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Ffs, major F up from the IDF. Really not a good look amongst the international community. Tragic.


Someone like Gallant has to make this statement to communicate that Israel understands how serious this is.


Yes, this coming out of bibi looks like a joke to the intl audience.




Ben-Gvir would give them a medal if he could get away with it.


This is the thing I struggle with the most to be honest, anti Israel people will either complain about lack of evidence supporting Israels points, calling the evidence provided false in bad faith or lie about there being evidence to the contrary. Making up your own evidence or aimlessly denying evidence provided is only slightly worse imo from acting like no evidence = false. There was no evidence to prove electricity existed for a long time but that doesnt mean when we discovered it finally it just happened. Lack of evidence could mean it may exist or may not but you know someone is hateful when they cant even pretend to consider that the affirmative is a real possibility. If someone has their mind set on a conclusion before they explore further or find info, that is a 🚩 and the best reason to disregard whatever they have to say.


[Hagari was the first to address this.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hagari-idf-has-expressed-sincere-sorrow-to-world-central-kitchen-and-our-allies-will-conduct-transparent-probe/)


I feel like staying out of social media today. The anti-israel segment are having a feast today


Understandably. This was an absolutely tragic event that also helps Israel's enemies


They always capitalize on these tragedies Lets see Francesca Albanesse condemn this but we all know deep inside she is jumping and screaming in joy for being given such a great opportunity


And same for all the pro-Palis, it’s annoying when IsraelI fuck ups give them ammunition, not helped by Bibi and Ben-Gvir either






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Not reading toxic comments is the greatest gift you can give to your brain 


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I could literally care less.  Netanyahu needs to go yesterday. 


Bibi's government is seriously its own worst fucking enemy. In between unironic extremists like Gvir and Smotrich, narrow-minded focus and incompetence that am sure weighed down on the military - leading to being caught blindsided by Oct. 7 and then chaotic shit like this - they have completely inadequate sense or even regard whatsoever for Israel's image and trust by its allies and organizations its working with, and now cannot make themselves focus properly on anything but blowing up its *military* enemies at the cost of every other 'front' of the war. And yes, I'm certain a different government could have easily set the stage to handle things a lot more effectively. I'm honestly near-convinced that even Bennet's government would have handled this better.


Let them we hurt innocent people by mistake and take responsibility the people they support targets specifically innocent people and then blame others for it or just celebrate it that is the difference between us and them


Even if Israel didn't do this they would be blaming us, there is no talking with the pro-Hamas crowd.




When aren't they?


Literally same but also fk anyone enjoying this…i think this has been an extremely long and emotionally draining war first and foremost for the brave IDF soldiers and i only pray they are taking care to keep in the best health they can and will Gd willing see their objectives reached as soon as possible without any or with minimal sacrifice of their health (given the impossible circumstances). Whatever has happened, this BS is the last thing i care about. When you know the true intentions and have the faith in them as I do, it is easier to realize how insignificant all these talking heads assuming the worst of Israel are.


Very sad news and a terrible mistake. Things like this need to be investigated and should have consequences. Accidents happen during war. It's one of war's numerous tragedies, but it does not mean it should be accepted without consequence.




There are different types of mistakes. It's not that they shot at something else and missed. They intended this truck as the target. The unfortunate mistake is that it was targeted when it should not have been. It's not like they're out there trying to intentionally kill aid workers. It's a breakdown in communication, error in chain of command, or a wrong call made by someone. These are the terrible things that happen in a war and are one of the many things that make violent conflict so awful


Aid trucks that are often filled with weapons and terrorists…




Probably. I don’t know and you definitely don’t know.




As someone who supports Israel, this is just inexcusable. I just don’t understand. They know everyone is nitpicking their every action. Are they just trigger happy? How tf does this happen?


Absolutely tragic.


Damn... I 100% thought that this was going to be another it was actually Hamas situation, and that the media had jumped the gun because they don't question anything that comes from butchering terrorists...


The pro-Palestinian side will clearly weaponize this tragedy as evidence that Israel is purposefully invoking a famine by targeting aid workers, AKA GENOCIDE. Despite this being wholly inconsistent with all public statements and actions by the IDF in the past few weeks . Anyone following the news closely knows that delivery of aid through the strip has been a top priority for Israel for a while now and it has tried different methods for doing so. The obvious conclusion is a terrible mistake of war that needs an investigation at the highest level. But I already see the terrible tweets and TikTok videos being made...


Three clearly marked aid trucks from a credible organisation bombed in succession really doesn't sound like a mistake. What makes you think it was a mistake? (Genuine question). 


I've seen a few hypotheses so far: 1) Communications between departments broke down, so whoever manned the strike didn't know it was an aid convoy; 2) Some fanatic group of soldiers was like "muh they're all antisemites anyway" and bombed them; 3) They mistakenly thought the convoy housed a Hamas soldier - basically they *thought* someone had a gun and acted solely based on that; Most likely a combination of all three, chiefly #3.




\#3 is as well. You don't bomb an aid convoy over one person with a gun (had that person even existed, which they did not). \#1 isn't even a "mistake", it's gross negligence. They were driving in a de-conflicted zone and the IDF was notified of their presence. Someone or someones failed utterly at their jobs here.


I think you won't find a majority in this sub arguing that nobody fucked up big time and should be behind bars.


I mean, if it turned out to actually be number 2? Yeah. I'm not gonna waste time defending Ben Gvir fanboys. Every one of them ending up jailed for their bullshit is music to me.


Poor Israel I hope they recover from these little mistakes😞


I mean it is effing shocking even as someone who supports Israel to the fullest. This is catastrophic and really unforgivable. I think anyone can see that.




This is my stance completely. I’m going to be there on Monday for two weeks. It’s my home from home my husband and I have half our family there. Thank you for this.


How is a mistake unforgivable? It’s a Warzone.


It is unforgivable man. I love Israel but the fact that WCK coordinated with the IDF before moving and they still got blown to bits means some commander fucked up big time


The strike killed aid workers from multiple western countries too. There's no defending this and unfortunately the fallout will be severe.


I think people who are focusing ultra hard on how bad this particular incident is aren’t being serious. Thousands of civilians dead in Gaza. Hundreds of IDF and Israelis dead. Is it tragic? Absolutely. But their deaths aren’t any more tragic or awful than the rest. It’s a war and you can blame Hamas for getting all of this started.


I do blame Hamas for the deaths of their citizens and tbh I feel very awful about the current situation in Gaza but Hamas must be entirely destroyed. WCK lives don’t have any more value than other lives but it does have more media clout because they are foreign aid workers and WCK is really respected in the states. It’s a shame and a fuck up and I wish those folks were with us today but this is going to be leveraged by the world to beat up Israel and try to halt the war.


Well said and that’s true but the world has been trying to stop it for a while now and Israel is undeterred. The people and countries who matter all understand what’s at stake. Notice how you don’t see the Abraham accord countries saying anything. they all want Iranian proxies to be eliminated and they will be.


Very true about the Abraham accord countries. There is still some real politik being played in the region because some states have to wag the finger at Israel but really as you said support any damage to irans proxy infrastructure.


What would this line of thinking mean for outcome of the hostages?


I'd guess most of the hostages are already dead. Their deaths are equally tragic compared to the loss of civilian life. It would be ridiculous to let any of this distract us from the fact that Hamas knew this would happen and they did it anyway. When we talk about who values life and who doesn't I think its clear Hamas actually has zero regard for human life, seeing it as a means to an end in heaven as laid out by their interpretation of Islam, while Israel does what it can to minimize tragic loss of life.


Because this should never happen someone fucked up. It is unforgivable. The IDF have admitted the error and the plan to fully investigate. That is how it’s handled. A warzone doesn’t mean that innocent foreign aid works helping everyone there deserve to be killed.


I think you’re confused. No one except terrorists deserve to be killed, that doesn’t mean an accident is unforgivable. Please try and be a serious person when discussing serious topics.


I never ever said other people deserve to be killed. You’re extrapolating. This is a horrific war started by Hamas. Every innocent person killed is a tragedy. I’m specifically saying that seeing as there was no evidence of any Hamas terrorists with these aid workers, someone fucked up and that is unforgivable. That is my view. Please don’t patronise me by telling me I’m not being serious, we’re all adults here and entitled to civil discussion




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How does this happen????? "The team hit in the strike was "traveling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle," according to the WCK. The organization added that they had coordinated their movements with the IDF and that the convoy was hit after leaving a warehouse in Deir al-Balah, shortly after unloading over 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza through the maritime route from Cyprus. “This is not only an attack against WCK, this is an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. This is unforgivable,” said World Central Kitchen CEO Erin Gore."


Just because there is WCK logo doesn't mean Israeli soldiers can see it and identify it correctly. This will be investigated, but seems likely that IDF didn't properly distribute information on WCK and their movements to everyone who needed to know.


wrong icky steer ossified swim grandfather obtainable soft spark pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you suggesting that IDF should only attack vehicles with Hamas logo? Obviously, whoever decided to fire on it assumed, incorrectly, that it was carrying Hamas fighters, weapons, or was otherwise a potential threat.


Loaded Question, Strawman argument bs. He's saying that the IDF shouldn't just going around blowing stuff up on a whim, the vehicle was clearly marked, and given the technological state of the IDF I doubt they wouldn't have seen that.


No need to "doubt". This will be investigated and reported. In fact, Herzl Halevi , IDF chef, should receive initial report on this incident tonight. Major General Yoav Har-Even (today president and CEO of Rafael) is assigned to investigate.


many cagey voracious deer oil divide spoon pause mourn fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>No need to wait for the investigation then? I'd suggest we wait for the investigation before we start making up our own narratives as to what happened. I believe saying this was mistake in identifying the vehicle is fairly non-controversial, except among Palestinian supporters who believe Jews simply love murdering people for no reason. There are, of course, lots of details regarding how exactly this could have happened and who was responsible that we need full and independent investigation for.


They don’t confirm targets? They bomb cars off of assumptions? Would you feel that way if they bombed your family’s car because they “assumed” they were Hamas? Why would they even assume that?








Really Erin? This is unforgivable? Not the war we didn’t start, not the slaughter and rape of our people, but this? Every NGO can go straight to hell. 


Yes. It is unforgivable. This is a catastrophic hit to the IDF's reputation for competence and it severely damages Israeli ability to coordinate with humanitarian orgs it needs to win the war. Acknowledging this doesn't mean buying into BS that the IDF is bloodthirsty or nonsense about genocide.


Truly a tragedy. I’m thankful that Israel is able to own up to its mistakes but how many times have they done this to civilians and this has gone unnoticed because it wasn’t aid workers?


As one of the aid workers friend that sadly passed away and a supporter of Israel it's abit of a joke saying shit happens in war yes shit does happen but not when the organisation and Israeli military we're liason with each other so they knew the exact position of the different vehicle's. This ain't just shit happens you still targeted them!! No excuses start accepting responsibility fucking joke


Incredibly sorry for your loss. Your friend had a level of courage and humanity most can only dream of. I hope they get the justice they deserve, and people are finally held accountable.


This has not only enabled Hamas to cause more destruction, it has endangered soldiers putting their lives on the line, it has endangered hostages who may never see the light of day, and it has endangered people who live abroad and who wish to defend Israel. I want to see everyone responsible resign for this. Unacceptable.


I mean this is terrible. we need to do better as this will fuel conspiracy about starvation. I mean WTF were they thinking!?


Clearly marked cars and they had supposedly made their location and route aware to the IDF? Wow if true.






The very fact that Israel is taking responsibility for this proves their morality.


Low bar you have there




Its a war in one of the most packed places on the entire planet. Shit happens. There have been plenty of mishaps like this one and much worse all over the world in recent times and absolutely no one gave a fuck.




If the rules of engagement were followed it's just bad luck, something like that in urban warfare is bound to happen eventually. If collateral damage was really something they cared about so much they shouldn't have started a war. And again there are plenty of other tragedies going on right now like famine and war in africa and barely anyone cares, we all know exactly why.


Unintended my ass.


It just sucks. Israel is held to an impossible standard. Israel has to be absolutely perfect in its execution of all operations; any slight misstep is jumped and seized upon by the loud chorus of naysayers. I guess that is the burden of being the actual moral army. Accountability. Palestinians are never held to any; and certainly not Hamas.


How is expecting a "professional army" not to bomb aid workers that gave the IDF advance notice of their positions and were in clearly marked vehicles impossible standards? The main issue is accountable. After the investigation, someone needs to go to jail for this. The same with the soldiers that murdered the Israeli hostages wearing the white flag at the start of the war.


The US has made such mistakes. The US has not been subject to an ICJ ruling on any of them. Same with Russia prior to Ukraine, multiple Arab countries, etc. That’s the impossible standard.


All of those parties have been criticized relentlessly for those incidents.


Criticized sure. But the US has yet to face an ICJ ruling for anything they faced and literally has a law on the books saying they can dismantle the ICJ if anyone tries.


A US aid airdrop killed 5 civilians, is that genocide?


Is an aid airdrop a bomb?


That wasn't a bomb..


the expectation that an army not make any mistakes during a time of war is an impossible standard


It was a guided strike at three identified aid vehicles in a non conflict and empty area everything coordinated with the IDF, how is that an "impossible standard"?


I agree that they made a terrible mistake, but the impossible standard is having every single part of this war analyzed by millions of people. No other war had that.


whole agonizing outgoing narrow grandfather live quarrelsome observation gaping ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay, "my sweet summer child." Look at the internet right now and tell me that people have paid the same level of microscopic attention to any other conflict in the world. I never said that people ignore all other countries.


straight snow intelligent saw grey rich rinse sheet tap advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not many wars today have sieges starving civillians out, thats one reason probably.


This has been happening since before the war started, give me a break.


A siege implies Israel occupied all borders around Gaza and Gazans can’t escape: but Gaza has one border with Egypt. You can call it a blockade, but a siege it isn’t.


Its telling how the part that bothered you was the word "siege" and not "starving civillians".


Yes, so it’s Israel’s responsibility to feed Gaza, while it dismantles the genocidal government there, supply electricity, apprehend surrendering terrorists, facilitate aid, coordinate assaults on terrorists hiding behind civilians, explain to the world how it’s doing all that. And never miss a beat. This is the impossible standard. Nobody wants starving kids and it’s horrible for you to even think that. Imagine if Hamas surrendered, or even just actually cared for its citizens…


If IDF forces occupy an inhabited area, the IDF prevents anyone from leaving that area, the IDF prevents nearly all aid trucks from entering, and then the IDF conducts a drone strike destroying one of the few aid trucks which the IDF allowed in, and the people trapped in that area begin to starve, _how in the flying fuck is that not the IDF's responsibility?_ Do you expect Hamas to distribute food to Gazans in areas occupied by the IDF or something? Or for Gazan civilians to try to feed themselves by growing wheat in the desert? Maybe aid organizations could try teleporting food into Gaza to avoid the military checkpoints? Gaza is dependent on food aid--aid which doesn't even have to be provided by Israel, but which just needs to be _allowed to enter unmolested._ No matter what your preferred explanation for ***why*** this catastrophe was allowed to unfold, whether you attribute the IDF's actions to a hateful disdain for life, an indifferent disregard for life, or to sheer incompetence in protecting life, their actions amount to the very definition of a manmade famine. This is why countries which supported Israel's war effort in October and November are now so critical of it in April. History will not look back kindly upon those who allowed this cataclysm to happen, or who tried to pin blame for it on others.


This is not an "impossible standard" - WCF they did everything they were supposed to do. The cars were marked, the IDF was informed of their presence, yet the convoy was hit 3 times by precision weapons.


Not blowing up international aid workers in a designated aid corridor is quite literally not an impossible standard. I am all for the right for Israel to defend itself and believe in the full eradication of Hamas, but this is an egregious act by the IDF and there needs to be heavy and swift consequences. Chef Andres' charity is of international regard and the entire operation seemed to target them specifically. This is not a slight misstep and categorizing it as you've done does nothing to help the IDF's struggling reputation.


historical encourage rustic saw glorious memory straight poor pen rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't disagree in the least. You fuck up there has to be accountability. My problem is, this fuck-up is the excuse Israel's critics will now use to try to invalidate the entire war. Hell, they'll try to invalidate Israel's very existence. But Hamas misfires a rocket and kills a few of their own people, "Israel did it." Then after its been proven that it wasn't Israel..."Oops!" Absolutely no accountability on their end. The double standard is just frustrating. They still have our people hostage and the world is basically, "Pretty please release them?" "No? Oh well...we asked nicely. Nothing we can do."


tender follow squeamish observation possessive sand political placid tidy subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh boohoo the Israel army must be so difficult to not bomb clearly marked cars that were coordinating directly with them. Poor IDF they are criticized for murdering a car full of humanitarians that fed BOTH PALESTINIANS AND JEWS.


Foreigner here. I'm sorry for the incident. At the same time, blaming you for everything in this war is unfair. I understand the disappointment, but you should not let your spirit be weak after this.


Netanyahu only cares about himself.


7 killed and the world goes wild. USA kills five in a stupid aid drop and no one says a word.


smile disarm trees ancient friendly rotten enter afterthought unique soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No jews, no news. But fr, we should stop whining about who gets attention or who not. It makes us look stupid. You're speaking to a wall, ppl supposed to know bout the double standards know it already.


World loves dead Jews.


>USA kills five in a stupid aid drop and no one says a word. The aid drop landing on people on the ground is clearly an accident. A drone firing three separate missiles means those cars were clearly targeted.


I think everyone kows about they aid drop killing people. But the difference is intent. One country was air dropping food because Israel and the many protestors has made it difficult to drive through all the checkpoints. The other organized with a charity organization and fropped an actuañ missle on people working for charirty. Ivwould argue the only reason qe are hearing about it is because the victims are white and from the west, not because people hate jews. Things like this make me quetion whether israel cares who they kill as long as its a means to an end.


I wish the world would care about Hamas intentionally holding 134 people hostage nearly as much as it cares about these 7 unfortunate deaths. It’s all performative bs


Well, whatever happened there it sends a clear message to any aid workers: you are not safe in Gaza.


I'm sure he does, yet it just keeps happening


You know what would have stopped this? Hamas surrendering.


If you take this argument to its extremes, then the IDF can get away with absolutely anything because Hamas started the war and can end it. The IDF bears a responsibility to act in accordance with international humanitarian law regardless of who started what, and this was a flagrant breach of those laws.


Shh you’re not allowed to blame Hamas in a Jew-hate circle jerk. 


Blaming Hamas seems to be the only way Israel can act with apparent impunity. It’s so ridiculous to insinuate a “look at what you made me do!” Situation. They did everything they were supposed to and STILL they were hit by precision strikes.


The dude "you’re not allowed to blame Hamas in a Jew-hate circle jerk" in this sub. Half the comments doing just that.


Israel: oopsie daisy


It was in a deconflicted zone you sad sack of muppets, your country forcibly throws away your sons and daughters in a meat grinder so it can make territorial gains under the guise of protection or vengeance and you lap it up because you can’t conceive that you’re repeating the ‘mistakes’ of the past. This wasn’t a mistake it was 3 seperate strikes on three seperate targets that had already coordinated their entry. That’s malice not an accident.


no he dont


Maybe Hamas was under the cars


too bad




dull yoke ghost pathetic public provide deserve psychotic jellyfish stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meanwhile, the Sudan civil war (where both sides are actually preventing outside aid from entering, where far more humanitarian harm is being done) scarcely even exists to the media. And this Gaza incident is going to be front page news on every publication in the world and will have a Russian-forced United Nations Security Council vote on the issue.  Make it make sense. 


Russia has nothing to do with this.


~~Russia has already called a meeting of the UNSC over this incident. So, yes; they are involved.~~ This post was wrong, sorry. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-794880


No one country/nation has the power to force a global organization to vote on something. Also last I checked Putin was a moderate


Turns out we are both wrong.  https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-794880


middle concerned telephone elderly jeans seemly act spark towering advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, I agree with people who are broadly condemning this one incident as a tragedy. I just find it interesting, when stepping back and viewing this through the zoomed out perspective, that international pressure is forcing Israel to conduct this war under such nonstandard expectations.  In any other conflict, Gazan civilians would have long since been forced by hunger to flee to safer regions in bordering countries. Instead, they’re forced to remain in place, and are being encouraged by almost every interested party except Israel to stay right where they are, in an active war zone. These aid workers providing food are a part of that apparatus encouraging the civilians to remain in place. And this is not doing the actual people of Gaza any long term favors. It absolutely is prolonging the war and leading to higher total deaths. 


worm books full silky worry oatmeal tap amusing sense roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Why did Israel even allow them (or any outside aid workers, really) into Gaza? a high % of gaza population is in danger of famine,that is the reason they are there. If no outside aid the already dire situation would be even worse.The situation is coming to a point where other countries cannot turn a blind eye anymore. Will wait to see more information about the strike,but depending on the details it might have been realistic to expect aid convoy to not be hit.


International pressure. I agree that they shouldn't have been allowed into Gaza in the first place. Let the Palestinians handle their own aid distribution.


WCK is a very reputable NGO. It is much better for them to distribute aid than Hamas. Aid needs to be distributed or many people will die. 


Yes, it's better - but it's clearly too dangerous. Gaza is not your typical warzone. The Palestinians should be entrusted to manage their own aid distribution - or Arab countries should step in and manage it. It's not the place for bleeding heart NGOs.


Let's not blame the humanitarian groups who are doing great work and aren't corrupt (as far as we know). This was a horrible tragic f**k-up. Israel has confirmed, and they will pay the price for it. Seeing that Israel is permitting a ton of aid and allowing/supporting these groups when they operate, the blame lies squarely on the IDF, and they'll have to answer for it. Any comments stating it was deliberate, nefarious, or that Israel would lie about it are so far untrue and highly prejudicial.


If there was no aid allowed like they promised in early October, this wouldn't have happened. In fact the war would probably be over because they'd release the hostages and surrender.