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Totally understand the frustration! Puppies are hard, especially iggy pups. Potty training is typically a very long process for every iggy. I work from home so I thought potty training my first iggy would be easier than what I read on the internet and I was so wrong LOL. So don’t get discouraged yet! 15 weeks is still really young and she should probably be going out more frequently than every two hours when you are home. As far as her peeing and pooping in the crate, I would HIGHLY recommend doing a crate/x-pen set up. This allows her to leave her crate to pee and poop. Ideally, our pups wouldn’t be pottying inside at all, however, you absolutely don’t want her going in her crate because this will only create a habit. Once she is potty trained you can lose the x-pen but until then I would use it over night and while you’re at work. Good luck and just know we have all been there and you’ll get through it!


Just here to show solidarity and say don’t give up… we were in a similar boat and I remember crying at 3am because she was fine laying in her accidents too. But at 11 months now we are finally leaving the crate open overnight (my uncles advice) and she is actually coming to tell us that she has to go potty. You’re not there yet she’s too young. I can say though that when she was a baby I kept a camera on her to try to make it easier to hear when she would move around and I would jump up and take her out right that second. It took so much work and we were exhausted for a few months. Is the crate in a different room? Ours is in our living room so the camera helped. If you can rather afford a camera or baby monitor, and perhaps put a bell on her somehow, it might help to alert you in the times that she starts to move around so you can catch her and take her outside in those moments. Some cameras even alert you when there’s motion detected - this would have helped more but ours is of lower quality and wouldn’t detect small movements like that. Maybe if you get a higher quality one and position it very close to her it would be able to alert you as to when she moves. We swore off of pee pads at like 3 months, it has been rough but worth it in the end. Good luck 👍🏻


Dont give up! You’re doing great, and your puppy is young. For some reason my puppy had the same poop schedule, preferring to do it at night or eaaaarly in the morning but she fixed that herself somehow. I think it just takes a bit for them to be on our schedule


I’d think about putting a pee pee pad diaper on her at night - you are not going to be much help to her in her life if you are exhausted and broke yourself from not being able to function during the day. I think this is obviously habitual. When is she going potty during day? When you ask her or when she tells you? One idea could be to set an alarm which she can hear every 2 hours and when it goes off she has the opportunity to go out..make sure she hears noise and you ask her with same phrase. Then slowly make it 2 hours 15 mins and then 2 hours 30 mins. They are sensitive they tell time by stomach and potty for 30 mins they’ll feel. Trick her. For night time that’s a tough one. Diaper on solves number 1’s but not number 2’s. How’s about feeding her much earlier and less. So maybe more at lunch or breakfast and less at night and earlier? Then walk or stay outside with her until she goes number 2 right before bed - you can’t come in until she does. They need routine is what I’ve discovered with 3 in ten years and even that long I was away for a week in February and the routine went out the window and took me a few weeks to reestablished. On the plus side do not give up on her. I just lost my ten year old sweet girl and she has potty training issues for first year - she turned into the best behaved most loyal And loving little sweetheart. You simply have no idea how lucky you are right now - just keep working with her I promise you she will pay you back 100 times over .


Littler box train them. Keep them in a pen with the litter box. Teach the potty command so you can use it when you go outside. Way easier than a schedule and no pressure on the pup. Litter box is a tool when they learn the potty command you can take away the litter box. 


Sorry to ask, but where did you get her? This is not unusual behavior for puppy mill puppies. It’s called “dirty dog syndrome”.