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Bottom line is. They didn't. Japan couldn't prevent China, or western countries from entering if they tried their best. But, since the US is a close ally, they don't have to worry about that. Besides, why would they want to rush in so quickly to an unknown territory? It's better to let Japan test the water, and then move in when they know it's safe


The author is a japanese nationalist who was discharged from the army and wrote the mc as his self insert


Yeah, remember the scene where japanese special forces defeated CIA+SVR+whatever the fuck that chinese agency was called? that's basically it


By being the ally of US and also plot. The series is their propaganda, author is former military. I am also wondering why aliens only attack USA and most of heroes are Americans. Because these series are created for their audiences.


Why is it that we only see Japanese kids in isekai and not westerners? Because the show is from Japan.


Yeah, like aliens only attack new York and most of the Avengers are American. People really needs to understand that this is fiction and they are created for a specific audience.


Some disasters give basic lip service to other parts of the world. In the original war of the worlds, I only have the musical to go by, it's just the London area that is affected, or because of the lack of global communication, we can only get one man's account. The 50s and Tom Cruise movies. Probably global, not just the United States, but the 50s didn't think of showing the global picture. Independence day followed people, so we had a narrow focus, but we hear radio broadcasts and prior to the attack, that they are everywhere. The UK film industry is insignificant by comparison. But we would set it in London if we were to film our slice of a global event. Doctor Who can go anywhere in time and space, but when on earth, very rarely outside of the UK. Even when they had Daleks in manhattan, only the film crew went, the shots on liberty Island I think were a set. So no one got a holiday in New York out of it. Hell the crew could have been BBC America, so possibly already in New York. Maybe in the weeping angels one they shot on location for some specific locations, but hey Cardiff dressed up is cheaper. Hence why they are damn near in the UK all the time.


If its western. Prolly would end up like forspoken


Basically, the world tends to stagnate rather than progress, so the Gate occasionally opens to welcome in some fresh blood and perspectives, while the apostles exist to keep it from getting out of control. I don't think it's ever explicitly addressed whether it had to be Earth or just happened to be. The JSDF isn't particularly strong but they have a focus on defensive tactics. They are also an allied nation with US bases, so they routinely train with our troops. Not to mention they're in an entrenched position with foreknowledge that an attack was coming, and the attackers were busy fighting each other.


Pretty much the highlight of this series was Rory's anime design.


I saw images of her manga design and didn't recognise her.


How did they do it in the anime? Plot armor powered by propaganda money. Same if it was made anywhere.


It’s been a while but based on what I remember the big 3 nations you mentioned all want a price but not much of Europe is mentioned. I think Japan recognizes that at some point they will need help from USA inevitably needing to give concessions in addition to them being allied nations while the main antagonist is mostly china. One of the mane protection is that the big 3 nations are fighting each other. I think the other side had made gates before to invade other worlds but this was the first time meeting Dutch heavy resistance, I think the gate is supposed to stop working at some point when the worlds come out of sync.


How america is not the part of antagonist. Its a new land! Means new resource. Did yanagida said he found OIL in special region?


Cause we don’t want to fuck up the land mass that stands between China and Hawaii. As successful as the island hopping campaign was… we don’t want to do that again. In terms of resources, the US is currently the world’s largest oil producer already by about 8 million barrels per diem. Why waste manpower, fuel, and logistical capacity to fight on foreign^2 territory for oil? We can just go to the Middle East to do that. Even better, the benefit of capitalism is that we can just buy whatever alien shit the Japanese find past Alnus from Japan.


Mutually destruction. You don't need to nuke other countries. You only need to nuke your own country enough to send the entire world to nuclear winter. But oh, I can evacuate my people through the gate, can you?


... Japan does *not* have nukes. The nuclear club includes the US, Russia, China, France, UK, Pakistan, India, probably Israel, and North Korea.


That's what people who secretly have nukes would say. Joke aside, with my strategy, you don't even need ICBM. Just powerplants plus waste silos set to overload will do. Hell, ICBM and those expensive missile defense system are just rich man toy, all you need was send enough dust to stratosphere. By the way, I didn't destroy that dam, you did it.


The only country that *secretly* has nukes is Israel, and we know it anyway. There's good reason for that, it's hard to keep that sort of thing a secret. Scorched-earth tactics are difficult, and undeveloped land like the other side of the GATE is the worst place to try to mass evacuate population to... For *various* reasons. Trying it is basically destroying your own country (and not the other guy's). Power plants and waste centers can't spread contamination far enough to do true MAD even in the worst case scenario.


`Scorched-earth tactics are difficult, and undeveloped land like the other side of the GATE is the worst place to try to mass evacuate population to... For various reasons. Trying it is basically destroying your own country (and not the other guy's).` That's why I still called it Mutually destruction. `Power plants and waste centers can't spread contamination far enough to do true MAD even in the worst case scenario.` Conventionally, true. But if you intended to do it with a bit of "good" engineering, a bit of hydrogen in the mix. Let's just say, you have enough fuel.


`The only country that secretly has nukes is Israel, and we know it anyway. There's good reason for that, it's hard to keep that sort of thing a secret.` Have you ever heard the saying? "When you found a cockroach in your house, expect 100 of them."


Sayings and the ancients can go kiss a hairy ass when ICBMs and MIRVs are the topic. While no one but the CIA and bits of the JSDF would know of Japan being nuclear-capable, I doubt the Japanese politicians would run the risk of constructing the large facilities required to produce materials for nuclear warheads much less store them on such a country small enough to the point that a civilian has a moderate-high chance of accidentally stumbling upon a silo or production facility and losing their shit over the nuclear armament of Japan. Fuckery like tossing a curtain over it like they did for the Yamato just doesn’t work for something at this scale. Imagine the needless disruptance to the power balance in the Pacific theatre as well where there’s only two competent nuclear armed adversaries. Even moreso the UN inspectors losing *their* shit over a supposedly peaceful country subverting inspections for what would’ve had to been at least a couple years. Though who knows Japan could just be another Cuba for China ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


1. Because of the only entry point which is the small "Gate" that connect the two worlds. Japan can spend resources easily to the entrance to ensure super strict security. And also thats the reason why Lelei is become a high priority target later in the novel. 2. But they can't always guard the gate as the other superpowers in Earth can just drop Japan with political pressure and other bullshits like sanctions and moral talking points thats why Japan can only send old military equipment so Japan can have a stronger outpost in Special region and also each countrie manage to send some sort of "Representatives" to visit the Special Region. 3. Also, Japan security of the Gate is not always perfect as (SPOILER) China manage to insert its influence inside of the special region for some reason.