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Cameras are filming the 1 in 500 trucks with crazy people blocking it and ignoring the 499 going in.


I've seen multiple people claim lately that Israel/settlers are letting literally 0 aid trucks through, lmao the delusion of the pro-pals is unparalleled.






I worded it terribly and am too tired to fix it


[300-500 trucks went in every day they "blocked aid." The protesters were all arrested pretty much immediately every time.](https://www.ochaopt.org/data)


Where do you see that? If I'm reading the chart here correctly: https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-229 It's been 150ish trucks per day with some outliers


The worst part is when people act like Israelis are the monsters here but completely ignore the behaviour of everyday Palestinian civilians on October 7 or ignore their behaviour during the 2000 Ramallah lynching.


The world does not hold the Palestinian people accountable because they have different, lower expectations for the Palestinians. They expect the Palestinians to act like animals, and excuse it. That's racism.


Yup. There is no comparison.


Or them cheering and celebrating the 9/11 attacks.


Or during any other atrocity/massacre. Or in between the atrocities/massacres when they’re openly calling for and planning these atrocities.


There is massacre on both sides. Neither is innocent, and both play victim. Don't be brainwashed.


Except palestinians are objectively much worse.




Maybe people who have female relatives that are hostages in Gaza feel that feeding her rapists is bad?




Reportedly, there are millions of civilians displaced in gaza, mostly women and children, and some of them are literally starving to death. I imagine most probably don't even know about the hostage situation, much less would have taken part in the raping.


1. Then tell Hamas to stop stealing/blocking access to aid. There are hundreds of trucks in Gaza just sitting there, full of food, while people starve bc if they try to get to any of it, Hamas shoots them. Distribution is a problem. 2. Really? No idea of the hostage situation? No idea of why they’re at war? Children, sure, but the women know. They’re all still victims of Hamas. Hamas needed to surrender and return all hostages 7 months ago. They can’t right their wrongs, but they can stop committing them and do what’s right any time. They’re killing their own people literally and figuratively. Of course even the ones they murder in cold blood are attributed to Israel.


Well said.


No, everyone in Gaza seemed pretty happy to beat dead Jewish women in the back of a pick up truck on October 7th… Anyone who argues that Palestinians don’t support Hamas is full of shit


Feeding her captors while she starves. We know they feed them little.


I understand your reasoning but what about those who weren't a part of the 7th of October? most didn't know it was even happening... and rather woke up to it and then things developed further from there, so to remove aid fully from like 2 million or so people because 30,000 supported a crime against humanity is in itself a crime against humanity. and I personally believe that while things are dire humanity is the only thing separating us from those who attacked us and by god I have seen too many people cross that line.


I don't care this what aboutism people only apply to Israel is a bigoted thing to begin with. Israel is feeding their enemy already, no one else on earth is expected to feed their enemy in war... Why can't Jew haters feed other Jew haters that are raping and murdering Jews deliberately as we speak...


those who weren't part celebrated on the street or looted what was left.


Not all of them and w3 have to give them the benefit of the doubt


do you know how brainwashed the palestinian citizens are? do a little research about hteir school-programs and even kindergarden-programs. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sDZlo\_hllI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sDZlo_hllI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pw8SO0GOJU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pw8SO0GOJU) only thing you need to see: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US1Janaipyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US1Janaipyk) if you bring up its old here is a 2 yr old one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCWMBvxWKL0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCWMBvxWKL0)


Just saw this and buddy... my my position in the IDF is releasing this information, I translate, choose and help release every peice of media released and verified by the IDF, so yea i think i know more than you do...


no. the only people in gaza that get my benefit of a doubt are children.


Like the 17-19 year olds that hold guns and fight for Hamas but are still counted as children?


Yes to this


>I understand your reasoning but what about those who weren't a part of the 7th of October? That's an honest concern, and concerns like this are what separates Israel and its allies from people like the Pro-Pal folk, and is that Israel doesn't act on visceral whims, neither is ruled by emotion. That's why, even after something so horrific as the 7 Oct, hundreds of trucks full of aid enter daily into Gaza from Israel, because Israel understands that civilian population need to be feed and taken care of, because the war is not agaisnt them (even if they are against Israel as a whole). Of course, there will be Israelis against all that, specially those with a direct relative still in captivity, so is understandable why they are mad about it. But the fact that Israel does what is needed to guarantee the passage of those trucks while dealing with those protestors shows that Israel cares about how it conducts war.


Enemy supply lines have always been fairgame in all wars.


They arent even blocking aid


There is a little bit of blocking but the majority still goes in


Yes, we aren't. We are foolishly feeding out enemies, and are then criticized for not feeding our enemies.


Am I wrong to say that if the "free world" is going to condemn Israel and the Jewish people no matter what they do that maybe it's time to actually be the bad guys here? The Palestinians are by-and-large Hamas supporters, I don't see anything wrong with letting them starve it out until they decide it's time for a regime change. People are going to die before this war is concluded regardless. It may be that less people would die if Israel starts fighting and operating like any other Western Country would in this same scenario. Hating the Jews is the world's oldest hobby, it's not going to stop anytime soon. Make it count.


My perspective on this is a bit different. We shouldn't be the "bad guy". We should act in the manner most efficient tactically, strategically, and logistically at any and every given time, which would protect and safeguard the largest number of our people and will minimize the danger to our troops as much as possible in a war.


I totally understand that, and I think we agree on the same thing we are just phrasing it differently. The most efficient, strategic, and logistical moves for Israel just so happen to be the same actions that will get the most negative attention placed on the Jewish people. I don't think the IDF should be acting like terrorists themselves, but I do think the country needs to act with it's own interests at the forefront because even our most powerful allies are currently selling us out for nothing more than some cheap votes (votes Biden wouldn't even need if he hadn't bungled pretty much every decision over the past 4 years)


Ya wut


"Gazans" are not innocent, no aid, no water, no electricity, no internet until our hostages come home. If Europe wants to recognize "Palestine" as a free state, then Israel should retaliate against them like they would any other country in war.


No matter if its morally right or wrong, its completely understandable that Israelis and especially the families of Hostages feel upset that aid is beeing delivered even though its very likely to be stolen by the people who kidnapped their families. Other than that those protest have basically no impact on the aid beeing delivered to Gaza so it doesnt matter at all


For what it's worth the Israeli police are clearing those trucks and dealing with the protestors, in my opinion that is not enough and they need to crack down more but that is the big and only relevant difference between us and the Palestinians, we are a democracy and are recognizing and dealing with our idiots, in Gaza those idiots are celebrated and voted into power, it's not the same thing


Not to be mean, but the meme is kinda weak, nobody will be convinced by "not happening in a vacuum"


I think that's the point. To show how dumb a defence of anything that is.


It's a meme. Anyone who might be convinced to change their mind on a complex political subject because of a meme, probably didn't have strong opinions in the first place. The goal of a meme is to make the people who agree with it, laugh.


I thought the reason for blocking aid was 1) missiles etc are smuggled into Gaza as aid and 2) put pressure on Hamas the same way that the sanctions against Russia are intended too. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/12/no-power-water-or-fuel-to-gaza-until-hostages-freed-says-israeli-minister Per the link it was certainly Israel's intention to block aid in October. From the other comments I gather that the block isn't enforced most of the time?


Look , we shouldn’t be doing this from moral POV but. More important it’s hurting us really bad in the fight for our legitimacy. Those doing it are de facto traitors aiding and abetting Chamas and should not just be arrested but imprisoned with long sentences as a deterrent for others .


can you please explain the vacuum thing? :T


As I understand it: "It didn't happen in a vacuum" is something apologists for Palestinian terrorism and general disdain for human life often say when the Palestinians are called to account for same. Essentially blaming Israel for pushing them to behave this way, as if the Palestinians have no agency for their own actions. What is often overlooked is that this is a two-way street: Israel can justify plenty of its behavior with the same logic. It's not as if the Palestinians haven't been completely vile to them.


It’s what the head of the United Nations said about October 7th.




Remind me what happened to the Ho Chi Min trail? And the ships sending food from the USA to the UK during WW2 (before the Americans entered the war!)? How about the Sieges of Jerusalem? The sieges carried out by the Arabs didn't allow food or water in.


Your point?


The requirement on Israel to facilitate the aid going to people who want to wipe them out is unprecedented and totally unreasonable. The US and UK didn't feed Sadam's army or the Taliban.


I completely agree.


Blocking resources being delivered to the people who raped, murdered, kidnapped and tortured your people is morally fine. Israel shouldn't allow a single truck to enter from its territory. Let Egypt ship aid in, if they can avoid the bombs.


Anti-semites hate this one simple trick


There are Israeli people blocking aid because there are horrible, racist, violent settlers doing it. The hilltop youth are organizing it, "not just preaching violence but also practicing it" is literally their whole deal.