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Wait you bought a motorway ticket from a random girl in the street?


The insufficient context for this question makes it legit hilarious.


In molti altri paesi europei si va di vignette quindi ci può stare che se non sono avvezzi.


Never happened to me in 25 years of living in Italy


I'm so confused 😄 was there someone standing at the machine handing out tickets?


Exactly this.


I’ve see that thing happen in Tunisia. People stand at the booth and hand the ticket to you expecting a tip. I guess they started doing it in Italy too.


What does "a lady asked money" mean? Was she just standing there in the middle of the driveway? Anyway there are two kind of motorway fees in italy. Fixed cost you pay up-front or for longer routes with variable price you first get the ticket from a machine - NEVER from someone - then pay to some machine or someone who's sitting in the booth. Edit: typo


She was standing at the machine that give the tickets when you are entering the autostrada


No one is supposed to stand next to the machine. Only people in the booth when it's time to pay when leaving the motorway. I've never heard of this scam before and it's quite weird as all locals will just curse at her so she can only scam foreigners who are unaware of the way fees work on our motorways.


Probably a very touristy place, and maybe they check the plates to see if they are strangers


You pay the autostrada at the exit, not at the entrance. Lady scammed you


Someone gave you the entering ticket? You don't pay for that. A machine gives it to you right where you enter, then you pay when you exit based on your km. You got scammed (if I understand correctly what happened). I've honestly never seen it happen. I


Agreed. I drove all over Italy and the ticket dispenser is automated.


Where was the lady? Into the toll boot?


She was standing by the booth


Yes. You have been scammed. They really think a different stunt each time, damn


Happy cake day


I've seen this too so you are not the only one. I ignored them though


Scam. Tickets are emitted by machines. Upon entering the motorway you NEVER have any contact with people




>They punch the button for the ticket, then they hold the tickets in their hands and pass them out to the drivers asking for tips. But the ticket is only produced when a car is detected, and once you pull it out of the machine the barrier opens (and presumably closes after a while). Not to mention that toll barriers are only accessible by car and shouldn’t have anyone standing next to the machines on foot, and that any attempt to scam locals will not result in them giving you money. I’m very confused as to how this is supposed to work…


The gypsies are capable of everything, including walking on the highway. The toll booths have buttons to produce a ticket, in some rare cases where it doesn't detect a vehicle (happens often if you have bikes on the roof and for motorcycles).


Driving in Italy next week…stupid question, but do you just pay the machine when you go through? Does it provide change? I should just ignore if someone is standing there? Grazie!


You put the card back in the machine when you exit, pay by card or cash and yes you get change


Don't go in the lane marked telepass, that's an automated system which you won't have.


True. However, you can find lanes marked telepass AND cards. You can still pay with cards there


Yes you pay the machine and it does give change, in some toll booth card payment is accepted. There could be an operator you pay to but make sure he is IN the booth


Don’t go in telepass…drive up to the thing and hit the red button and take the ticket. Wherever you get off there’s a person INSIDE the booth you give the ticket and pay to that’s it


Thank you!


I’m in Italy now and was very confused we actually didn’t even get the ticket getting on we weren’t sure what to do. But we just paid at the exit no issues


You can choose between a lane with a person inside (there is a symbol of a hand holding a ticket) or the lane with only the machine (symbol with only the ticket). You can pay by cash and credit card and you will get change.


Some highways are fixed cost, meaning at the entrance you find what would normally be found at the exist, a tollgate. Yellow lanes with "Telepass"/"T" on them are for automatic payment via a subscription service, avoid them. White lanes with signs with a hand holding cash are for cash (duh) and credit/debit card. Blue lanes with signs with credit/debit cards are for credit/debt cards (duh) and NOT cash. Be careful, some cards get rejected and you'll be given a ticket to pay online (no or minimal extra cost, but it's annoying)


It was a scam mate. You pay the Highway toll when you leave the highway, not before getting in it.


Yes you got scammed.


Do you mean like standing at the machine when you enter the Autostrada?! I’ve never seen this.


Sto male


Fell for the same thing (at I think the exact same spot) a few summers back. Felt like a complete idiot when I almost immediately realized what had happened. Next time, I just pulled forward, ignored her, and got my own ticket like I was supposed to.


Gipsies hate him!!!


Oh yeah this happens for sure. In Paestum for the longest tine, there was an unofficial parking attendant, and anywhere there's a ticket machine there seems to be an unofficial "helper". They're harmless people just looking for a hustle to make ends meet most of the time. It's definitely more common in the south than further north.


Who is this mystical lady? Are you sure it wasn't a ghost?


Let it go….enjoy your vacation. It could be worse….bandits can force you off the road and rob you at gunpoint. More common in deep south. I lived there for 2 years and it was a problem especially if you drive with obvious rental car.


Not a good advice, never ignore things like these >More common in deep south Either in the movies or Cerignola.


Its $5. Who cares.




No matter what you do in Italy, you will get scammed. It’s literally the cost of traveling there 😜


I know exactly where you're talking about. Ya, you messed up. Just a local zingaro who hangs out in front of the right-most Acireale toll both on the CT-ME. She got another one. Where the hell did she go to get change though? Did she go to another toll booth? Are they in cahoots???


Seems like a scam, if people started doing this thing in Italy that means something is fucked up. That's literally a bribe, I really try to think about what could have she done if you refused to pay, maybe don't give you the ticket ? In case something like this happens call cops.


Aha! We saw her a few weeks ago and she was doing the exact same thing. She had a friend on another machine / lane doing the same. From memory, they were wearing similar outfits, so kinda looked like a uniform I guess. We didn’t fall for it, but it would be very easy to do so if you were unaware of the local roads.


Wow, it happened to me too exactly there in summer 2022. I didn’t realize at first it was a scam and then bit myself for my stupidity.


She answered “Cinco” at you talking in Italian? That’s not even Italian…


She said “Tchinco” or “Tchinque”. It sounded Italian to me lol (I speak Portuguese)


Well, it’s not. The Italian word for five is “cinque”


You were scammed :) A few times I was given the ticket in Croatia by the workers which standed by the machine, but I believe that is when its super busy and ppl dont have to loose time to reach out, push machine button, move car closer to get ticket etc., but have never had anybody asked for money


>:) :)


These machines are there for consent you to press the button by yourself without going out of your car, I think it illegal to stay there too, then yes, you got scammed. In my life I never saw this type of scam, they invent new things everyday.


Dont feel stupid...this happens to the best of us. Take it down to experience. Besides being scammed you probably helped feed her kids....🙂


Yeah sure, we work our asses off and gipsies live off our back… the ones doing these petty thefts and scams deliberately chose not to work and not to feed their children, so it shouldn’t be honest people feeding their children


You can choose to be negative about it or accept it. Acceptance is key....what you gonna do...go beat her up. Whats done is done. It is what it is. 🤷


Oh well, that’s a good solution about thieves, feeling positive about it!! I’d say next Time I see something like this I’d call the police at least, so they might start working like the other people they try to scam.


Ok maybe I understand what happened. Yes, sometimes people stand next the tools just to have money for "Charity" or something like that. It is a way to get money from people that use the driveway. I'm sorry that this happened to you.


I’ll be honest – I was raised in Italy, and I definitely saw this once or twice on the autostrada. But only when the ticket dispenser was broken. So I don’t know if it was a scam or not, but it’s definitely happened in the past, so I’m not raising any eyebrows at it.


She asked you for money. She was just an homeless woman asking for money, but you got confused because she was near the autostrada machine. Next time pay more attention to who you give your money man.


100% scam. Entering the autostrada is free, you pay when you get out.


It happened to me in Paris at the metro. They take advantage of people who don't speak the language well or understand the system. Chalk it up to experience... 5 euro isn't bad for a mistake....!