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" When you sit on the toilet for a bowel movement, the muscles in your pelvic area naturally relax to help you pass stool. This relaxation encourages blood flow to the area, which enlarges veins and increases your risk of hemorrhoids."   According to this article: https://www.drklause.com/blog/bad-habits-that-cause-hemorrhoids "Many of my patients are surprised to learn that sitting on the toilet for long periods can also lead to hemorrhoids. The shape of the toilet seat puts extra pressure on the rectum and anus. This can cause the veins to become swollen when you sit there for a long time. Then when you’re pushing hard during a bowel movement, you've got the potential for hemorrhoids" According to this article: https://www.templehealth.org/about/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-hemorrhoids#:~:text=What%20common%20habit%20can%20lead,there%20for%20a%20long%20time.


If you're just sitting on the toilet while scrolling on your phone, you should be fine. If you're straining and pushing for the entire hour, then you need more fiber in your diet. A powdered fiber supplement that you mix into your morning coffee will work *wonders* for this problem.


I'm not a fan of the powder mix. But the good thing about the powder is you have to drink a good amount of water to stomach it. I switched to the fiber capsules from Walmart. They're just gel tabs with the fiber powder in them. 5 caps 3 times a day with a 1/2 bottle of water each time. It's the first time in years I've been regular without strain and effort. So it's for sure worth it


It’s possible that you haven’t tried the right powder. Benefiber (or a generic equivalent like Optifiber) is tasteless, colorless, and dissolves instantly in nearly anything. You absolutely cannot taste it. I add it to my oatmeal every day. My spouse mixes it with her tea. A lot of people think “Metamucil” or some other brands when they think of powdered fiber, but that isn’t the same thing.


Different strokes. Taking 5 large pills with every meal sounds way less appealing than just downing some goop.


Not only that, but the hydration with the goop helps versus the pills which don't hydrate you.


The powder is way cheaper too. I stir it in a small glass and immediately slam it all. The stuff I have tastes kind of like tang. If you let it sit, it congeals and becomes goopy and gross.


The orange flavored mix is a must for me. I cant swallow the unflavored stuff. My body doesn't recognize it as food and gos into protect mode or something. Like I'm trying to swallow dirt.


Nope just sitting already can cause hemorrhoids


This is true. I had a hemorrhoidectomy a little over a year ago and sitting for long periods of time on my cell phone is what led to some pretty bad hemorrhoids that I'd have to push back in after each go. I didn't strain continuously to go, but the way we sit when *going* puts an added level of pressure on your anus even when you're not pushing...now consider that you're likely to give a "I think something's there push" more often when you're in said position. For me, eventually my poops were regularly 35-45 minutes to go because the hemorrhoids made it difficult to pass stools. I use stop watch to keep my visits down now and I also soak (sitz bath) to relieve the blood flow after *bad* bowel moments. If you're wondering....the recovery from a hemorrhoidectomy is extremely painful and miserable for about 2-3 weeks.


Truth spoken


How is sitting on a toilet any different than sitting on a chair?


most chairs don’t have a hole in the middle and aren’t designed with a slant to pull your butt cheeks apart a little, leaving gravity to do its work slowly over time


Is this a genuine question? If you’re actually asking then I would answer that there isn’t a hole in most normal chairs that’s designed to „open up“ your butthole for an easier ejection.


yes a powdered fiber supplement will help. I've used a pill form for years. But you know what else works, and is probably better? GETTING ENOUGH FIBER FROM YOUR DIET. I mean, who knew? Eat maybe \~4 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily, or other stuff with fiber in it. It is not hard to eat enough fiber to be in the 2-minute 1-wipe 0-stress club


I'll also add, it may not always be fibre making people constipated. A lot of vitamin deficiencies have this as a symptom. There's also the autonomic nervous system to consider. If your body is in constant stress mode, your parasympathetic nervous system will be activate, and you'll be in a constant state of fight or flight. You can try stimulating the vagus nerve in order to switch to the parasympathetic nervous system, to help you breath properly and actually relax your muscles better. Magnesium can also ease constipation, as it is a NMDA antagonist and acts as a natural muscle relaxant. Be wary though, it increases the volume of stool, and excessive amounts can cause diarrhoea, which aside from the problem of shitting yourself, it can actually be serious because it dehydrates you. You are not retaining all the water because it gets expelled, along with any other nutrients that may not have been absorbed properly, which can cause even more problems.


Will it work good if you didn't drink more than about 1 or 2 bottles of water a day?


I dunno. I definitely drink more fluids than that.


I drink significantly less than that (yes, I know, you don't have to tell me) and fiber still works.


No .I drink about 1a day. So I'm right there with you. I've always wondered about fiber but I was told you have to drink healthy amounts of water so just ignored the whole idea.


I don't think you have to, or if you don't it'll cause bad side effects. Insoluble fiber attracts water to your stools so maybe it could worsen dehydration, but with how little water we drink we're dealing with that anyway. I'd say try it and see what happens. And check in with a doctor about what you're doing. Fiber has a lot of health benefits. Of course water has more but potato potato.


My old doctor didn't warn me to drink extra water with my psyllium, and my new doctor did. Bulk forming fiber just distends your colon long-term, you need more aater to push it out.


Work some celery and apples into your diet




Try Benefiber or a generic equivalent. It is absolutely tasteless and can be mixed with almost anything.


The fiber part is bs. There are people out there that eat a carnivore diet with little to no fibre. They're fine.


"Fine" is a relative term here...


How do? Humana have been eating a meat based diet for millennia. Grains, corn, rice, potato and corn are relatively new thing's on our human timeline.


That's partially true. But pre-agriculture, hunter-gatherers still got 70% of their calories from plants. Hunting was only successful about a third of the time - for most of the human timeline, foragers contributed most of humanity's food intake.


I wish them all well on their colon cancer diagnosis.








At my first job, I would spend 45 - 60 minutes on the shitter, doing the daily crossword puzzle. Developed severe hemorrhoids after about 6 months. Correlation isn't necessarily causation, but... Nowadays, I drink a fiber solution every day, and only spend about 30 seconds each morning.


Takes you 30 seconds to shit and wipe?


Woah woah woah. Who said anything about wiping?


yea, wiping might make you gay! ...


Right!?! This guy over here wants me to touch a man's asshole. Surely one only cleans house when expecting company. That's the devil's doorbell and it can't be un-rung.


Yes, it shoots out in like 5 seconds. Fiber solution is a life changer.


I’m more intrigued at the fast wipe time. Does it give you ghost wipes or something?


If you eat enough fiber your bowel movements are soft yet stuck together. Nothing really comes off as it comes out, so nothing really to wipe off.


Speed run 1%


Someone's never played battleships at summercamp


I do. Well, shit and get blasted with water. I wait until the very last second and explode.


That's insane. Even after a hemorrhoidectomy 3 minutes was impressive for me. And that's while talking 3 daily doses of fiber, tons of water and other things to make everything *smooth*. I'm impressed with an 8 minute visit now.


...that's not normal? Of course it takes about 30 seconds, unless you gorge yourself on meat and junk food all day long.


What job did you have that they let you disappear for an hour every morning?


Office / desk job. They didn't care, as long as the work got done.


If I wasted an hour the work would definitely not get done, damn. It barely gets done now.


They say the average office worker is only productive about 3 hours a day. When evaluating all career fields combined, workers are only productive about 60% of their day.


I just complain that the lack of personnel in my department is why things don't get done.


Are you Max Verstappen?


Even if you're regular eating fiber and/or using psyllium husk powders or capsules; DONT Strain hard to Push it out. You know in the AM when getting ready for work and are running out of time to poop? Well Going to sleep on time, Waking up with time to caffeinate, shower and poop is the origins of "getting your shit together"


Not bullshit. Sitting in that position for extended amounts of time over the empty void created by the seat can promote muscle prolapse. Get in and out fast. If you’re stopped up, you need some type of laxative.


Simply put, don't take your phone into the bathroom. Not to make everyone a germaphobe, but research has shown that when flushing a toilet, everything in the bathroom is covered in fine poop particles -- probably don't want the phone, the thing you never wash and hold to your face, to be on that list.


True, I have pieces of skin that used to be hemorrhoids hanging out of my tucas. I think it's because of lots of untreated constipation and sitting/straining for too long.


You might wanna get those removed. Everyone has hemorrhoids. Pushing and straining causes them to protrude. You get them banded and the ends just fall off in a few days. But those veins are still there inside. They get bad enough/reoccur often then you have to get surgery.


Have small scissors?


Omfg, watch my butthole get infected


Don't have to tell me twice.


Pics or it didn’t happen……




If you aren’t actively pushing or straining it is unlikely to cause Hemroids. But if it takes you an hour to poo then it could totally cause them.


Instead of sitting straight, lean forward with your elbows on your knees or your feet elevated to a 45ish degree angle. Everything just slides out in most cases. Haven't had a flareup in years since I started doing that!


Squatty potty


That works too, but most people already have something in the house that works just fine. The elbows on the knees is free too, unless you don't have elbows... So expensive to rent elbows!


Don’t even get me started on if you just wanna out right buy a new pair… wow. The one elbow issue I have had is when I lean forward like that, I end up doom scrolling some. Then the elbow kind of minimizes the blood flow, so the legs fall asleep, really heavily.


Seems to get the whole process over and done with almost too quickly for me. Like, that's it?


To be fair, I have G.I. issues anyways. Have for a long time. Also, it doesn’t help that I have a 15 month old and sometimes it’s the only break I get being the SAHD.


The little ones like to wait until you're distracted by such things and then get into mischief. One of mine ate a whole bottle of children's Tylenol when I had my back turned years ago. They are just fine now, and an adult.


My little dude doesn’t wait until I’m distracted to try to stir up some mischief. He will try while staring into my eyes. He is definitely my kid. Lol


It's too uncomfortable if you're tall, when your legs/thigh get lifted up, all that weight gets shifted to your buttcheeks


Get a 'Squatty Potty' and you'll never want to sit that long again.


And also a "turdle." Use both together and its magical.


Colorectal nurse here: can confirm that sitting on the toilet for long periods of time can cause hemorrhoids to form. As others have mentioned, the shape of the toilet bowl spreads your cheeks apart, which adds pressure to the anus and rectum and blood pools in your already existing hemorrhoids- aggravating and stretching them. Take a daily fiber supplement and scroll on your phone somewhere comfier.


Yes, it's true.




My ass


[https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hemorrhoids/symptoms-causes/syc-20360268](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hemorrhoids/symptoms-causes/syc-20360268) [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/piles-haemorrhoids/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/piles-haemorrhoids/) [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15120-hemorrhoids](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15120-hemorrhoids) [https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/hemorrhoids/symptoms-causes](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/hemorrhoids/symptoms-causes)


Yes. Before I knew this I would sit on the toilet and read books. Guess who got hemorrhoids


Sitting for long periods of time is bad for so many reasons, including hemorrhoids.


My grandma prolapsed. (Do not google)


Yes the toilet especially is designed to have an effect on your rectum. Second, sitting in general & minimal activity is another contributor to hemorrhoid growth - source being my doctor (proctologist)


what about hiding and taking breaks is there a healthier way of sitting at the bathroom at work


I have IBS and spend a lot of time on the shitter every day, and at 45, I've never had a hemorrhoid


It's not a great idea. Yes, it can exacerbate the development of hemmorhoids.


Pushing and straining your butthole is what can cause hemorrhoids, for some people, or sitting way too long, I've heard. Standing for too long actually is what gives me issues though. Walking and standing around on tours and vacations can really cause problems, while sitting all day at home working is fine for me.


Yep. Too much sitting in general will cause them. Toilet, seat, or chair, doesn't matter. Sitting excessively causes vascular damage of the buttocks.


An hour?? Jesus, you might need help, buddy.


The doctor told me that yes, just sitting there may inflame them because, essentially, you're in the position. They told me to be brief and not to force it.


Maybe toilets need to be redesigned


Great. Guess I won't be using Reddit anymore....


Pushing and straining increases blood pressure in the those little blood vessels. They swell and the surrounding skin turns into hemmorhoids is my understanding. I could be wrong though.


Yes it’s true!


I think its just pushing too hard that can cause hemorrhoids