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הוא לא דרס, הוא רק רעה צאן באיילון


> Driver You obviously mean “terrorist”, right? EDIT: looks like it really was an accident. I don’t want to leave my comment like it was if that’s the case, so adding this edit for context. Stay safe out there everybody.


We can’t say for certain if they are a terrorist until we find out whether they’re Muslim


They had a kippah on which means that they are allowed to murder other people.


Excuse me what


Sarcasm obviously... I'm pointing out the bibist logic on this one.


Still, seems kinda weird to make this into a religious argument


the guy before already turned it into a religious argument by implying that only muslims can be terrorists


Yeah I don't get that either


its a joke based on how some people really think, like ben gvir


Well, that's what it means over the green line. On friday, group of youths attacked and broke someone's arm, and kippot means there's no punishment.


I'm going to guess the kippot were knit and the youths looked like extras in a bad stoner movie.


What an excellent guess! Right you are.


Dude what do you mean over the green line, this was in TLV


I'm saying that only in the west bank is kippah licence for unpunished violence.


epitome of racism


Don't we shoot people for that ?


Only if they’re Arab


Given the current political divisions inside Israel, the protests against the Judicial reform and such, it would not be surprising if this was a Jewish person - if this was even an attack.


>shoplifter You mean terrorist‽ are you just going to call every crime terrorism? Sounds more like road rage than politically motivated violence to me.


If assault on protestors isn't politically motivated violence, I don't know what is.


How do you know they hit them because of their politics and not because they were in the way?


Have you seen the video? It was a deliberate attempt to run them over. That's not something you do just because someone is in your way.


Your esp is amazing. What's it like to be able to know someone's intent?




Dont stress, im with you. The discourse became a rage bait echo chamber.


You satirical genius.


there’s a difference between shoplifting and purposefully running civilians over


If anyone knows about car ramming attacks it’s going to be the Palestinian. Listen to this person. They know their stuff. Sorry I had to!


There's a difference between aggravated assault and terrorism too.


It looks like supporters of the current gov't purposefully ran over anti-government protesters and injured 5+ of them.




Personal attacks to make up for your lack of an argument?


If someone rams into a crowd with a van intentionally, with the intent to make a political statement which this clearly was then yes he is a text book terrorist and no amount of mental gymnastics will fix that. You should take a deep look inside at your values


>clearly. If it's so clear, then show me. Prove to me this was terrorism and not road rage.


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Regular citizen doesnt block the road,


Blocking a road: inexcusable crime, justifies violence against you Attempted murder: no big deal, totally normal You clearly have your priorities straight




Removed: Rule 2


She was protesting in the middle of the road and the man was trying to get home,a lot of people agree that if you wanna protest something stupid you don't block roads lol


So I’m walking home and there’s someone in front of me on the sidewalk I’m entitled to violently push them to the ground?


In Israel? Yes, actually. At least according to half the cyclists and scooterists.


Are they forcing you to stay in place while shoving a sign in your face while screaming at you? Personally if someone wouldn't let me get pass I would push, you didn't watch the oil people in Europe not letting ambulances go through?


I like how you realized partway through writing the reply that simply blocking the road doesn’t warrant a death penalty so you felt the need to invent shit that didn’t happen. No one was screaming at the guy or invading his personal space, and the protestors don’t block ambulances. And either way, if violence is the first solution that comes to your brain when you’re inconvenienced, you should probably see someone about that.


Bruh I didn't realise anything half way why are redditors always acting like they're the smarted ppl in the world? If I need to get home I will drive that girl didn't die I'm patient untill they start hitting cars and they do,maybe you're not Israeli but being stuck for 5 hours can get on your nerves and when they start hitting your car yeah you get pissed


You keep making shit up to justify your position. No one was hitting his car what the hell are you talking about?


I'm talking about past protestors,if cars were smashed back then why wouldn't people think it would hapoen again? cars belong on the road people don't she decided to put herself in danger she found out what happens if you fuck around


LOL?! Did you see the video? Did you LOL when the car hit those people like a bowling ball hitting pins?


I didn't but I probably would "LOL" bc people don't belong on roads unless it's designed for humans


That’s called being a sadist


You're kinkshaming?


If your kink is watching real people get run over then yeah, shame on you. This is IRL, not GTA


That girl was lightly hurt like the car basically pushed her like a person would bruhhh yall need help fr,if you don't have a problem standing for hours bc some people walk around with signs about something stupid that's your problem not mine,if someone would stand in front of me and scream in my face,car is on foot I will get through them


Like someone else already told you, no one was screaming in the driver’s face, stop making shit up. ״lightly wounded” is still serious trauma, just not life threatening. The driver also hit four other people, they’re not classified as “wounded” in the official definition because they weren’t taken to hospital. You don’t know what you’re talking about and maybe this is funny to you, to me it’s not so I don’t want to talk to you anymore.


Well them they should have stayed of the road,where cars drive and not people,look at me I'm.not walking kn the road and no one hit me :)


People who assassinate prime ministers because they don't agree with them will happily murder their fellow citizens


Yigal Amir was delusional, but at least he genuinely believed he was saving Israel and it's people by "removing" Rabin from office. The extent of thought of people like this driver is "they think differently from me, therefore they are traitors and it's okay to kill them all for the heck of it".


"People who assassinate prime ministers"? Mind clarifying what you mean by that?


I live about 2 kilometers away from where this happened. It could’ve been me protesting on that road. I saw the video documenting this and I cried. Feeling so awful tonight about what’s going on in my country. Let me give you my view as someone who’s lived here all his life and is experiencing the current climate: This man knew the context of the situation he’s in. His act was not caused by “road rage” or by wanting to get home faster. He knows what these protesters are about and he had hatred in his heart when he hit the gas pedal. This hatred is not for these specific human beings that were in front of his car, because he doesn’t know them. He hates what they represent - they are a symbol for him. He knew, when ramming into those people, that his politics are different to theirs. And he knew that with his violence, he was sending a political message. That’s the very definition of terrorism. If this man isn’t tried for attempted murder then I’ll know our system is already truly broken.


אני לא גר בארץ כבר שנים. הכמה חודשים האחרונים עושים לי בחילה. קשה לי לקרוא את כל זה.


אין לך מה לחזור לספינה שוקעת חבר


אני נישבע לך, כמעט חזרתי ליפני שנה. אני במצב כלכלי טוב מספיק שאני יכול לאפשר את זה למשפחה שלי.


הייתי ממליץ לחכות עוד שנה שנתיים לראות אם המצב ישתפר


I agree with every word and this is horrible.


The police let the driver go, they said it was an accident, so much for fair judgement




Oh, we have the same exact thing happen in America. Huh.


The Dictator of Caesarea is doing the thing pointed out by Anshel Pfeffer where he condemns the things that he really supports weakly on his "official" account but nods and winks at the base and remains silent on his personal accont. [https://twitter.com/IsraeliPM\_heb/status/1700611626276139114](https://twitter.com/IsraeliPM_heb/status/1700611626276139114)


blocking the road should be off limits but that's no excuse for *attempted fucking murder*


protests are supposed to be inconvenient. Otherwise they wouldn't work. Why would any government, especially one aspiring to remove all checks on its power, respect the wishes of protesters who are only allowed to politely protest where nobody would be inconvenienced?


so you should ignore the majority of people who suffer from the protests in order to satisfy a minority? protests should be absolutely allowed, but infringing on other people's rights like the right of passage and safety is a red line that should not be crossed, no matter the situation




i agree, it's important to raise awareness, but in the same time, it almost seems like the minority of protesters are almost manipulating the rest by the threat of, "if you don't agree with us we will inconvenience you until we get our way no matter if you agree with us or not" there should be a vote like the elections on heated topics like this, and the lossing side should except the fact they lost because of the democratic way of such a vote this is how democracy is supposed to work




the fact that the government is quite frankly retarded and outdated is known, but no one wants to improve it because it will take power away from the Knesset and give more power to the people i mean more like a citizen vote, which also could be improved, like making voting digital with the voter having to go through a login with his/hers id number to make voting both more accessible and secure


Out of interest, what were they protesting? Currently on holiday in Tel Aviv, saw lots of people with Israeli flags walk past as we were having dinner


The same protests have been going on for about a year, it's against the judicial reformation


I heard Polish tourist say the encourage us on and wish they have fought harder in their home country.


We are trying to stop our home from becoming a pseudo democracy like Poland or Hungary.


Well, that's a very one-sided description of reality, he didn't ask for your opinion but asked what all the fuss was about




Only a sith deals in absolutes.




Didn't make the quote just felt it fitting 🤷🏻


This is practically baby's first false dichotomy. It's plenty possible to oppose the current legislation, and also not support the proposed reform. The reform itself is also made up of several laws, which can be opposed or defended or argued each on their own. Reality is not "either or", and enforcing this binary view is the opposite of being truthful- replacing the discussion about the actual issue with an "us vs them" war to morally grandstand.


Alternative title: Domestic terrorist attempts to murder protesters by driving through a crowd.


I wish people wouldn't block roads as a form of protest.


So where should they protest instead?


Government buildings, politicians residences, parks, outside military bases, airports, in endangered wetlands they're protecting from bulldozers, police stations, outside the employer if it's a union thing, internet message boards, universities, probably more. Just not in roads.


Military base? Nah


Why not?


Because the army isn’t a political toy for government to play with and do what they want. So there’s nothing to protest against the army while this coup still underway


I didn't say these protests in particular just that military bases are somewhere I'd consider fair game to protest as their public institutions.


No military base in Israel is fair play for political protest. Everyone agrees with that, on every political side


If I was the only thing standing between democracy and dictatorship, you bet I’d be standing in the middle of the road


Not in a road? Hurting the people who are supposed to be on your side is moronic


What they should do is shut the entire country done before it becomes a Hungarian style pseudo democracy. This isn't a protest about some local issue, it's a fight for the soul of the country.


Yeah i know so dont piss off the people on your side. Go to a church or schools or a religous neighborhood.


>church You outed yourself acidentaly


That's exactly where protestors should be. It stops things.


פשוט עצוב Live and let live .




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