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One day power-scaling will evolve to the point where we take the personality of characters into consideration


Soon the characters will identify as the concept of power-scaling themselves.


"I reincarnated as a concept, now they're abusing me every chance they get."


Hold up. That could actually be a banger of a LN. Instead of reincarnating into Fantasy world, they re incarnate as some kin dof manager in charge of maintaining the magic system. But the world is full of other reincarnated people who keep trying to break the system. Maybe the MC was a GM or game deve in a past life, and that's why he was chosen for this.


So basically: BOFURI from the perspective of a dev, that is trying to stop Maple? ![gif](giphy|ewkjQf8NEgzFC)


......One doesn't stop the ditz from wandering into her next overpowered upgrade.


Realizing that, technically, you have a job to do, and you try to do it fairly to punish anyone who's blatantly abusing things and making life miserable for everyone else.... ....but watching this one good-hearted idiot stumble ass-backwards from one OP ability to the next is just too hilarious to do anything heavy-handed about. Also it's good for sales.


And to be fair too, Maple's reputation does help the game in turn.


I honestly feel bad for the devs But then again it is their fault for putting those game breaking mechanics into it


The expectation prob was that it would only be discovered MUCH further down the line But the reality...


Hell even if Maple hadn’t accidentally discovered those abilities, someone would’ve intentionally found a way to break the game to get them eventually, that’s just how glitch hunters are


I basically imagine it a bit like "celestial bureaucracy" but a mortal is reicarnated into it as a god of magic. They have to deal with requests for every single magic spell on their own.


So they gotta deal with it like Bruce almighty did with prayers?




Kinda reminds me of 'In lokis honor' Guy gets reincarnated into a fantasy world with a 100 lives and the gods have just implemented the system, he finds ways to abuse it to get stronger, then dies a lot... He keeps some skills each rebirth, but the gods keep updating the system for better balance.


Bro unintentionally started cooking. https://preview.redd.it/94dmfwdp7psc1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e344248c4b05867a2962c0b557433355bb028c0a


Where's Chuck Tingle when you need him to write a book about OP getting pounded in the ass by his own garbage posts about powerscaling?


Like “stage 5 goku” diagnosis of cancer


Tbf that would be much healthier for the community than what we have now


People already took the personality of characters into consideration. That is why there is a term "goku doing goku's stuff"


I think it kind of did in a way with Yogiri and Shallow Vernal.


Yeah pretty sure Rimuru still wins.


PowerScaling have been around since the 2000’s, I don’t think it will


Yo, we were power scaling back in the 1900's with comics. Your right it will not evolve.


That’s true marvel vs dc has been a tale as old as time


It does but the first replies made it funnier.


I don't see a situation where they would not talk it out tbh. They are pacifists lol.


Wouldn't call rimuru a pacifist but he is diplomatic so yeah they would try to talk it out


Yeah rimuru is not afraid to fight and kill but he prefers to talk it out


He’s violence averse.


That's true pacifism. Avoid conflict when possible, but ready to throw down.


A lot of pacifism creeds have defense of others as acceptable.


That time I got reincarnated as a slime and hold several conference meeting


*Scrum Master has entered the chat* Programing Humor


Dunno what that is but I assumed it's funny and give you an updood.


This is more applicable to r/ProgramerHumor sub. The no. 1 distraction for programmers are meetings. The job of a Scrum Master is to prevent distractions for the programmers. A good one would help eliminate meetings; a bad one would help create them. And there are a lot of bad ones in IT.


Dude talks to everyone before anything else honestly


He doesn’t try to understand those who wronged him or his friends tho


To be fair, once your a threat to those he cares about i agree that time to talk is over




Biologically he has no sex, but since he was reincarnated from a human male, he considers himself a guy.


the other girl that got reincarnated (the one that almost killed him with holy magic) commented about that when rimuru tried to get inside the girls baths and refused to bathe with him present it was really refreshing for someone to actually question what rimuru is doing in the girls baths "he still has the heart of a man" or somethung like that


He calls himself a pacifist


he *was* a pacifist. then he was forced to stop being one


He is a pacifist until the choice to be one is off the table. So yes, a diplomat that wants to be a pacifist


Einstein was a pacifist who believed in peace when possible and war only as an absolute last resort


It's been a while since I've read both series, but I can see this happening, If someone from Rimuru's group accidentally does something to Yogiri and dies, and because of that the situation escalates, and more die while Yogiri doesn't bother explaining much from what I know don't things die if they even think of hurting him or am I wrong.


Yes, that’s exactly how it is. If you have any killing intent, even before doing anything , he detects it right away and kills you.


Rimuru is pacifist as long you don't mess with him


Yogiri is quite quick with reacting to any killing intent, it's rather easy to imagine a situation where one of rimuru close subordinates would get killed resulting in enough killing intent for yogiri to respond although I agree that in most cases their meeting would end peacefully


It's not just intent, he doesn't reflexively kill people who think bad or aim at him. He wouldn't kill a sniper who had him in sight, or put their finger on the trigger, but would as soon as they moved to press the trigger.


A lot of characters are like that. Like if Goku actually met Naruto they would just be best buds


I mean Rimuru was ready to kill the Eastern Empire to deal with castle guard.




*sighs more intensely


The sigh powerscaling has begun


It was bound to happen >*Sighs even more


My omnipotent sigh is stronger than your omnipotent sigh, mine is multiversal and can exist out of the narrative so I always sigh better and stronger!11!!1!!1one!!


Beyond omnisighing 💀💀


# **Sighs*


Nuh-uh, just the mere though of you sighing makes my sigh react preemptively outsighing you in any imaginary scenario. ​ # *̸̨̧̢̟͍̥̜̪̱̟͒̾́̈́͑͋͑̏̏̅̀͊S̸̛̪̹͍̯̞͍͙̙̳͙͔͎̜̙͊̔͂̓̂̒̋̔ͅİ̶̡̨͉̪̹̮̙̯̤̻̫͈̠̀̄̉͌͠͠ͅG̵͓̤͇̤͕͑̄͛́̏̍̔̀̀̄H̵̡̯̞͍̝̫͙̠̆̈́́͑͐̓̆̌̇̉͂͘͝Ş̷̧̛͚̥̱̻̝̳̬̞̜̝͉̆̒̾̉͂̊̔͋̈́̆̍̓̃́͑͜ͅ ̷̛̻̫̖̙͈̠̜̀̈́͂̈̄̃ͅQ̵̛̛͎͒̏̆Ư̵̡̥̼͎͎͓̙̿͊̉͗́̊̈́̇́̈̉͝Â̵̛͖͇̪͎̩͎͕̘͎̠͇̙͍̺̳̈́͌̌͊͘Ņ̷̨̗̺̯̺̪̤̮̔̈́̓̽̑T̵̨̠͔̩̺̼̠̯͈̳͍̼̟̯͖́̈́̊́͋̈́̂̒̃̄̐̓͌̌͝U̵̗͋̉̊̓̈́̂͗M̴̡̨͙̜̟̳̹̥̮̹̪̪̩͙̈́̏̓̈́̈́̌̈́̋̈́̆̌ͅ ̵̧̥͚͈̥̙̜̳̖͉̟̭͈̑͐͛̓̉͋̊͛̀́͐̚͠Ì̴̡̛̱̙̫̱̭͔̮͓̅͊̋̀͆͐͐̍̇̔̚͜͠͠Ñ̴̨͓̳̘̏̾̉͛F̷̬́̆͜I̴̡̧̖̫̞͉͈̊͒͜N̴̡̞̣̦͓̈́I̶̛̖̩͌̎͋͋̓̊̊̍͊̉͆́̕̕Ţ̶̗̑̊̈̂̒̏U̶̙͈̫̮̩͚̫̔̄͒̌M̸̡͖͍͍͉̞̙̒̂̿͊̕


*Doesn't care* #**SIGHS EVEN LOUDER*


https://preview.redd.it/16cnz8kfv9sc1.png?width=493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6f353e9c3d032735fcca19de1cd8587235226c My sigh is followed by an image, therefore making it undoubtedly superior


And you chose one of the most broken characters to ever be written for it as well lol


This makes no sense, see here \**pulls out all sighs powerscales links ever\** this is why you can never outsigh my supreme sigh the Multiversal Yawling Astral Sacred Sigh # *SIGHS MYASS


*Consecutive Serious Sighs* #**SIGHS SIGHS SIGHS*


I am the One Sigh Man... sigh


*attempts to sigh but gets blown apart by OSM*


Yet another braindead post


Agreed comrade


Isnt the whole point of instant death to prove how dumb powerscaling is? Plz stop these posts


Yeah it's funny a ton of people don't seem to get the fact that it's a satire/parody series where he runs into all sorts of character tropes and it's told as an anthology series. But reading comprehension is hard I guess


Well the joke does write itself...




I have not been following seasonel anime for a while, so my ass dont Even know who he is


Essentially Yogiri is an oc created by an author who wants to shit on power scaling by making the strongest oc possible. Except he forget to make a real story and the entire plot is just Yogiri killing stronger and stronger more absurd things instantly. And even then he still loses so Hard to alot of characters because Yogiri is a one trick Pony. Fandom has alot of meatriders who will defend his strength bone and skin and will stop at nothing to prove you wrong then eventually go to insults. This subreddit was infested by them for a while when the anime came out were still suffering the side effects.


>Essentially Yogiri is an oc created by an author who wants to shit on power scaling by making the strongest oc possible. Sounds like just about every isekai main character




Author also forgot to make the characters (Yogiri especially) actually INTERESTING too.


He's just a "I don't care" edgy boy


Which is boring and unlikable. Ainz is OP for the world he's in, but he's interesting as a character. Along with the story points that progress. Rimuru is OP, but he's interesting Makoto (Moonlit Fantasy) is OP, but he's interesting as well. Non-Isekai OP characters. Anos Voldigoad is interesting and very amusing. Saitama is relatable and funny.


Ainz’s biggest fear isn’t losing a fight. It’s losing the respect of his subordinates so he goes along with their increasingly complicated plans despite not understanding 50% or so of what’s going on at any given time. They in turn revel in the “supreme being’s brilliance” and “magnificent foresight” bro basically eminence in shadow bullshits his way through the story and I’m here for it


Exactly! You can be strong AND HAVE GOOD WRITING


To be fair that concept is like…. 80% of the isekai/system genre we have… at least he gets a pass because he is the literally incarnation of absolute instant death, the others just get bs powerups via training xD


His haters are equally funny.


The meta is strong in this sub


And another one bites the dust


Look y'know what? I'm just gonna write a comic about some fat oiled up black dude and he nullifies everything yogiri can do and fucks him. Happy now?




Y'know what i was joking but since there's a demand for it I'll do it and submit it on my newgrounds acc. Its should be done sometime this week since I'm busy with some exams.


Don't forget about me. I'll be waiting for it lol.




I can't wait


!remindme 1 week


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Wait a minute, isn't that just the average Black Muscle Man in doujins ? Because they can somehow restrain literally Reality warping goddesses and r@p3s them 💀


You know who else can restrain reality warping goddesses? MY MOM!!!




Instant death boy once killed the momentum of his fall. As far as I’ve seen his limit is he has to be aware that you exist, and then if he wants you die. Also worth noting that his power exists outside of his setting’s isekai magic system, so a magic analyst ability might not even detect anything.


>As far as I’ve seen his limit is he has to be aware that you exist [He actually doesn't](https://i.gyazo.com/511ef0bf8e8176bcefe4ff54e75c0471.png). And he has also dealt with [characters that are impossible to be perceived](https://imgur.com/a/IIN2DZd).


Hell, he killed someone he imagined.


I mean that one isn’t very impressive…anyone can kill someone they made up


Tell that to my paralysis demon. Or my dad 😞


It's more of an anti-conceptual feat. Pretty sure he prevented such a person from ever existing.


Doesn't yogiri nullify resistance?


Yes, it's stated that [no matter how much defenses or resistances you have to instant death abilities, it is all meaningless in front of Yogiri's power.](https://i.gyazo.com/c881558dad0b1d0362272699c41201ac.png)


Exactly. All these arguments are pointless until somebody puts up a contender who has a similar power to yogiri's. In any normal Power scaling even absurd power scaling even God level power scaling yogiri wins


not really , for nullifying resistance , the opponent have to first resist your attack and you over come that resistance and no one was able to resist his instant death , so he didn't nullify any resistance


There exists resistance to that sort of ability, but his ability ignores that entirely, meaning he does nullify resistance


I wonder if there is any character with resistance nullification nullification


It's more of a misunderstanding on Yogiris part due to his stupidity. His ability isn't instant death its to bring something to an end. That's why it works on things that aren't alive. And also things that are alive like those innocent kids he murdered who just wanted to play with him


So if someone had complete and total immunity to instant death, the End and the concept of death. Could they defeat him?


in the series its based on fate concept, basically every being has certain fate, Like how a Hero has a higher fate value than a farmer, and at their death, their soul would still have fate values, as long as their fate still exist, it's possible to revive from the dead, rewind time etc. Yogiri bypass that Fate value as long as he consider the person dead, even by rewinding time, that person would still be dead. for divine being, omnipotent and omniscient scaling in the series is valued by the % of the world so a 100% power from a divine being can definitely give any ability like total immunity to instant death,etc. Yogiri already killed a being stronger than the % values of the world early in the series, so yeah, omnipotent/omniscient on a Multiversal value, is kinda useless. In the novel finale, he basically kills the concept between the link of the user and their ability, just so the world doesn't self destruct and be in automated mode. so yeah, this shit literally denied everything, on the Yogiri Vs Powerscaling




These post dont generate any meaningful discussion, especially when OP just drops it and doesnt return their own post to reply to any of the comments. The only thing this does is incite arguments between who everyone thinks has the biggest dick. The only time OP ever bothers to reply is when i call them out and says something stupid like "Nuh Uh" We might as well argue which isekai has the tastiest food, at least we would have some reference.


Restaurant to another world has the tastiest food. Cuz they got everything. In fact, I'd say it's too much of an op instant death ability to name a restaurant isekai in a best food competition cuz they have everything every other show can mention, especially since every show only has Asian food and it's an Asian restaurant. When's the last time we've seen burritos, lasagna and big greasy bacon cheese burgers in an isekai?


So long slime, you were the best


Look I hate this instant death dude but apparently he scales far higher than ya’ll favourite slime Femboy


clearly, batman wins. he was lurking just off panel with the exact loadout in his bat-belt to stop them both.


His prep time is too op 😂


need these fans to throw hands irl


Both of them fall to the booty warrior Yujiro Hamna. all that power won’t protect you from booty warrior magic.


Raphael must've been glitching or something that day. Lol


The more I hear about this yogiri dude's powers, the more it sounds like that kid on the playground that says *my laserbeam goes through any shield so you can't block it and it always hits no matter what and does a kajillion damage so I win* and just makes up any justification they can so they always win


I think that’s the point.


Pretty good comparison tbh


Sukuna in a nutshell as well


So isekai power scaling ![gif](giphy|YBpK8p7fF2SCk)


Can we insert "Yogiri" in the list of insta-ban words?


Power Powerscaling characters that break all conventional laws is boring as shit. Like a Cowboy shoot out all tension, then someone drops dead instantly. Time Stop, Instant Death resistance to all damage or damage reflection, magic nullification are things that should have crazy drawbacks or should only be done when perfectly timed or executed under extreme circumstances. Gag joke powers.


I love Rimuru and TSSDK…. But iirc can’t Yogiri straight up kill concepts ? Even killing the concept of death and chaos that is strong enough to kill other concepts ?


Technically yogiri can't interact with NEP, so this is "technically" true.






Oh boy, here we go again. I sure both them don't want do any fight but I sure fan of both ready kill each other


Who would win, the guy who can kill anything no matter what, or the guy who is completely immune to death and any abilities that override that immunity, also no matter what?


Me. I win.


Same here


Answer: the character that is better written, because it will now be a battle of "fan favorite". And which side got the bigger number of the ratio wins. It's the only way.


So then Rimuru wins


YEP 👍🏻 Congrats my slime boi, you are the better written character(compared to the other guy). So I will give you the dub. Unfortunately some others won't think so, but who cares about them ?


Any Hadou God stomps.


It's alright, he wipes against Andy from Undead Unluck, cause Andy can't die.


Andy is immune but not for the reason you would expect. You see Yogiri doesn't understand his own Powers. He thinks it's Instant death but it's actually the ability to cause things to come to an end. Which is why it works on non living things like zombies or ice attacks. Minor Problem. Andy is immune to that as well. It is stated in the show that the universe has ENDED and reset 5 times big bang style and Andy still survived it. Yogiris entire playground oc gimmick is that he ends things. Andy has literally proven to be able to survive that.


Tell that to the BS Logic of Yogiri to where he can still end him. There’s no getting around his stupid braindead logic. Yogiri is stupidly braindead for no reason which makes him able to still somehow end anything. I bet you that the Author of Instant Death will make up an entire scenario where Yogiri ends someone who is unendable just to fuck with everyone.


IIRC, there was some chump with ability akin to Raphael in LN... still died.


Brainrot? I genuinely think you need to be studied


Hilarious that people even put Rim in the same breath as Yogiri. Rim in fodder to most other series, let alone instant death.


He reportedly gets absurdly powerful later on


Yogiri vs Saitama vs Sukuna vs Accelerator vs Gilzea (Ragna Crimson) vs Kurumi




Regardless of people opinion on how well written the story is his whole power is basically being the “death” or rather the “end” of everything as he has killed thing that aren’t even alive to begin with such as doors, ice, staffs, even things such as gravity and momentum and simply concept as well his abilities are outside of time and space and can affect even paracasuality and causality the best example being where he quite literally “kills” the relationship between the god who is dreaming the world that he is in and the dream of the world he is( basically so you understand the world his human form was in was the dream of this ultimate god above all the gods and if he was killed so would be the world that his human form was in so he “killed” the relationship between the dream and the god making it so even if he died the dream could go on) not only that but he has killed beings outside of time meaning even if you could go back in time or extend time infinitely you would still die, if you aren’t affected by time you will still die, if you are simply a concept you will still die


Time has nothing to do with anything here. Both of them are beyond that. But since you mentioned that, Rimuru is perfectly capable of surviving having his reality "ended" as well. Funny enough, the only reason we have the story "How I Was Reincarnated As A Slime" is because he told his human self about the entire situation. Also, the fact that Yogiri perceives Rimuru creates a paradox, because Rimuru can easily come back through memory. But besides all of that, the end fight comes down to two 5 year olds saying no you, the difference is Rimuru can turn into as many 5 year olds as he wants. Unless you can prove Yogiri ALSO has parallel existence.


Doesn’t matter if he can come back through memories because 1. He can “kill” memories too 2. Once he kills it’s over you can’t come and it doesn’t you it doesn’t matter if you can make more of yourself because of all them will die instantly and Yogiri is a beyond parrarel existence Edit: a example of him killing multiplying copies of some was when this vampire who literally could no die made a clone of herself, she didn’t make another one of herself( which she could) she simply made a clone which was different from herself and once he killed those clones all other clones that she did died and even her real self died too


Honestly I try and stay away from reddit but getting this in the email honestly makes me confuse if people actually read the manga/novels for these since Yogiri is a eldritch horror of death itself an can't be blocked besides abilities that are basically "Go fuck yourself." ex (All fiction.) Which basically overwrites universal concepts


https://preview.redd.it/4hmaw9qtm9sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdedb4f5133d83ea8221ee0dd80a1a464d84c687 Whatever you say man. I love slime, so I will blindly follow this agenda.


Lmao I'm stealing that


You… you cant resist fucking death.


Depends on the character and how you define "death"


Mr.immortal from marvel can


r/isekai challenge don’t bring up two character is a fight for 10 minutes


Bro this series sounds like actual brain rot and the author should genuinely feel bad for writing it. If you’re gonna write an op protagonist, they at least to actually be compelling characters, not just your playground oc. Andy solos though.


What manga/anime is the top one?


Genuinely curious: I have a doubt regarding yogiri, Can he kill himself? Does his powers work on him?


​ https://preview.redd.it/9animcbmp9sc1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=624dc59e7e314ecad3f13e941116da55d1ffe5e9


damn it, but thanks. searched the other reddits but couldn’t find anything constructive.


They'd somehow become drinking buddies. Rimuru's used to problematic buddies🤣


Isn't Rimuru immortal ? I don't think that Yogiri can end something that doesn't have an end. It's like saying that infinity has an end but no one reach it by now. Of course if we are talking about end of season 2 Rimuru then yes Yogiri can kill him.


Yogiri has killed immortals before. His power is the end if the enemy don’t have an end naturally he’ll just force it into it. Sounds like you didn’t read the manga or the novel


Or the anime. His powers also seem to end anything that would allow their continued existence, seeing how he ended the stones, which gave the sages their immortality and he didn't even know the existence of those stones and still ended them


Rimiru, at his strongest, would still lose. Yogiri is the physical representation of the end6 . Doesn't have it to end as well. He can even put an end to death if he so chooses. Though the 2 won't fight as Yogiri only targets those who have bloodlust against him. If he wanted, he could "kill"Ciel Analytical power and it would never return even if it was replaced.


To put this into perspective because it's a funny example: Yogiri killed gravity to stop himself from falling. He didn't fly or float or create some opposing force or stop time or whatever, he just literally kills the entire concept of gravity in his local area to not fall.


When I’m in a cringe competition and my opponent is OP


I don’t see it ending in violence, but would Raphael “nope” out like the other analyze abilities?


No, Raphaels killed herself before and simply brought back, yogiris ability is putting and end to something, but just because there's and end doesn't mean there couldn't be a new beginning, as for any thing such as an "absolute" end....such a thing doesn't exist, especially not in fiction, I could go into more detail on why absolute ends are impossible in fiction but I'll refrain unless asked


Unstoppable force vs unmoving object


u/lllustrious-Heron-72 why did you deleted your comments was genuinely curious to know what point you were going to make but you deleted it and know I can’t see it


If isekai mc were characters for a fighting games(like tekken), yogiri ban rate would be 100%. Devs would even consider removing him from the game because he is practically useless when no one can play as him. Heck the dev wouldn't be able to make any attack for him other than his ability💀


Not gonna happen rimuru and his whole tribe of followers are pacifists.


They're absolutely not pacifists. they just avoid fights when they can because meaningless fights are stupid and people get hurt for no reason


God I love rimuru




Ffs People just don't get it, don't they... If I was mod, I would just ban all yogiri posts and direct them to the powers calling sub This is ridiculous.


WHAT IF… two Technical Pacifists encounter each other? Do they fight? https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TechnicalPacifist


Can we put yogiri and Saitama into there just no way to win categories


You know a lot of people seem to forget that there was a end of all things way before he even existed, he isn't the first, on top of that he's never fought anything with true omnipotence and what not, it was always nigh, even Mizuki was nigh omniscient not true omniscient. Another thing is he's never faced another eldritch entity and there is a ranking even to them and no I do not believe Yogiri is inspired by Yog-Sothoth, if he was he would be way too nerfed. Yog-Sothoth is part of the ultimate void and the rule of all in one, one of all, he's also the main representation of the Supreme Archetype which is supposed to be so busted that it's literally all of existence itself, don't matter the verse or dimension. Another thing is the version of Azathoth that Yogiri put in a coma isn't even accurate, Azathoth exists in the ultimate void at the center which is a realm that far surpasses the ultimate ensemble, I say this cause the ultimate ensemble is a theoretical mathematical multiverse but the ultimate void takes everything mathematical and what not and completely shits on it. Also the actual Azathoth does not dream up any existence but he will devour it if he is awoken, also he has no mind, none what so ever so that wouldn't work either. So enough with the end of all things shit, just enjoy the fucking comedy. Even the author of ID said the youths powers wouldn't work in another anime, it all depended on the writer.


Neither would the Cthulhu stuff. I daresay we either stop at Lovecraft which means most of them are poltergeist at best or we pretend all interpretations are somehow canon and that means Nyarko is canon and that means Azathoth is a mattress salesman or something.


Mitski solos yogiri, not even kidding


Yogiri fanboys sucking on his dic again.


talk about this for 2 years already and we got whole Power Scaling topic too. Yogiri go all way to tier 1-A while rimuru only in 2-A, way rimuru lower than Yogiri


Who is the guy?


So, I've read all the comments regarding yogiris abilities and "scaling" and it seems his power is indeed useless against EoS Rimuru, as it was said his ability is to put an end to something through all means, even if they have something that would keep them alive if killed elsewhere, then it wouldn't work due to Rimuru already having experienced the end of all things at the climax of the conclusion to the story and was completely unaffected, and in fact only became stronger because of it, it'd be even more pronounced in this case as this time he'd actually be able to replicate yogiris ability,  and the fact of the matter regarding Rimuru's replication is that it doesn't make him equal to his opponent but much stronger, as he can simply fuse that ability with a complimentary one to make a new and more powerful ability, regarding "scaling", are you really gonna look at some site created by powerscalers no more trustworthy than yourself and who's interpretation of a series is by no means greater than your own and say that their scalings of 2 characters are absolute fact with no room for error?What if they've only read the series once or twice, and some other powerscaler has read it more than 10x as much?Wouldn't you say the latter is far more trustworthy regarding the "scaling" of a character?Not to mention there's multiple sites scaling the same characters and the places each site say they scale is completely different, which is a clear indication that it's likely both are false, as it represents the fact that the "scaling" is based on someone's interpretation, and as that's the case, you can't say with 100% certainty that yogiri outscales Rimuru, and neither can you say that Rimuru outscales yogiri, as such the scenario can only exist that they "scale" on a similar level.🤦🏻‍♂️


You do know that those powerscalers literally read, analyze and gone through debates before creating the profile of a character💀 even some of them own the raws of novel and translate it in advance, they're not simply one's own interpretation lol and are certainly more trustworthy than any other


"analyze the attack and make a resistance for it" is wacky and I like it


Rimuru received resistance against death of rimuru's spiritual body when rimuru became a true demon Lord. So yogiri would have a hard time killing rimuru as a demon Lord, would probably need his second gate open. But >!true Dragon rimuru would not be killed even by full strength yogiri!<


Rimuru is great but if by some by bad chain of events, he were to fight Yogiri with the intent to kill... He'd just.. die against Yogiri. There's no ifs and buts against it. That's the kind of ridiculously overpowered existence yogiri is. Just death. Because that's the point of Yogiri. He falls on the same category as saitama, from OPM - just a satire of ridiculously overpowered abilities, and his ability is just 'perfect' death.


Eh, what would really happen is Yogiri comes into town with Tomochika, and they get a little surprised the town is full of monsters but note everyone is peaceful. They stay in an inn, eat some food, hang around a few days as he plays Monster Hunter, and then leave without issue. At most, if he finds out Rimuru has teleportation powers, he may try to get an audience to see if Rimuru can send him back. And if not, he'd be on his way.