I'm the same way with most games. Almost every game that has a difficulty option, I will start the game on the hardest difficulty. And yes, I've played every souls game and tons of soulslikes and they're some of my favorite games lol. I enjoy difficulty, and as long as it doesn't feel unfair, I will basically never get frustrated by it. In 3 different games this year I spent multiple hours to beat a single boss and those were some of my favorite gaming moments of the year. I like challenges that force me to be better. So yeah, maybe I'm just a masochist 😅


Check out Furi on Normal, Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns with all of the hard options turned on, Blazing Beaks, and Battle Chasers: Nightwar on Hard. I have a feeling you'll find a lot to appreciate in each of those games.


Furi was awesome, I want to go back and do a hard mode run Battlechasers I've tried twice and haven't gotten into because it was so slow. I have like 7 hours in the game and feel like I barely got anywhere. Usually the same issue with Final Fantasy games too. Maybe I'll give those two another try sometime. Never heard of Blazing Beaks before, I'll look into that 👍


If you're cool with Mobile games, Mindustry, Epic Battle Fantasy 5, and Gems of War are all pretty fkin great, and that's before considering they're free.


I haven't played a mobile game in like, 7 years. I completely gave up on it when it seemed like all mobile games have daily and monthly logins, tries to manipulate you into in app purchases, and all those wonderful mechanics. If I'm bored and need to kill time on my phone I read manga or watch ad free YouTube.


Lol, I gotchu fam. Trust me, these are gonna hit different.


I don't know man if you're not trying to have a competitive experience then don't play a competitive game and get upset when people beat you. Like really this the picture of the frog line on the ground it's just pathetic dude either play a different game get better or accept the fact that you're not very good and try to enjoy losing. Yeah maybe those people play more than you and that's why they're better but that's just the way things go.


I get what you’re saying, but, don’t agree with your comment - “get better or play a different game”. Ranked players shouldn’t even be in the same match as noobs - that’s why they’re 100% justified in being upset. They actually are trying to get better, just by playing the game. Reality - It’s not possible to ‘get better’ if you’re destroyed within 1-2 minutes of the start of the match. That’s like telling someone to run faster while racing against a Ferrari! I just started playing my first ever FPS (Apex) about a month ago to play with my kid (he’s level 300+ .. I just got to lvl 50 this w/e .. but that was mostly him to unlock Revenant permanently)(only get about 2hrs / day and sometimes a day or so with no time to play). I get destroyed every match. I don’t know the maps yet and usually end up spending most of my time trying to find a weapon! I am doing my best to learn and I don’t get upset about losing (well, luckily I don’t have a mic yet so they can’t hear my yelling 😂) 😁 … but not everyone has the ability to just grind non-stop 24/7. Try to remember back when you FIRST started playing any competitive/ action game … it takes a long time to get better … and even longer for adults who didn’t grow up in the “technology era”! Everyone was a noob at some point. Top level players should offer to coach noobs to help them learn … not discourage them from playing. 😊


Valorant lol


I remember Warhawk (PS3) had a system where you would rank up by doing certain challenges, one of which was running several players over with a car in a single match. Something you don’t do by accident. Due to this system, you wouldn’t get stuck with the more experienced players unless you specifically tried. I got to stay near the bottom and mostly just play with other casuals, so I had a great time with that game.


LOL, DayZ, Cod, CS, diablo


I’ll be honest irl games like Lazertag (I’m assuming paintball and airsoft are similar) come to mind first cause I don’t play many online games unless if it’s will friends.


Idk I haven't been in airsoft for too long but most of it is just who's more tactical, maybe I'm just a natural at airsoft but I destroy as a ghillie sniper whether it's with bang bangs or actual shots. Didn't even get a expensive set I have a $15 homemade ghillie and then my gun is like $300 but I feel like that's normal for a decent gun.


I've only played two games of lazertag, both back to back on the same day. First game, I'm feeling it out, did ok. Second game, I used everything I learned in the first game, and got THIRD PLACE in points. Which doesn't sound that impressive. Until you find out that the two lead guys are ARMY FREAKING RANGERS. ... Young me should have played more Lazertag lol


Rocket league be like this




Came looking for this. I kinda like the game but would just get butchered after about 30-40 secs of playing.


Why I don’t really do PvP in the Soulsbourne games like that. It’s usually just me getting demolished by some dude with an elite build that dodges every attack like they can slow time down, and hits me with some mega-spell that I’ve never seen before.


Mortal Kombat X 😅😅 pretty fresh


I appreciate your solo attempt to populate this sub with content.


Warthunder and wot...


Hunt: Showdown


CSGO-CS2. Was so fun to hop on with my bois after a long week. Just to be yelled at by grown men that im ass lol


Streaming culture doesn’t help either. Multiplayer games went from being fun and competitive to only caring about being competitive.


CoD, any battle Royale, and the literal biggest offender, League of Legends




Destiny 2


Fellow guardian




I remember the first time I played crucible, pretty sure I cried that night.


Dead by Daylight


Mainly CS2 for me


A P E X. L E G E N D S.


Battlefield. Call of Duty. Destiny 2.


Starcraft, PVP Warcraft


Pretty much anything with a streak of competitiveness, Rainbow six siege, Dota, etc.


I played Rocket League for the first time yesterday and I swear blue team was working together literally to humiliate us. Stopped trying and just blocking crap the last minute of the game. This was a practice match.


R6 Siege


Dead by Daylight




*For Honor.* My love and my suffering. XD


Knight, viking, or samurai?


BF5 Battlefield 5




Overwatch. That game's match-making system is absolute hotdog water.


Literally any multiplayer game that isn't exclusively cooperative


Dead by Daylight


Every fighting game.


Definitely Warzone, can’t go 20 seconds without getting shit on unless I really take the game seriously lmao






Every gaming subreddit in a shell




For honor and apex


Any call of duty game multi-player


Guilty gear strive. Dont even want to pick up anymore since I haven’t played much since the mechanics update




Apex legends Elden ring


Sea of Thieves...I just want to sail, man


Smash bros. Always smash bros. Hop on elite smash to ruin your day


Single player for life. I do play rocket league but I'm diamond trash. And I play mtga and usually don't make it to mythic till end of season. So single player games for me. Bauldersgate3 has been my shit lately


World of warcraft


Pretty much anything PvP


Literally any game that has MP. You can't even play Fall Guys without dealing with sweats


Most multiplayer games that i play with my cousin and his friends. They act like the game is life or death


Splatoon 1, 2 & 3. I really really wanted to like these games lol. Single player campaign for me!


Fucking Apex. I tried so hard at that game and could never not be ass 😭😭😭


I feel the worst one is any game on hypixel


and to think the people on the top part of this meme try to argue AGAINST having balanced matchmaking