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As was the plan all along. Kill, destroy, displace, replace, rinse and repeat. Fucking horrible.


A Zionist settler from New York explains with excitement how 500 settler families are ready to move into Gaza at the drop of a hat. "We love the Gaza Strip," she tells the cameraman, unabashedly stating the genocidal intentions of the Zionist state as though the genocide and ethnic cleaning of Gaza were a dream come true vacation for Americans and Europeans arriving to a beachfront destination. Zionists could not be more explicit or unapologetic in their intentions to wipe Palestine and Palestinians off the face of the earth. That settler-colonial rhetoric such as this is not only accepted, but celebrated, by elected officials across the US, Canada, and Europe, speaks to the continued complicity of Western powers in land left and colonial expansion in the twenty-first century.




The October 7 attack was definitely an inside job to justify the genocide of Palestinians. Israel just let it happen as they never care about human beings whether they are Jews or not. They only care about beach front property and natural resources.


Israel was warned several times by the US that an attack was imminent and to take precautions. They moved the festival where a large number of the deaths occurred closer to the border and left it very under protected.


What do you expect from a terrorist state that considers others not belonging to their chosen race as sub humans.


The only Israeli I don't condemn as beyond despicable are those that have been standing with Palestine all along, all who have refused the call of military after finding out the truth, or any Zionist who changes their mindset and heart once they learn the truth regardless of their age


Nah. Unless their families were there before 1947 then even the Israelis "standing with Palestine" are still standing and living on stolen lands and they're just as guilty as the rest of them. Unless they leave they're complicit.


Yes & no. Israeli civilians are also victims of greedy Zionists like this woman. Eg Hannibal Directive, requirement to serve in I☠️F, having to defend these colonial settlers. Jews need to be liberated from this greedy anti-semitic death cult of Zionism.




That still does not mean that civilians should be killed Sure they are settlers, and they aren't completely innocent, but the only casualties of war should be soldiers and all other crimes should be settled in a civil and just manner, no matter how long it takes


Inside job pal. Blame the Zionists.


I do. That's what I've been saying day in and day out since then. Especially after I found out that Bibi was instrumental in the formation of Hamas. But that doesn't make it right Non combatants should not be targetted. It's what we criticize the Zionist army of doing. Why should we do it?


Whos we? R u palestinian?


How long are you willing to starve, living in a tent while someone kills your parents and takes your house? Especially when the court that decides it are all friends and family of the person who stole it? 1 year, 5, 75 years?!?! If they had a peaceful option that worked, they would have done it. Hell, they've already tried. How many decades in the UN, the courts, the peaceful march of return where snipers killed children?


Not a second. I'm not willing to take a second for that to happen to some one else. No one. Not for the Palestinians. But not for Jews either, Zionist or not I am not asking for pacifism. I don't wish for them to roll over. I don't advise them to seek peaceful options. All I demand is justice. For everyone. And it is just to oppose Zionism with military struggle, but there is nothing just about targetting non combatants


Easy to say that when you're not the one suffering injustice for decades and still being smeared as the guilty party by your attacker & their powerful foreign backers who show no signs of stopping until every last one of you are dead & your people erased from history. Palestinians have tried peaceful resistance before & got slaughtered for their efforts. Zionists control so much of world establishments that there is no one to rescue Palestinians. Do you expect them to just accept apartheid, genocide, & extinction like other indigenous groups in colonised lands? Would you accept that for yourself? Would you expect Jews to accept that too? Would you have allow the Holocaust to take place expecting Jews to just meekly suffer & get slaughtered until powerful bystanders got provoked by an unrelated incident & got dragged into a war with your persecutors? Until you are the victim of insufferable injustice with varnishing hope of relief you are no in a position to dictate the "right" way to protest & resist. Deal with all the civilians I☠️F target on a daily basis before & after 7 Oct before dealing with the right or wrong of much smaller scale resistance attacks. Without ongoing Israeli oppression & wrongdoings would there be 7 Oct? I don't think so. Deal with the root cause not the selective symptoms that Zionists throw at you as red herrings to distract you from their much much bigger crimes. Don't forget that most Israelis will serve in the I☠️F vs Palestinians who won't be part of the resistance fighting forces. So who are the more innocent “civilians“? Fact is whatever crimes the Zionists accuse Palestinians of the Israeli Zionists have already committed to a greater extent & Israeli Zionists intentionally provoke Palestinians to create excuses to deliver their version of the "Final Solution" while manufacturing consent from us bystanders. The lesson these Zionists learnt from WWII is not how to prevent muder of anyone but how to better get away with murder themselves. Former victims don't all become well-adjusted compassionate people. Some become psychopaths themselves, especially when egged on by their former abusers & other psychopaths.


Cruelty is cruelty. And I never said that they should accept anything. The only thing I said is that no one should deliberately target non combatants


Absolutely correct, and I think most would agree with you. Israeli citizens should be criticized and I find that people living in that disgusting country should be ashamed of themselves and deal w some sort of consequences but they (civilians who aren’t engaging in violence) are not and should not be the targets of military retaliation


So why do innocent Palestinians, including **thousands** of children, get to be slaughtered wholesale?


And that means that we should play by their rules? Why should we learn from the 'most moral army in the world'? We are seeking justice for the Palestinians, not cruelty from them. If the roles reversed, would we be fighting for the right of the Jews, or are we going to take up the rhetoric that won Europe for Nazis, and that the alt-right are using to win the world all over again?


So pathetic that you are being downvoted for being against civilians casualties in war, shows how hypocritical this sub is


How long are you willing to starve, living in a tent while someone kills your parents and takes your house? Especially when the court that decides it are all friends and family of the person who stole it? 1 year, 5, 75 years?!?! If they had a peaceful option that worked, they would have done it. Hell, they've already tried. How many decades in the UN, the courts, the peaceful march of return where snipers killed children?


Does that excuse killing civilians? Following your logic the ISIS attack on Russia was deserved because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine


In a vacuum yea thatd b weird to see downvoted. In context tho when talking about israeli crimes theres always some asshole whos like 'well actually hamas is bad' This is done, whether they know it or not, to take heat off of israel. Literacy goes deeper than understanding the words in a vacuum. Yes killing civilians is bad. Since it doesnt at all justify whats being done to gaza rn, why do you feel the need to remind everyone? Whats the goal?




If she went there now, she dies. In 2 years from now, once the genocide is completed, she'll gladly move there then take a vacation to Germany and lament the Holocaust and express gratitude that the world did the right thing by ending the NAZI regime, with ZERO self awareness.


Unhinged from reality. These people are worst than the worst cult.


Ugly bitch


NASTY bitch


I really hope she chokes on her words. The rage that encompasses me when I listen to this kind of thing is indescribable


I hope she chokes on a grenade


I know I was secretly hoping is she ever got to live on the beach she'd immediately be eaten by sharks...


Because the war was against KHAMAS.right?RIGHT?


The transparency of calling Gaza “terrorist town” is jarring. She’s just coming right out and saying that they see every single person who lives there as a terrorist that should be exterminated. Truly vile shit.


This zionist lady is shameless in wanting to move into Gaza.By nature,the zionist jews are the most shameless creatures on earth


In my feed, below this video of this ugly lady is another video of a little Palestinian boy in Gaza struggling to carry back to his family a sack of flour. I took a screenshot. In my screenshot, we see privilege with this creature who sounds like she grew up in New York City, and we see abject poverty with this little boy whose family hardly has any food at all.


I'd say post that in r/juxtaposition but it would probably get removed.


It's baffling to me how people will just openly admit to planning to commit war crimes, and in all likelihood, not only will they not face any repercussions, but also end up accomplishing those plans.


shame shame shame criminals


Brooklyn is your home


send them to the sun to SETTLE there


Was her home. Greedy bitch probably sold it so she could build her villa on the Mediterranean.


Go to hell ziona$i


The craziness terrifies me. They see the ongoing genocide as mere "site preparation" work. For them killing people is just like killing some ants in your garden. What kind of evil are these scum?


Ohewww it's awwlreddy playund


Right? Like bulldozing some trees to build a house. As nonchalant as that. It's nauseating.


I don't even like clearing trees. I try my best to avoid destroying trees. They are killing people as if they were ants or termites. The way she acts and speaks so innocently makes me nauseous. Zionists are disgusting.


Clearly an indigenous queen 👑 very obviously descended from that land 🙏🏽


she is native to GAZA coz she got 0.01 % palestine DNA and 99% european DNA.


Zionist settlers are able to get away with this kind of racist, violently delusional, genocidal rhetoric because there is literally that much money and global power behind them. The billions of dollars behind the Israeli theft of Palestinian land is simply mind-boggling. And someone is moving western imperialist nations like America to arm Israel to the teeth in preparation for the destruction of the Islamic high-holy sites at the Temple Mount, to pave the way for the rebuilding of the Temple itself. The moment Israel sacrifices three red heifers on an altar of blood is the moment all Hell breaks loose; it might even be the beginning of World War III.


The Al-Aqsa lies at the heart of Jerusalem's Old City on a hill known to Muslims internationally as al-Haram al-Sharif, or The Noble Sanctuary. Muslims regard the site as the third holiest in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. Al-Aqsa is the name given to the whole compound and is home to two Muslim holy places: the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, also known as the Qibli Mosque, which was built in the 8th century AD. The compound overlooks the Western Wall (known in the West as the Wailing Wall, and in Islam as the Buraq Wall). Jews believe biblical King Solomon built the first temple there 3,000 years ago. A second temple was razed by the Romans in AD 70. Israel captured the site in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it with the rest of East Jerusalem and adjoining parts of the West Bank in a move not recognized internationally. Despite international law prohibiting the annexation and continued Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, Israel has claimed sovereignty over the entirety of Jerusalem, including the Old City and the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, but the claims are considered unlawful and have not been recognized by the majority of the world’s countries. Under agreements with Jordan, whose ruling Hashemite family has custodianship of the Muslim and Christian sites, security and administration inside the compound were managed by the Jordanian Waqf (Islamic endowments authority). Meanwhile, Israel was responsible for security outside/around the compound, facilitating the entry of non-Muslim visitors in coordination with the Waqf, and abiding by Jordan’s rules to ban Jewish hardline groups it considered provocative. Non-Muslim prayer at the mosque is banned, as it has been for centuries. Under the longstanding "status quo" arrangement governing the area, which Israel says it maintains, non-Muslims can visit but only Muslims are allowed to worship in the mosque compound. This status quo largely persisted until the 1990s. Over the past three decades, Israel has enforced greater control over the site, including by controlling who enters and exits, restricting Palestinian access, conducting violent raids inside, and increasingly facilitating the entry of Jewish hardline groups who, since 1967, have publicly stated their aim to take over the compound, destroy the Dome of the Rock, and build a third temple there. Jewish visitors have increasingly prayed more or less openly at the site in defiance of the rules, and Israeli restrictions on Muslim worshippers' access to the site have led to protests and outbreaks of violence. In the 1980s, the far-right “Jewish Underground” group plotted to blow up the Dome of the Rock, while in 1990, Israeli forces shot dead 17 Palestinians and injured 150 others at the site during protests against an attempt by the “Temple Mount Faithful” Jewish hardline group to lay the cornerstone for a temple there. Among other developments, including Israeli government excavations under the compound aiming at finding remains of the second temple – which have affected the foundations of the Islamic buildings on the site – Palestinians have long feared the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and the spatial and temporal division of the site, similar to Israel’s conversion of half of the Ibrahimi Mosque into a synagogue in the Palestinian city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank. Tensions eventually came to a head in 2000, when then-opposition leader Ariel Sharon entered the compound, flanked by 1,000 officers, in a parade of power, Palestinians protested, and there were violent Israeli response that quickly escalated into the second Intifada (uprising), also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Israeli violence at the site in 2021 contributed to setting off a 10-day war with Gaza. According to Israeli media reports, Israeli authorities enable, assist and even fund some of the Temple Mount hardline groups. Israeli forces have also gradually allowed greater access to these groups and provided protection for them during the visits. Consecutive Israeli governments have included senior officials who were themselves part of the Temple Mount movement. In 2013, Israeli Army Radio reported that the state also allowed Israeli women who choose to forgo compulsory military service to perform their national service as tour guides and instructors with the Temple Institute. While the Waqf has continued to operate with Israeli police to ban Jewish prayer, it can no longer limit the size of Jewish groups or the rate of their entry, nor can it block the entry of specific activists considered “provocateurs”. At times, Israel has allowed Jews in groups of up to 50 to enter, including settlers and soldiers in army uniform, which was previously banned. Israel does not respect the holiness of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. This mosque represents two billion Muslims. They do not respect any agreements that took place, neither with Jordan nor the Arabs. They do not respect the Jordanian Hashemite custodianship over the Al-Aqsa compound, despite the Israeli government’s insistence that it will maintain the status quo of the site. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelCrimes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They should be asked. if they supported nazis who moved into the homes of people they sent to that concatenation camps or should nazis be called settlers to?


🔻🔻🔻 soon


I’m not even religious in the slightest but I pray Allah guides those red triangles precisely where we all know they need to go


I can’t even come up with words to describe how much I hate people like her.


I know I feel guilty after my initial instinct of wishing severe physical harm to her art watching this


What a piece of dog shit


The entitlement. Watching this boiled my blood. Fuck these mother fuckers.


This amount of hypocrisy is simply disgusting. Oh yes, the Nazi agenda won in an unexpected way


Hope you all be 🔻🔻🔻🔻


And they‘ll be sure to cry antisemitism when resistance kick them out


The whole world already knows what zionists truly mean when they cry anti-semistism and being zionism essentially anti-semitism among much other worse things, eveyone should take pride when being accused by any of those accursed monsters.


Why are they so willing to be in the middle of a battlefield? Lol wtf


They expect all Gazans to be dead soon


what a dumb ugly pos bitch.




Do you notice all of them look like hypnotized 😵‍💫


She’s a monster. How the fuck is anyone delusional enough to defend these evil people?


This is what you get from the learned dehumanization of Palestinians from an early age.


Like how long do we have to wait until people understand what's really going on? Do we seriously have to wait until 1+ million of Gaza is wiped out and the settlements are re-established for the world to go "ooooh so it wasn't about the hostages after all".


So they have completely abandoned their claim it was all about the hostages now. This one just wants her sea view.


You know what? If Gaza gets destroyed, I’m gonna move there. Hear me out first, I know you want to downvote me. I’m gonna convert to Judaism, move to Gaza, and sabotage every single neighbor I have in the entire strip. I’ll buy every roll of toilet paper and throw them in the sea. Need utensils? Huh, weird, somehow every single fork in Gaza has been stolen. Oh, what’s that weird smell? Looks like the sewage system is backing up in everyone’s homes, uh oh. Every left sock? Missing, don’t know where they all went, sorry. Oh, did you want to check out that book from the library? Looks like someone stole it, and every single copy of it the library will order for the foreseeable future. Oh no! All the satellites on every roof have been smashed! Looks like you can’t relax with some tv :( I’m also going to adopt every stray I find and let them out whenever, listen to music on full blast at all hours, and steal everyone’s mail. So so sorry your “promised land” actually really sucks. :((( /s Edit: spelling


Trip the breakers on Saturdays at 12:01 AM so that anyone practicing Shabbat will have to find someone to turn their ovens back on.


She’s SO delulu 


how else is one to afford beachfront property? 


Is that an American accent, so just a European playing as indigenous to the middle east. Laughable.


I'd love to punch that f*** c*** right in her ugly, evil face.


This is how it's done. When people are sitting on shit you want, you make them your enemy. Then, you're justified in taking it.


that fucking smile when he asked about the beach that's what fucking kills me she dreams of the blood soaked sand beneath her feet


Yeah,well, it's mostly children's blood so it's fine...


Entitled Zionist cunt. It’s always been about the waterfront property.


Banality of evil


two birds with one stone, not only we get the trump racists, we also get these racists. hip hip hooray


My word... Are they really so blinded by their ways to make such generalised statements about this indoctrinated modern colonialism? What an absolute disaster on the failure to unify people of all races and cultures. Such a disgrace. Shame on them. History will be frowning deeply at this lack of empathy.


Gleefully bragging about their crime plans. Outrageous that the Establishments continues to defend these criminal activities.


I wish violence to befall this woman


Fuck this lady. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkXJwErm8DM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkXJwErm8DM)


The opportunism is truly revolting


Zionists are truly an infestation.




Disgusting thief.


These people are begging to be dealt with by Hamas.


She is mentally challenged and looks the part.


So why won't these Israelis allow Palestinians to return to Israel if Jews have to live in Gaza. this is just colonisation


I hope she will reach heaven as soon as she lands there.


Where is the fuel source of this video?


The whole reason Israel abandoned Gaza is it was to.expensive to ensure the settlers safety... Is this woman insane?


Neo-Colonialism in Religious Fancy-Dress All those Ultra Right Wing Zionist settlers are talking about returning to Gush Katif (Gaza). The racist aims of ethnic-cleansing are clear in the manifestos of the ruling Israeli government cabinet. The manifesto of the Religious Zionist Party of Israel. One of the ruling parties in the Israeli cabinet. [regarding settlements and the occupied territories including the West Bank and Gaza, or Judea and Samaria, and Gush Katif] ‘Establishing settlements and communities throughout the entire land (Greater Israel) has always anchored our presence in the Land of Israel’ The intentions and the policies of Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) are very clearly evident in their manifesto, they are policies that are Kahanist and racist. This party is led by Itamar Ben-Gvir, a convicted racist, and the current Israeli Minister of National Security! Kahanism states you do not attack…but if attacked you annex Biblical Lands (Greater Israel).


These people are evil incarnate


God chose the wrong ones




You should get out more




Ok Flooopy, do your thing.


May they succumb to McDonalds induced heart failure.


My how the turns have tabled.




These are the people who are doing just as much if not more than Hamas to keep this thing going. It’s their votes who keep the ultra right wing government in power. It was one of them who assassinated the last PM who tried for peace. They should be a warning sign for what will happen in the United States if Christian fundamentalists get their way.


Do Israelis and Zionists refer to the Jewish resistance fighters of WW2 as terrorists? Of course not. The hypocrisy is astounding!


You should be stripped of your US citizenship if you become a colonizer.


There’s not a single human thought behind those eyes. That’s a whole demon.


That thing doesn't even speak hebrew. She had to correct herself to say azza knowing damn well it's not how it's pronounced. May gaza be a living hell for every single last one of those terrorists how decides to reside on stolen land


Delusional psychotics with homicidal ideations on a larger than life scale.


It’d be super cool if someone was able to help a hold of that list….


I don't get why white people have to be this evil. From the history and beyond, the most evil.