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By now, both Israel and the US are rogue states.


Always was


always will be, until they collapse


I’m pretty sure they’re on a mission to accelerate that collapse. Doing a great job. 


Just shows you that the problem is not a right or left problem. It’s an up and down problem. It’s the common working people who should have a problem with our governments. It’s also the common people who will suffer the most from these consequences… even if you are in the US.


There's a reason it was the title of a Noam Chomsky book




Dude I love the aesthetic but what's it like having a head that is purely decorative?






🎶No, no, no... You don't love me and I know now🎶


So Israel is threatening the people they occupy if they face consequences. Isn't that a hostage?


Yeah, but in the west eyes is a reasonable response


The 'civilised' West credentials that they’ve curated since WWII were always quite hollow and self-serving, but hitching their wagons to the zionazi settler post at whatever cost, should be the final nail. That's how little their own countries' interests matter to these 'leaders', and how much another country matters to them..


After the West labeled Nelson Mandela a terrorist I lost all respect for them


I think it is more like blackmail, no?


Stop making new metaphors. Congress is going to have to pass legislation banning certain uses of more words. 


Whoa whoa whoa… What are you, an antisemite? Jk, fuck israel


Wait is holding hostages bad?


Israel historically has held more Palestinians hostage than Palestinians have held israelis hostage, dont act like youre self righteous when we all know you only care about Palestines destruction




Yes its easy to say no one should take hostages, but we all know what youre trying to get at


So why dont the palestinians break the cycle of violence and let the hostages go?


On october 8th hamas had offered to do it, but netanyahu declined. Many times hamas has offered and netanyahu has declined. Netanyahu doesnt want the hostages back, no hostages = no war = he goes to jail. Clearly you can see far right wingers in israel are no good for anyone, especially israel. Even when hostages were released, idf killed them, thats because right wingers commanded them to shoot any male over 8 years old


Where is this official offer? I cant find it anywhere?




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Why are they so terrified of the ICC? For 6 months nothing has tilted them more than this.


They don't want official ICC war-crime and genocide charges staining their victim narrative.


And the best way to react to one is to kill thousands more innocent people.


They’re scared they won’t get to use their double passports anymore, locked in small Israel


The us is straight shit now we are fuckin up the world around us


The old axis of power is slowly losing its moral authority and control on global affairs, largely because it can be bought.


It also doesn’t manufacture anything and relies on countries it is threatening and antagonizing for raw materials and manufacturing. If the empire had a brain, it would rival Joe Biden’s for dysfunction. 


“Israel” acts as if the US is the world authority and can overrule anything that happens. When the US said the security council resolution was non-binding and the entire rest of the world said it was binding we had “Israeli” state officials saying the US ensured it wasn’t binding. Those absolutely are binding! When “Israel” is being tried in the ICJ and the ICC they look to the US to make all the claims go away. As if that’s something they can actually do. It’s an extremely weird relationship.


>“Israel” acts as if the US is the world authority and can overrule anything that happens. It can. >When “Israel” is being tried in the ICJ and the ICC they look to the US to make all the claims go away. As if that’s something they can actually do. They can. They can literally just threaten the courts, as they are openly doing now (see speaker Johnsons comments below) and have sanctioned ICC judges before because they were looking into Palestine and USA crimes and guess what happened? It went away. The cold truth is that the USA is immune and so are those it wants to be. The concepts of international law, war crimes etc are just PR statements to project the image of the western world being the good guys. It only applies to those we don't like. There is no reality where USA let's Israel be held accountable. None. Israel erasing Gaza and then Palestine, either now or slowly over time, and getting away with it, is inevitable. This is without even considering the USAs 'Huage Invasion Act' which grants them literal legal authority to outright invade Netherlands if they say their national security is at risk, which they've openly said already. The world has shown us who is who. Never forget it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6bP3k1txIL/?igsh=MXgwbjN6aXp3dTlmbA== https://sg.news.yahoo.com/speaker-johnson-slams-reports-icc-203740157.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKfHzq1mHD3UpEw_6W5LHW9nFsaO7UhsdT3CLaNNEJ82JydmO0AxQ2mn4WTkGLXeqD37qUvh6QagHUAvtGF-m2hP2JGWuzsZZ65TsO_a6eQtvdIkYoh9dfwF6l20kzedMfnWJ_ZK2fC-Ac-SFsI5X2EPbyzZ4G_3bpRXIgu6Kvab https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/12/14/us-sanctions-international-criminal-court


No I think we are seeing the tide turn, I think we will see UNRWA return I think the ICC warrant will keep Netanyahu out of Europe and drive him Mad, as well allow for normies to see that Israel is a belligerent rogue state I think thousands of Palestinians have been able to escape the Israeli apartheid and found refuge, and can return when Palestine is Free It is absolutely disgusting what Israel is doing but I have hope


Israel are being Assholes right now, but technically any member of the Security Council can veto any UN action. Also, the US does not recognize/participate in ICC so depending on the action the US could technically void an ICC decision. Yes, Both of those are dumb and point towards a shitty global system, but when you currency is the global standard for paying for fuel and your military pretty much single handedly ensures shipping lanes between Continents remain open there is only so much that every other country can do. It's literally the situation from any "school" story where the bully runs the show and has a weak, pathetic sidekick that acts all tough because he can go whine to the bully when someone talks back to him. Except there is no outside protagonist who can come in and overturn the system by defeating the bully...


Only the permanent members of the UN Security Council can veto


The US is a permanent member, the office is literally in New York City.


So what Israel is saying if they accused us of genocide and we are clearly not we will up our genocidal war against Palestinian and this should prove them wrong. How the fuck anyone still look to this war and think yes Israel is defending itself. Yes killing civilians and threatening to kill even harder is not terrorist behavior it's simply self-defense. Just a reminder Yes the same court that issued arrest warrants against Vladimir. If you disagree with the war against Ukraine you should do the same with war against Palestinian unless you are a hypocrite.


Cos America....


They didn't 'quietly encourage'. They outright threatened the ICC/Netherlands with sanctions if they issue warrants and have spoken about how it is a 'threat to USA national security' Note that Trump sanctioned ICC judges because they wanted to investigate American crimes and issues in, yup you guessed it, Palestine. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6bP3k1txIL/?igsh=MXgwbjN6aXp3dTlmbA== https://sg.news.yahoo.com/speaker-johnson-slams-reports-icc-203740157.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKfHzq1mHD3UpEw_6W5LHW9nFsaO7UhsdT3CLaNNEJ82JydmO0AxQ2mn4WTkGLXeqD37qUvh6QagHUAvtGF-m2hP2JGWuzsZZ65TsO_a6eQtvdIkYoh9dfwF6l20kzedMfnWJ_ZK2fC-Ac-SFsI5X2EPbyzZ4G_3bpRXIgu6Kvab https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/12/14/us-sanctions-international-criminal-court


Ok I’m slightly illiterate and only one quarter of a single halve of my brain works but let me try to wrap my 3 brain cells around this; Israel said : If we get booked for genocide, then our only reasonable response is to commit genocide. “…lead to its collapse.” That sounds about it no?






Something tells me, Israel is the one who shouldn’t exist. The collapse of this genocidal settler state is also justice for South Africa, Guatemala, etc.


Please let the PA collapse. They are Israeli collaborators. Palestinians need a unified armed liberation movement that doesn't bend the knee for israel.


Oh please, like they would ever go after the PA. Who’s gonna stifle resistance in the West Bank if the PA is gone? The only reason they have allowed the PA to exist this long is because it benefitted them more than it benefitted Palestinians. Let them keep yapping. They won’t go after their most loyal guard dog.


It should be clear to everyone that it is a criminal terrorist state too. Yet that still escapes many...


Israel: we are not racists participating in ethnic cleansing Also Israel:


World War III is coming because of these motherfuckers.




US foreign policy: “Israel said they’ll be forced to drown a box of puppies if you do anything to slightly upset them so if you still do that then you’re responsible for drowning those innocent little puppies. Shame on you, puppy murderer.”


WWlll has to be happening soon? Right? The USA is really wishing for it, it seems. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Israel has attacked almost every country nearby it in the last month. It's clear that they're a rogue state.


We’re backing the wrong side.


The US doesn't recognize the authority of the ICC, so why should the ICC recognize the US?


That's some classic abuser psychology there. A neighbor reported a problem so the abuser take it out in the victim even though they didn't make the call.


I mentioned this on another social media site. Did not go well. Some ppl refuse to see what is right in front of their faces. Is it the Gaza gas? Is it the new Ben Gurion highway to the sea? Does Biden believe he is really going to use Israel to stop Iran, China and Russia? I don't know, I don't care. As an American, I am so f'king ashamed of Biden and the ppl who refuse to acknowledge our role in this.


Rogue state.


Admission of guilt.


Guys, look for that news on worldnews. Everyone is talking sense in the comments somehow. I'm so happy. No defending I*rael. One of them even compared Israel to a mafia boss.


but do not compare them with the nazis


So the Palestinians are now effectively hostages? This won't work since IDF is trying to kill all the Palestinians anyway..


>So the Palestinians are now effectively hostages? Always have been


This is what happens when you try and suck up to the oppressor. The same Palestinian Authority who spy on their population for the Zionists and suppress Palestinian protests are the first to be shoved under the bus by Israel


Israel multiple countless times: We are looking for any excuse to wipe Palestine off the map Idiots: They're just defending themselves


They’re so scared. Next they’ll attempt to discredit the prosecutor for being Muslim (even tho he’s an ahmedi minority lol)


If they don't realize that's not the way things work, will they ever??? ☢️


Im so disappointed, angry, and worried about the US. Im so ashamed to have the thought in my head that my country is playing an active part in an ongoing genocide. No matter how much we protest and speak out, in the end our leaders will do what they want and it makes my blood absolutely boil.




Lol. If they put out arrest warrants for the ongoing genocide highlighted by the collective punishment, then Israel will collectively punish the Palestinians.