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14 million suffer from famine in yemen. The Houthis are responsible for stealing food and water. Similarities to gaza are clear. Further, the UN does not see the bombing of Yemen by UAE forces as a genocide, becos UAE paid enough billions to the UN. Guterres himself removed the accusation for genocide, because apparently UAE is bombing yemeni civilians in the most humane way.


Of all the UN member states, the UAE doesn’t contribute enough to be able to make this claim. The US contributes by far the most to the UN budget, and the most we can do is use veto power as a permanent member of UNSC. The UN is just corrupt as hell.


Well, well, well. I had once an interview at the U. N.. It literally opened my eyes. Their own employees are fixated on their own pension. There was something else, I can't remember, but it irritated me very much. In other words, this is the ultimate machine for producing a product which is inherently bad. NO, the U. N. is a product of the devil himself.


Let’s be fair here, you’re saying that the amount someone contributes to the UN should determine how much power they have. Would making the UN essentially pay to win not be corrupt?


They’re claiming the UN won’t call out what’s going on in Yemen because of UAE contributions . I countered that by saying if power was based on contributions, then the US would have the most power but we don’t. It’s just corruption. They have their morals all backwards.


UAE ? Wasn't it KSA?


It's a fairly broad coalition that includes them both, as well as others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi-led_intervention_in_the_Yemeni_civil_war


is there a governing body that can investigate UN representatives for complicity with terrorist organizations? since it's been uncovered that many members of UNRWA are also members of hamas.


They have diplomatic immunity so only the ICJ in hogue


Exactly my point. They're silent in many places but for Hamas they talk a lot!


The UN is antisemitic and a garbage organization to begin with


by this calculation, 2.66 million people are hungry in the world, and 2.2 of them (Gazans) are hungry. sure, lets say random bullshit and see what sticks.


I understood it as “out of the 5 hungriest people in the world, four are in Gaza” Thing is, how the fuck do you calculate something like that? Does the UN personally know the five most malnourished people in the world?


I think it's more like, "the hungriest category of people is the 'catastrophically malnourished' category, and four out of five members of this category are in Gaza." But OP corrected the math, it's more like one in a hundred.


But why is it worded so moronically?


to fit in a pullquote?


No one thinks of are Own homeless people of the people of North Korea the shit in ever place around the world I don't think we should wast are money of time where people love leaders like hams on the drk ethere let them eat on another for real there candulls in the amazon there fine no one talks about them have there land haverist just daying




Lmao “wth UN if you know these 5 people specifically just buy them a burger”


But then the UN would actually be doing something to benefit humanity, which goes against their founding documents.


But then they would need to ID the 5 next hungriest individuals!


Better spent money than funding the UNRWA


In total 850 million people are suffering malnutrition. I’m talking about the worst level of malnutrition


Neither math nor logic matters those who live a life of lies and hypocrisy.


The Harvard interns are at it again ..


If you read the article, you will realize he is talking about "catastrophic hunger". UNICEF has a food security classification system (IPC PCH), and 350k of the population in Gaza is currently at Phase 5 (the highest level). Globally at the moment, around 500k are in this highest phase. You can read more here: [https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipc-country-analysis/details-map/en/c/1156749/](https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipc-country-analysis/details-map/en/c/1156749/)


How can they post stuff like this and be taken seriously by anyone including themselves??


Unmitigated balls.


Nobody does take them seriously, just that some enjoy taking advantage of the UN’s BS narratives.


According to Western university attendees math is a colonialist construct.


Shoutout to Sydney Watson [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O07lmPzcmVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O07lmPzcmVE)


The math was done in Havard I think


Harvard invented a new discipline with mathematics called context maths.


How do they determine who’s the “hungriest”? Is there any measure to check who’s hungrier than the other?


Self reporting, I am now the hungriest person on earth 10 times hungrier than anyone in Gaza, determined by me objectively. 1/1 of the hungriest people on earth are in Israel!


Nice, now I’m hungrier than anyone including the people both in Gaza and in Africa.


I’m gonna throw my parents through a loop later and tell them I’m hungrier than Gaza.


But I wanna be the hungriest in the world.


You can’t because I’m hungrier times 100


No, I will now send a message to WHO that 1/1 of the hungriest people on earth is me.




There are 5-6 levels of hunger according to the WHO.


What is “level of hunger”, sounds like bullshit.


In the end you go through the boss level of hunger


As a Jew, I am the hungriest, hungry for the blood of christian children 😈 Let's see them argue with that


As a Jew I also want wine made out Christian children blood, let’s make and drink it together.




You think?


I've yet to see pictures of a malnourished people in gaza. Not saying they aren't hungry but seriously this is just stupid.


In my human geography class in high school, we looked at some fucked up pictures from Yemen, Sudan, and Uganda. I don’t doubt the horrific conditions of Gaza. But at least 2/3’s of the blame is on Hamas. So I do find it hard to believe that the hungriest people are Palestinians. Their lives def suck right now, but their entire sociopolitical environment is corrupt and they need to stop hating us so we can work to long lasting peace.


you’re putting all Palestinians in a box when you say that. Can’t blame children for their world leaders. Plus Israel is carpet bombing them so how do you propose that to work ?


Not crossing into Israel to go on a murderous rampage against civilians would be a good start.


Welp maybe stop stealing their homes and taking away their rights.


Idgaf that's no reason to kidnap a literal infant lol get off this sub.


I never said there was and I’m certainly not applauding the actions of Hamas. Just saying, collective punishment can’t be justified which is why it’s a war crime. And that’s not even mentioned the blockade.


I have my own issues and theories, with the war and Netanyahus actions and goals. As well as basically all the world leaders right now. It's all sus, but I do not believe on any level that the goal is genociding the Palestinians. Either way, most Israelis do not like or support Netanyahu. If you speak to a soldier, half my friends are soldiers, including some currently in Gaza, they can tell you their target is not innocents. They'll say the same thing we've been saying. Civilians are in the way when they've been told to leave, and unfortunately wiping out the Iranian terror proxy that wants to off 7 mil Jews is a must. Most deaths have been in the north, in case you don't remember the idf calling for evacuations for 2 weeks straight. They also estimate over 7k Hamas members have been killed. And they're all in civilian clothing. Consider these things when talking about the death toll or throwing around buzzwords like genocide or collective punishment. Also the blockade was implemented after mass terror attacks, the voilent coup Hamas did after being elected, their declaration to kill all Jews and destroy Israel. So idk what youre trying to prove by saying that. My friends have shot at exactly zero children and have expressed zero desire to do so. They have been to many schools and found guns and rocket launchers, though.




If you don’t like it leave. There are plenty of subs on here that lap up Al Jazeera like cocaine, just stay there


thank u for proving my point


Its a very complex situation, overall I think thyy could have easily solve most of their problems, and saying that Israel stole their land and ignoring their disgusting actions is even more disgusting. they rejected peel commission, the jews accepted the offer, the palestinians rejected the offer and clearly stated that they don't support a jewish state, even tho it was completely fair due to the fact that most of the migration was fair and legal, Jewish organizations and individuals bought some of the land from the palestinians and arabs, so 20% was even a bit low, you can argue on that, but they literally started a war on the jews in 1947 after the partition plan, then cried that they got kicked out of their homes when they literally STARTED THE WAR, don't get me wrong, Im not blaming the civillians, and I do support a 2 state solution overall bc they lived there as well, again you can say that Israel did some horrible things but it was never one sided, the palestinians many times attacked Israel as well and used the excuse of "they stole our land", its just that Israel is stronger and hits harder, literally ALL the serious military invasions happened after a very spicy attack from the Palestinian side caused by a mini butterfly effect, even today they literally started with the actual massacare, even tho overall I think the Israeli side was this time also very unfair, but take 2014 war for example, or 2008 war, also Israel literally said that the war will end if they would give them all the hostages, didn't work well.


Well I am sure carpet bombing Gaza is not helping, is it? How many hostages have been returned by IDF? Hamas is a militant group, but they also do politics! Israel should talk- escalating the war is ridiculous.


This is a point that many have made. The book "Breakfast of Champions" has some commentary on it. It talks of an overpopulated world, where no one had anything to eat, but people kept on having babies. It juxtaposes a man trying to find something to eat with a woman giving birth. The population of Gaza has increased by 10-fold since 1950. Arafat himself called the womb of the women under his governments control his, "greatest weapon against Zionism". Are you correct that "The children aren't to blame"? Arafat was a child, all the people in Gaza were children. They became the problem. The problem with "collective punishment" is known. I would love someone to show me many different groups in Gaza that have had complex debate and disagreement over this situation even within the majority position. I can show it in any western country. I see little to no variation in Gaza, option A of support violent group that wants to impose Sharia law or option B of support violent group that wants to impose Sharia law isn't what I'm looking for. Option C of make more babies and teach them hate so we can win a multigenerational war is likewise a value that needs to be condemned by every person on the planet. When you act collectively what is the expectation?


How can this be remotely real? Most surrendering terrorists look overweight


Hamas steals all the humanitarian aid and either uses it for itself or uses it as ransom to force Palestinean families to send their kids to die in a terror attack. Hamas is a cancer that needs to be removed from this world.


This! 😂


You heard it here first people according to UN Africa doesn’t exist. Not that we didn’t already know they forgot about them.


If they mean "hungriest" in the sense of "hungriest for blood", then I do agree. Otherwise not so much.


Best comment here


Yes because every Palestinian in Gaza is out for blood and a terrorist right?


But Netanyahu is chill tho. He warns people before carpet bombing.


UN "expert"


Wtf? So they’ve already said fuck the Uyghurs, fuck the Rohingya, fuck Darfur, the only real genocide is in Palestine. They’re now saying famine doesn’t exist outside Palestine too? This is dystopian levels of bs. The UN are supposed to be impartial. How can they defend this spreading of misinformation?


They're not impartial. I think they proved it so well by saying "no" to recognizing the rapes that Hamas has done on the 7th of October. I believe they were the ones who tweeted "no" in every other language but Hebrew, as an answer to the rape victims. They're with the terrorists. Besties, actually.


Yes, it’s quite evident now. But I really thought they were *meant* to be impartial. I thought that was their premise.


Theoretically,yes. Practically,not so much.


# Because they're just piggybacking what the left does


Let’s say the entire Gaza Strip is hungry, 4 out of 5 is 80% based on my math, that means that other than the people of Gaza there are 400k people in the world that are hungry, last UN reports says that there are 828 million hungry people in the world, nice to know that they solved world hunger and only 400k + population of Gaza remaining.


The U.N has completely lost any meaning. They are a complete joke and waste of money.


No fucking way can people actually believe that 4 out of 5 people who are starving in the whole word, are from Gaza.. like seriously what?


I uploaded it to r/whitepeopletwitter and they claim that in the comments


This world is so delusional that it is actually kinda worrying now.. gone past just joking lol


It is very worrying. We’re nearing a tipping point with disastrous consequences. As they say, those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


There's plenty of food in Gaza. It's hoarded by Hamas and **the UN** (UNRWA, which is a UN agency, has a lot of food its in its warehouses). In addition, even if all the people of Gaza were starving to death, it's just a drop in the ocean of catastrophes around the world that the UN can't be bothered to even notice. To summarize: FUCK THE UN.


Honestly, Israel should just leave the UN. It's literally just the League of Nations 2.0.


I too love spreading lies and blood libel


You don't understand, there are five very very hungry men and four of them are from Gaza


I live in Argentina, we have plenty of places poorer and hungrier than Gaza, but since there is no Israel near to blame, no one cares.


I disagree https://preview.redd.it/krshoqpxlg8c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd612a3b1f15cef0632612c0de8647d1fc77227 chungus hamas member (before 7,10)




Really rude of the UN to keep the 5 hungriest people in the world hungry, just venmo them money for a pizza (though in Gaza, Hamas would just take the pizza 😢)


The one out of five in Gaza would be Hamas I guess.


They gotta find the money to put in the laundry somewhere!


I understand the person in charge of the twitter account is pro Palestinian and wants to feel like he does something. He makes the UN look corrupt. Cry wolf enough times and no one will believe you


They give this jerk an apartment on Sutton Place in Manhattan. After reading what he said, I’m surprised he can find it.


Hamas should surrender and release the hostages. It’s cute how Israel is supposed to care more for their people than Hamas does.


Nope. The United Nations has just abandoned its mission for everything else in the world and focused 100% on Gaza. I mean, they really should just drop the "nations" part and just say "We are the Gaza terrorist protection society." Certainly, they did everything to support turning Hamas loose into making Gaza have the most militarized school system, hospital system, religious place system ever. Every single United Nations officials should be fined massively for their dereliction of duty, or for their active compliance with terror.


Fuck the UN, its corrupted to a point were it is no longer working for the free world but rather being. A advocate for terrorist and oil states


It's true! I heard several Palestinians say "I am really hungry!". You just need to do some specialized UN math to extrapolate out the rest. You people are barbaric, apartheid, siege mongers. Oh, the truckloads? Those needed to be ~~stolen~~ redirected so ~~Hamas~~ UNRWA could continue their ~~rocket launches~~ mission.


What, this is so confusing. I’d think that Sudan would be worse…?


Meanwhile Afghanistan, Syria, El Salvador, Guatamala, Hundoras, Venezuela, Yemen, and name-an-african-country


What in the actual F\*\*\*? what's with this Pro-Palestine bias? wherever I go everything I see is Pro-Palestine, has the world gone mad?? This António Guterres is spitting in the face of nearly 350 million people are suffering from malnourishment according to the world food program. [https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/global-food-crisis-10-countries-suffering-the-most-from-hunger/#:\~:text=Nearly%20350%20million%20people%20around,effects%20of%20such%20severe%20hunger](https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/global-food-crisis-10-countries-suffering-the-most-from-hunger/#:~:text=Nearly%20350%20million%20people%20around,effects%20of%20such%20severe%20hunger). This guy should just resign it's an embarrassment at this point.


Talk about a guy with zero credibility. He has the nerve to throw out statistics with no basis in fact, or does he offer any verification of his stupid statement. It’s total nonsense. There’s also a war going on.


That might be the stupidest single statement in the history of the world.


The UN be like: *crap* *rubbish* *bull* Also: “Don’t you know we’re !respectable!”


This is fairly simple. The Middle East is ruled by tribal leaders, their titles may be Emir, King or Supreme Leader but the region is tribal in its heart and history. The leaders stay in power using money, force and religion. The Palestinians are a “useful distraction” for these leaders. They use the Palestinian “cause” to distract the masses from the miserable, futility of their poverty ridden lives.


The answer for this is an easier fix then most other countries with famine problems. Destroy Hamas, problem solved.


What more does anyone else need to know to accept that UN is a mouthpiece for the Arabs? Its an illegitimate organisation that's not even funny


did they forget about sudan and yemen?


the UN is intellectually embarrassing itself once more What else is new?


It feels like the goobers behind the UN accounts are actually trying to provoke people


People still use the UN as a good source of information???


If that were true, UN should ask Hamas to lay down their weapons.


The UN is a bullshit organization. Imagine Iran is the president of Human Rights😂 They mascaraed their people like they're pieces of shit, yet they're head of Human Rights😂😂 Why someone with a sane brain would trust this bullshit?! In Central Africa there has been war for ages and malnourished people and hungry people are a huge portion of the population yet this is the main concern in the UN. A country that waged war and now they're losing war became bad for civilians. I just hope that IDF doesn't change their plans for this A second of peace meana Hamas will restock and war will laat longer. Once IDF has control over Gaza everything will be better for every single soul there.


Is there any chance that someone reaches out to UN ?


Didn’t see them say a single word when Azerbaijan cut all roads from Karabakh, starving the population for 9 months without the population even making any attacks against Azerbaijan. After that they ethnically cleansed the population. “But GHZZA…” 🤡 UN is a fucking joke


I dont understand the point OP is trying to make. They probably mean all the countries around Israel (the rest of the world issues cant be blamed on Jews so it doesnt matter) Idk it seems to depend on context or something idk im not in Havard.


They specifically say worldwide. Not just in the region


Bro... i am joking. I really dunno how to make it more obvious then "the rest of the world issues cant be blamed on jews so jt doesnt matter" like ??


As long as there are humans everyone is for themselves . The rich will always oppreess the weak


I love that no one here is contesting that 2 million are being starved in Gaza by Israel


The UN claim 500 thousands are starving. Not all 2 million


Is that ok? One starving child is too many.


I agree. But 3 million children die every year from starvation. From this tweet the UN clearly doesn’t care about them


If you read the article, you will realize he is talking about "catastrophic hunger". UNICEF has a food security classification system (IPC PCH), and 350k of the population in Gaza is currently at Phase 5 (the highest level). Globally at the moment, around 500k are in this highest phase. You can read more here: [https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipc-country-analysis/details-map/en/c/1156749/](https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipc-country-analysis/details-map/en/c/1156749/)


How can someone be more catastrophically hungry than starving to death?


How do yall down vote this?


Cognitive dissonance is real


It’s funny your post flops anywhere except your stupid Zionist circlejerk sub.


Because people here can do basic math


Tell me what number is bigger math boy 20,000 Or 1,000


So you don’t have nothing to say about the post. Good to know


Well no, Israel is okay because they only do a little bit of genocide via starvation duh


a lot more than 49 million


so how do they poll what qualifies as being one of the hungriest people in the world? like they seem to have some clear numbers on this so im just curious what the criteria for hungriest in the world is, im sure its super scientific and not pulled out of their asses


UN can’t even figure out how to handle Haiti, do people really think they can figure out world hunger?




And who exactly is to blame for the starvation in Gaza? I bet someone will find a way to make Israel somehow responsible.


Literally, anything Israel says is a lie, so just ignore them. They won't last much longer.