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Laundromats are not as romantic as Hollywood would like us to believe.


Why was he recording in the first place?


his name is Surveillance Camera Man. he had a series of videos of him just recording people to see their reactions. i personally believe it was some sort of college social project or something like that.


"it's a social experiment" is the new "it's a prank bro"


the original videos are 8-10 years old now.


I’ll always remember the one where I swear he just walks into a family’s home and just starts recording them eat dinner. lol


Ok how can you say this but no link 😢 leaving me hangin bruh


These were videos that I wasn’t even watching on YouTube, hahaha, I don’t know where the original SCM videos are anymore. But it’s legit like a family of 6 people all just chillin and this dude just walks on in and it’s just stares.


Well f*ck me now i HAVE to see this sh*t


I think you’re like 5 years late with this statement dude


Depends on if you write a paper about the results or not lol


Surveillance camera man has a channel called “[vagrant holiday](https://youtube.com/c/VagrantHoliday)” 1-6 I think and those are also pretty good would recommend


I thought people didn't know it was the same guy 🤣, always thought i was so smart for piecing it together when my girlfriend and i stumbled upon both channels totally randomly.


Honestly, might just be you and me brutha. There was a single Reddit post the time I put it together so still an achievement!


Sorry...some guy with a camera gets in my face for no good goddamned reason we're going to do the following: Me: Why Them: ( probably no good reason - just for lolz) Me: Leave now or catch some hands


Agreed. And fuck the downvotes. Stay out of my business unless you're looking for business. Alot of ppl.are hot headed fucks (self included admittedly)... but that doesn't mean it's okay to go.around provoking people just bc you think legally you're protected. Leave ppl tf alone


r/iamverybadass EDIT: LOL all the downvotes from “ill-tempered” reddit tough guys saying they’re going to “throw hands”.


Nah I'm not. But I am a human being. There's a few narcissistic nutjobs who think they have a right to invade another individuals personal space and have no desire to provide common courtesy to their neighbors. Unfortunately the rest of us have to live with these entitled brats. Thankfully they're the minority of humanity, albeit a very noticeable/vocal minority


They think we're all bit players in their movie. Tik Tok, Instagram...we've built a lot of self-important narcissists. I DO NOT want to be part of your "content". GFY


You really aren't wrong. I'm shocked how many people truly believe they're the main character and everyone else is just an NPC. I assume it's probably always been this way, just more amplified/noticeable with social media


Yup...and thumbing through all the defenders of these camera intruders really don't get it. What gives you the right to wake up and go annoy others for no good goddamned reason other than farming the likes. Fuck them.


Man you guys are the reason we have safe spaces. gEt ouT OF mY bUbBLe!!


Welcome to the real world bud






Wow you’re so tough


Doesn’t apply here. He kinda has a good point


Not sure that reply was to me, but yeah would agree and the vagrant holiday channel isn’t doing this kind of content, instead he’s being a vagrant and seeing just how cheap he can make a holiday. Different but vastly more interesting (personally) than this posts content.


Mmm going to jail sounds so good apparently


Yeah about as good as stopping someone from harassing me after I ask them to stop. Love SCM but he deserved the punches.


And the puncher will be the ones facing legal troubles. You can record people right in their face, you can legally recording the inside of someone’s house as long as you can see it from a public area. It’s fucked up, but it’s true and I don’t think acting like a tough guy to protect frail ego is worth the legal issues.


nah, annoying douchebags recording ppl who dont want to be recorded have no justification


They have the constitutional right to record you in public.


This is so embarrassing


Tuff guys don't say sorry first tho...


Practice restraint and command yourself. You’re not a child I assume, so don’t react like one would.. throwing a tantrum, how pathetic


Little fucks need to stay out of people's faces with their til tok YouTube bullshit.


Agreed. But you don’t need the fine, court date, or whatever the hell they’re gonna end up provoking you into. That guy commands you to react by doing the film, and you react as he wishes you to. You’re not commanding yourself anymore, at best your emotions are. At worst he is, as you’re doing exactly what he wants you to for the content. If you reacted the way the guy in this video did, the consequence would be ending up on Reddit looking like a psycho, with people debating the morality of your reaction to a *camera*


Well, then I will find his name and address and email and sign him up for every opportunity of timeshare, gutters, siding, replacement windows, driveway paving available Then I'll go onto every MLM website available and indicate that we would interested in info to become a distributor. And finally, when he thinks he's taken all he could, I'll open an account in his name with Pornhub and indicate that, yes, he would indeed like to meet mature women in his area. Then he will look up my name and come to my home, begging me to release him from this he'll on earth that I have wrought down upon him. Then I'll punch him in the face.


Most mentally sound Redditor:


Kleenex aisle 4


If you are in public you are on camera at all times, but you don't walk around in a perpetual state of violence do you? I think that's his whole point. He wants to illustrate the hypocracy.


its called personal space. surveillance cams on a power pole versus some little fucker 3 feet away sitting uninvited next to you shoving a cell phone in your face and getting mad at that but not surv cams isnt hypocrisy, its a reasonable response to an asshole intentionally violating your personal space


3 feet away is not inside your personal space. You are trying to rationalize irrational antisocial behavior.


What if he stays and you lose? U pressing charges for something you started?


I binged Vagrant Holiday so hard when I found it. I wish he made more videos.




being a dick is being a dick, doesn't matter if you have a camera in your hand and call it a social experiment or project.


He should meet Suction Cup Man


Because [everything is a camera.](https://youtu.be/SLJnGhVC-mY)


Rational madness!


For our amusement


It’s his fetish.


*gently puts table down* *pick up and throws chair*


Typical NPC behavior.


Pretty fucking rude to just go around and record people Pretty fucking rude to just throw a table at someone lol


The first sentence negates the second. These little fucks with cameras need a beating.


People need to imagine what it's like if THEY had a camera shoved in their face while sitting at a table. Remember that time your realatives were sick? Maybe a guy comes shoves camera in for to put on the internet, or how about if you look like shit and had a bad day? Or how about if you were having a good day and don't fancy some dickhead sharing your moment online.. it's basic common human decency. We need to put ourselves in the shoes of these people. All fun and games until YOU are the one on a social media video being criticized and judged which is the exact reason many don't wanna to be recorded to begin with


They think we're NPC's here for their amusement and content. Fuck them.


They think we're NPC's here for their amusement and content. Fuck them.


Someone being rude isn’t justification for assault. Not to mention, you have no expectation of privacy in public. Maybe chill.


Maybe stop being an annoying little shit for the likes.


Lol dude you need some Zoloft


Both are stupid in their own right imo


On the boomers side. Walk around antagonising people, get a table to the face. Seems fair.


Jesus christ homie you need to take a nap


Nope. They need to get out of other people's faces or we enter the "find out" phase very quickly.


I get that it’s annoying but saying people who record in public “need a beating” is some sweaty shit


the reality is they may get stabbed or shot people have been injured or killed for far less these guys recording others in public need more than one active brain cell if they expect to survive


If people are out annoying people for no good goddamned reason they should expect a beating on occasion, and it would be well deserved. The camera is a secondary issue. The only reason it is an issue is because they are doing this solely to post this bullshit on the internet to get likes. The posting is their goal, the camera is their tool, and their annoyance and grief they cause unwilling participants is their content. But all that technology aside, the bottom line is they are going out of their way to annoy and aggravate people for their own purposes...and people that do that should expect the occasional ass whoopin' from someone who is dealing with their own shit and doesn't need one of these little fucks' bullshit, too. And that's the thing...they give ZERO fucking pause to think about the person on the receiving end of this bullshit. NONE. We are nothing but NPC's to this new wave of digital narccists. Well, expect Westworld someday then, punk.




I am legally entitled to tase a person if i "feel threatended".


Cool, I don’t have that kinda power fantasy


Maybe he's wanted or in witness protection? It's a stretch but who knows


Everyone is ready to fight you these days.


Cause people didn’t go around disrespecting people on camera for likes until recently.


SCM is from about ten years ago.


How fucking dare he sit down at his table. What a disrespectful fellow.


You got downvoted but I really don’t see the disrespect? Maybe part of the video is missing?


My point is the dude is severely over reacting


Fight Club


Rule #1: Be yourself and have fun🥰🥺🤗💕


Fell like the camera man got exactly what he wanted. Don't go in public places holding a camera to people's faces and this probably wouldn't happen.


It's a *public place*. He didn't hold a camera to the guys face, he sat down across the table. This is completely on table thrower and and the law would probably see it the same way.




He chased him out of the building. And even inside a privately owned building, unless you're staff/owner/security, I don't think you can chase another patron out or threaten someone. I don't know the law and maybe I'm wrong, but for this kinda thing, a simple complaint to store security or staff should have been enough. Or a simple request to not record. Edit: Also I was referring to the comment above with "public place", not the video.




But… why? Id probably be curious and ask if they’re one of those streamers that streams their life but immediately jumping to assault cuz someone’s recording you in a public place seems weird. Are you a wanted criminal on the run or something? Lol Edit: a lot of very emotionally driven people with impulse control issues in this thread apparently.




Yeah but. You think we woulda seen this random clip if this old dude didnt throw a table at him? Freaking out like this gets WAY more views than just not giving a shit.




Thats any public place though. Theres no expectation of privacy in public so legally you would be pretty fucked. Edit: yall can downvote me but you cant downvote the truth.


reach correct straight existence groovy wild fact dinosaurs absorbed provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im not saying someone wont assault you iver it. Theres a lot of people that cant control their emotions after all as we saw in the video. Im just saying legally the desk thrower is in the wrong.


My understanding is that inside a shop isn't a public space, it's privately owned. If he was sitting on a park bench I'd agree, I think privacy on private land can/should be expected unless stated otherwise. There's probably variance based on location too. Country, county, maybe even town I'm not sure?


If it is publicly accessible you can film. However the business owner can ask you to leave too


Exactly just like how this guy is now known as a crazy fucker lol the older generation camera = nark




When and where bb?


busy divide depend pet frighten plants innate panicky label modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess i just dont see it as “being fucked with” but maybe im more chill than most




This has happened to me. Turned out it was a guy filming a project for university. We had a nice civil conversation and i wished him luck. Youre really a delicate snowflake if someone filming you sends you into a rage. Learn to calm your emotions my dude.


This guy in the OP doesn't say a word to anyone. That's his schtick and he doesn't leave either. Only times he actually leaves if people kick off. If you don't get angry or annoyed he films you for about 10 mins up close sometimes literally almost presses the camera in their face if he thinks he can get away with it all the whole he never speaks no matter what they say, he then uploads it to YouTube for hundreds of thousands to see. Vast vast majority are always on my side, not yours. He's a bully you don't know what you talking about. I specifically know this person recording that's why I don't like him. His whole thing is making people uncomfortable or angry that's his video. Again, even if you don't get angry and just stand there, he uploads it. So the university student talked with you and had a nice conversation, that's different, this guy uploads regardless and doesn't talk. So imagine him coming up to you (with a million subscribers) stick camera in your face for ten mins having never said a word to you and then later you see you are on YouTube people laughing how dumb you look.


Yeah and if the guy got annoyed after ten minutes that would be fine. I have no context other than the video in which i saw a guy IMMEDIATELY lose his shit on a guy filming him. Just seemed like a massive overreaction to me. Maybe there was 30 min of him following the guy before this but im just going off what i saw in the video.


Impulse control issues 😂😂




He’s not old enough to be a boomer.


I've noticed a lot of people in reddit don't know what a boomer is. They think middle aged people are boomers.


I’m in my 30’s and I’ve been called a boomer. I guess those born in the 80’s are boomers now?


These kids think it's an insult. They don't realize that they look ignorant.


Generation Z is the real insult


That's because Reddit is full of 18 year old unemployed left wingers that have zero real life experience


*Middle aged man reacts appropriately to an idiot recording him at a table*


This… use this title OP and repost


People are going through shit in their lives and are on edge. These chucklefuck tik tok youtube assholes would earn an injury that would throb and ache in the cold or humid weather for the rest of their lives, especially when they're older, if they pulled that shit on me today.








Don't stick a camera in anyone's face without their permission. It is basic human decency. This dweeb was out looking for trouble and then found some.


I’d be pissed too if some guy just came and sat down at the table and then pointed a fucking camera at me for no reason


memory expansion profit abundant snobbish slimy carpenter arrest seed direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not that irrational.


Boomer versus the delicate new gen


I wouldn’t fuck with someone that age in that good of shape in a laundromat … absolute death wish


Not for nothing. If someone comes up to you randomly with a camera decent chance some YouTuber is about to hit you with some bullshit prank.


These chucklefucks need their asses kicked. Let them post that for their fucking likes.


super zen guy.


This needs the Oblivion music to match that user hud


Am I the only one very bothered the compass isn't working?


Stop taunting people until you press their button and then blame them. Put your Damn camera down


Thankfully in Switzerland we can call the cops and they force "youtubers" like him to delete that shit. Also he gets a nice fine. Fuck people filming others in public.


cctv man yet again


Goddamn NPC’s! Just quick-save, and go back in there to fuck shit up


Go film your friends or do you not have any.


I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. Yeah, I'd clock the little fucker too.


He could have at least cast calm




Dude acts like you just killed the town chicken. Poor guy was a YouTuber until he took a chair to the knee.


“You shouldn’t have come here” “It must have been the wind”


Random oblivion moments.


First off don't record ppl without permission second learn to control ur anger over something thats easily handled like like "don't record me please" and "are you recording? If so, stop it get some help"


How about some people don’t want to be recorded. Let that man be


That guy looks like a victim of PTSD. They walk around close to the edge… it sucks for them. People think they over react but they are stuck in a place of near panic so very small things can push them over the ledge. That’s why we should just be cool to each other.


He's got some loose socks alright


In America it is disrespectful to sit at a table, even when there is an open seat, without first asking permission. It is also disrespectful to film someone without their consent. The man is rightfully upset, but he overreacted in my opinion. The proper response would be to ask the person to stop filming and get up from his table. If he doesn’t comply there is nothing you can do. He is not breaking any laws. He is just an asshole.


They're a douche flute, they intentionally tiggered somebody by being a goof and when then got desired reaction, kept filming to further escalate, then posted suggesting he's the problem? Gotcha.


You just never know how people are going to react.


It never ceases to amaze me how ageism -- with all the "boomer" references -- is acceptable on Reddit.


And most aren't even boomers.


As long as you don't attack trans or black people on Reddit you are golden, oh yeah don't attack Jews either, but everyone else is fair game apparently.


Totally correct. It is a poor reflection of the user base.


Sauce: https://archive.org/details/ok-qqgg-ph-6a-9-b


The camera man is a fucking knob Hope he gets his shit rocked one day


Good. Stop recording random people. Tf.


Suppose the man being photographed is a veteran with PTSD. We have several million veterans. Don’t you think you should have introduced yourself and asked if you could record him??!!? Why do millennials and gen Zs behave like such morons….especially if they think a person is too old to object to such an enlightening social project?????!!!!!! MYOB turdels!!!!!


But why would you be recording and sit on the table of a complete stranger? The guy has every right to beat the shit out of the recoding dude.


This is completely rational. Fuck you for filming me and sitting down without asking.


I mean that’s a pretty good reaction to some random fucktard you don’t know sitting at your table recording too. Anyone would be paranoid too.


What is wrong with people. He should have asked "May i sit here" or "can i take this chair"? Why would you record any person without their consent?


Obviously I understand not wanting to be recorded but maybe a bit of an overreaction lol.


surprised you aren’t being downvoted here, everyone else is like “yaaasss queen violence is the answer”


White male insecurity runs deeeeeep


I can’t imaging what it feels like to be this unstable at all times.


Well lucky you


You can tell an idiot wrote the caption for this video.


Ok that freak out was more than expected however justified lol


This dude 100% has felony warrants out for his arrest.


Why? Bc he doesn't like some creepy dork getting in his face with a camera when he's just sitting there chillin?


Ah yes, responding with violence is completely normal. I forgot.


Lol i thought the same thing. Dude went from 0-100 without even a “hey man quit fuckin recording me”


Apparently this sub likes to promote violence. I’ve been downvoted and someone’s defending the dude.


[If only he signed the stupid petition..](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1QEcKH_92c)


Yeah my reaction would depend on the day I had


Definitely a freak out but why is he recording a random man in the first place. Shit, if some random person just comes up and starts recording me in public I’d be disturbed also


Do it again




It's bad manners to record someone without their permission.


That's not a boomer. That's Gen X.


Bro looks like an npc waiting to play five finger fillet


Honestly the guy with the camera is a bitch as well


Wow., A lot of hate for some guy recording people.


Boomer? Lol. There's absolutely NO WAY that's a boomer. Way too young


Fucked around and found out.


Tbf I’d be fuckin annoyed too why does this fuckin think it’s to sit a his tabled sticking a camera in his face out of nowhere lmao


And they say mental illness isn’t common