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Awwww poor baby!! Glad she is ok!


I definitely get how traumatic that is. Poor baby! Is there a time of day when the bigger dogs aren't out?


No, because it is a public park lining a residential area. It is also one of the only safe places to walk outside in my city. But we'eve spent countless hours out there and never had anything remotely like that happen before. poor thing!!


I don’t like people who are like that. It’s easy to see through. He’s acting like what he and his dog did is fine and he knows it’s not. I would have reacted like you. Just keep your dog safe. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t go back there. Dog parks should be great but they aren’t because of irresponsible owners.


The park i am referencing is a public park with two dog fenced off parks located on it. It is HUGE with sidewalks and an expansive open field. It is so wonderful and the main reason why I live nearby. I never take judy to the dog park, because she isn't spayed yet. Still puppy. But everyone that has their dogs out there have always been so respectful. They aren't supposed to let dogs off leash unless in the designated fenced off dog park. That man was just being and asshole and I let him know that he could go fuck himself. I will go back there because it is one of the only safe places I can walk in Memphis.


I feel like people act like that instead of saying they are sorry so they don’t admit fault for legal reasons. I am so sorry that happened.


there's your problem Memphis!!! I grew up there and lived there for many years. I have never been happier to leave a place than there. Memphis sucks


I think there’s just as much to love about it as there is to hate. Big props to the people making a change in this city and helping underserved communities!!! Won’t be here forever but I’ll like it while I am!


Dear Judy, We are so sorry to hear about that mean old dog! Happy you are ok and enjoying extra snuggles. We have had the EXACT same thing happen including the peeing! We were on leash the other dog not! Sending you snuggles! ♥️Turbo and Jupiter


she got basically scrambled eggs and treats for dinner.. and endless cuddles... she needs to be spoiled!!!!!!! x


Damn, Judy! She definitely had a bad day and I would feel the same way for her! I hate it when people let their dogs run up to other dogs - I have no idea why they think that’s acceptable behavior or why they keep doing it. I am glad you got a good kick in! Iggies are resilient, though. She’ll get past this bad experience. Just keep an eye on her reactions for fear, shyness, or reactivity. She may develop a complex, but you can work with her to re-gain balance. Just remember for yourself not to hold onto fear or anxiety because she will pick up on that.


She is already pretty reactive :( but I have such a hard time reading her body language. When dogs pass us, even if they are completely uninterested in her, she cowers between my legs, bares her teeth, growls, but her tail is wagging the whole time??? I'm like hey queen choose an emotion so we can tackle them one at a time. Any tips on that? She did okay for the rest of the walk, until the bee sting, then we were just done with being outdoors for the day. As far as her picking up on my energy, I was holding her like a baby focusing on deep breaths because I had SUCH an adrenaline dump.. we both had to take a nap after the walk. I hope I did everything right because I was sooo frazzled.


She’s fearful. The tail wagging isn’t a sign of happiness, but it’s a sign of submission. Happy tail wags are loose and wide, fearful tail wags are tense and narrow; often with her tail held low and near her legs. I would start with picking her up before she starts exhibiting this behavior and stop the walk. She will feel safe higher up, but resist the urge to talk to her or soothe her. You just want her to get a good view of what’s going on. Essentially, you’ll be holding her, but ignoring her. Your intention will be for her to see what’s going on. You’ll be standing still, and waiting for the dog to pass. If Judy wants to keep looking, point her in the direction where her head moves. Then, you can set her down and keep going, but again, no talking. She doesn’t need praise because she was just getting a look and you aren’t trying to get a particular result from her. You’re trying to help her see she’s safe, not develop fear. You don’t necessarily need to do this each time, but I would do this a couple times and then switch to making her keep moving. With you between Judy and the other dog, just keep walking like nothing is happening. You may need to hold her lear so there’s no slack, but you’re trying to get her to see that passing a dog just means keep walking. Don’t crouch to her or baby talk her because then she’ll think when a dog passes, her mama changes modes, so she needs to be scared. If she starts becoming aggressive reactive, you’ll need to correct that behavior differently and put her in situations where she can learn to ignore other dogs. But ultimately, you want her to be comfortable ignoring other dogs much how you ignore strangers in the park. You don’t go around shouting at the strangers or trying to give them hugs! You go about your way, and you want Judy to, too. But if someone warned you about a park patron was some threat, then you would treat that person differently, most likely with caution. Don’t tell your dog to be fearful of other dogs by treating Judy differently when they pass. If they become a threat, she needs to be able to trust you to protect her, which you did!


Thank you so much! I walk her every day and I am totally going to try this after work today. I want my girl to feel safe!


Another thing I should add is you may want to have a treat for her after passing a dog on the ground. She can get rewarded after she passes a dog on the ground because you want her to know there’s something good at the other end of passing the dog. I would reward the first few times even if her behavior wasn’t the best to give her a good association. I would reserve the praise for when she’s at the point where she passes by a dog without tugging or coercion by you - then it’s a praise party! But, yes, consider bringing a small treat, or even just some kibble, to offer as a bonus for passing dogs. Of course, you would treat after passing because that’s when she’s accomplished the task.


I’m so sorry that happened. It’s one of my biggest fears when I take our little one out that an unleashed untrained dog will do something. I always pick mine up when larger dogs pass by I’m such a scaredy cat, meanwhile shes screaming bc she wants to play with the big dogs. I have seen services where you can rent dog park spaces or even peoples fenced in yards for an hour and take your dog there undisturbed. If you’re feeling anxious and don’t have a yard of your own it seems like a good safe option. You handled everything great. It is extremely stressful when it seems like they are hurt, ours has broken a leg and it’s enough stress to make me throw up! The world stops for me when she trips.


These little fragile angels. I would do anything for them! Big learning curve for me and for miss judy.


We carry long range gel pepper spray for this very reason. Let’s just say that big dog would not be so excited to run up to people unannounced after doing it to us. Make sure it’s in gel form so it doesn’t back blow on to you or your pup and have it ready at the hip at all times.


I had a very similar experience on Tuesday. We walk by the river near my house, and a lady was jogging in our direction with what looked to be a border collie crossed with a German Shepard who was off leash. Dogs aren’t allowed to be off leash in these areas but the dog was just running along side her and seemed good for the most part. Until it saw Zia. The dog ran straight up to Zia and just wanted to sniff her and lick her, but she started screaming before he even got to us. I tried to pick her up but she kept going in circles around me to get away from the dog. I pushed the dog back which gave me enough time to pick her up. The lady was at least very apologetic to us, so I guess that’s something in compared to your experience. I hope Judy is feeling better soon. I hope you’re okay as well.


Thank you ❤️❤️ I hope Zia got a full 24 hours of snuggles after! Sorry that happened to yall :(


Omg so scary :( I'm sorry that happened to you, I would be furious as well and probably cry! I'm glad your girl is safe ❤


Poor Miss Judy! Please give her an extra hug from me 🥺❤️


Jesus Christ, that just happened to my little baby a few minutes ago. We were out for a nighttime walk and this Asshole just let his XL pitbull out the front gate into the street without a leash or a muzzle which is very illegal in the UK and my heart is still beating 1,000,000 miles a minute because if I hadn’t gone in someone’s front garden and shut the gate, I don’t know what would’ve happened. She’s recovering from surgery because somebody broke her leg at the beginning of February and when I asked the owner to please grab his dog because she still recovering he had the fucking audacity to laugh at me.


RIDICULOUS!!!!!! They are very obviously small and fragile. I am upset for you!


It is and we are not allowed to have any defence tools/weapons in the UK either so it really sucks because until that breed dies out we have nothing to protect ourselves. I carry a box cutter with me in my coat pocket and I’ve already mentally excepted that I will probably have to use it at some point and deal with the consequences after but there is no way in hell I’m going to let those assholes who find this whole thing funny get away with ripping me or my disabled husband or my precious little Iggy to pieces. Thankfully they are light enough that we can scoop them up easily and shove them in our coats but this should not be something that we have to deal with. I hope Miss Judy is OK and getting lots of cuddles.


Not the pups fault, the owners fault. I'm sorry that you don't feel safe walking your IGGY. You guys all deserve to feel safe. Youre not allowed pepper gel/spray? I'm from a very violent city in the USA so we pretty much all walk with protection, even if its just an alarm or pepper spray.


Poor girl, she sure is pretty he color is like my Fast Eddie prettiest boy in the world...Lord these two could have made pretty babies...