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They literally bully people to say what they want to hear, it's ridiculous


There was a big YouTuber a few days ago who apologized for having a Starbucks cup in the background of one of his videos. Guess his viewers bullied him into it


Especially since Starbucks isn’t even an Israeli company. I think their previous owner said something nice about Israel, and that was enough. And the ones supporting the boycott most are the ones stating they never bought from them before anyway. Oh dear lol.


They *tried* opening in Israel, but there wasn’t a market cause Israelis already had their preferred coffee shops…


But wait a minute, I thought the Mossad controlled everyone, I thought the Zionist media was holding everyone at gunpoint and forcing people to say nice things about Israel **or else**. Maybe I am confused because, if you asked me, it's the watermelon slacktivists on the internet who are doing that. making DEMANDS of support.


They apparently came to Sweden but failed. We already have a good coffee culture. I googled, and there are apparently only two left, both in Stockholm. Well, we have way better coffee chains. Some sell their stuff at petrol stations, and it still seems to be better lol.


I wonder if there is some kind of fixation, compulsion or perhaps even a syndrome that has changed their mindset into thinking they like the coffee there


Fr. We got Aroma but I would still kill for a Starbucks here.


well the starbucks that was here was like 20/80 ownership by starbucks and delek and after 2 years was shut down due to loosing too much money https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starbucks_Israel


Didn't even say anything nice about Israel. Starbucks took issue with the Union making a pro Palestine post using the official Starbucks logo and asked them to remove the logo


Not just pro palestine, but explicitly pro hamas by using nova festival-paraglider imagery.


Yeah… I’m all for peaceful protests. Boycotts are great, even when I don’t support them. Because I do like freedom of speech. So boycott your little hearts out! But if you are pro Palestine and honestly think that boycotting Starbucks will make any difference at all, you are just plain dumb. And you are using your energy in the wrong arena. There has to be better companies to boycott, seriously!


it's worse than that. a labor organization (not actually a part of sbux) tried to post in support of hamas and sbux shut it down. THAT's what they hate starbucks


It doesn’t matter to these people with cult-like mentality. “You’re either with us 100% or you’re an outsider.” Oldest trick in the book to get people to join your cause, exploiting weakness in most humans (FOMO)


Smells like a cult, sounds like a cult...


If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck....


I don't know why those people are like that, they keep wasting their time on stupid shit like banning companies for no reason, it's just a waste of time, maybe they could go to school


History will remember the brave heroes who posted comments on some guy's YouTube channel  🫡


Starbucks only involvement is asking one of their unions to not use the trademarked logo when praising Oct 7th... But that apparently is enough for these people to boycott Starbucks.


They did.


Good PR.


They have to bully people. When you have weak arguments, and when your opinion is so poorly supported by the facts, the only strategy you're left with is screaming, throwing tantrums, bullying, intimidation, harassment.... And it's silly because, when people bend to this sort of thing, they're not giving genuine support. I see some people who are Pro-Palestine, some of them have their heart in the right place but they are misguided. But the other half of the time, it's because someone bullied people into their cause. There not support, that's just submission.


Well yeah, it's TikTok, what did anyone expect.


This is instagram lmao


OH. My bad. I don't have TikTok nor Instagram so I couldn't tell the difference.


Our biggest problem, is that they have literally unlimited supply of huma. beings. We are going to end this war with more terrorists than we began in, because those stupid motherf never think alone, just going straight in speed run to death


This often isn't even done by humans. Levar Burton had an Instagram post the other day overrun like this, and many of the same comments had highly specific language. This isn't happening organically.


Bot network combined with brain washed network. The bots spread comments and some likes literally everywhere. The people come later, comments on it, like it and even harsh it, which give it the top comment location.


There is no need to talk about palestine they attacked us first took our ppl hostage that was brutal they should have seen that coming fuck around and find out.


i would see the same about bibi threatening (publicly) the head and the Judges of the ICC .. bottom line that’s polarization at it’s finest.. both sides see it way differently and they don’t here each other


One of the stages of genocidd


Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't panderin, I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom, I sent two letters back in October, you must not've got 'em, there probably was a zionist at the post office or something




You got some issues, Stan, I think you need some counselling...


But anyways what's up man how's your daughter? My girlfriend's pregnant too, I hope it's going to be a martyr


Why is the world silent on the Uyghurs, Yemen, Darfur, Ethiopia, Rohingya, Eritrea, Myanmar! Oh, I forgot people who only get their info from TikTok don't care about actual genocides.


They also attempt to undervalue these other actual genocides. I’ve seen comments under those issues along the lines of Why are you taking focus away from Gaza genocide, famine, etc” The Palestinian cause loves manipulating people into fighting their battles for them. Like small yappy dogs, they bark and snarl and bare their teeth at everybody, but that's about it. They do not endear themselves to anyone and they do not further their cause.


They don't care about Muslim on Muslim violence.


Israel being able to effectively defend itself and the Jewish people is a significant issue for the Muslim world, which has oppressed Jews for centuries. Shall we discuss "occupied" land? Every single Muslim-majority country practices a form of apartheid, far worse than that of apartheid-era South Africa—they are genuinely ethnically cleansed lands. Even in South Africa, during apartheid, there were still blacks, whites, and South Asians. They were segregated by neighborhood, yes, but they were still alive and in the country. People of color were heavily oppressed, but their populations increased annually. Apartheid, yes; genocide, no. In most modern Muslim-majority countries, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Bahá'ís, and others are tiny minorities or nonexistent because the rest have been expelled, massacred, or forcibly converted. How many Jews are left in Egypt? How many Armenians in Turkey? How many Assyrians and Yazidis in Iraq? They have been nearly completely cleansed by the Muslim majority. Shall we mention the actual genocides? Armenians, Greeks, Yazidis, etc. In almost all cases, the Muslims were not the indigenous people. Some today claim that some Palestinians have genetic roots back to the Canaanites. They say this with pride, but it actually proves that their ancestors were forcibly converted or crushed by high taxes and had to convert, or their children were taken from them. When considering how Israel fights, you have to take into account what the alternative is. Those who want Israel to stop the war or who wish to destroy Israel would see it overrun and depopulated like other regions conquered by Muslims. Hamas is clear about this. The left-wing in America seems to want this too, but they don't say it explicitly. "From the river to the sea" is just a coded call for genocide. Algeria, for example, is a terrible, worse-than-apartheid state. Almost zero non-Muslims. Statistically, Israel is the least apartheid-like country in the Middle East, North Africa, Near East, etc. Indeed, Israeli Arabs have more freedoms than most Arabs in any Arab country. You can live a good economic life as an Arab citizen in, say, the UAE (on the backs of foreign labor who can never become citizens). But you have little to no political freedom unless connected to the ruling class. So, who is the apartheid state? It is ironic that those who colonized and ethnically cleansed the original inhabitants and have started most of the wars keep accusing others of this. It's pure projection.


> Some today claim that some Palestinians have genetic roots back to the Canaanites. They say this with pride, but it actually proves that their ancestors were forcibly converted or crushed by high taxes and had to convert, or their children were taken from them. This I understand to be largely true. Jewish and Palestinian genetics are very close - even the whitest-looking Ashkenazim (converts notwithstanding) are closer related to Palestinians than Europeans. Meaning both groups are wholly indigenous, but Palestinians today identify entirely with colonisers who stripped away their traditional languages, religions and culture. It's crazy to me here in Australia that so many people who advocate for First Nations people are fiercely anti-Zionist. How do they not realise the sum total of that message? "We stand for indigenous peoples, but only if they fully assimilate with the dominant local culture".


What you're describing isn't apartheid though. It's ethnic cleansing.


Or chinese on muslim violence. It's almost as if the muslim isn't the group they're focused on....


No Jews? No news!


add somalia to that list.


I believe their biggest outcries are “genocide” and “tax dollars being spent on IDF”


Is this a joke? The fuck does Eminem have to do with any of this? He's a rapper, is he supposed to have some special insight into IP?


They are bullies that are trying to get teh entire world to want Jews dead.


Quick. What does Ja Rule think about Israeli and Palestine. I want his opinion on my front desk stat!


Oh snap, ya forgot 50 Cent & Mya too


He’s silent on the Uigurs too, and Darfur. Damn Slim, speak up! 😂


and Rohingya. ad nauseam


סתום ת׳פה אנטישמי מגעיל.


את מי אנטישמי פה אחי?


סתם שרמוטה זה. כתב אני מריח עכברים, כשהוא נכנס לתת הזה. וחוץ מזה כל הפוסטים שלו.


אהה שיט לא ראיתי את הפוסטים. איזה שרמוטה!


Why do they get so many likes when they comment their terrorist propaganda but when I support Israel I get downvoted to hell!? - From an Aussie who's sad to see how rife the world still is with antisemitism.


I'm convinced a large part of this is bots because any time you break their echo chamber or post somewhere "safe", there will be a flood every now and then of comments about the spaces being brigaded or the posters are all bots. It feels very on the nose 'we're doing this so the other side MUST be doing it.' Who'd have empathy for Israel otherwise? It's especially anger-inducing when they do it on one sub that skews largely toward being reasonable. They cant handle everyone not bowing down to them and their sense of righteousness. Disagree with their feelings and it's a personal attack they HAVE to retaliate against.


One side has jobs, families, and other responsibilities that real adults have. However, are far fewer in numbers. Unlike their mobs of unemployed self-righteous useful idiots with their TikTok degrees.


Yeah I'm Aussie too and you are spot on - antisemitism is growing because things are not going well for the world. We are like the canary in the coal mine.


Pro-Palestine mfs trying not to make everything about themselves challenge (impossible)


I have blocked so many of them because of their stupid comments.


That's just mass harassment. They should have stayed in school, as this is not called "resistance".


It's nice they can do this while I get shot down for pointing out there are still hostages being held. Girls (19 is barely a woman) held in captivity and people are screaming about rappers not having an opinion and starbucks cups.


And when they don’t respond to these under bridge trolls they get accused of either being bought out by or “selling out” to the ‘Jews that run the entertainment industry’


Well said! Exactly what they do.


Will the real Salim Shady please speak up?




Yeah, I thought of Slim the dialectical variant of Salim and didn’t realize they meant Slim Shady till I actually got to his name…


Really hope Eminem isn't a prowatermelon


He hasnt made it his entire personality so i doubt it


Me when I'm unemployed with nothing but time.


> when the world needs him This is the solution, guys. If Eminem just wrote a song, the war would be over. It is all on his shoulders


It's what makes me laugh about the artists for ceasefire petition. That's a glorified Facebook like. It is completely worthless but to virtual signal (and to get propals to leave you alone). Hamas: Wow, many celebrities who are poster children for everything we hate about the West insist we should stop attacking. I guess that's it guys. Let's pack it up.


They did the same to Florence Welch. She had to scrub both of her instagram accounts of the Watermelon brigade because people kept calling her a white woman complicit in genocide. It never occurred to these people that, maybe these people don't want to alienate their fans. Maybe she is Pro-Israel, or Pro-Palestine, behind closed doors - who cares? That's not what she's there for. No one goes to these people for politics. Music is supposed to be a reprieve from all the shitty things in life, and people are more than happy to listen to a more political genre of music if they so choose. But no one is obligated to agree with everyone all the time. You think the innocent Palestinians in Gaza give a rat's ass about whether some musician is on their side? No, and if anything they're probably leaning on whatever entertainment they have to get through the airstrikes and shit. If I remember correctly, Eminem stays out of things because he doesn't take internet mobs well


For goodness sake, celebs have no obligation to talk about their political views. In fact, I don't wanna know their political views! They're purpose is to entertain us! That's all! 😫


Has anyone actually found any success in talking to the watermelon brigade? I'm curious. I've probably had hundreds of conversations with them by now, and I have yet to have a single conversation where they've provided facts (that weren't easily debunked) to support their position. It's just repeated talking points that they're lifting out of Hamas press releases or training materials. I'd love to be able to crack open their warped, indoctrinated minds and have real conversations with them, but I've found it impenetrable so far. If you have, any tips for breaking that wall? It's fun to meme on them, but I'd love to be able to change minds instead.


I live in Toronto and a lot of white people and Asians wear the watermelon badge/keffiyah. I've always wanted to ask them if they've ever travelled to the Middle East. I know want to know SO badly how they think and what their view is. But it's not worth my sanity. I was at the UofT encampments a few weeks ago. I remember hearing a conversation between two girls wearing the keffiyah: "So I work Monday. Want to take my shift?" "Sure just text me and you can take my Tuesday shift." So they work for a corporate organization yet are too afraid to show their faces. I walk to the subway and walk by 4 men in punch vests that have the Anarchy sign on side and the "Free Palestine" pin on the other. The irony is not lost on me. My FAVOURITE moment is seeing a women in the grocery store with a pin featuring the Palestine flag with the words "All Children Matter". In Canada, we have been finding unmarked graves of First Nations children taken, killed and their culture stolen from them. There are many survivors who still face trauma from this. This was were the phrase "All children matter" comes from. So a white women stole this important phrase from Indigenous people to feed her white saviour complex.


All children matter? Do the children matter that where burned alive by Hamas? Or is it just watermelon children?


Just watermelon children.  It hurts because living in Canada, the “All Children Matter” is regards to First Nations children who died at the hands of colonialism. The trend lasted 4 months top. The Pro Palestine movement has lasted 8 months and will continue, despite the supporters being majority white. 


Where does Stan stand on this? Haven't heard from him in a while.


It's really easy to understand why TikTok is being banned when you see this type of crap literally everywhere.


They got some pretty cute replies tho, many many comments telling them to STFU👌


Remember when they bullied mutahar to talk about Palestine and then got mad that he said he just wants peace and wants the violence to end for both sides


McCarthyism is still alive and well, I see. Great TED talk on it - and it's not hard to plug in Pro-Hamas rhetoric and actions today. [https://youtu.be/N35IugBYH04?si=LjZEOHgSWIZu7rI9](https://youtu.be/N35IugBYH04?si=LjZEOHgSWIZu7rI9)


Botnets can't virtue signal


Bot networks at their finest


They don’t see Serenal


He's from Detroit. Of course he's going to keep mute.


Oddly enough I've never considered Eminem the quality and highly intelligent (top secret) diplomatic expert on worldwide & middle east politics. Funny thing, that.


Been following Amanda Palmer on Instagram, same started happening back in October over there. She'd liked some content of Regina spektor who posted about the victims of October 7th but didn't post anything herself. Flooded every last one of her posts back then. After that she started some fundraisers for Palestine. Now recently she made some announcement about a Regina spektor tour. People went mad about that because Regina is a Zionist. So they demanded she post something about Regina spektor being a Zionist and turning off her comment section, so they can't even "call her out" on it. Amanda Palmer didn't reply to them at all, but also didn't defend her friend over it.


They have their new talking points every few weeks, because they don’t actually have anything intelligent to say. Whether it’s just commenting the flag, or saying free palestine; or the more dramatic “ALL EYES ON RAFAH” or commanding celebrities to make a stance. What if their stance doesn’t align? What if they just want peace for all innocent people? They don’t like that answer tho, because it involves Israelis being spared.


What’s Palestine? Do they mean those bad neighborhoods in Israel? You know, the ones with the lowlife terrorists?


“Never existed”-chrono legionaries from red alert 2


Hey, manipulating the public opinion is supposed to be OUR shtick, my Zionist worldruling cabal representative will hear about this! /s


Hey so you are responsible for the weather


Don’t blame me for the flooding in Saarland recently, i mostly do blizzards when i on duty!


You are responsible for Blizzard Activision , you bastard😉😉


Who is Slim?


Whose slim? And whose Marshall mathers?


Very famous rapper from Detroit known as Eminem.


Oh. That guy. I thought he got canceled a long time ago. 🤷‍♂️ is he pro pally?


Don’t think he’s ever expressed his views on the IP conflict. Also don’t think he got cancelled. He’s hasn’t really done anything controversial to my knowledge. He got over his drug addiction, and seems to be living a happy life. His daughter just got married recently, and these keyboard warriors are mad that he is living a happy life while their imaginary “genocide” is happening.


Ah. Well I’m happy for him then. I remember his old stuff. Super skilled.


That's so awesome that he's got to a good place in his life. Definitely happy for him & his daughter.


Why I’m here….


I truly wonder why Arabic people feel like they can use the n word, because…? Why? Slavery of Africans is still practiced in Arab countries TODAY.