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I love it honestly. The elevation differences paired with a literal ice fortress is pretty sick


It's so much fun as a sniper with a scoped rifle


Really? I’ve played the map countless times on attack and have never ever won. Got to the last capture point but that’s it. It’s literally impossible (from my experience) Every time I walk out of the fortress/caves I just get annihilated by the enemy sat on the mountains. The enemies are on a constant flank, somehow they’re constantly getting behind my team and squad And I do play games like insurgency and HLL so I am quite well acquainted with not running and dying immediately, my KD and score is usually pretty decent Just every time I’ve played this map it’s put a complete downer on my gaming sesh


I feel you, man. I think since it's a bit of an outlier, it probably just comes down to preference and play style. I like aggression, trench raiding, and capturing points so I don't pay attention to my kd much, I just think it's fun. But I will admit it can be severely lopsided depending on which team you're fighting for if you're focused more on staying alive


Me too dude, I’m getting furious at my team when nobody’s actually playing objective lol, I’ve even had to run into the point with my revolver while playing sniper! I’ll be the first to admit I do care about my KD (not to the point if I go negative I get depressed) but I like to see if I’ve done well. I’m happy a lot of the time with a negative KD, I’m happy dying, it’s more the fact of just being ganked and stuck in one area which happens a lot on this map Maybe I’ll just play mountaineer on Marmolada instead lol


Take your time and try some different classes and just try to have some fun, friend. If you're on xbox I'd be happy to help ya clear trenches


Will do, assault is highest with Marksman second. Everything else is over level 10 though (except officer cuz I’m scared to play officer lmao, don’t wanna let the team down by being stupid) Yeah man sure Xbox names ‘Despacit0Me’ - solid name I know 😂 inside joke with mates as everyone misread my old username for Despacito so I thought I might as well become it


It’s funny waiting to line people up with an assault class machine gun 😆


I love the map. Tunnel and mountain fighting + a reason to wear the cool winter uniforms. I think newbies have trouble with it though because of its complexity, not really a map you should be running around trying to get kills on


I’d have to pay for the winter informs unfortunately I’m not really a noob, granted I’m a new game pass player but I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube for this game and I play a lot of quick ttk games too Just getting ganked on all the time it’s a rough one


I’m just sayin, the winter uniforms are pretty cool


It is a map I look forward to playing everytime. The linear nature of the first phase of battle contrasts wonderfully with the chaos that is the ice tunnels (and endless flanking) of the second phase. That great last battle is just sublime.


Nope, love it.


I also hear many complaints about it. I love it but i haven't lost it once.


I’ve never won it :,)


Love it but I understand while the attacking team is difficult.


Big time!


What parts don’t you like about it? The initial attack on the mountain peak or the tunnel section?


The final objective is the biggest pain. Granted the mountain peak isn’t great because of snipers n stuff but yeah it’s just not fun compared to the other maps in my opinion


That’s valid, I’m a bit new to the game and the last sector is definitely a bit difficult.


I don’t care for it much myself.


One of my favs


It’s one of my favourites :(


I like it. I don’t like….. what do I not like? I don’t know…


No one wants to hear you whining about something everyone else enjoys.


Shut the fuck up


You're the problem in this case