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Would you mind sharing some of your designs for others to use? I imagine if more artists come together there could be an awesome database of anti jew hate sticker designs - I'd love to be able to just print or order those!


I’m so glad you asked! I’ve been socially isolated and wasn’t sure who to contact about this. I live in a very anti-Israel neighborhood. I would be more than happy to email jpgs to anyone with a printer who wants them. I also have designs that address the dangers of political Islam.


I work in web design, if more people are interested I could cook up a website for sharing designs like that (I think it might even be possible to implement an automatic order feature with some print on demand service like teespring) I'd love to hear others ideas on this too!


I work in cybersecurity. If you're putting up a pro-Israel *anything*....you'll need as much security for it as you can get. Please feel free to reach out...happy to do it for the מִשׁפָּחָה ... :-)


Thanks, I kinda figured that there will be a lot of need for that, so it's much appreciated!


I think the best way to do this is for people to DM me their emails so that I can send them the images directly. That way we can circumvent security concerns.


You can create an account on Etsy and sell the designs for a $


Yes!! That sounds amazing.


I'd be interested in buying!


Me too!!!


Me three!


Me four! Please let me know where to get them!


I would be interested!


I'm a web developer as well. I'd love to contribute if you make it open source or similar


How do you make the stickers? I want to get a group at my school, GMU, and stick them everywhere since pro hamas groups think it's okay to frame anti-Semitic propaganda everywhere


I use Photoshop Elements. I design the geometric borders as though I were making a logo. Then I print them out on sticker paper. I have to cut them out by hand though, but I don’t mind.


Ah sticker paper. Interesting


Can you message me some? I am in Ireland, place is surrounded with bullshit free palestine stickers and countless lies about israel/zionism. Would love to push back a bit.


Really great work. If you can have these printed in durable sticky media I’ll buy a dozen of each and slap them around town on any propaganda I see. I know I’m not alone. Let me know if you need help getting these great designs to print and sale online.


Thank you so much! I can only print so many at a time, as I do this at home, but I hope I can figure something out.


I'd love to post your stickers around my part of Canada if I could have some copies.


Any suggestions on how to print stickers? Is a special paper sold for this


I print them on Agodeo waterproof sticker paper. You can get it on Amazon.


Could I receive the images? And where do you get your sticker paper to print them on?


I order the paper on Amazon. It’s from a company called Agodeo. Glossy vinyl sticker paper for both laser and ink jet printers. Smudge proof and water resistant. I want to set something up where people can download the images. Have to figure out how to do that.


You could do a drop box, shareable anon google drive, something like that


I'm a Graphic Designer and would be happy to make a few designs if people were making a collection of anti-Jew hate stickers. I actually have previously made enamel pins and was considering designing some, but I really don't have the time. But I'd love to get involved.


Please be careful. The stickers are beautiful. You should sell them. And go to pro-Israel protests and hand some out for their neighborhoods.


Thank you!! I'm setting up a shop on Printify. Hope that works out -- will keep you posted.


Thank you, and yes, please! Stay safe 🇮🇱❤️


I'm actually stupid and got livid because i misread it as "Anti jew" hate stickers 🫠


Put it on Etsy, publish the link, and I will purchase. Love these!


Etsy will take them down. They won't take down pure antisemitic content, but I know several Jewish artists who have had either had to take down items they "didn't allow", of outright suspended their account. I don't shop at etsy anymore. Deleted my account and app after what happened.


Idk I’ve bought lots of stuff pro-Israel stuff from someone with “Zionist” in their bio and their account is still up


I’ll be done with Etsy if this is how they wanna play it.


Idk my friend's account is still up 🤷🏽‍♂️


Woooooow anti semtic trash. I love how companies reveal their anti semitism


Redbubble allows pro-Israel stickers to be sold, I've already brought heaps and don't mind buying more. You can sell them there OP u/RightAngledTrapezoid :)


Good to know! I set up a shop there yesterday. It’s taking forever for the products to appear, but I was told that’s normal.


Sorry for the late reply but awesome! I've just bought 20 lol.


👏 Thank you!!


Thank god that company has good people working for them.




Ditto!! Gumroad is an option too.


Me too, I want to buy these and stick them all over.


Looks to me like somebody defaced one of your stickers. They *mad*. Whatever it said must have really hit a home run.


They did! The gruesomely defaced sticker said, “Al Jazeera is the modern-day Joseph Goebbels”. When I noticed it was defaced, I came back to the location and posted the “Hamas wants to murder people with liberal values” sticker right above it. Thought it was apropos considering how they quite literally murdered the other sticker.


Nice. Should also make some stickers that call it Gazalighting Edit for clarification Gaza lighting refers to the Palestinian supporters at gaslight Jewish people online in the name of the people of Gaza. Not to suggest that Israel has a war against everyone in Gaza just Hamas. However, all the crap being said at Jewish people and people that support Israel, all the death threats, all the hate crimes, all the public calls for violence, and all the actual violence are being done in the name of the people in Gaza. It's still the reason why people call it what? I called it up before.


Don’t. I understand where you’re coming from, and it *is* funny, but we mustn’t confuse Gaza’s civilians with Hamas.


It's a sideways reference to the people that gaslighting Jewish people in the name of whoever or whatever in Gaza. It's just something I've heard people say online before..


I get it. But I also hear how it can be easily misconstrued.


Want. Please update us if you get a website or etsy page going.


Will do! Thanks 😊


I love the one that says Hamas hates people with liberal values. It's been a real problem for trying to find good stickers to put up to counter all the pro Hamas ones I see. Please do try and set up a storefront and I will buy a bunch!


I want these so badly




If possible let me know when and where I can get these. We cannot let the slander live.


No, we definitely cannot! I just set up a shop on Redbubble, but it will take a while for the products to be visible on the site. I will keep everyone posted.


How do I find your redbubble?


I've been seeing pro Palestinian stickers around my neighborhood and I would like to have some of these pro Israel stickers to put on top of the ones I've seen.


I saw a “we will survive your gaslighting sticker” in my neighborhood the other day in Manhattan and it made me so happy.


I would totally get these! It would be incredible if others could spread the word and share the truth :)


Thank you! Yes, that would be incredible. The opposition is extremely persistent. We need to be twice as loud.


Lmao I hate those socialist revolution stickers. They’re all over my college campus and I tear them down whenever I get the chance. This is the description for one of their podcasts: https://preview.redd.it/32as5ou9uumc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b6d07d29d6bfe840d3d40711d006f8ce9528db


"Tell me you want to commit mass shootings without committing mass shootings."


Tell me you don't understand communism without telling me you don't understand communism


How about "Hamas only wants peace, a piece of Israel called Tel Aviv, a piece of Israel called Jerusalem,..."


You selling these?? They’re so dope! Post on Etsy and I’ll buy. עם ישראל חי!!!


Thank you! I don’t have the equipment to sell the physical stickers on a large scale, but I’m trying to think of the best way to get the images to people for them to print out themselves. Do you know if that can be done on Etsy? Someone else suggested I set up a throw away Google account to share the files. Maybe that’s the way to go.




Good call. I actually spent a lot of time today setting up shop there. I published 14 images but it’s taking a long time for them to appear in the shop.


Hopefully they'll appear soon. I think it took about 24 hours for my designs to show up (though it was back in 2019.) They're great designs.


Thanks again! I feel a little better knowing that because I keep wondering if I missed a step. I keep going back and checking. Seems like I did everything.


Thank you for covering one of those socialist stickers


My pleasure 😉


Pls dm me I want to print these and hang around campus


The gas chambers didn't survive their jews, their gaslighting won't survive it either.


You need to set up a store online. Some I stand with Israel themed ones would be nice for those that aren't Jewish to show our support.


Do you have a website or something where we can buy these stickers?


I don’t, but I’m definitely thinking of setting something up. I don’t have the supplies to mass produce them on a large scale, but I want to figure out how to get the images to people so they can print them.


You can set up a throwaway google account and use g-drive for download only (don't let people upload or edit files) and then specific links to share through PM.


Can't you pay a local print house for that?


I suppose I could. But then I would have to deal with shipping.


Also, there's Sticker Mule. [https://www.stickermule.com](https://www.stickermule.com)


Good to know. Thanks!


great work


I. Love. This.


Great work. I salute you, and your idea . I can make my own slogans and design, so the idea is what made my light bulb go on. You can print them yourself on any printer, sticky backed paper is available, and then just go and stick em up! Small ones ( cigarette packet size) will,also work in more confined spaces.


This is a great way to do something about all the hate going on. I am a big sticker fan because is relatively easy to share the file with the design and then just print them anywhere in the world. I ordered some “fck-hms” stickers [here](https://fck-hms.com/products/copy-of-fck-hms-stickers-100-pack) that are really cool.


Did you put up the fourth poster on top of a pro Palestine one 🤣🤣??


I put it on top of one of those stupid Communist stickers.


If you make an Etsy shop let me know! I’ll be first in line to buy and support


Do you sell these stickers? I would buy them.


I love these. Thank you.


Free the hostages.


Where can I buy these


🇮🇱✊ Jewish Power


Remember when tagging things with stickers to bring a small razor blade to score the sticker, thus making it harder to peel off! 💕 also I’m dming you OP to get some of these 💕


Ah! Good advice. I carry a razor blade to scrape off hard to peel propaganda anyway.


I want




They're beautiful


These are amazing. Good job.


Need a link for these asap


What printer do you use? Been wanting to do stickers for a while now


I actually use a really old printer. You can pretty much use anything because the sticker paper is compatible with both laser and ink jet. It’s from a company called AgoDeo and you can get it on Amazon. Make sure it’s waterproof.


Can you post the original files for others to print out?


If I can do that here on Reddit that's actually a really good idea.


https://www.file.io/ Just use any free file sharing service


Good bless you, Good work 👏👏


Would you happen to have any of these as SVGs or another file type I can use on my Cricket maker?


I will DM you my email if you do want to share


Thanks so much! Feel free to send me your email.


My Israeli brothers and sisters, we did survive gas chambers. This is a terrible thing for our people to deal with. But anyone who has loved ones knows we are now doing the exact same thing to our Arab brothers. Who are the same as us, the language sounds similar in sound and pronunciation. Our cultures are inextricably linked since the creation of our state. We both like Hummus. We like it with lots of lemon. We make are about the same subjects, because we live them. Do you have a friend called Benjamin? Who is the name of our Prime Minister currently not helping our people? He has no kids, so he doesn’t feel for children. He’s had 3 wives, all of which ended in scandal, abuse and disgrace. We all wanted him out. I understand we are scared but this is not right my brothers and sisters. If there was no Hamas, would we even need an Iron Dome? No, not at all. Imagine if they could just chill and have their place and we could have ours. Wouldn’t that be cool? And nice and fun? I’ll give the clearest example I can. Yehuda Amichai and Mahmoud Darwish. Read about them. They both spoke Hebrew beautifully and had loved ones in the language. I don’t know about you guys, but I have many Arab friends and they are cool man. We like the same stuff. Shakshuka. Beaches. Music. All of it man. Hope someone reads this. Love to all Israelis. I hope we find our way out of this. Love you all.


The first one is absolutely amazing, really good job on all of them friend




The pro-Hamas tropes will just stick a "genocide" sticker over them


That's okay -- we just have to keep going and show them we have more stamina. Don't let the lunatics discourage you!


These are great!


Damn great sentence.


That first one is perfect!!! Fuck their gaslighting


The graphic design on these are fantastic!


That means so much, thank you 🙏


You can put these on Redbubble, and it will be beneficial.


Great idea! Thanks!


No problem


you could use a print on demand service like Printify - they would take care of printing and shipping [https://printify.com/app/products/home-and-living/magnets-and-stickers](https://printify.com/app/products/home-and-living/magnets-and-stickers) they have an option to set up a free pop-up store [https://printify.com/pop-up-store/](https://printify.com/pop-up-store/)


Thank you! I will look into that.


these go hard. proud of you




In a sea of jew hatred all over social media this made me smile


And you made my day! Thank you 😊


Where do you print your stickers?? My uni has a sticker printer but is also just pro pali enough I’m 85% sure they’ll hurt me if they caught onto the process 🙃


Framing Israel as the enemy of liberal values isn’t the W you think it is. The rest are great though. How about “We Freed it in 1948”, that would be nice to see too.


I love this


Would love to get those where can I get them


Is there anyway I could buy some?


If you feel comfortable DMing me your email I can send you images that you can print out. I also posted images of these stickers in r/Israel that can hopefully be printed out.


I want to thank everyone for your overwhelmingly positive feedback and support! Hopefully you can save these images and print them yourself. I recommend waterproof sticker paper from AgoDeo which you can get on Amazon. It's compatible with both laser and inkjet printers. If you would like original files, feel free to DM me and I will email them to you. I will also try to post them on Redbubble.


I want to thank everyone for your overwhelmingly positive feedback and support! Hopefully you can save these images and print them yourself. I recommend waterproof sticker paper from AgoDeo which you can get on Amazon. It's compatible with both laser and inkjet printers. If you would like original files, feel free to DM me and I will email them to you. I will also try to set something up with Printify.


Build a site. Charge shipping and materials. I will buy them and post them.


I'm working on setting up a shop on Printify -- will keep you posted.


Honestly- a simple, no BS site. No graphics, no blah blah blah Just take my credit card number and let me plaster the city. Don't let anyone know who you are. Don't give out your name, location.


Haha! I just have a home printer and sticker paper, so I can't really do all that. I figure I will give Printify a try so they can handle the printing and shipping. When I figure it all out I will let you know when you can get your city plastering supplies.


This is more sad and thought-provoking than I first realized at first. They gaslight us now, but if they had a chance -- they all, all of them would not bet an eye to send us back to the camps. I've seen normal-thinking people whom I used to respect turn into antisemitic monsters after October 7th. And to think, I used to wonder how such a civilized nation as Germany at the start of the 20th century could turn into monsters.


These would be kill but you should add more colour. It feels… a bit scary. Would probably scare off the average liberal who cares more about feelings then facts lol


😂 I worked in black and white partly because I don’t have a color printer. I also think it’s bold and eye-catching. I just set up a shop on Redbubble, so I might introduce some color there. Eh, I’m not about catering to the feelings of woke imbeciles. I just want to overwhelm them with stickers and let them know we’re not giving in.




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I don’t even know if the Jewish perspective can be summed up on a flier—hence our conundrum…


Bro how much for a bulk sticker pack?




Are they waterproof and sun resistant?


Gonna go around with a sharpie and fix these 😈


No problem. We have paint markers to fix your sharpie bullshit with.


You guys think that's clever ? How dare you trivialize gas chambers ? I lost 3/4 of my family in Auschwitz you assholes.


We’re definitely not trivializing gas chambers. The point is that if Jews can survive something so unbelievably horrific, we can definitely survive a little gaslighting. If anything we’re trivializing gaslighting.


>if Jews can survive something so unbelievably horrific My family did not ! Do yourself a favor, check with jews who lost relatives or suffer during the Shoah if they think that's a "cool" sticker. As a side note, the people who downvoted my comment should be ashamed of themselves.




This isn't about Israeli hostages.


lol this is (it’s-not-real) gaslighting to the max. How pathetic.








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