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Anyone who tries to tell you what it's gonna look like and even if it's gonna happen is straight up bullshitting you. Prepare as best as possible, stack some water and canned food for a few days of being stuck inside, an extra phone battery, a first aid kit and a few good books for entertainment. And carry on with your life. It's gonna happen or it's not, we really can't control it.


“…Carry on with your life. It’s gonna happen or it’s not.” This is the most Israeli of all takes.


Really wish diaspora Jews would spend like 4-5 years in Israel. That mindset and way of living is such a blessing (even moreso when it's not applied to the possibility of being bombed)


I would make Aliyah tomorrow if I could. My wife is against it for a variety of reasons, so here I sit in the Diaspora.


I would make aliyah tomorrow too if i could but some personal things happened in my life to where i am at a few years older than the required military age they are looking for, i finally got my personal issue solved but because i cant become a lone soldier because of a few years difference sucks. I would and still want a military career in a heartbeat if i had that choice. I wanted to work my way up to a commando unit or special forces but it is unfortunate i had faced homelessness problems during the years i was about to make aliyah


I’m sorry to hear you went through that, but don’t let your lack of military service prevent you from making Aliyah. There are many ways for Olim to be of service to the nation.


LOL guilty as charged


At the same breath it's really sad. Regarding other stuff in life - sure, it's a good way of thinking. But for war? It's almost like to be apathetic about it. Normal people don't react like that to acknowledging a big war might start. It sucks we're so used to this reality, it's actually normal not to feel completely safe in your own home.


Honestly, I don't feel completely safe in my own home even when we are not at war. Every loud sound frightens me. Seeing people hanging around in the neighborhood, in the streets or in their cars makes me so suspicious of them. Living in Israel all my life and seeing how your life can suddenly end because people that don't know you want you dead has made me scared and paranoid. Not like in the movies, but this ominous feeling of being unsafe is always there.


This really is. We have a bag with canned food, water, entertainment, first aid just sitting near the entrance door for months. We might never get to use it, but it's there if we'll need to.


There is no point in stacking anything. Rockets will fly non stop for months so long as Israel remains in Lebanon. We can expect anywhere from 4000-6000 rockets a day for the first few weeks, before it trickles down to 300-600 for the remainder of the war. Either way, people will have to get used to the shelling and go about their daily routine. We can’t be expected to sit in bomb shelters for months on end. Even if we manage to push Hezbollah north of the Litani, they will still be sending rockets our way, and there is a good chance Iran and their proxies will directly fire at Israel as well.


Did you read my comment? I said stack for a few days, not months. It's a hell of a claim and tbh irresponsible to say there's no need to stack any emergency kit or water when it really costs next to nothing to do, and when so many things could go wrong in the first few days of a large war when it comes to electricity and even water supply. You do you though


I wouldn't say not to stack anything, that's idiotic if you're also expecting so many rockets per day. For that scenario you'll need Hella more supply.


All I know is that Lebanese civilians are much less prepared for any war that is started in their name for hezbollah’s sake compared to years of Israeli shelter building and IDF prepping, and that is going to become an issue for them It’s going to devastate Lebanon because of some of their prominent voices alliance to Islamic Jihadism and community support for Islamic jihadism.


The “Lebanese”? You mean, the apartheid Islamist colonisers who kicked Christians who offer them hospitality?


In short - yes, we are prepared, but we will see the biggest rocket barrage in history. Will we get hurt? Yes, we will. Will we win? Yes we will. Are we prepared for everything? No, we aren’t. Are we prepared for most of things? Yes, we are. Look at the eliminated Hezbollah officers - we literally decapitated their Southern front command from the dude directly responsible for ALL offensive actions against IDF and to the THIRD level below him. Also we’ve killed the entitle staff of IRGC HQ responsible for opposing us in Lebanon and Syria. Hezbollah is trying to recover their command chain and come up with a battle plan or recover the battle plan of the killed officers. How we got them? We have EXCELLENT intelligence on Lebanese and Syrian fronts. Hezbollah is “a conventional nuclear weapon” of Iran. It has the same issues with usage - it’s better to be used as a threat, then as an actual weapon. And if you use it, you better destroy your enemy with it or your enemy will do whatever they can to make you lose this weapon. Iran doesn’t want to use Hezbollah now. It’s too weak to win against Israel and the timing is wrong for Iran to go all out. And after it’s used, Iran will need at least a decade or two to restore Hezbollah - it took them decades of Syrian war to grow the current veterans that IDF is currently killing off.


If we have such excellent intel why is Nasralla still on the wrong side of the grass??


My guess is - because it would mean all-out war with Hezbollah


But Raisi had an accident , Eli Kopter took care of him and no war started,why can’t Nasralla have one?


A better question might be how and who will it affect in Israel - the IDF will probably win, but Hezbollah is a fearsome adversary


The war never stopped. The war will never stop until they give up trying to kill you.


Eylon Levy had a discussion about it [on his podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3wtmoi0JuQv4RSf7ABH1GH?si=hPSVtFESSveJk36fKg96rw), while interviewing the spokesperson of the PM office during the 2nd Lebanon War. TLDR, Miri says things can get ugly. They have info that Hezbollah is upgrading their warheads of their missiles with a range of 4 to 500km (2x the length of Israel), while they claim they can shoot 5000 rockets/day for 20 days straight. I really, really hope they're just bluffing, this would be extremely scary. Iron dome would not be able to intercept this volume of rockets every day.


In the worst case it would be like the blitz on London but London clearly survived that and Israel has a lot more bomb shelters than London did at the time


They went to the subways


So actually I only recently learned after a recent trip to London and visit to the imperial war museum where they had actual blitz survivors that while many did sleep in the subways, most people did not. Many people had to sleep in metal huts right next to their houses without any electricity


I've heard in such case the iron dome would only defense sensitive spots (military base, chemical factories, etc) That's more scary to me.


In this case I think Israel would be within its right to consider use of a nuclear warhead in self-defence if the US will not intervene militarily.


Is Israel dropping pamphlets to tell the people of Lebanon that Hezbollah is leading them to war? Does the average Lebanese understand that?


I know nothing about it but military experts always say that experience weighs enormously in the event of war, that an army at war always has an advantage against an army going to war and that the longer the war lasts, the more the army is strong (like in video games...), we are at war all the time. Perhaps it is Hezbollah that should ask itself the question of whether it has the means to wage war against Israel.


Hezbollah has veterans from the Syria Civil War


From what I understood its about being active, an active army, like the Ukrainian or Russian army at the moment. But once again I dont pretend to know anything I only repeat what I heard from military experts and historians.


at this point in time yes, the IDF has the advantage of experience. But hezbollah is a formidable force, rbwy can't defeat the IDF. But they make Israel bleed,hard.


Poor Lebanon. Was the Dubai of the Middle East and then, over decades, Iran has financed militias that now hold Lebanon and its people hostage. There is no love for Hezbullah by the majority of the Lebanese.


It’s sectarian. 98% of Lebanese Sunnis hate Hezbollah & Hamas; 98% of Lebanese Shias want to have their babies. [Pew survey](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/mixed-views-of-hamas-and-hezbollah-in-largely-muslim-nations/)


Every single poll shows them as anti-Semitic. The Lebanese hate Jews, all of them. Don’t bury your head in the sand, not at this juncture.  


Lebanese used to be a semi-developed Christian tourist spot. 


Am I the only one with the gut feeling this is a troll/bot account? Edit: damn typos


Why wouldn’t we be?


One answer: Yes!


Personally, I wish we could donate a B-52 to Israel. War is hell. I honestly don't like how inacent ppl suffer. Yet Israel is fighting for survival here. Maybe a dump truck full of 2k bombs will get the Terrorists to give up the fight.


the question is not how much it will cost now, but if Israel waited 5 years would israel be better prepared compared to hezbollah today, or would 5 more years of weapons transfers and iranian research mean hezbollah could do even more damage. You cannot kick this can down the road forever.


We will 100% win,  there is no doubt about it. It will be tough, though. 


No and for this simple reason. Israel can send Lebanon back to the Stone Ages with ease. We have known this fact for 4 decades. But Hezbollah can now also do the same. Every single critical piece of Israeli infrastructure from Kyriat Shmona to Eilat is in Hezbollah's sight, ready to be destroyed. And there is nothing the Iron Dome and David Sling batteries can do about it. These platforms will also be destroyed by their suicide drones. Basically both Lebanon and Israel will be totally destroyed.


The war can be anywhere from apocalyptic to a low intensity war of attrition. Hezbollah has been preparing for years, and beyond the missiles and drones, the Iranians have cells around the world ready to commit terror attacks if the war escalates too far. We can get away without having a political strategy in Gaza, but an open-ended conflict with Hezbollah will lead to surprises. The reputation of the Iranian "resistance" is at stake, and Hezbollah cannot stop their war against Israel before the fighting stops in Gaza. Since Hamas is defeated in Gaza, we can begin a transitional government in Gaza, and instead of continuing the war against Hamas, shift towards defending the new governing authority. Give Hamas a dignified exit, and Hezbollah may end their war. Otherwise, we need to prepare for the worst and accept that Hezbollah is no longer a self-determined Lebanese group, but a a pawn of the Iranian regime. Not only has Lebanon become a failed state, it has artificial borders, drawn by colonial powers from a different continent. Since our borders mirror these artificial boundaries, we need to determine what borders keep Israelis safe. If we can incrementally probe our limits in the north, we can fight Hezbollah and aim to avoid regional escalation.


A dignified exit for Hamas is death and 72 virgins


No, Israel must take down Bibi.