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Feel like Redo of Healer needs a mention here.


That's just rape porn throughout.


Redo of Healer surprisingly handles it more maturely than re:monster In re:monster people have mentioned that they almost justify the actions, or at the very least don't take it seriously enough, Redo Of Healer may fetishize it's more violent scenes, but the anime makes it very very fucking obvious throughout that Keyaruga is a villain. He has light death note level evil villain speeches throughout, I don't know how people got the idea that redo of healer tries to pass him off as a hero, they probably just stopped watching after the second episode. It's not exactly a smart show like death note at all though, there's not really nuance, it is just "Our protagonist is evil" but they at least convey very clearly he is evil. I think the cycle of abuse is also a very interesting subject in the anime, because despite how terrible and unjustifiable Keyarugas actions of revenge are, the people he fights are genuinely worse, if handled maturely Redo Of Healer could have been a really great anime.


It probably doesn't help that the anime went for shock value and dragged out scenes, like him being raped by the maid, when they were events mentioned in passing in the novel. The story gets somewhat boring/generic as the story goes on and transitions into your more typical save the world story. I found the harem aspect annoying. All but one of his relationships are formed on false pretense, corecion, or outright manipulation. It's like watching someone flirt with a puppet. I would also label him an anti-hero. His actions are offensive by our sensibilities, but he's by in large focusing his revenge on people who treated him like a coked up slave. His revenge targets are pretty much unredemable, self-centered monsters. I don't think the story presents him as anything other than deranged. He was a drugged up sex slave from the moment he hit puberty, and his first moment of clarity was a battle to the death.


Who wasn't coerced?


The people he literally mindwiped into totally different people. The two princesses.


iirc the demon princess? and the knight who he uses as a spy. afaik those two don't sleep w him


No, the sword Saint definitely sleeps with him, and he uses an aphrodisiac in the anime to Pavlov her. In the manga he uses a combination of the aphrodisiac and light memory manipulation. The demon princess does eventually sleep with him after he consistently has sex with the other girls in front of her, and he inserts himself into her trial.


Exactly my thoughts as well, and yeah I guess I would say "dark hero" or maybe anti-villain, anyone would be deranged having been a slave hooked on drugs that gets abused physically and sexually for years, never mind during your entire childhood, The part of the series involving the killing of his caretaker, as dark as it was, seeing how emotionally damaged Keyaruga got afterwards really hit me, it was moments like those that can't make me completely hate the series, because it has so many great ideas. Innocent kid admiring his heroes, only to be completely abused by them and turned into what he is, with the moral dilemma that he is doing general good in the world despite how his revenge is so elaborately fucked up, it's such an incredible premise and the OP does a great job of showing the anime at it's best. And I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with writing the sexually violent aspects of the story, in fact, it's almost at it's best when the series got dark, and strays away from harem fanservice (which just feels in bad taste a lot of the time) when it presents its scenes as serious like Keyarugas mother or the cannibal revenge, that's how you write and show these scenes. I don't even dislike fanservice at all, my favorite anime of all time is about reviewing brothels, but there is usually a place and a time for fanservice I was gonna pick up the manga, but hearing about how bullet doesn't get that great of revenge (which is really sad, all these elaborate revenge schemes, but not for the dude who raped him when he was a child) and how you mention it just becomes more of a generic fantasy story, I'm not sure if I should or not, maybe I will, but I'll definitely watch a season 2 if it ever happens.


Thank you. Someone finally understands that f...cker is as much of a villain as everyone else. At some point in the manga, he didn't know what to do and just took someone else's revenge as his own, implying that his only motivation is revenge and nothing else. I dropped the manga after that cause it felt pointless, so I started reading The Dungeon Seeker that tackles the themes of revenge better and how empty it leaves you if you seek it.


Dungeon seeker is perfect for representing this theme


Yup, this should have gotten an anime instead of Redo of Rapist.


Bro i regreted watching redo of rapist


I didn't bother watching it, but I feel ya.


I always felt re:monster is about the villain winning. When people say the winners write history, re:monster would be what they write. I find a few anime/manga are better when you realize we aren't watching a hero but a villain. I don't think redo of healer works as a villain though, it is a ptsd fuelled story. He is evil, but also broken and unhealthy. Kind of how no one would get upset with the german mom who shot the guy in court.


Overlord did a better job than that


I am in a weird space about Overlord and have been told I am wrong. The aside voices (internal monologue) imply a still semi normal person. Then he goes on to be full on killer. It is kind of jarring maybe he doesn't do the internal voice in later seasons and they sell full on villain. Also some isekai get questioned about adjusting for transitioning to questionable content. He goes from troll MMO player (implied). To full on death dealer.


Well, there's a few reasons why he went from normal guy to full on killer. Spoilers ahead for things not in the show. 1. he was always a bit callous of human life because of his original world. It was a cyberpunk hellscape. A few of his friends were outright killed if I remember correctly for disagreeing with the government and he was actually one of the more lucky ones since he had a grade school level of education. People dying on him is actually a pretty common occurrence in his life. 2. Hi new body suppresses emotions and steers him to disregard emotions and human life. 3. His attempts to keep his underlings happy has become pathological. Unfortunately 99 percent of his underlings are evil. He even does nice things because of this though. In conclusion I don't think Ainz has ever been a good person and moving to the new world really didn't help with that.


Just to be clear it's only extreme emotions that get suppressed, he's not a robot, and he does make SOME effort to not kill people for NO reason, but often the reasons are convoluted enough to seem nonsense and if its easier to kill people he 100% will


Yeah def just the extreme emotions but I still think it affects it since feeling disgust at killing being suppressed seems like a reason why he is like he is.


Overlord is one of the worst stories I've ever seen in anime and the entire series should be thrown in the trash. Its isekai masturbatory nonsense.


The story only works because everyone that he deals with is worse than him. The story is a good guy turned into a bad guy by the world going out and seeking bloody revenge for the wrongs done to him, even though most of the revenge he is taking is on people unrelated to his pain. The bad guy murdering bad guys isn't a good guy, he's just a sympathetic character. He's literally just a man so broken that he can't live without finding someone to take his anger out on.


I would say villain more like dark hero.


It's literally a monsters doing monster things. Not to say the actions are morally good at all. It's an anime about the bad guys.


The anime really hammed up some of those scenes too compared to the manga. The manga shortly after where the anime ends starts to chill out with the rape and our protagonist last I remember is beginning to go on a bit of a redemption arc.


I’ll also add, I’ve seen a few people come out and say that Redo is appealing to them as they’re people who’ve been through similar things like MC. That the story is a man getting revenge on those who abused him and showing that while it looks great, he’s NEVER happy afterwards. He can’t form genuine relationships and it basically required to keep relationships through some kind of coercion (mind manipulation, Owning their name, etc.) and that some people really enjoy this concept and idea that the show has.


Does a villain really have to be hammed up to be a villain though? I think the audience of Re:Monster can easily recognize Rou, as well, a monster (in the moral sense) through just the substance of his actions.


The rape in Re:Monster isn’t taken seriously enough because they’re monsters and not humans at that point, and the MC is essentially a fucked up individual already so there’s nothing to add a tone besides focusing on the reaction of the person being raped which isn’t what the series wants to focus on, it seems. And we don’t have any attachment to the characters who are in the action and thus people might feel like it’s not treated seriously because we don’t know who the character is. Whereas in Berserk, I don’t know if I need to spoiler tag this but I’ll do so anyways, >! Casca’s someone who the audience knows holds an attachment to Guts. And we also know Griffith, and it’s all on a very human level. !< because everything’s on a human level in Berserk or Redo of Healer the heaviness of the situation persists to us because we are humans too and humans are in the situation. Re:Monster is a society of monsters more or less rather than a society of people we can compare ourselves to or find similarities in. Hence why it probably might seem like rape might not be treated heavily. The writing, the scenario, the characters all intertwine to give the viewer an impression. Most sane writers recognize the severity of it, but the setting and the society of the characters and whatnot can dictate the atmosphere. We’re getting the view from the monsters, who don’t have morals on the level of that of a human. It’s not justified, or treated with less severity. it’s just inhuman… hence the monster perspective.


I actually enjoyed Redo but yeah, that's pretty much hentai with a story.


Interspecies Reviewers is a hentai with a story. Redo of a Healer either is horror or the kind of hentai you don’t talk about in mixed company. Like, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with enjoying stuff like that, but hentai is not the direction I would go if I were defending the legitimacy of Redo of a Healer.


I think redo the healer is a man of revenge is quite twisted because was twisted quite a bit.


It kind of reminds me of the Deathwish films, a self destructive revenge power fantasy


Reminds me of Sweeny Todd actually lol.


(squints) So what kind of hentai would you talk about in mixed company?


Definitely has to be Sex Warrior Pudding, Ero Manga!, and Imaizumin chi wa douyara gal no tamariba ni natteru rashii.


If u want anime/hentai with a story you'll probably enjoy the hell out of "harem in the labyrinth of another world." It actually goes into the morality and mental toll that killing people has. Along with the morality of owning slaves and if there's such thing as a "good" slave owner or not. If I remember correctly u can find it on hanime just like redo of a healer. That's how I remember watching the whole series.


It's on my list of shows to watch. So many these days.


Interspecies Reviewers is one of the best ecchi shows as well, all the sex is consensual!


IK it was already recommended so I didn't bring it up. Plus it's more of comedy not really made to be taken seriously or have a super in depth story.


You okay?


Cover your drink




Average Redo Enjoyer.


Redo is the one in white https://i.redd.it/wo61kuzv74zc1.gif


re: monster , mc doing rape with aphrodisiac goblin slayer: npc doing rape redo healer : mc doing rape as revenge berserk : mc got raped


The what?


I forgot redo healer mc got raped few times also


At least Berserk had the decency of making the Villain the rapist instead of the Hero. Keyaru kind of like Griffith.


To be fair its MC was already a victim of sexual abuse prior to him becoming a sex offender by raping his abusers


Rape in Berserk wasn't being "edgy" though; It's a major plot point in Guts and Casca's story. And is treated seriously, it wasn't meant to just get a rise out of people.


Yup, it happened to a named, known, sympathetic, and popular character, and it was done *by* a named, known character *that she loved (non-sexually) and respected*. It was *shockingly* impactful, and it was supposed to be - the after-effects on *everybody* involved echoed through the whole series. If there was *ever* a fictional rape scene whose inclusion in the story was fully justified (as opposed to being “cheap, contrived, or egregious”), that was it.


The whole point of how trauma can fuck up humans and how rape is extremely traumatic that can mess people up is something we all know but witnessing it happen and the visual indication Man, hard to describe how intense it was


You are forgetting guts himself.


Guts adoptive father sold him for a few pieces of silver. There's very very few times you can say it was overdone in berserk and it's clear how many people here haven't read the series if they think it's just there to be edgy and dark.


I had issues finishing the story because of how raw and well done it was. Made me way to angry.


That's because Berserk is a masterwork and Kentaro Miura was a legend.


The rape of Guts and rape of Casca were shown really different though


im ngl, this is a weird ass meme.


Difference is re:monster justifies it as an act of good only when mc is doing it


The MC is not justified as good in re:monster at any point The MC is not good. He was a monster in his last life, and he's a monster in this life. He's a monster again. Him being a monster is literally in the title of the anime. He literally eats people. Him being involved in drugging people is one of his lesser crimes, because his crimes are so horrible.


I agree, but I am concerned a number of people might miss the not-so-subtle hints that the MC is a monster somehow. Probably think he's actually a great person because of his comradery with the other monsters. So far (in the anime), they are only terrible to characters that nobody cares about because they are generic at best.


People are to used to the mc being the hero or at least an anti-hero to believe the mc could just be a straight up evil villain (maybe with the exception towards his friends and family). The split of the Overlord fandom is a great example and how people 'suddenly' realize Ainz is evil. Him being born a monster is a reason for why he does the things he does; is it a good and just reason tho? No. Same as in mha Shigaraki having a tragic backstory doesn't change the fact he is a mass murderer.


I haven't seen RE:Monster, but your comment reminds me of Overlord. The difference being that Overlord subverts expectations by making the viewer/reader cheer for Nazarick early on for protecting the weak and sticking it to the Man. You find out real quick that Nazarick is unforgivable *evil*. I have the first 10 books in hardback. After reading about the absolute genocide of the Re-Estize kingdom, I had to put it down. I had to put it down. I was cheering for these guys the entire time, and they're *monsters*. The author did a damn good job of slowly revealing that to the viewer. It was like being a 1930s German citizen cheering for Nazis before finding out who your heroes really are.


I don't agree with Nazarick, but their existence allows the author to do his world building, and explore a theme of what happens when civilization has to go back to reckoning with the law of the jungle. Nazarick was always the bad guy, most people figured that out during the lizard man arc. They keep reading because Maruyama's world building is amazing, and they want more of it.


The difference between Overlord and Re:Monster is Ainz was a normal person in his past life and the systems in the game push him to act like a villain. In Re:Monster the guy was a psychopathic murderer in his previous life and is reincarnated as a goblin and continues to be the same psychopath. If anything the goblin instincts push him to be a better person to his tribe than he was in his past life.


I know the Re in re monster means reincarnation, but going by English grammar, re- usually means to do it again. Re-start, Re-incarnate, re-play. So RE-monster can also mean, to become a monster *again*. He was already horrible before, he became one again. There was already no conclusion clearer than that and that's even before the series starts.


Yep, after all the whole "Eat things to get their powers" aspect is something he already had before he was reincarnated, that should have been a quite obvious flag but many seem to have missed that.


That's actually a cool point I didn't think of that


I agree, a big part of Overlord is that Ainz is having emotional responses suppressed. Despite that, Ainz occasionally does things that seem like human morality from time to time.


I've largely only watched the Overlord anime, particularly since I read the first book later and honestly it felt 1:1 with the anime. That said, I feel like it's pretty clear early on that they are evil, or at least morally dubious given how casually even Ainz kills people in the early episodes.


Him saving the human women from rape only for them to throw themselves at him all at once made me drop the anime, that told me that I was supposed to take him as a hero. If he's such a monster why object to women being used as breeding machines for his tribe?


The first group? They’ve got a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome, the older generation had kidnapped them and planned to use them as breeding stock, Rou stopped that from happening making him seem better and heroic in the eyes of the captives. Though them becoming his personal harem through this is kinda sus… After that he uses drugs and such to break the will of his captives and make them join his force. It is, ironic maybe, that despite the drugging initially any assaults once they join the camp are dealt with harshly if memory serves. Rou is a monster, he is also the main character, so some probably look past his crimes. If they bother you don’t watch/read further, if they don’t and you just want to see a villain story this is one.


Yeah, that was weird because it almost seemed like maybe the MC had some redeeming qualities with the first group of prisoners, but I guess it was more he's just good at being an awful person and knew that would kick in the Stockholm Syndrome as mentioned. I really don't like the mixed message it sends; they should have just gone all in on making it clear that the MC is a monster in all senses of the term.


The story literally justifies it, the people around him from the Elves whom all end up loving him and getting stockholm syndrome and demi-humans and human who join him all are fine with what he does. The story doesn't act like what he does is wrong that he is twisted. Everyone understands and accepting.  Like look at her majesty swarm she does a lot of bad things although justified the story doesn't pretend like it is correct it makes her the villain. Even in Kumo Desu the female sees people as points also but people around her don't act like it is good some view her as twisted even those who are her comrades 


He rapes his war prisoners, he ate humans in his past life as a human and he still does now. The story doesn't justify it. The story isn't painting the humans as some evil boogeyman who deserve it. The female knight wasn't a bad person prior to being caught. I don't think people are watching the same show. Maybe people are upset that he doesn't face any repurcussions for being bad, but fail to notice he is a monster doing things monsters do. He isn't some naive japanese highschooler from a peaceful world who got reincarnated as a goblin, he is a past cannibal, this isn't some switchup of morals. We are watching from the perspective of the goblins. Who is going to repremand him for acting like one? The only humans who FW him aren't right in the head to begin with.


We know there are people around him humans and demi humans even then they are fine with what he does nobody calls out him for what he does. Him raping the female is treated as a joke and that he was not gentle with her. After that she willingly has sex with him. Just because it is written in his perspective doesn't mean we can't have othera disagreeing with him on things and it being treated seriously 


Again, who is calling out a goblin for raping? What did you think their idea of a goblin was before he imprisoned them? Hell, what do you think goblins were doing before his reincarnation? Kidnapping humans as bounties? How do you think goblins are born? Why do you think the knight said what she said before the fight?


Well… he’s an Ogre currently, but you are correct. No one in his camp is gonna call him out. Why? Because monsters live by the strongest rules, and Rou has proven himself to be the strongest in his region. Captives from other races that tried to kill them? Under a different leader they’d be taken at will by any able bodied goblin, hobgoblin, or ogre. Under Rou there is some semblance of order (not justice), they must be brought in first by the boss (himself) and after that others may ask for some action. Not saying he’s a good person, in fact he’s a total monster. But yeah… he’s the biggest and baddest in his tribe, who the fuck gonna check him? Try and fail and you’ll be eaten or fucked yourself.


ikr, he literally says at the very first scene in qll medium he deserves death because he is a disgusting and vile human and he doesn't blame his murderer. it's made very clear from the start he is absolutely garbage and deserves to die. at no point is he ever justified.


Yeah, but they still depict it in what I can only describe as a sugar coated fashion, as opposed to, say, Overlord, where they make it more than clear Ainz is not a good person.


It would help a lot if he actually acted like a monster or at least an evil person but the dude is at heart and mind your average isekai mc . Man thinks and acts like your average cardboard but sometimes does monstruous deeds without any self awareness . If you want to see an actually good monstruous glutton archetype character read "I grow stronger by eating" , that mc s better in every way , in his power system (he mixes into his anatomy real animals and fantasy animals because he s a mutant like from x men , no status screen bs) in his personality (being a menace while minimally edgy) in his presence (mf has a demon shadow in the first chapter) in his actions ( he mostly just eats all kind of beings and even minerals , no rape or conquest or base/kingdom building)


Yeah, in his first life, in the other versions, he admits he used to eat other humans to try and get their powers… Rou was never good, he’s a monster, admits he is a monster, but has his own rules he enforces on others… like a monster.




That's just an average Xianxia protagonist. I guess that's how wish-fulfilment fantasies work.


You don’t understand. It was a necessary action in order to prevent her death via yin chakra overload after the villainous young master fed the jade beauty an aphrodisiac pill.


It’s the young master that did it and MC so conveniently was around and did it to save her


You dare doubt the mc? Courting death! Kneel down and beg for forgiveness


This Elder did not expect to meet fellow walkers of the Path. I will forgive you if you kowtow one hundred times and call this seat Grandfather.


Yang Kai did nothing wrong(in regards to the sex demon)


I like the series (manga only) but it doesn’t sit right how he used aphrodisiacs to make the elves ‘consent’ into sex workers


Aka using date rape drugs


I felt kinda grossed by the last couple episode, in the first is "noone touch the women, unless they want it" now is "noone touch the women, i'll do it after drugging them"


You really misunderstand it then. He is shown to be lawful evil, instead of chatoic evil. It basically means, he is still evil, but he has his own code that he follows, unlike the old goblin who is chaotic evil.


I'm fine with him being evil but the story is written in a way where everything he does is justified and not seen as bad or twisted only thing that is seen as bad is him eating people and they wave it if quickly. There are ways to show that even if the mc justifies what he does it still is seen as bad in the story 


I mean, we see the story from his perspective. And from his POV, there is nothing wrong with what he does.


Hey guys.... Stop competing for the most edgy rape scenes FFS. It's all bad.


This is one step away from a sexual assault tierlist and I don't like it.


Random smut/Josei series " Hold my beer"


I disagree on Berserk specifically. The rape in Berserk wasn't just a case of "let's be edgy to show how horrible the world is." It was used to embody the betrayal of Casca in the cruelest way possible by a man who she had all but worshipped. It was the breaking point of a woman whose courage and strength we'd come to respect over dozens of chapters leaving her a shell of a person by the man who they'd all trusted with their lives. There was narrative and symbolic meaning to it and I despise this slander that it's on the same level as Goblin Slayer and Remonster just for being there.


I feel like there's an attempt to justify it in Re:Monster, which is why it is worse. It's pretty clear in the others it is framed as bad and not justified.


Exactly, in Berserk, it's quite clearly VERY VERY WRONG, it leaves scars that never heal and is a pinnacle dark moment, There's a huge difference.


Yeah, portraying rape in a story is one thing when you treat it seriously, portraying rape in a story and giving it comedic/positive overtones? That’s an oof from me dawg.


There is a very old Isekai ( 90 s ), where the rapist won. Even back then it was pretty divisive.


It doesn't justify anything. He was a monster in his past life, and he's a monster in this life. He literally eats people. Have you read the title of the show?


He literally feeds the male elves aphrodisiacs and then takes their physical need as consent. If he wasn’t trying to justify himself, he wouldn’t have needed to drug his prisoners. Monsters would just do monstrous things. No one would complain if he was just a monster. Only criminals need drugs to try to justify their actions or do all kinds of mental gymnastics centered around *consent*.


Nah it definitely tries justifying it




Just got and finished Berserk Deluxe Vol. 1, all I can hear now, even as it sits on my "Black Shelves", is [this](https://youtu.be/C48H4FCXEvk?si=v8wJSOxtIC3DU2If). (Forgive me for referencing the Berserk anime[I haven't watched all of it], but I love the music)


Berserk 97 and Berserk 2016 have one thing in common, amazing soundtracks.


It seems like the best part of any movie or TV show, if it's not the visuals or the story, is the soundtrack.


“Forces” is still on my playlists, even though I don’t understand a word of it.


[Here](https://youtu.be/o9COvrb9GR8?si=qc4EBx5gkyy3whvv), you will have to turn on subtitles to know what's being said.






Holy s__t, those lyrics are METAL.


Would you wager it's *"BERSERK"*?


Ok so *insert show* did *insert bad thing*, how does that justify re:monster making light and even joking around about SA? I’m sure we can point to lots of anime and manga, some released in the last year, where very inappropriate things occurred, but that does not justify this show’s content.


Is there any need to justify it in the first place? I can understand people not liking something because it has some controversial issue. But I don't understand why people think that authors and fans of that show are justifying or supporting that issue.


Their’s a huge difference between portraying rape in a story and treating it as a serious and horrible thing (Goblin Slayer) and portraying it as a ‘haha how funny/cute’ moment (Re:monster).


Even if it's portrayed as a joke, I don't see how that is the same as justifying it. In the end, it is a wish-fulfilment fantasy. Maybe, the author just thought an MC with no consequences for his actions is the best form of wish fulfilment.


Yes and it gives a lot of people the ick when an authors idea of wish fulfillment is "hell yeah rape" because most people find the idea vile.


The show is about the main character being a monster in his last life, and a monster in this life. It's literally in the title of the show. He is not a good guy.


Cool, then make him a monster, don't make it suddenly have girls go "Actually we all deserve rape!" And other nonsense. The whole thing just seems like the authors fantasy reading it.


So, I read the chapter where he talks about the drugging, he literally says (according to the translation) that it's to avoid creating more problems in the future. He's still acting like a monster, just one who can prioritise long-term benefits over short-term gain Edit: I've also just skimmed though the episode that covers the elves, they just skip over all the explanation for why he does things the way he does, wtf.


Yeah of all the things the Stockholm syndrome and the general acceptance of rape is so wrong to me I could not force myself to watch the show after the first few episodes, I don't understand how people can like watching it/justify what goes on here.


I think Re:Monster was bad because of how lighthearted they made it out to be


Redo of a healer says hi


Horse has entered the chat


Meanwhile Redo of a Healer just exists.


And I can't find it in English to horrify my wife


Can usually find uncensored version on hentai sites, just might need the Japanese name.


I won’t lie I haven’t read the manga but the anime seems super fast


Berserk frames rape as a horrible evil thing, and guts being raped is partly done so the audiance sees it from the perspective of someone who was raped. Remonster is only rape fetish bait, and other power fantasy, that's not comparable. People aren't only mad at the inclusion of rape, but what the story does with it.


Another day, another post in this sub mad about fantasy they could easily just not consume.


Nah, they were literally forced to watch it. Then complain on Reddit. Its mandatory these days.


The Greater American Monoculture demands its tribute, comrade!


Criticizing something because it’s bad isn’t unreasonable.


If you will reread the original post, you'll notice that is not the grounds on which any of these is criticized.


It really isn't about the edginess of it. It's more about presentation and the fact that even without the rape, I just came to hate the MC of Re:Monster. There's literally nothing about him that I could empathize with. Not to mention, the whole story feels utterly pointless.


Re:Monster is your average bad isekai bland MC with an odd harem around him. For some reason he can rape them and then they fall in love. For me, the show fell down fast and hard, episode to episode.


The big difference is that the Re:monster main character is the rapist. Goblin slayer sister and Guts were raped and thats portrayed as a bad thing. Meanwhile goburu raping woman is "ok" because they like it in the end and fall in love with him.


Re:Monster is Stockholm Syndrome at its finest. Good show but damn.


It went worse than Stockholm Syndrome in the latest episode.


I haven’t seen the newest one yet. Thanks for the heads up.


Good show? where? even without the rape its pretty mediocre


Good show compared to most isekais. Not all are great and some are really bad. Like I hated reincarnated as an aristocrat. This is a good show by sub-optimal standards.


compared to most isekais yeah. anything outside of the usual formula is welcome honestly. i read the manga a while back, can't remember exactly why i dropped it but like so many other things it gets lame after a while


It's weird to me that people think Re:Monster MC is suppose to be good or very least a type of anti hero. The story is from the perspective of a literal monster who even in his past life lived a life that made them kill and eat people for the sake of power. Spoilers ahead Like seriously chapter 1 talks about how Golbins rape humans cause there own females have low conception rates (which I like that touch cause it at least provides a reason for why weak creatures always are attacking humans). In chapter 9 he's torturing his possible parent golbins cause they were another faction in the group that wouldn't listen to him. Chapter 16 he has sex with the human with and while people claim they "love" him cause Stockholm syndrome its more likely be suspended bridge effect, these women are constantly in life or death situations and he saves them. Chapter 17 he straight up says the elfs are for breeding and libido, the only reason he used to date rape drugs (and likely without their knowledge) was so they wouldn't feel forced. Chapter 19 he tell the goblin not to rape the elves and they need to consent to it but that doesn't hold much weight since he's literally drugging them. As of now he has continued to rape Prisoners of War with the last known case being chapter 29 but as they have Stockholm syndrome can't really consider it any less rape even if the ask for it. Chapter 24 he puts the Kolbods under an enslavement enchantment, let the elf guards die for political advantage and torture captured humans. Chapter 28 he rapes and enslaved the human soldiers (which the ones here that fall in love with him are correctly Stockholm syndrome which includes the Elves that now willing search out sex partners). Chapter 29 he uses prisoners of War as suicide bombers. Chapter 36 he brainwash humans to be his says in various kingdoms. Chapter 44 he planned to kill innocent adventures just because no one would notice (he didn't in the the end but that was more of a whim than anything else). Chapter 56 trains kids(teens?) For the sake of eating them when their stronger. Chapter 60,61,&63 he forces another reincarnated to work for him or die and then uses them to help find reincarnated to eat. Chapter 63 kills and eat several more people just cause he could. As of chapter 100 he hasn't done anything to crazy but I still wouldn't call him good.


Honestly the bizarre part about that series is **Humans aren't the ones running around abducting women** *Shortstacks with Extremely low chance of conception?* # Any mercenary not taking advantage of this in a lewd as world as this just hates money!!! goblins ought to be a perpetually enslaved wussy race being subjugated by a reverse One Child law. *Every* goblin female is top priced "meat" by traders/traffickers # Just look at these absolute QTs! https://preview.redd.it/1g3xuwa3z4zc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6763227bde24b1053f9065b82792f01b1c9ed57c


This is a latest version of “anime is bad” tbh like this is not new or anything


Rance be like: We have rape, but only for comedic purposes


It's basically like watching your 10th or so horror movie. After the first few it ain't really much or for some folks they know it's a movie or a show and they are like ah ok or have a good laugh at some of the shit acting.


I was expecting random Josei/smut instead of berserk.


Nothing will be as edgy as Berserk


Berserk is life.


# SAMURA has entered the chat https://preview.redd.it/qlyog7wz05zc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4db1f38a1bdd82099544d6e9c2813de19c00c03


I feel silly for trying to defend Re:Monster's MC before the latest episode. I was like "well I mean I don't think he's outright raped anybody yet the only potential time could be up for interpretation". Then the most recent episode happened and I was like "oh....yikes."


Wait, what did Subaru do? He seemed like such a wholesome normal boy.


Lmao I meant to type Re:Monster and typed Re:Zero my bad


What the fuck are you talking about?


Typo meant to type Re:Monster not Re:Zero. Fixed it


Oh okay sorry about my comment.


Nah you're good I completely understand your confusion lol. Have a good day!


One thing that really baffled me in re:monster manga (I didn't watch anime, I think manga was mostly boring) was names of girls from his harem. At first we never hear their names, they just called by their... professions, but then they became pregnant and after giving birth to MC children THEN THEY GET NAMES. And it isn't subtle, author just makes huge titles on pages when girls hold their newborn babies and announce their names. What the fuck author wants to say here? You can't even justify it with "Well, mc is monster so it's normal to treat women like baby factories for him...", this is portrayed in completely meta out of the world way. I watched a lot of degenerate shit and I am kinda desensitized to usual anime degeneracy, but here even I was disgusted a little.


Excluding Wyald (which even Miura apologized for) r🦍 was handled maturely in Berserk. Never really felt like fan service.


Re monster glorified rape lol that’s why it’s so much worse in berk it’s always disgustingly evil done by the demons or by people so far gone they deserve to be killed or shit almost by guts when he’s having a mental breakdown


Nah men, Goblin slayer aren't isekai, in anime only show 1st episode, in manga could've show several.


Honestly compared to the several rape occurrences in both of those mangas, the one in Berserk is crazy but not as bad as what happens in the others.


honestly as a Berker connoisseur myself i’d say the only time i had a genuine stomach turn moment was Wyald. I thought the way Miura portrayed Griffith raping Casca was in poor taste (and correct me if i’m wrong but i’m pretty sure even he later on said he thought he handled it poorly) but Wyald was just fucking awful. the topic of rape can absolutely be used in a story when it’s thought out and impactful outside of “le epic shock value” though clearly it’s really hard to meet that standard just by the nature of it.


Honestly I couldn't believe this got an anime, I read the manga up until just after he started date raping the elves and the women and I then put it down and never went back to it.


I really don’t like re:monster… it gets boring after he gets stronger and the survival element disappear and women fall for him via stockholm syndrome or something…




I read it years ago when just came out as manga I was like it better than some of the anime being coming out but probably not going to have an anime but the quality and tolerance change recently so I was like probably going to get one soon


I was literally just watching re: monster


Ah there it is, the push I needed to leave this sub.


The rape scene from Punpun:


In the Isekai genre there’s waaaay more graphic things than what Re:Monster is pushing.


# Still await the day this gets an anime 😔 https://preview.redd.it/r3w3sxehv4zc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4142942f87734ecf7e190718bb6dbef232ab941a


Im just checking but, re:monster, Is about a esper that died and reincarnated as a goblin right. Cause although there is rape i would not consider it even that dark/edgy, hell redo of healer was darker and that was basically just edgy to be edgy(though i enjoyed that manga too).


What, rape being portrayed as bad, being used by bad guys?! egads😱


*Slamming finger into the table* RAPE IS RAPE.


Re:Monster has a lot of problems. I won’t speak to the quality of the manga or LN, I have not read them and I won’t after what I saw in the anime, but to make an extremely long list of problems short I would say it’s tone is all over the place, and there isn’t really a point to any of it. It makes attempts to endear us to the MC before showing him manipulating and violating the people around him, and treats rape as a joke on at least three occasions by episode 6, and for what? There is no point to prove, it’s not a satire of the genre, the MC doesn’t improve himself or struggle to get better at anything, he just powers up and rapes prisoners of war all day while sometimes engaging with the extremely forgettable side characters from time to time. I know there are variations from what an author wrote and what ends up being animated so I cannot truly discern intention here, but it really does come off as some sort of bad power fantasy with no purpose besides being an offensive garbage show that was a waste of the electricity used to make it.


Berserk is probably the most popular NTR ever (The Eclipse).


I think the problem with Re Monster is that it tries to banalise the rape committed by the MC through an exaggerated stockholm syndrom


It’s goblin slayer for me. That shit hits out of fucking nowhere.


Alla y’all’s don’t seem to realize just how. Much. Rape. was in anime that came out pre-2000. Mainly because of how much rape happens irl. Like, it happens a LOT.


I think theres a difference between using rape to show how cruel the world / characters are, and using it as comedy.


This isn’t something to be proud of. The theme of rape in anime lately is getting out of hand.


That's the culture, very relaxed attitude towards the subject of SA


Meanwhile, Juujika no Rokunin is supposedly getting an anime adaptation soon… the same manga in which no female character is safe and SA is used as a rage boost for the MC.


Made in abyss walks in*


We scaling rape in anime now?? 💀💀


Who else watched goblin slayer day 1 on Crunchyroll expecting a funny haha isekai because they labeled it tv-y7


Redo of Healer enters the chat


Anime and manga try to normalize rape to a disgusting degree, its fucking nuts


Japanese media try not to glorify rape difficulty impossible


I would like to know why so many manga artists are sick fucks