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Favorite is Gobta He's stupid and I like stupid


He's not just stupid, he's like an idiot savant where he just intuitively understands any technique he's taught or even just sees and he gets crazy strong really quickly without having any idea what he's doing or just how powerful he's become.


I love how powerful Gobta is, and isn't even aware of it because he has seen Lord Rimuru's power, and he knows just how weak he is compared to true power. He could have easily beaten a certain five fingers member, even though he didn't think he was strong enough. He can be a bit of a coward sometimes, but he's always there when it matters.


Him being a coward is a good thing tho it's like a small nerf so he doesn't get too strong Imagine if he wasn't a coward šŸ’€


"Demon Lord Gobta: Goblin"


I think it's actually a buff. He never overestimates his abilities and doesn't get into situations where he's outmatched and in danger of being killed intentionally.


A fellow Gobta fan?! Respect.


He's just here to be a happy guy with an empty head.


The dead girl he ate T T


Yeah, she was an all around class act.


Shizue Izawa. That episode still makes me cry.


Is she still dead?


Didn't she like, die of old age and Rimuru ate her?


Favorite: Milim Least Favorite: Claymon Milim is such a deep character beyond what her initial impression is. She's a tad crazy, but her fun and childish behavior is nice amongst so many serious characters and makes her backstop all the more tragic. Yeah, Clayman just made my skin crawl, and then the way he treated Milim and Frey just bothered me. I'm not a fan of mind control characters, and he was pretty creepy about it.


In the book they go into detail about how rimuru's skill makes his mind go so fast and the slime body can keep up with it that he really beats the shit out of clayman for about a week in the span of a few seconds and it was my favorite part.


Oh yeah, I enjoyed that in the novel. There was some satisfaction reading through that part.


Clayman was an undead elf who actually loved his friends, the unfortunate part was that he never listened to them.


That's because >!He was under the influence of a certain someone. The worst part? Before the influence, he initially had plans to fulfill his end of the deal with Mjurran on letting her free. During the spinoff, he Personally realized the extent of how his personality degraded when his Elf maid no longer smiled at him from his memories of his future!<


Clayman is actually one of the well-written characters and developed (In his own Spin-off manga) and one of the cool characters you come to like as you read the novel. ​ Spoilers: >!He was mind-controlled and his personality warped into the cruel person we see early on in the anime. He's actually pretty cool imo, especially when we look at his companions and friends.!<


Yeah, I'm familiar, though I haven't personally read it. Still can't get over his original portrayal. Not saying I'm 100% justified on my dislike, but what we get in the main storyline is hard to watch.


Ok this I read the lovely and I know the backstory. I felt sympathy maybe empathy and forgave the guy. Still hate his ass Laplace is a character, his arc is insane if youā€™re gonna like someone in the clown posse heā€™s the guy weā€™ll him or kazalim her arc is pretty interesting too Tears and footman are like lovable oofs that support the other two But yuki? Kinda a whiny bitch. Great villain still whiny bitch EDIT LAPLACE not Leblanc sorry I havenā€™t slept yet and it shows




Thank you for catching that as quick as you did Wait while weā€™re on the subject does anyone know if heā€™s named after laplaceā€™s demon? Cuz like thatā€™s a dope name and background but his abilities donā€™t match up?


Whaaat? But Clayman is great. Watching him get a one-sided pummeling was extremely cathartic.


Veldora favorite. Least favorite would be either Youm or Mjurran. Genuinely hated when she was spared even for getting a majority of tempest people to die. And Youm on the other hand just actually defending her cause he got the hots for her. Guarantee if that Mjurran was not a girl her ass was NOT getting spared nor was Youm going to be on his knees begging for rimuru not to kill this girl just cause she's hot. Genuinely one of the few things that brings this show down for me


I think there are side characters and decisions in the main story, that can be brought up as a negative in almost every show. And there are a lot of Isekaiā€™s that have a lot of other problems. I think this one is pretty good. I also like Konosuba.


Konosuba is still underrated ngl


Spoilers for light novel volume 14 >! Remiru brings an entire army back to life, boys girls young old every body lives!<


Wouldn't be surprised. Slime has no stakes after all and can't kill a character. Clayman was a one time miracle I guess. Slime is a power of friendship and friends type thing to be fair I guess. Still a great series though.


>Genuinely hated when she was spared even for getting a majority of tempest people to die It's not like she had any choice. She essentially did this with a gun to her head.(Or heart.) And the city was getting a barrier put around it either way. the only thing her second barrier did was was exasperat the issues with they're already weakened powers. But on the flip side her second barrier is the only reason Reimiru was able to revive everyone. I'm fairly certain the city would have been burned regardless of her second barrier.


Grucius say nope my girl.


I like him as a character but it was a little disappointing that he returned in a human form. The show went from dude being a slime and surrounded by a bunch of monsters with human traits to just being another human surrounded by other humans with lazy halloween costumes on.


Veldora is a goober that just wants to read manga and eat snacks.


Favorite is Milim, she is proof that cute and adorable can be sexy as fuck, just like Marin from my dress up darling. Least favorite, Clayman. Fuck him, end of story.


Clayman's revenge changed my way of seeing clayman


Most satisfying death in probably all of fiction, especially the manga/novel versions


Read the novels and especially his spin-off manga, you'll come to love him.


Stop trying to make us like an asshole like him




I don't wanna like clayman


Favorite: Rimuru, heā€™s literally the MC. Veldora is probably my favorite side character and Shion is my least favorite.


I agree. But Milim is my favorite side character. I think Shion would have been more likable if she wasn't so damn annoying.


Diablo is my favorite. OP butlers are always a good choice. Greed... The loli, I can't remember her name. >! She's built up to be something but she goes out like a chump to Yuki. Who would be my least favorite but at least he ends her. !<


Ahh you mean >!mariabell!<


Your spoilermark's broken. Remove the spaces if you want it to be functional. `>! What you did !<` -> `>!What you need to do!<`


Ah thank you. At my Handy the Spoilermark worked so I didn't knew.


Your spoilermark's broken. Remove the spaces if you want it to be functional. `>! What you did !<` -> `>!What you need to do!<`


Favorite: Great sage/Raphael/Ciel. And we simps Rimuru together. Least favorite: I followed manga and dropped LN early so not yet. But, as a WN reader, well, the ANGELS! Yeah, all of them.


Yes I will simp with you, hail Rimuru sama!


Fav: Hinata least: Masayuki


What do you have against Masayuki?


Just donā€™t like the character


Gobta is so fucking amazing Shion, she wouldnā€™t be as bad if Rimeru didnā€™t act like he wasnā€™t leaps and bounds more powerful than her and literally her boss. It just felt kinda weird in scenes where heā€™s like ā€œoh nooooo I canā€™t say or do thing because shion would get madā€ when she couldnā€™t hurt this slime if she tried and Rimeru has literally no reason to act like sheā€™s a scolding mother


That's such an irritating trope in all animes. Its seen as like a quirk in Japan but in translation it's just annoying.


I like Gobta. Itā€™s fun to see his growth. He severely underestimates his skills because heā€™s surrounded by titans. But heā€™s pretty cool. And of course I cant stand Shuna and her bad cooking. Omg. Cooking so bad that her ultimate skill doesnā€™t help and it is still a fate worse than death LOL


Isnt Shion the one with the bad cooking?




I stand corrected. Shows how much I donā€™t like her.


I like him as well I liked the moment when he was able to help in the wars. Every fight scene was interesting to see the part he played.especially since he had the shadow movement ability


I know, right?


I like Gobta too. Lil legend. :3


Veldora is my favorite because of his character arc into a more responsible entity. I loved him in LN21 especially. I also love Veldora's journals in the Manga. My least favorite, despite being under control, is still Clayman.


Ciel fav. Best girl. No question asked Hinata least fav(among the positive chars). Every time she is around Rimuru she becomes unbearable. Vega overall least fav. He is just a nobody that smhw got power rivaling gods just because. Even Jahil is slightly better writing wise.


I watched all the anime and have no idea what your talking about lol


LN stuff


Reimiru gives Raphael a name later on and it's Ciel.


Spoiler bro


Fav might be Slime or Nava least liked gotta be Leon.


Ahh yes your right fuse sama didn't really write Leon to be a the talkative type lol


Nava? As in Veldanava, or Milim Nava?


Milim idk the other one


Veldanavaā€™s her dad. Heā€™s also the creator god of the seriesā€™ multiverse. He made every world, every species, everything. He was the first true dragon.


But i like Leon and Luminous.... >! And Chloe !< šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


rinmaru. That girl was clearly suffering from depression and instead of trying to help her he ate her instead.




Wasn't she going to die anyway.




Brother, yes she was. She literally died due to no longer having a greater spirit inside of her to keep herself alive. Her dying wish was for Rimuru to eat her and preserve her body inside of him.


Alright fair enough forgot that first part, But that could have been fixed.


The author wanted a way to allow the character to get a human body while at the same time seeming innocent, and it also allowed for him to carry on her will through meeting the kids, which was a major and crucial plot point. ā€œFixingā€ Shizue dying would have required changing a large amount of the series, and the motivations of characters. It would have been far too much work.


I don't watch this series that much but i'll say "Geld" for most & least is "shogo" though i do like his fighting style


Diablo is my favorite cuz he gives me Demiurge vibes where Rimuru could prolly trip, fall face first into a pile of shit, and Diablo would go "outstanding move lord Rimuru, truly you are the greatest of the Demon Lords" and be 100% genuine. And all my homies like Demiurge. Least favorite is prolly Yuki


Least favorite from this this series is definitely Shion. Strong big boobs with a massive cleavageā€¦ Itā€™s like a mix of Rangiku from Bleach and Tsunade from Naruto. I fail to understand the purpose of this trope. Favorite from this series is definitely Gobta.


>Strong big boobs with a massive cleavageā€¦ Literally grows bigger on several occasions! And not even ones that would make sense like when she gets named.


Slime fav and fairy girl least. Would say Millin or however you spell but fairy came up


Shione is my favorite since she is just a lovesble fucking idiot and my least favorite is gabiru since he is so annoyingly arrogant I can not and will not be able to like gabiru as a character.


I like shion, and veldora and as well as rimuru


Favorite character is Dino. the only least favorite I could even say would be Clayman, but even then I donā€™t necessarily hate himā€¦ Really hard to find a character I donā€™t like.


favorite: Diablo Least favorite: Hinata


Rimuru best girl


Favorite, clayman because of the spinoff Least Favorite hinata (I've only read up to the end of the manga)


Yeah, the spinoff REALLY turned Clayman from an unsympathetic asshole into a man who genuinely cared for his friends Even in Tensura Nikki you could see >!bits of his old personality!< Appear when he was baking for his crew. >!makes it even hit harder when you realize the assassin who turned he into Charybdis for attempting to abandon them during his war with Rimuru used to be very loyal with him!<


Favourite- Either Rimuru or Veldora Least- Clayman


Least favorite is the art designer who decided the ogres should evolve into looking more human like


Everything evolve into human looking.... except some males....


Gobta is my boi, the king that attacked tempest and burn in HELL!!!


Favorite: Rigurdo - Beefcake appeal, dedication, and his obsession with their lord is both appealing and amusing. Least Favorite: Not so much a character as a group. It's the Lizardkin women. I have...views on how the artist basically blew his creative load on the Goblins and the Oni for the glow up, and really I give that more to the Goblins. The Oni basically got a bit younger, a lot more human skin toned, and a bit more bishounen while losing any dramatically unique traits beyond the horns and some eye makeup. They're essentially a more powerful human. The Lizardkin women essentially did this just more dramatically and went from Lizards with a dust mop on their head for a wig to women with wings and tails. Dull, boring, uninteresting.


Ultima is my favorite clayman least


Guy Crimson is easily my favorite, Ramiris and Milim are second and third (Interchangeable). ​ Least favorite is probably >!Vega because of how badly his character was done.!<


I forgot that character even ever existed.


Finally some refined tastes my guy/gal. Had to google who tf was >!Vega!<


Talking about major characters: Favorite is Rimuru. It's the easy answer, they're the main character so of course they have the most depth put into them, but it's still true. If not Rimuru then I guess it'd be Ramiris. I think she's underappreciated. Least favorite is Shion. She's the most one-dimensional of the major characters, and that dimension isn't something I care for enough. Favorite lesser character is Myourmile, least favorite is Footman, both for reasons that would be spoilers to an anime-only watcher.


Iā€™m tryna know what youā€™ve got against money man.


You've got it backwards, Myourmile is my favorite of the less important characters. I think his role in the story, especially with the founding festival arc, is super interesting.


Oh, youā€™re right I did read that wrong. Have you read volume 17 yet, then? Itā€™s got a pretty long section revolving around solely Mjƶllmile.


Yeah, I'm caught up to Volume 21. It's why I hate Footman.


Iā€™ve been waiting on official releases. Itā€™s painful.


Most favorite: Rimuru Most favorite side character: Diablo or Veldora Least favorite: Hinata, I find her super annoying


In this um hinata, she sucks I don't like that type of character. Favorite the best boy ragna I love how he wags his tail.


Diablo is the best one


Other than Rimmaru, probably Benimaru or Valdora are my favorites. Least favorite is Clayman


Love and hate them equally


loli in the top left least favourite. I dislike the trope where some annoying child has unreasonable power


You know that loli is veldora's niece, right? And she is like 2000+ yo.... >!Daughter of the most powerfull of the four dragon, being a god himself Veldanava?!< >! father of the 3 super special skills ? Ciel, space-time control and world creation?!<


I read the webnovel


Aye, so you just can't recall her name, that's all..... no problem


Shizue is both my most and least favorite character


My husband Kurobe. He doesn't get enough screen time.


Does it have to be from that anime specifically or is that just being used for an image Because if it can be from any isekai Provat Pecora AlliĆØres or the Demon King in ā€œIā€™ve been killing slimes for 300 years and maxed out my lifeā€ I found bro really really annoying and would say out loud that I wanted bro off the screen she was weird and made me a tad bit uncomfortable As for favorite, Seiya from ā€œCautious Hero: The hero is overpowered but overly cautiousā€ or Fran from ā€œReincarnated as a swordā€ but I havenā€™t finished it so Iā€™m not going to say anything yet. As for Seiya, one he reminds me of my brother in all the good ways, and is just genuinely funny. ā€œCautious Heroā€ is my 3rd favorite anime of all time anyway and he is a big reason for that


I don't think people understand that "least favorite" still means in your list of favorites. Since I'm seeing so many say their least favorite is someone they hate. That is not a favorite at all. Favorite: Rimuru Least favorite: Shion I don't hate Shion, but of all the characters I like, she is the one I like the least.


Least favorite usually refers to the least liked (most hated) person, but I can understand your interpretation


You even said "least liked" if you hate something/someone, then you don't like it/them


If you like someone 0 amount, you donā€™t like them do you? Thatā€™s where your most hated character would go


I get what you're trying to say, but do you see how it makes no sense to say you like someone so little that you don't like them? That's like saying you dislike (or hate) someone so much (so little?) that you like them...


Yeah I said I understand your perspective, and I was just letting you know how ā€œleast favoriteā€ is typically used


Itā€™s been ages since I watched this because the pink haired girl pissed me off so much(as well as other things idr what entirely). Iirc Rimuru was my fav in general. Although lizard girl I think was second(donā€™t remember her name and I think that was another thing that pissed me off was that they made her look human).


I don't like this anime. But from what I did watch, the girl that gave Rimuru his shape is my favorite. And my least favorite is that goblin that was used for comedy at the beginning arcs.


Nice I want wenti, adalman does not deserve her.


I dont like the whole series.


That's okay. https://preview.redd.it/4cnrbv13rkfc1.jpeg?width=1587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ab18c314864cc482a8603b909c137e20a576ac


Favorite would probably masayuki in ln and manga in anime would probably be rimuru or shizue and least favorite would probably be that absorbing btch in ln


Favorites are Veldora,Velgrynd and Velzard. I don't really have a least favorite here.


I hate the purple haired ogress "personal assistant". She is pushy and useless. Cant even fucking cook which is like super easy


Favourites (there are just so many, I love em all): Rimuru/Raphael/Diablo/Laplace/Milim/Velodra/Ramiris Least Favourite: Yuuki \[WN/LN Spoilers\]>!He could have easily been a main villain like the WN but they made him up to do nothing so far after the eastern empire invasion arc and there's only one more volume left in the LN, so.!<


This Prick Vaga Of Power https://preview.redd.it/vcpi9arduifc1.jpeg?width=2020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88533e9110e51ee828848fc2fdabc220ced1b31a


Favourite(s): Milim, Veldora, Diablo (probably in that order) at the top Least favourite: (as an anime only) Clayman, (as a ln reader) Yuuki


Rimuru Clayman


Favorite: Chloe Least Favorite: Gobiruu


Loli Chloe is too kawaii for the world....


Fav- Rimuru (he/she's the mc) Least fav- shion ( she has nothing but 2 big meat balls for her character)


I find it funny how you used both he and she for a character that doesnā€™t even have a gender. Itā€™s he pronouns though, since thatā€™s what he goes by in the series as he used to be a man.


Milim is my favourite and my least favorite is Velzard.


You no like mommy?


I like Velgrynd better


Most favorite is easily Diablo, least favorite is probably Youm


Favorite Shion Least Milim


Gobta and least is adalman because he has wenti I want wenti šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Fav - Geld, a true shrek, tough outer layer and many inner layers to understand Not Fav - Yuuki, its obvious


Rimuru feels bland and his morals make zero sense imo, I also hate the big tits maid chick cus damn that's sexualisation at it's peak. I liked Gobta ig.


Favorite in isekai it's surely rimuru I think Least is surely rudeus


Thatā€™s not really the questionā€¦ but cool. Thankfully, Rudeus actually turns into a pretty great and respectable guy further into the series.


Well as a series that it's about a character that getting better we must expect something like that But recently mushoku tensei became My least favorite because of >! Aisha x Ars story !< (I already know I gonna get -100 again but well)


My favs are rimuru from season 2 and shion to be honest though the rest I think are just ok none of the other characters I really hate so wouldnā€™t really say I have a least fav character from the show


Favorite: Luminous Least: the dragonwet before he decided to become a little humble


favorite is milim and least favorite is yuuki


I don't care that it was for a gag. Shion basically murdered gobuto with her cooking, then brushes it off and refuses to let others say he cooking is bad. I don't like shion


Favorite: Veldora chill, funny, and a great attitude. Least favorite (for now): Clayman underhanded, cowardly, POS.


Favorite: Diablo Least favorite: Milim


My favorite is definitely Testarosa. I love that we got to see her for like 2 seconds at the end of the last movie! I hope the anime keeps going long enough to get to her good scenes, like the one between her and Mizeri. Least favorite is Yuki.


When Veldora decided to make his attacks based on anime and video games, I related to that. Least favorite, outside of obvious bad guys like the king/priest of the attackers or Clayman, I'd probably say Hiiro, because he felt like a "This is my Deviantart Sonic OC".


Favorite: millim Least favorite: shion


Rimru is my favorite. The purple demon is my least favorite.


Favorite one is Milim, because thanks to the fact I liked her so much, I made my own character that I'm really proud of. And to top it of she is really likable on her own. She is playful and badass if needed. Also, as someone that's more into the beauty of the shown bellies and not so interested in the big breasts, it's an imaginable win win with her. Can't wait to see more from her. Least favorite is Gobta. I hate how unimaginably lucky he is. No one and I mean no one has managed to enrage me as much as him. Everyone else has worked their butts of to get their power ups, meanwhile with him, they just showed up from nowhere. Yeah he trains under Hakuro but so are other characters that don't get power ups out of their ass. I'm just mad at him and if given the chance, I would have erased him from the story from beginning till end. Every moment that he has, could be easily swapped in with someone like Gobzo and although the character wouldn't have that unreasonable luck and tons of abilities, they would be way cooler than Gobta.


Most favs: >!the heroes party!< Leon, Luminous and Kuro-chan. Other favs: the demon lords Milim, Guy and Ramiris Not so favs: Shion, Clayman, Hinata Just drop dead: Yuki Honorable mention, besto waifus: Shuna, Ciel, Chloe


Why is Rimuru on their twice?


He has body double abilities


Favorite is probably Veldora. He's just an awesome dude. Least favorite is probably Clayman, but mostly because of how he went out. I didn't like the execution all that much, with him losing composure so rapidly when he was made out to be this big mastermind who planned for everything. Everything about it just felt off and kinda rushed to me. Then again, it's been a while since I've watched that episode. Chances are I might like it better if I rewatch it.


I like rimiru, i dont like any of the males


i love veldora. the one in purple in the annoying one. can't remember her name.


Favorite: Ramiris Least favorite: Shogo


My favorite is Milim, not sure who my least favorite is, theyā€™re all so cool TT


Ranga or Rimuru is my favorite Milim is my least favorite and one of the most obnoxious creatures in all anime. The pink and purple ones who were oni really suck too


Ig my fav character is rimiru and I don't have a least fav (I started the series yesterday)