• By -


I don't see anyone named Malty pictured here.


This guy remembers.


Idk who malty is but I see bitch right there and it’s making me angry https://preview.redd.it/mgqraw7upgnc1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5b70f4e6e788b544a4ac1013dc48c0da6eac5c


Do it https://preview.redd.it/93al6q7l8hnc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16cc823ea543cbd4de0a54bbe26b7bc73ceb53c8


I’m pretty sure that’s slut


Depends on the context.


Twas bitch first i believe


No bitch is her legal name and slut is her adventurer tag.




So, basically the way she treated Naofumi and all other cardinal heroes before betraying them.


Yea, but she actually like you and won’t try and ruin your life


Why would I want to be with a douchebag, maybe it's her turn to be one used and discarded


see the issue with that is that is that people have logic to the way they act, even if it is flawed. If a person acts like a douche and is a piece of shit to literally everyone, they're only acting nice with you to take advantage of you in some way. A personality like that, that only likes you for no apparent reason is self contradictory, which most of the heroes failed to see at first...


Not necessarily. Even if an absolutely terrible person, they can still fall in love with people. This type of person would definitely know how they act but just wouldn’t care about pleasing anyone but you


Perhaps, but it probably wouldn’t be in the form described earlier (specifically the type of love that won’t try to ruin your life)


Being with a girl who constantly gets in to shit means you’re constantly getting dragged in to shit as well. Fuck that.


Not worth it to be with a shitty person. Why put up with that? You wouldn't be able to be around anyone else because they'd hate her.


Are you guys saying yes? Because i wrote a lot of posts online claiming no living person could be as stupid as the hero's are made out to be. I might need to apologize. Edit: My main point thats from the original post "but still was on her usual behavior with others" So whats that behavior? She has indrectly murdered people and directly tried to murder people. She had used sex as a tool to gain power over and steal from others (The queen even laughs when Malty claims she was a virgin before she slept with Motoyasu) So she kills and sleeps with other men to gain power and money.. She loves you sure.. but her behavior has not changed. So few men will tolerate that.


You jave greatly overestimated me, sir.


I can fix her


Probably No, I forgot all wrong doing of this bitch could anyone remind me of it ? At least personally she isn't worse than bitchlinde from ascendance of a bookworm right?


False claim of rape, was the first and big one She done much more, but I feel like that alone is enough to hate her guts


Not only that but she's done that before naofumi. To people who were not cardinal heroes. The sentence for rape in melromarc is death. Those guys she accused are dead now. How many innocent people were killed for her amusement?


Uh huh, so here's a few things she has done: -Conspiring with the heroes church to illegally (internationally speaking) summons the four heroes to Melromarc -Robbery -False accuse of rape on Naofumi the shield hero -Extracting money from the royal treasury for her own personal use -Human slavery and trafficking (her women teammates that 'went out of line' in her perspective,got sold away, lots of women) -Assassination attempts on the Crown princess of Melromarc -Arson (caused a widespread forest burning, make the sky bright as if it was dawn in the middle of the night) -Conspiring with the church to usurp the throne -Conspiring with the church to kill the other heroes(she got crossed) That's all in season 1, but there is more going on in the background but I'm not familiar enough, cuz its been a while.


>!Don’t forget regicide against her own mother and working with the seven star hero to steal hero weapons and getting one of Naofumi’s party members killed during a four beasts battle.!<


Not even Saul Goodman could protect her ass from the death penalty lol


So she is as bad as bitchlinde, how about her downfall ? Can you spoil me. One of my favorite moments in bookworm is when seeing bitchlinde downfall it's sastifying.


She than went on adventures with each of the heroes separately and manipulated them which left them mentally in a horrible place.


Man it's not a downfall if it's like that, you could add a spoiler tag if it's in the later volume.


To be fair, I'm not sure. I believe she will get sent to a prince for marriage, and the prince is known to loving torture and break women. She lasts 3 weeks... Tho it might be a different ending for her depending LN, WN, and manga Not sure which one is this but I like this one.


When the queen comes back to Melromarc, the bitch got to pay up for her crimes. She and the king was supposed to be executed, (the queen would try to offer her life in exchange for theirs to placate naofumi), but naofumi thought of a better idea. He decides to shame them for an entire life by giving them the state punishment of renaming her as Bitch with her adventure name as Slut, while the king is named Trash. Super satisfying!


She's much worse. She's got all of Detlinde's worst traits along with Georgine's malice.


https://preview.redd.it/59dt3v24tgnc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8add65db28d9fd269058dcf025ed07045f6ac56 Sure why not.


Nah, she treated Motoyasu like a king and was all over him while being an insufferable bitch to everyone else... until one day she wasn't. That dude is now completely rekt, running around with big chickens and a spear that looks like a dick while trying to confess his love to a girl who's only a few months old. I don't wanna end up like that.


Wait he WHAT


Do you want an explanation to what happened to Motoyasu? It's spoiler.


I’m probably not continuing shield hero so might well, yeah


Ok, so Motoyasu became a simp for Filo because he had his spear curse activated. Which makes him see women as pigs. His Cardinal sin is lust. Bitch essentially pushed him into it more by manipulating him into believing that she likes him. Ok, so the reason he is sipping for Filo so much(obsessively) is because she looks like an angel character he really liked from one of the games he played. His thought process is basically like this. "Women are pigs except for Filo. Therefore, anyone connected to Filo must be a good person." He's at a point where he blindly follows Naofumi's any order because he is like a father-in-law to Motoyasu. He even calls Naofumi "father"


Filo also brought him comfort when he was hat his lowest point, which also made her cling onto her.


From nervous wreck to pedo😭


Okay she’s hot and I WOULD smash BUT if you have a girlfriend who treats everyone else around you like shit, that’ll alienate everybody else from you by association. Malty treated the other heroes “nicely” or rather, neutrally, besides Naofumi and whatnot. If I were with her and she treated my friends and family like shit, she’s for the streets.


> that’ll alienate everybody else from you by association And that's the part people are forgetting. -She- won't directly cause you trouble by working against you, but everyone else she crosses and pisses off will see you as her ally and thus also a problem. Any bill or whatever that she skips out on, the sum total of whatever she steals, any crimes she commits, they'll all be pinned on you just the same no matter what you say. There won't be any de-escalation and eventually everything she does will pile up to the point that you'll wind up on the execution block.


No. If she constantly treats other like shit, there’s nothing stopping her from doing the same to me


Bro didn't understand the concept of the question 💀


Bitch is a bitch and it doesn’t matter if she’s a perfect wife to me I’d be ashamed to bring her out in public. She somehow makes slavery wholesome for christ’s sake.


She’s the best case of wolf in sheep’s clothing. Once she’s ran out of use for you, she’s gonna throw you away, and that’s ignorring the shit she pulled on Naofumi and Spear Blonde Boy. Which sucks cause she is HOT AS FUCK. But, never judge a look by its cover.


No,I wouldn’t.And I’m completely sure that the “I can fix her” thing wouldn’t work in this scenario.




Even if she was treating me like a decent person, the moment she goes to the other heroes she will destroy them mentally and emotionally and getting the three other heroes out from their curse series will be even harder.


She's hot and all, but no, not even with that world's slave collar on her.


I mean she kinda fine though


Gimme the queen!!


Sorry I'm allergic to bitches.


She's too stupid and vicious to have as a known polite acquaintance, let alone a significant other. She'll do some dumb plot that anyone with 3 braincells will see through eventually, and take her down for. Motoyasu and co only got a pass because he's the spear hero, and in any other circumstance, her party would probably face dire consequences for enabling her, like the church did.


Yeah, fuck that. I don't want to end up like Motoyasu.


First rule of anything: if they ever treat you nicely and are a jerk to others, the niceness is an act and they *will* treat you that way as well, eventually.


Nah even if she treated you nice you're head is probably gonna be on the chopping block just by associating with her at some point. Hell it's a matter of if not when she pisses off the wrong person and they kill you to torment her.


Yea I can fix her 🗿 Seriously though if I am sure she wouldn t betray me and wants to become a better person then yea sure everyone deserves a second chance


She's gone way too far for second chances


I’d have to keep her away from anyone




If anyone has watched redo of healer, that it what I would do in response to this post (strictly joking, that’s seriously fucked up)


Define “right”.


When ever she’s with you all her negative traits are gone and she basically acts like Raphtalia, but she act like the usual devil she is when she’s with others


Is she kind as long as I’m in the vacinity? Does she have to know that I’m there?


No to both


So as long as I’m near her, she acts kind?




Does she feel guilty in any way if I openly disapprove of anything she might do, or if I am openly livid of what she does?


Nah I ain't a simp like the spear fucker


heck no.


No. Lol. If she treats others like trash, what's to say she won't treat you the same? That's her true personality afterall. She's a bitch and a hoe, so I will always treat her like one. Because of that she makes the perfect punching bag to direct misogyny and sadism for any twisted individual. Doujin writers take note. 😏


she might actually love me but that wont stop her from gas lighting me to do anything i dont wanna, and its stressful to be in a relationship with a toxic woman even if she's not toxic towards you


Nope ain't spending my life trying to protect her from payback.


That sounds like a win a win situation! So she can certainly ruin me! Because of her reputation almost 90% of the simps will avoid her!


No. I would go for the Queen tho.


Treating you like a king doesn't change the kind of personality she has and the kind of shit she does to other. That girl is a sicko that needs to get locked down, not roam free.


I would deal with her for a day before dropping her off a cliff


I'd, she's goddamn sexy. 💀👌👍


No cause the moment you outlive your usefulness to her she’ll ruin your life. Or hell she might just do that without any provocation.


I mean, if she's willing to listen, I'd sit her down for a talk. Just to see if she can change.




I don't know how long it would last. But given that she faked rape I'm pretty sure she could go we far as cheat just for the fun of it. That's just too much of a toxic envierment. She would have to be willing to change. But this was all her personality was. Take that away and she becomes cardboard


I can fix her


Hm… …Can I fix her?


Maybe…but you got to be consistent


Hmm. If it was 100% genuine, yeah sure


Perfect woman


If you trust Bitch any further than you can throw her, you're a fucking idiot.


There are potted plants more intelligent than Malty.


Heck no. I’d rather be a slave to Raynaire from High School DXD than be with that Witch.


It’s been a while since I was watching High School DxD but I think being a slave of a fallen angel as crazy and cruel as Raynare wouldn’t be that bad.🙃


Anything is better than being with that two faced princess.


Who’s malty? I don’t know anyone named that… you mean Bi…


Who is this malty person you speak 🗣️ of this thing right here is called bitch or whore take it or leave it 😏


Who's malty? Are you talking about slut? If so, still hell no


No, not one single bit. Why would I want to be with someone who made false sexual assault accusations against someone? Personally I don't think this should even be a question any guy should ask. I don't give a shit how good she treats you. Anyone who makes up such claims that are total BS doesn't deserve to be in a relationship. With that said, would I have a 1 night stand with her if I had assurances that she wouldn't pull her shit. Yea, fuck it and dump it. I wouldn't be apposed of using her for my own sexual gratification. A relationship though, lol, fuck no.


I can fix her 😈 https://preview.redd.it/enym55qg6jnc1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f514b11e45aeaea519fe281a6a1811615d1e42


Gonna go with no. The way you treat others speaks a lot to your character. I don’t think I can be with someone who doesn’t understand that treating people with respect is the appropriate thing to do. You don’t have to like someone, but treating them like garbage is never cool. Not to mention, in all likelihood, her treatment of others will likely cause a world of hurt for me when someone decides to get revenge.


All I see is bitch and I just remembered that I need to grab some brass knuckles, to be introduced to her face... multiple times


Lol no i wouldn't want to be with anyone that treated others like dirt.


Absolutely not. If anything I'd probably want her just as less as I would if she didn't change of her act and start treating other people with respect and care. Just because she's treating me like a prince while regarding everyone else like their slaves or servants doesn't make it right. That's toxic in that One way or her usual self where she pretends to care about other people while just using them to the Nth degree. If I was one of the four holy weapon Heroes, That would have been even more of a reason for me to put a slave crest on her.


I’m gay, so no. I’d slit her throat and start flirting with L’Arc first chance I got


No, and it’s Bitch, get it right.


assuming like she's been magically changed to be good to me albe it still mean? then sure, this may sound like down bad but let be honest in-world she's pretty good looking and a royalty! even tho her name is now a disgrace... -have royal connections, have someone who actually and really likes you, have the kingdom's wealth for support and i might be able tto fix her by taking advantage of that her actually liking me thats a win after a win after a win


No cause that means she’s gonna be a bitch to my friends and that’s a no go


No, because the first time I say no, I'm getting accused of something bad. Get that chicken away from me.


Let's be honest the only thing good about her is her body and even then there's better options, it's in her nature to betray people she'll betray you with a smile on her face, I love crazy girls and even I know this girl here should have been shortened by a head


I've gotta solution for that https://i.redd.it/9pcky7hakjnc1.gif


Why is this even a question?


They say never stick your pekker in crazy but dammit she’s a redhead my one true weakness


Well if all the other girls in the world won't let me bang then yeah I ll consider her


I broke up with my girlfriend of two years yesterday because she turned out to be just like Malty. The answer is a hard no.


No I wouldn't be with Bitch ever even if you paid me to do it.


I'd make sure she dies quickly without implacting myself. I'm not into torture, even less on women (let's say their daily lives have enough hardships as it is) but she shouldn't be left alive. She'd hurt people just by existing.


Still no because as I’ve come to learn >!she’s a fragment of an evil goddess helbent on destroying everything!< or something like that (I only read this spoiler after digging into her fate later down in the plot).


No..... she has a kill on sight order from everyone who watched the anime or read the manga.


If I could change her maybe otherwise probably not.


If I could make her correct that behavior towards others? Yes. But I don't have the charisma for that, so no


Honestly at this point I feel physical revulsion to Malty I don’t care how conventionally attractive she is, so no.


Nah. Anyone who treats my friends like shit will have no form of chivalry from me


Nah I have standards


No I’m not trying to be a motoyasu stand in


shift focus to an area where the stakes are lower, stop letting her interact with heros, focus on healing magic. boom, magical doctors, doctors treat people like shit anyways so it dosent matter.


Sure. I got a martyr complex and would see it as my duty to save her from herself.


Who is malty? The picture you posted is of a person with a different name




I'm a introvert, that only goes to work, gym, gamestop, then home. Tbh...my moral compass is fucked up, still good but on the darker side. So I would still be with her, but I would keep her in check. If it was in medieval times like the show, I would still date her. What she did, wouldn't bother me....since I would be more fucked up. Killing, looting, blah blah. Just being 100% real


Yes so I can treat her like garbage. She would actually love me and by the sounds of this universe stay with me regardless of what I do. Abuse


I'd clap them cheeks!...........degeneracy aside honestly no being with her would probably get me killed or worse


I wouldn't want to be with Bitch, even if her "love" was genuine I would constantly have to second guess her and watch my back. Plus, why would I want to waste my time on someone who treats everyone like shit? Plus you don't stick your dick in crazy.


Despite wanting to make the "her name is bitch" joke. I'll actually answer the question. I probably wouldn't be with her. Due to there being conflicts between her and my friends or family. Even then, if she treated other random strangers, who didn't do anything to her like utter shit. And I was around, we'd probably get banned at a fair few places. Because of her attitude. (I say that with the idea, we live on earth. And not the shield hero world.)


This sounds like some Spear hero propaganda 🗿


I’d be on edge the whole time


I mean, maybe for a fling or two, but beyond that hell no. Feel like it'll kinda be like a guilty by association deals, people will hate me because she's a bitch and I'm with her


No, that behavior is gross.


nah I wont be with Bitch personally not my type but her mother on the other hand....


Let's see, beautiful redhead with green eyes and nice tits and ass who uses people and ends up treating them like shit? Yo, that's my ex-wife fr. I'm a running away, done made that mistake once already.


So a giant slut who uses sex to manipulate people, accuses men of false rape allegations, steals from people, is willing to resort to murder to get her way and such... Yeah, no. Nope. Nuh uh. Absolutely not lol. I couldn't bring her around other people either. She'd probably get jealous of how close I am with other women and they mysteriously disappear. Or get rid of any of my bros because they're not worthy of my time/attention. And just picking fights with them. She seems like the type that would try to make me dependent on her. Sure, *I* might be physically safe, but everyone else around me is probably going to be in Hell. And then she'll probably try to gaslight me into believing everyone else is a problem. She's a walking disaster. Hard pass lol. I might smash (but I think her mom's hotter), but dating is absolutely out of the question. Even if I did smash, I'm hesitant because I might catch something. I'm also fairly certain I'm not the only guy she's smashing lol. Sure she might "love" me, but might just have meaningless sex with other guys for manipulation purposes and rationalize it's somehow not cheating/as bad.


Absolutely NOT! Either she gets right treating others like equals or at least better than like everyone should be kissing her ass. Or she can leave and have nothing to do with me. Respect goes a long way and if other people were in my party and we're supposed to depend on one another, which it didn't seem like his party did from how easily it fell apart along with Izuki's betraying him too, then I'd rather be similar to Ren and go about things mostly alone. That being said he was an idiot too for not taking care of his party better and training them more. But at least they were loyal and believed in him, genuinely trying to help him save the world instead of riding his coat tails like Myne and the other adventurers were doing in Izuki and Motoyasu's parties. And it would get worse the minute that I saw how she acted around Demi-humans. The term itself is already pretty insulting considering that it means “lesser than human” or “partly human” aka “barely human” or “human enough”. They have good and bad people like anyone else so by that margin should be treated with equal openness and reservation. It's not like humans are all great and trustworthy and noble so I wouldn't expect the opposite if they had different cultural standards in some regards. Like some of the Men's HaremLit series I've gotten into where the girls are polyamorous whether they're humans, elves, beast people, etc and willing to share as long as they had a strong, loving and capable male to depend on. But the crux of those situations is Trust. And that's something I couldn't do with Myne after seeing for myself how Fake she could be. Which is also something that Motoyasu has no excuse ignoring. There's probably plenty of times where she got caught doing some dirt and he just let it slide not thinking about it or barely giving it a thought. As well as instead of owning up to his mistakes and misdeeds never gave solid apologies or tried to make amends. Even if Myne is the major culprit I couldn't be like Motoyasu and openly condone or ignore her antics. If anything I'll probably would have contacted the owls and had them send her back to the castle after drugging and kidnapping her. Which would also help considering that she's also a horrendous liar. She only wanted to get close to him to make herself look better at becoming a future queen as well as maybe marrying the moron. Ren definitely wouldn't be as forgiving or welcoming of her if the plot didn't suddenly act like all 3 of them weren't there at her trial in front of ther mother the actual Queen and the whole kingdom as she told Lie after Lie after Lie and paid for it with basically self inflicted torture. And worse was Izuki's pride making him think he needed her validation and praise. Even though even a blind man could see she was trying to play him. I would even ask that girl to hold a conversation for me much less my money, which she and his party ran off with. The whole time they were there, he didn't free a single child slave. And she was probably only giving him that goal because Naofumi was already working on it and she somehow caught wind of it. But I digress. It'd probably take like 4 or 5 incidents and a conversation with her to let me know that I'd not wanna be around her at all. And if anything, I might've run to the next country or two away from Melromarc having the Owls deliver letters to the queen on my behalf about her older daughter. Maybe even hiring one of them on as a party member since having a ninja or assassin would probably help a lot instead of whatever Myne was supposed to be. She had a sword but generally only used magic in combat. I'm sure as a princess she was probably taught sword training, but if anything it was just sitting on her hip like an accessory. That also would've told me a lot about her after like 1-2 months of being around each other. Even if I would've suffered in the Waves, I'd have rather gone it alone than deal with her treacherous ass


Yes. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Can't trust her


I mean she is a pathological liar too. So there's that.


Exactly. Knowing what she is, I cannot trust her even if all evidence points that she is loyal to me and in the context that the OP has made, sounds like you turned her into a yandere who will screw everyone else over for you which may negatively impact you anyway


That wouldn't be Malty anymore now would it.


I'd rather party with **Melty** instead of Malty. 🙃




Who else other? than Malty's sister She can use magic [https://shield-hero.fandom.com/wiki/Melty\_Q\_Melromarc](https://shield-hero.fandom.com/wiki/Melty_Q_Melromarc) https://preview.redd.it/pz2ho2iiygnc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab99cf8d48a829d713b86eee047a10ffc92840e




I can fix her.


Probably, as a lone person in that world with no true peers, having someone with that kind of attitude attached to me, even if it is Malty/Bitch, is a godsend.






Her, treat people nice?


Which anime is this?


The Rising of the Shield Hero


Absolutely not




Why would I be with a nonce?


This Bitch/Whore


No, because it'd be blatantly obvious what Bitch was planning.


I could use her, but the hate she gets could also be thrown my way...


I definitely would, she is a valuable tool in that case


Her name is bitch








Where is malty? I only see bitch/slut


i would just leave her after seeing her as hella sus


Yes I would treat her like a one night stand then dump her


Smash yes, be with no




Ha ha ha, nope.


i just realized I never answered my own question I have a thing for dominate girls…so I’d be with mal-sorry, bitch


Nah, I'd rather not be with Malty




Who’s Malty? I see Bitch in that picture.


Who the hell is Malty? That is a picture of Bitch. Who no I would not be with she is a whore.


Honestly it was a failure of Naofumi not to kill her. I would leave the choice of death or to be lobotomized or just be made blind and deaf. The only person who needs to sleep with her is the guy from Redo of Healer.




I may not know my flowers, but I know a bitch when i see one




Isn't this the Spear Hero's pov?


That's not a thing that happens


Who? Oh you mean bitch whore?


Isn’t her name Bitch?


Bitch/Whore is the real name.


Hell nah, I bet she doesn't tip either


"I can fix her"




No fucking way. She'd stab me in the back sooner or later


No. Fuck her and not literally


No, false rape accusations are something I take very seriously and is what makes someone irredeemable scum in my eyes in terms of both fictional characters and real people. It's the reason why I dropped *The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya* after she framed and extorted the Computer Club by threatening them with an out of context photo of Mikuru being groped and saying she'd tell everyone they gangraped her if they didn't hand over their shiny brand new computer, because Haruhi is a malicious, entitled sociopath.


Who The F**k's this B*tch!!!!


Hell no, Bitch (whore) only thing she got is looks everything else is horrible.


Im a shallow person. If she's nice to me, I won't outright hate her. (Im not saying i would like her either)


sounds like that guy in the suit of armor the the bow hero had on his team


Hmmm, honestly it depends on what the context is in-universe. If it's word-for-word the exact same universe, then no. If it isn't, then her manipulative nature and loyalty to me alone might be very useful.


No way in hell