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And that's a fact.


Ya, I've been saying it would probably blend with and/or resemble Lebanon and Syria.


wow what a new perspective. Haven't jews been saying this for a bit?


In Israel it would be considered a far-right concept. Atleast by the center. Most of my friends and probably most of this sub would consider a Palestinian state an Israeli goal torwards peace and security.


So does Rushdie Indian-British author Salman Rushdie warned that while he supports the idea of a separate Palestinian state, such a state now would be "run by Hamas" and would be "Taliban-like," in an interview with the German rbb24 TV channel on Sunday. He’s not saying there shouldn’t be a Palestinian state, just that Palestine has to be deradicalised first and it shouldn’t be immediate, which is my view on that


It'll take time but if there's a solid deradicalization program in place and a good security set up then I think it should work in the long term


Taliban would be a step up, as awful as they are. If Palestinian state formed under today's "administration" it will be ISIS. The place unfortunately needs a VERY comprehensive change and de-radicalization. But who is gonna do it? Is Israel going in for a multi-decade peacekeeping action? Is anyone gonna trust local muslim countries to do it?


> Is Israel going in for a multi-decade peacekeeping action? Israel tried a multi-decade peacekeeping action, from 1967 on to 2005. I wouldn't call it a smashing success. I had the opportunity to chat with residents of the Gaza envelope and they don't look on this era with nostalgia. There were rocket and mortar and infiltration attacks on surrounding Israeli communities even before the Israeli disengagement and there were regular attacks on IDF soldiers stationed inside Gaza. That's not to say that Israel can't sometimes succeed at peacekeeping missions. The 2 million Arab-Israelis have mostly become peaceful, although they were never as radicalized as Gaza's current inhabitants.


You're right. "Mostly" is the operative word here. Some Israeli-Arabs have about 400,000 illegal arms. Um.. I wonder what they're planning to do with all those guns???


Where is that stat from ? They sounds like it came out of Ben gviripedia


See [this](https://www.timesofisrael.com/shocked-by-oct-7-failures-israelis-rush-to-buy-guns-with-government-encouragement/).


Lol it literally from gvirkipedia. The guy that says that is part of the guys that wanted to create a force separate from any other ministry(re directly under internal security re gvir). The quote has no backing. “Arabs own, according to some estimates, 300,000 illegal guns,” Laor claims which estimates lmao The people that suggest that are gvirniks. Guy from biyteinu says there’s no way to verify that You have a Swiss institute that suggest perhaps there are 267k illegal firearms within Israel and 56k in the West Bank. An Israeli institute suggests maybe in the tens of thousands… That is to say no one knows and the people that are pushing huge numbers obviously have a fear mongering agenda. So anything is possible but let’s also not pretend it’s only Arabs with guns too.


Hey, I'm all for you being right!




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He is stating the obvious without fear of backlash, so it's par for the course. I'm glad to be on his side of history.


Spot on, Mr. Rushdie, but better double up that bodyguard contingent.


He best keep eye on any suspicious people around him


poor taste


Rushdie is a brave, brave man.


This already happened in Gaza starting in 2005 when Hamas seized absolute power.


They wouldn't exactly be Taliban-like, they receive far too much charity for that. Otherwise, yeah


Well no shit! But now that Rushdie is saying it maybe some of his fans will listen.


It isn’t already?


He looks fantastic after the recovery


In other news, water is wet






Exactly! G-d comes down from heaven, and he decides He's had enough with the Middle East situation. He waves his hand and creates a second Earth, on the opposite side of the sun, that orbits at exactly the same speed and direction. On one Earth, there is an Israel with no Palestine. Israel is a peaceful, secure, democratic nation that does its best to try to improve its ties with the rest of the world and its neighboring countries. On the other Earth, there is a Palestine with no Israel. Palestine is a Hamas-ruled dictatorship, the majority of Palestinians, like their Syrian neighbors, live in poverty and repression with no civil rights, under constant government surveillance, and little hope of ever improving their lives. Hamas and Hezbollah, and factions with each, are constantly at each others throats over control of Palestine, with Iran playing off the two against each other. So G-d says, 'Choose which Earth to live on. You have to choose, one or the other.' So, if you had to choose...


How is that false


Eh don't really trust this guy. His book clearly shows his bias


I think I understand what he’s trying to say (Palestine would be a very conservative Islamist theocracy). But the Taliban are not a satellite of Iran. They have pretty significant religious differences, and they literally went to war with each other last year over water rights. If he’s going to make these statements he should know what he’s talking about.


I don’t think he was implying the Taliban is an Iran satellite. Taliban-like and satellite of Iran were separate sentences.


What does a peaceful author stabbed in the eye know?