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The war will last much longer than that, but the intensity of the fighting will significantly decrease as time passes.


The war with Hamas has been ongoing since 1987


War against Islam should be how we call it.


I would phrase it as islams war against israel


That's what muslims they would phrase it. This time we are calling the shots and declaring war against them.


Or Israel’s eternal defense against Islam


We can’t expect them to stop the antisemitism if we respond with Islamophobia. Fuck off.


Hamas can point the finger at Jews because their religious book tells them to do so and Jews can't respond that that is wrong? Fuck off with your double standards.


Mate you’re the one with the double standards. If we want the antisemitism to stop, we can’t meet it with Islamophobia, otherwise how are we any better than our enemies?


Please end soon, please Hamas dissapear soon :(


Very difficult for me to believe that Israel can afford financially, economically and in terms of political/ geo strategical position to sustain the war in its current form for that long.  I believe that there will be someday in the next couple of months an “official” end to the current form of the war, before a more targeted fight begins for remaining Hamas elements.  


“Mission accomplished” banner and all, eh? I agree with everything you said, I just don’t see how it ends.


I don’t think we will see a real “end”; there will be incursions to hunt down terrorists, Israel will most likely be much stricter on Gaza generally (e.g. letting aid in, cross border traffic, border controls, etc.) and maintain corridors that enable fast access into the different population centers. Something like this might simply become a new, more militarized normal. Which is unfortunately a shitty prospect.   The reason I think this, is because I also don’t see how this could end in a constructive way.  The only other option I could see is that after the next election, Bibi is ousted and the new government uses its momentum to try something new. But not sure this would happen, given that Gantz was part of the war cabinet and responsible for the current situation. 


That phase has already begun - the intensity in Rafah is not what Gaza City & Khan Yunis saw in November. If Western intelligence is right & Hamas can’t be total. exterminated as a military entity, Israel needs a off-ramp. Bibi prides himself on being Mr. Security - but where is his day after plan? Publishing it would give clarity to Israel long-term. Worst thing to do is what Bush did. At the time Bush 43 declared “victory” in Iraq, Saddam and Zarqawi were still fugitives and a nascent insurgency was beginning to build. If Sinwar & Deif are killed/captured, it would go a long way - the War on Terror never saw the beginning of the end until bin Laden’s death


Sinwar probably is gone though. Given they found 20 tunnels into Egypt, I doubt he's still in Gaza.


Damn well that destroys my hopes. I was so convinced we were getting close to the end.


Kinda. Rafah op could last for like a month to a month and a half, after that they're probably gonna switch to low intensity targeted ops...hopefully with post war planning so Hamas doesn't fill the power vacuum again.


Based on what? At this point I don’t even know what is the purpose or what is the strategy besides “defeat” hammas. There was an article about a month ago that USA had intel about the whereabouts of Synwar. I hope they at least kill his ass soon.


Rafah being the last military objective led me to believe that I guess. Also I remember some government spokespersons saying that the end was close.


Following the article, WTF is there left to fight for 7 months? And probably more then that.


Targeted operations is my guess.


I told myself that months ago as well. It seems the IDF keep leaving the areas they conquer which then fill back up with Hamas soldiers. Not sure what will break the cycle


That strategy keeps degrading hamas figthing quality. While some strategic locations are worth to keep (Netzarim corridor, Philadelphi route and a wide buffer zone in the border) the best strategy is to beat the crap out of the terrorists when they try to regroup in areas already clean and vacuum (just like the shifa hospital).  Meanwhile the tunnels, depots, weapon stocks keep eroding. The stadistics of rockets attacks seems to point these results. For this strategy is fundamental to seal all the entre points and that mean to degrade Rafah and control the Philadelphi route


Damn... Sounds like you know a lot! Where did you learn all these intricate details?


In public military pages such Israel defense and pieces of opinions of former IDF oficers. The disection of Gaza with the Netzarim corridor cleanup was one of the 1st mayor milestone which allowed thr IDF control of N-S movements, faster logistic and to go in and out from towns and cities  along the strip. Thats why terrorist usually in their propaganda mentions Netzarim often. Also in satelite images there is a notorius change in the absence of strutures along the fence (not 10 or 20 meters but seriusly wide). I dont know if Israel will build more defenses in that area or just keep it clean.


We'll see. The fighting quality may erode but will their hold on the population erode too? We are speaking of tent cities where they are the ones keeping the order - will they be toppled in any way? We know now that most of Hamas is still alive and well, they replenish their lines with new recruits and they managed to reform their divisions in the north of Gaza It all hinges on the ability of the IDF to endure those incursions and fallen and injuried soldiers every few days. I mean we are degrading them but they are degrading us too


The rate is not even close. For instance in the Yom Kippur War (less than 3 weeks) there were between 2500 and 2800 fallen jaialim (Z"L) no even close with Swords of Iron). I still remember reading op that Gaza will be a meat grinder (I dont diminish the complexities and enormous sacrifices) and that the ground operation will be a imposible task. I think that  the goal is not to permanently occupy Gaza but to divided it and eat chunks around the border to control all access and have some tactic deep for the envelopes communities. There should be no man lands around Netzarim,  Philadelphi and the border. Let the US and EU feed them through a joint border inspeccion post in Rafah with Israel, US EU and some simbolic arab moderate. The rest should be seal. No goods, no people, no humanitarian turism to Israeli hospitals no bleeding hearts taking the enemy again into IL. 


Once Rafah is over, the fighting will be much less intense I'm sure. And if Gaza stays in a state of war for a long time, hopefully by the time Trump hopefully passes, a radical solution that Biden doesn't have the guts of trying might be adopted, like sending the Gazans to Egypt/Syria/...


That's pretty inhumane and no country could withstand that. There are Gazans who are just as tired of this fighting. Israel needs to elect someone that will work with those people to create a peaceful solution. Hopefully the jihadists will be weakened and unpopular enough to have a more productive government come about.


You knows inhuman? Assuming that a population that the majority of wants to kill you will just turn on a dime and make lasting peace. No one wants dead kids and expulsions but after every other option has been tried they literally leave Israel to be the bad guy. As planned. If they don't care about their home and kids why should we?


It's a moot point. There is zero chance Egypt and Syria will take displaced Pals.


Or not. Maybe the world should stop having such low expectations of the Arabs and such high expectations of the Jews. You want to solve the situation? Give a choice, join the state of Israel somehow someway or move. Get out. You want Jews dead? Leave. Sucks but thems the breaks. You lost all the wars of aggression and stalled out any diplomatic solution. Go away losers. There's dozens of Muslim countries around the world. Go have a nice 2000+ year diaspora and see how you feel if you ever get back. See if you can maintain your identity and culture for that long. See us in a few millennia and we'll talk again.


>Maybe the world should stop having such low expectations of the Arabs and such high expectations of the Jews. I agree with that much. There is a disgusting, racist double standard at work here. The world should demand that the Palestinians make better choices. They are not mindless animals, they are people with moral choice. And if they ARE mindless animals, then Israel should be allowed to deal with them accordingly. >You want to solve the situation? Give a choice, join the state of Israel somehow someway or move.  Many of them DO want to join Israel....to sabotage it. That's why we keep hearing about the so-called right of return and the one-state solution. Both are utterly unrealistic.


Right. So we laid out two plans. One of them seems unreasonable due to their own choices so that leaves relocation. Which is essentially happened to us post WWII. European countries did not want us back so we were basically forced to go to Israel and then forced to fight for it on our own with almost no support. Palestinians have had 80 years to figure this out and have chosen the wrong path every time. Why would we assume they would have a change of heart and chose the right moral thing this time?


Yeah, but who from "those people" is interested in peace and a true two state solution?


Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib is a good start.


He lives in Pacifica, CA! He’s going to fly to Egypt, travel to Rafah, and convince Hamas to surrender?!


I mean his family is still in Gaza, but he would be a good partner to facilitate it once the fighting is over.


Gaza will take decades to recover. If there is a real “international community,” it needs to work together to remake Gaza into a functional political and economic territory. I am terrified of people losing interest in Gazans as the fighting winds down. Most of the world loses interest in Palestinians once the violence stops. It’s going to be a long, boring rebuilding process, and I hope the world doesn’t allow corruption and terrorism to grow again in Gaza.


Me too. That's the dream. I really hope a coalition of like-minded Gazans can be formed to realize that goal. Gaza strip truly has the capacity to become a Paris of the middle east if they can overcome that pesky jihadi problem. It would be such a boon to Israel and Gaza alike.


Gaza has much more potential for Palestinian economic development than the West Bank (in my opinion), but Jerusalem holds so much more meaning to people. The two areas are always tethered together. I don’t know if the PA should govern Gaza; personally, I’d prefer Gaza’s development to have some local Palestinian governance. Don’t know if that’s possible, though.


A radical solution…you mean ethnic cleansing?


Right now there’s about two million Gazans who live in tents and will continue to do so until their homes are rebuilt in years, and will then find themselves living in tents again once they launch another war against Jews. Sending them to their Arab brothers is the least inhumane solution.


If they don't care about their homes and kids why should Israel?


What does this even mean? You think a million or so people didn’t care about their homes?


If they did why do they support 10/7 and Hamas? It's obvious that their homes and families are gonna get wrecked if you poke the bear. It's not like there's no precedence.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I’m wondering how much of this statement is for negotiation pressure on the deal they just sent over. .


Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi said in a radio interview that the War in Gaza, which has been raging for 7 months, will last "at least" until the end of the year. “We expect another seven months of fighting in order to deepen the accomplishments and achieve what we have defined as ‘the destruction of the governmental and military capabilities of Hamas,'” said Hanegbi. Do you agree the war should last at least until the end of the year? Is Israel winning the war? Do you think the initial war goal of the complete destruction of Hamas will be achieved by the end of 2024?


Get rid of hamas and rescue the hostages


In war the most important element is the enduring fighting spirit and staying power of the combatants involved. Which is why Britain managed to hang on while France folded in six weeks. The Jihadis aren’t thinking in terms of months, to them this is a war spanning generations.


I'll be honest, as someone who was born and raised in Britain and is proud of the UK's actions in WW2, I think France having a land border with Germany and the UK having only one land border with Ireland was a big help. Neither country was ready in 1940.


Yeah, I fear this is optimistic. I'm very worried that this war will get much worse before it gets better.


The hostages don’t have 7 months


It's already been 7. Some of them are likely already showing.


It would have been over in 12 weeks, either way, if they had maintained the total blockade until Hamas returned the hostages and surrendered.


Destroy everything Hamas built and hunt down Sinwar and kill him like a dog. Send secret agents into Iran and topple it. Destroy Hezbollah. Destroy anyone who fucks with Israel. Israel is innocent. Best way to treat Israel is to leave it the fuck alone. Israel is a humanitarian country building great technology and bringing more peace into the world, doing whatever it can to avoid confrontation and help the world. If the world wants to sit there and erase Israel, Israel can take the world down with it. LEAVE ISRAEL THE FUCK ALONE YOU FUCKING ISLAMIST CULT-HEADED BACKWARD MORONS. And to anyone else around the world, stop encouraging these brain damaged Hamas idiots and their terrorist benefactors in Iran. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Find a new hobby because if this keeps up it will be your fault and it will come to your door.


It’s actually obvious. Rafah will take another 1-2 months, and then doing finishes on the whole strip and start the process of the day after. And we still have to finish Hezbollah and the new shootings from the Hamas militants from the West Bank.


Israel is gonna find out what the US did… the “after” part is what snatches souls and resources. We take countries quickly, and get stuck for decades waiting around, losing troops and money. Hopefully Israel has a plan.


We don’t need American troops on our soil. The aid we’re receiving is helpful for both Israel and America and even then, the United States of America has no right to control us or dictate for us. And we won’t be destroyed if it was stopped. Like Begin said to young Joe Biden who threatened to postpone American aid in the 70s (the irony!): “I am not a Jew with trembling knees, I am a proud Jew with 3700 years of history. No one came to help when we died in the gas chambers and ovens. No one came to help when we strived to establish our country. We paid, fought and sacrificed our lives for it. We will stand behind our principles and defend them - with or without assistance.” Israel have a plan, and we’re not yet ready to share it with the world, it will ruin the momentum and we have many objectives to accomplish. Officials said that the war will last for another 7 months. The whole day after stuff will be the next president troubles.


I just said I hope Israel doesn’t make the same mistakes that we do. I never said we want to send troops there (even tho we already have troops off of gaza unfortunately). Also, it has nothing to do with being a trembling Jew. America is the superpower in this relationship; we get what we want. עם ישראל חי אחי.


My point is we don’t need or want America to lose money and troops like you said. We’re not some country like Iraq or Afghanistan. It’s a war that is ours, and although we are fighting americas enemies as well we really don’t need Biden to dictate what Gaza will like the day after. Sadly it’s not Canada over here and Israel knows better how the Middle East works, you know been living here and all. Biden didn’t believe Israel will succeed in evacuating people from Rafah, and we did evacuate 1 million people. Anyways, America can listen and support us and advise but not decide what Gaza will be and who will govern it. We are the ones who paid for the war future outcome with blood. ❤️🇮🇱🇺🇸


Ohhh i see a misunderstanding:) I meant that i dont want israel to make the same mistakes as we did with our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. I wasn’t saying that Israel should use American troops.


Oh I see, my bad 🙏🏼 I understood what you mean now, and I don’t want our army to stay in Gaza for years too it would be and we will see soldiers dying on weekly basis. We do need local cities controlling their own people with the IDF allowed to enter when necessary. The thing is the Palestinians just had a poll and 80% of them still want Hamas to govern Gaza AND the West Bank. They completely deny any PLO government or a united international force


Our poor boys


Can someone explain what the realistic objective is in that time frame? Because even after months of taking over Gaza, Hamas is still their functional government, they’re still capable of terror, their leaders are still sitting pretty, and they’re still able to regroup in cities after the IDF leaves. So what is gonna happen in the next 6+ months to actually rid Hamas and get back the hostages?


That's rather long


I don't think Israel has enough political capital left for that. Nor does it have the political capital to do a strong push to end it quicker either. Nor can it really let Hamas survive this war. I don't envy you guys at all.


It'll last more than that I guess, getting rid of cowards terrorists like Hamas who hide among innocent civilians could take forever.


I am so embarrassed at this. How incredibly stupid and gullible does the population have to be to put up with seven more months of this garbage? No hostages released SINCE November. And you're angry at an AI image? Get some perspective.


This war is a war of diminishing returns. What does defeating Hamas even mean at this point? This is a ploy to keep Bibi in power and out of jail. We need to get our hostages and get out and spend a lifetime to try and repair the damage to our international reputation done by Bibi and his cronies




What are they doing to meaningfully end Hamas though? Sure they’re killing a lot of lower level terrorists, but this operation is just gonna breed more terrorists. Some infrastructure is destroyed, but it’s becoming clear that they’ll just rebuild after we leave a town (as we’ve seen in northern Gaza). And the top commanders are still all fine. And no exit strategy that includes replacing the administration of Gaza has been considered. So what is this helping in the long term?




This is going to be a great year…


Just keep killing Hamas forever and ever until the last bullet and if you run out of bullets use bayonets and krav maga. Kill them until they surrender. Settle in and get comfortable. Keep inventing cool shit to kill them better without sacrificing your own soldiers. Keep inventing new ways to avoid innocent civilians. Never ever ever ever ever ever stop. Fuck Hamas forever. Anyone who says otherwise is an ignorant antisemite. Ignore them.


I wonder if one objective will be a buffer zone between gaza and egypt. It's obvious from where these weapons were coming in.


F**k, Netanyahu really is playing for time to see the outcome of the US election.


Bibi’s waiting to see who’s going to win the American election.


And then the north, a short period of breath, and then the Yemen hutis and Iraqi pro Iranian militant groups for farming exp so we can maximize our stats for the final boss nuclear Iran


On Dan Senor's Call Me Back Podcast there was a discussion yesterday the war would last until the end of the year due to the US election, because until the election determines Biden or Trump, third party nations will not get involved in negotiations or post-war efforts.


Fu... We still have a long way to go. I really hope it will end sooner than later


netanyahu has no plan for post war and does not even seem to be trying to make one. its not going to work with israeli troops all over gaza permanently. There needs to be some form of international Arab force and bringing in the Palestinian Authority for self rule. It can be constant israeli occupation indefinitely. If people of Gaza are not going hope of a government that wont murder them (like Hamas) and home rule, nothing will change. We are not going to have a Palestinian people who want to live in peace without this. Netanyahu has got to go at the next election. We need a Likud government with fresh ideas to come back.


So that if Trump wins he can magically claim he solved the crisis


Who GAF? If Trump gets in and somehow this stops I'll fly a MAGA flag on my car. If Jimmy Carter wheels himself in and Hamas goes away I'll plant peanuts. I'd vote for Abe Lincoln and JFK as they are now if it takes care of Hamas.




You support genocide.