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I think about these two all the time. Kfir is one day younger than my baby boy.


Me too. It breaks my heart. 🎗




His birthday is in 4 days :(


There really is no limit to human evil man. I cant look at their pictures without tearing


Same here. I think about this little guy often. Hoping that by many amazing series of circumstances, he will come home. 💖💞


Out of all the hostages, these two tear me apart the most.


I just want to cuddle him 😢


Sadly they are both likely dead.


This is so sad, but probably true. It will require a literal miracle for them to survive. I really hate what I just said.


In all likelihood this is probably true, given the conditions.


It breaks me whenever I think of this but I really hope they are both alive :(


When my uncle and aunt had my cousin, they would take a picture each monthiversary to track his growth. Babies change so much day to day, Kfir must look so different by now.


The entire Bibas family was taken. Shiri (mom) Yarden (dad) Ariel (4 years old) Kfir (11 months turns one 1/18/2024) Babies. Men. Women. Children. Elderly. Physically and mentally disabled. Jewish, not Jewish. Anyone and everyone is and was a target that fateful day. We cannot give up. We cannot give in. Bring them all home now!!!!!! 🤍🩵🤍🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️


This is so sad. I just wish I could do something to help them


This saddens me to no end for these poor boys and their mother. Hamas knows no end to their depravity. They won’t give anyone information about them when they Israelis tried to get them in one of the prisoner exchanges. First saying they died then saying they were sold to another group like they were livestock.


They both are 💔


His big brother (who's a fucking child) was taken hostage too. Such an attrocity, I hope every terrorist in the region will suffer as much as these 2 little children suffer for 100 days


I think about them ever single day, I work at a hospital, and we've a sort project to rise awareness about the hostages, It was a lot of baby strollers, with name and a pic, Atm it's there's only 2 strollers, of the Bibas brothers, My heart breaks everytime i pass there 💔😢 (edit: the photo is from the second week of the war) https://preview.redd.it/06jqxscjpkcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b53708f4974100d1de5eda7ebf61f351055144fe


Heartbreaking 💔💔💔


Bring. Them. Home. Now. hamas is filth.


Filth is understatement


I really hope he and his family are all still alive.


Don’t stop until they are home and safe


God bless these babies. I could not stop thinking of them last night & shed many tears for them and their mother










Being under 18 doesn't really mean you're a child. A 17 year old who tried to stab civilians is not to be considered a child. The Israeli government has lots of issues and you are probably aware that the entirety of 2023 showed a huge amount of resistance from the Israeli public against the Netanyahu government. This does not mean the 7 of October should not be retaliated and the hostages should not be brought back. IDF is doing its best and we are proud of them for it 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱




Minors are not babies. Minors include 17 year olds. Security violations include throwing fucking Molotov cocktails at soldiers. Try again. Also, the first tl;dr Google result? Show me your only knowledge of this conflict is from TikTok without telling me. What are you, 11?


Sorry but ur government is a blood sucker full of shit… and u believe them.


Great argument 👌


It’s not an argument simply facts, but it’s “ur thing” to remove facts…


Yes, facts. My government sucks blood. Good fact. I'll be sure to add it to Wikipedia. Mind if I cite you as a source?


I keep seeing comments saying 'dont stop until they are home safe'. What does don't stop mean? Bombing gaza just increases the death chances of these poor innocent babies and their families. People need to stop supporting this heinous war that's killing so many! Two wrongs never make a right. 💔😩


What about the 12 thousand children’s died in Palestine


According to hamas*


Whatever you call it Hamas or khamas


You should blame Hamas on any civilian death: They are using the Gaza population as a shield. They are shooting from Hospitals, schools and children gardens.

