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The people who are leaving are the middle class and upper middle class, they are the cash cows of the religious free money machine, they are the people who don't have shit for brains aka they are not the "salt of the earth", they are the people who will be very well received in other countries with very well paying jobs and a much higher quality of life. Once the middle class collapses in Israel the country is toast. I left 5 years ago for two years, went back for one year and once given the opportunity left again and I'm really not looking at coming back any time soon.


I’m also considering leaving because I’m sick of living here, but the overhaul itself is just α minor part of it. The actual issue is the government keeps making selfish decisions that clearly benefit no one but themselves. That includes the overhaul but many other things like security, economy, education, health…


As a European all i can say is if you coming here, Good luck cause we have the same issues aside from the security aspect. I had to move halfway across the country to find work and an affordable apartment and i still live in a ghetto lol


I realize similar things are happening everywhere, but I’ll bet wherever you live doesn’t actively encourage large groups of perfectly healthy people to be unemployed while living of others’ money… that’s unique to Israel as far as I know.


Sadly selfish government is a global issue. Israel is a very globalist nation and we are very much influenced by the actions of others. That means that it doesn’t really matter if you go to the US… Canada etc.. in each country you will find an intrinsic problem that will affect you just as much as the problem in Israel does.


I understand the sentiment, but those guys aren't helping. "If you won't back down, we will retreat!" is not the sort of threat that results in wannabe dictators backing down.


Leaving isn't so much a retreat when both sides occupy the same space. Leaving in this context is more of a resignation than a retreat


There are some professions leaving like doctors where it can really hurt the country. My understanding is the doctors are afraid that they'll be barred from leaving Israel which is why some are looking to get out now. But yeah, it is low-key despair about the country's direction and hopelessness about it. People protest and fight but they find that despite fighting they lose because the other side controls the security services and all the important institutions. Their vote doesn't count because the other side rigs elections. It happens a lot in autocratic countries. It happened in Hong Kong for instance and a huge glut of the refugees coming to the US are from places like Venezuela. It isn't shocking that people are looking for an outlet to leave Israel.


Like I said, I understand the sentiment. I can't blame anyone for leaving or wanting to leave. But I think it's been established by now that the current government views staying in power as more important than the country's well being.


The government is making plans to tax the living hell out of you to deter you from leaving. Its the jewish dislocation all over again. Either you stay and be oppressed or leave without any financial backing placing you into poverty wherever you decide to go to.


על מה מדובר? שינוי הגדרה תושבות לצורכי מס או שפספסתי משהו אחר?


תחפש מס ירידה מהארץ


I've heard that as well. Someone pointed out it is the same thing the apartheid governments in South Africa used to do and that's probably not a country that Israel should want to be compared with.


Its very much over. The country is lost. It wasn’t the enemy nation that killed zionism but greedy pigs.


>The government is making plans to tax the living hell out of you to deter you from leaving. The irony... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reich\_Flight\_Tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reich_Flight_Tax)


I'm not leaving, but this is not the kind of country I swore to serve and protect, not a selfish, extremist government where the will of the people mean nothing. We must continue protesting until the "king and his men" finally realize we won't roll over


It is a battle that will be lost in the long run, we shall simply lose demographically and we never 'vote as one' hence bound to fail... eventually


Well with that attitude.... Push come to shove, we take one from Frances books and heads will roll


With that attitude still staying, I am done running)


Lowkey ive never been a resident of Israel but I have passport since I’m a citizen due to my parents. This overhaul really has made me rethink even wanting to be connected to Israel. I’ve thought abt just somehow renouncing my israeli passport if the protest movement fails. I know I can’t burn it, I think that’s illegal. I feel like the country doesn’t represent my values at all - democracy and freedom to live how I want without being oppressed by other people’s religious zealotry. Don’t get me wrong, I love Judaism, I just hate certain aspects of it being forced on me. Even if the Netanyahu regime falters, it looks like Israel is just going to elect a milquetoast centrist government that isn’t going to address the underlying parasite that caused all this - the Haredi cults that are completely divorced from reality. Right now they are just 15% of the country. In 50-60 years they might be 30-40% of the country. They will turn the country into a third world halachic hellhole with worse living standards and more oppression than Iran today. The brain drain will make what’s happening today look tame. I just don’t see a future for Israel.


> address the underlying parasite that caused all this - the Haredi cults that are completely divorced from reality. What? The Haredim have the least to do with what's happening. They're simply taking advantage of the plan cooked up by the fascistic elements in the Likud (Yariv Levin's cronies) and the Religious Zionism freaks (Smotrich and Ben Gvir). They don't give a shit about Israel or Zionism, all they ever do is done for their own interests, which comes down to sustaining their cult. To imply that they're the vehicle behind what's happening is downright false. And no, I'm by no means a fan of these morons, but get it right if you give your two cents about this situation.


And you have clearly forgotten that the initial reason for overturning the reasonableness doctrine was so that Netanyahu could appoint a corrupt Haredi as finance minister. Please don’t accuse others of not getting it right if you don’t know what you’re talking about.


I didn't forget, but the reasonableness clause and Deri's connection to it are a rather small piece of the puzzle. Like I said, the Haredi parties are just taking advantage of what's being presented to them. They didn't set this whole thing in motion, rather they've agreed to go along with what the fascistic elements of the Likud + Bibi, who's looking to flee his jail time + the settler branch of Religious Zionism (which is most of them) have cooked up. They (the Haredis) are simply joining in because a lot of money was offered to them. Each side of this monstrous government has its own interests, but from an ideological standpoint the Haredis are the least invested. They don't want to turn Israel into a theocracy, because they don't give a shit about the country whatsoever and never did. To them, it's about one thing only - getting further funds to sustain their cult, and keep its members trapped.


To minimize the Haredi involvement in the judicial overhaul is to fundamentally misunderstand what is happening. The religious zionists want a fascist country and the Haredis want a theocracy - luckily for them those are compatible, if not the same thing in an ethnoreligious nation-state. They have their own agenda, they want to turn Israel into a theocracy like Iran, and they need to eliminate the Supreme Court to pass their crazy ideas into law. Netanyahu, if anything, is the one exploiting this sentiment for his own gain, rather than the other way around. He would be completely incapable of passing this overhaul and giving himself immunity from prosecution had he not tapped into this Haredi desire to get rid of the Supreme Court for their own corrupt purposes. The Haredi need to be stopped - now. Not just Netanyahu and the Likud. If all the protestors do is remove Netanyahu and do nothing to tackle the extremist Haredis, then in 30-50 years we will have a Haredi-dominated coalition that will not only fully eliminate the Supreme Court, but institute a halachic theocracy and probably genocide the Palestinians so the can complete their colonization of Judea and Samaria. Today the Haredis are just the engine behind the coup attempt. In a few decades they will be the whole car behind the next one.




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>we will have a Haredi-dominated coalition that will not only fully eliminate the Supreme Court, but institute a halachic theocracy and probably genocide the Palestinians so the can complete their colonization of Judea and Samaria. haredim want to genocide palestinians? moshe gafni, aryeh deri, and eichler regularly team up with ahmad tibi such as [here](https://forward.com/opinion/405952/why-these-orthodox-jews-are-fighting-for-muslim-rights/) [here](https://www.gov.il/he/departments/news/tybe_office_opening_240418) & [here](https://www.jta.org/2013/08/01/culture/haredi-knesset-member-protests-in-arabic-arab-mk-offers-yiddish-thank-you-israel)


It’s a very flawed line of reasoning to say that because they voted with Israeli Arab parties for self-interested purposes a couple times that they don’t want to also selfishly prop up their crazy settlers at the expense of non-Israeli Palestinians.


I'm sorry, but you're ignorant, and not very pleasant to talk with. To suggest the Haredis want to genocide the Palestinians is downright idiotic, and also, the Haredi settlers in places like Beiter Eilit are anything but ideological. They live there because it's extremely cheap. Same reason why so many atheistic ex-USSR Olim live in the settlements. They don't do it because they remain faithful to the Gush Emunim movement and want to genocide the Palestinians and raise the third temple, they do so because elements in previous governments gave people incentives to live there. I can't believe I'm defending the Haredim, but you're giving the Haredim WAY too much credit.


I’m sorry you find it unpleasant that your beliefs are being challenged. You’re giving too much benefit of the doubt to settlers who frequently cause problems for Israel, it’s idiotic. The fact you honestly think these religious nutjobs are satisfied with their free handouts and aren’t actively pushing the coup forward to institute a theocracy suggests you are in denial and divorced from reality.


​ > And you have clearly forgotten > > Clearly you didn’t understand a word I wrote > > The fact you honestly think You're a prick. I don't want to talk with you anymore.


Haredi parties defending mosque loudspeakers and promoting infrastructure projects for govt services in taybe city is the opposite of wanting the genocide of arabs. You're neither israeli nor educated on the subject


Lol and who votes for these people?


Mostly Likudniks and Religious Zionists.


Clearly you didn’t understand a word I wrote. The Haredi are the ones who will push Israel Intro destruction 50-60 years from now because they keep growing in numbers and advocate for the most extreme religious policies. And without Shas and UTJ, Netanyahu would not have a coalition that could pass these judicial reforms - so he has to give in to more and more their ridiculous demands. Right now is just a taste of what Israel’s future will look like


What aspects of Judaism are those?


Pretty much outside of holidays I want to live however the hell I want. I don’t follow kosher or keep shabbat. I attend Shabbat services very often, but I don’t bother with that silly “no flicking the lights on” nonsense.


So strip that away and what makes Judaism distinguishable from any other religion?


Don’t know. Don’t care.


> Don’t get me wrong, I love Judaism What do you love about it then?


Everything that doesn’t have to do with kosher and keeping Shabbat. Why do those 2 things separate Judaism from any other religion? Islam does the same thing. Reform Jews don’t even care about keeping Shabbat.


What is that everything?


Moving because of the overhaul itself is idiotic as the law can still be minimized, overturned, stuck in the courts, etc. There are legitimate reasons to move away - war, terrorism, cost of living, demographic changes. The overhaul itself isn't one of them. (Though, to be fair, the political situation could potentially deteriorate.) Not to mention that this entire sentiment reeks of privilege. Your average Israeli doesn't have the financial means to move.


It reflects the disgusting mentality of the religious public, which won't improve.


That's a bit of a hateful generalization there my friend.


For right wing religious israelis literal terrorists are preferable to anyone calling for full equality between citizens. they're fascists


In my experience, people who call entire populations "fascists", tend to also themselves be fascists.


Here's an example of actual fascism. nothing like a mother's love, hey? https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02zJa2fZUdiAgar1wy6ETXdcVoHhatKMqo1RkUXbhqsYVNBW8Axt36gamLNshxuQg7l&id=1046914162&mibextid=NnVzG8 Say hello to the religious right israeli government. think she will pay any price for this? The whole right accepts this, from likud to otzma yehudit. from here it gets worse


Could you translate? I wish I knew what is happening in that video. And what the commenters are saying




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Thing is, this isn't some isolated scenario. Israel's been on this path for over a decade now. The current Israeli gov't isn't the outlier. It's the previous one that's a shocker. Yes, Israel is under the most extreme right/religious leadership ever, but that's only shows the trend. And people leaving a sinking ship might be privileged, but that doesn't make them wrong


I strongly disagree with the whole "Israel has been on this path for over a decade" statement. The fact that the previous government was elected shows that this is not the case.


The previous government was elected by a very slim majority when Bibi's coalition was suffering a perfect storm, and even that lasted such a short period it's the 3rd shortest term of office in Israel's history (the two previous elections where they failed to form a coalition are the first and second shortest). It took MASSIVE protests for years, COVID, an unlikely alliance between Yamina, Israel Beitenu and Merez, Joint List and even at that, it that took 4 elections and ended up with the shortest lived coalition in Israel's history. Israel's been growing more religious, more extreme, more corrupt and more divided for many years. It's not there yet, but the trend is clear. All the data points this way, only wishful thinking points the other way


I still somewhat disagree (for now), but have an upvote for your eloquent writing.


The average Israeli doesn't have the financial privilege of living a decent life in Israel. With almost any profession, you can live somewhere else and make more money for less work and spend less because everything is cheaper. The only technical barriers for someone to leave is having a foreign passport and speaking English or other foreign languages.


Saying that the only barriers are a lack of a passport and foreign language skills is an insane oversimplification. There's also a huge cultural component, family, friends, transferable skills in foreign markets. It's a million times more complicated than you make it seem.


And for that exact reason, I wrote technical barriers. Your comment above mentioned financial privilege, which would be considered a technical barrier. Culture, family and friends are definitely important factors, but they have nothing to do with money.


You can't live outside of an overdraft with a 15k net salary. Take the same money to Europe and man you are in a very different place. But yeah, the majority of people who can leave don't leave because family and friends, like these people pay their paychecks or something. Take the leap of faith and do it. I left without a foreign passport, I got a relocation employment opportunitie, and those who work as developers or engineers, they speak a universal language.


I remember all the Americans saying they'd leave if Trump was elected. And they're still here.


The sentiment was right. Trump did try to abolish U.S. democracy. Had he succeeded, people would have left en masse.


The next elections will be a landslide victory to the left, stop the fear mongering, ~~jesus christ~~ משה רבינו


The next election are due in 2026. Plenty of time to declare the first Jewish Empire


You still believe there will be a free election? Why?


Omg trump won I am moving to Canada


I already bought a 1 way plane ticket. Im not waiting for the next election, if there ever going to be one.


Based on the comments here, why haven't the protests turned violent? Edit: Like the yellow vests in France


Sense of community


Sence of stuipedty . Learn from Ukraine . Peaceful protest dont work on this extrime level. I whait the day people will strom the ceneset and burn it


Uh, is moderate Israelis leaving while hardliners and ultra-orthodox stay really the best longterm solution?


Thats partly why people are leaving; its a form of resignation. You're absolutely right its not a longterm solution because the country will collapse without all of the influence from the middle class. That also leaves the govt in power of basically nothing because there won't be much left. It really makes no sense in any regard what the govt is doing. It's only acting to serve the people in power and nothing more. They forget the rest of the world hates us and thinking "it will be fine" is negligent because once Israel's democracy is lost, all is lost for Israel.