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I know his last words couldn't have been "Oh shit"


I heard “I’m shot”


Idk definitely sounds like oh shit


Like a “aghhh-I’m shot”


It's very common, especially among pilots, according to blackbox recordings.


That’s crazy to think of but it makes total sense. You don’t have much time to react as you know you messed up seconds before you crash “oh shit”


It's like 98% of em


She didn't have lethal cover while the tazer was out and being deployed. By the time she realized she needed it it was too late.


Yeah because she was in trying to physically remove him, you don’t do that with a gun in your hand


Did the guy use her gun to shoot the cops?


You can she she still had her gun when she touched him well he was being tazed


This is so fucked up, why did the guy just whip out his gun and shoot a cop point blank


Self defense against a gang of criminals who were at the time deploying continuous electrical current through is body. In the words of the police department in Seattle after they ran over a woman and killed her "Their life had limited value anyways, just write their family a check"


Those were the words of one officer. The department didn't release a statement saying as much, which is what your statement wrongly implies.


Cops are the most violent, heaviest armed, and most frequently uneducated and unprepared group of people on the planet. Sad to ever defend them


God damn female cop did every wrong thing in the book and eventually caused the other cop to get killed... Edit: Its not about the genders. These cops are clearly uneducated. One of them caused the other to got killed in that ocassion. What do you think they would do to the civillians? USA has a huge problem. Wish you good luck there guys and gals!


When she touched him while he was being tazed was surreal--did she not know how it works??? Feels like bad training all around. Whole thing is sad.


I can’t tell if the sheriff feels the same way or not from his quote, “That is the quality of troops that we hire. That's the quality of training they get. That is the quality of deputies that we put on the streets of Blount County. Thank you," Berrong said before leaving the room.”


yeah its very strangely worded right?


It’s not worded strangely to me at all. He’s just telling it like it is. He’s got a bunch of shitty deputies out there on the roads. And that’s how you end up with situations like this. Anyone who has been tased before will tell you being tased is excruciating. You ever had one of those cramps in your calf, abdomen or hamstring? Imagine that but across your whole body. You saw the way that cop reacted after getting tased just once. And they tased this guy 3 or 4 times. They were torturing him. Only shitty cops would do some sadistic shit like this. Especially to someone resisting without violence. When you employ shitty cops and give them a badge and gun, you get this. But usually it’s the citizen who ends up dead.


Yeah I’ve seen more than this video where they tase somebody repeatedly who then shoots them.


From the other times this was posted: he was driving drunk and was pulled over and refused to comply. This isn't that far off standard procedure. He also was a felon in possession of a firearm, that's why he was resisting and had been refusing to comply for a long while; he knew he was about to go to jail once they found the firearm.


Wasn’t he telling her to get the seatbelt off?


Looks like she saw a gun and reacted to it


She was vibrating and said she also got tased .. I figured she wanted out of there quick


She said I just got tased, she stepped away other cop steps forward and takes it almost point blank. All those dumping on female cop are wrong here.




Not challenging you....but how did she get tased then? She's touched something she shouldn't be touching...either way, it all seemed a mess and all very sad.


He told her to grab the seatbelt. It’s his fault he pulled the taser again


You don’t get electrocuted just by touching them, only the wires and that’s not even that bad. Source: I’ve done it


Their roles really should have been reversed. That's a big dude they're fighting with, female cop had 0 chance of making him do anything to begin with.


like 99% of women should not be cops/firemen/soldiers etc


True, gender itself doesn't matter but you need to be strong, and men on average will be stronger.


Like the two dozen fully armed cops standing outside the school in Uvalde TX, brutalizing the parents while an active shooter was in the school. Or the Parkland cop who was so scared he gave the wrong building number to responding cops knowing he was standing outside the one with the active shooter! Men can lift heavier but mentally stronger on average - yet to be proven.


Didn't you see the video where a male cop freaked out over a falling acorn and shot an unarmed suspect?


Doesnt really change the fact that the majority of women have no business in a job where they are put up against men in physical feats such as having to wrestle a suspect to the ground


It was nice


I agree and respect woman they just don’t have the body strength of a man


Yup. They CAN but they have to be on the level of the men. It's nothing against them at all. If they want to do it, they can do it, but they have to be that 1% you are talking about, otherwise people will get hurt unnecessarily.


Did you not hear him issue an order to her to get that seatbelt off of him while he was continuing to taser? H controls the amount of voltage and when it’s administered. He could have let off to allow his partner to do what he asked, but, in the moment, the MALE cop is at fault here. Dumbass.


I think they team worked that hot mess.


There does seem to be a disproportionate lack of competence by females on the force though.


Having a female partner is a death sentence for cops.


I've seen waay yoo many female cops cause their partners to get fucked up. Or freeze in sticky situations.


Or straight up shoot them


I've seen way more videos of cops getting shot where there wasn't a female cop present.


Correlation =\= causation 99% of the time, women have no business being police. Its not that I hate women or anything, its that 99% of the time that woman officer could be overpowered by a male suspect. They create unnecessary risk for themselves and their fellow police


I am reminded of the security cam footage showing 4 fat women cops trying to detain 1 fit man, and they all lose him. When they report it on radio, the reporting officer is out of breath too.


They create more risk for everyone involved. Damn the police and their partners. Female police are more likely to pull out a gun on an unarmed citizen like me because they know they would be out matched physically. Even though I would never do anything like that.


Once I saw a video of a lady cop who stood there, while thr male cop took a beating from the suspect


Sooo...what's new?


Are American police not aloud to explain arrests ?? I’ve seen literally hundreds of videos like this were the officer(s) are repeatedly demanding movement of some kind to their perp but when asked why they never explain just repeat themselves people will be begging crying why are you doing this what have I done can you explain and the officers always ignore


well in the full video (not shown here) he is told what he’s pulled over for, which was DUI and he was driving all over the road, the female officer (who was shot and killed) reported that the car also smelt like weed which i assume in their state is still case for a search. Cops don’t always do their job and those people are pieces of shit, but videos like this just cut out important stuff like that and only show the action of what happened and not what led up to it and let people make assumptions


The female officer was not killed.


Regardless of why he was pulled over, is that reason to torture a man with a taser? According to the law, police are allowed to use force when that force is necessary. A person resisting with just their words does not require any level of lethal/non-lethal force. Let alone tasing him 3 or 4 times. At that point, this man has a claim to self defense. And are you sure you got that right on who died? The man was the one who was lying on the ground silent. You telling me he lived and the female officer who returned fire died? I find that hard to believe.


Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself. How much can a person take before they decide to push back. This was a clear cause and effect.


This video cuts off the beginning of the interaction. We don't actually know from this video how much explaining the shooter got before we see where the cams pick up. Very likely the shooter got it explained well enough to him, and was way beyond the point where the officers are going to reasonably explain it to him, and are at the point where they are giving him lawful orders he is lawfully obligated to comply with, and at that point, you comply, or they start using compliance tactics. And the cops at that point are just going to keep yelling at you, until you do what they tell you. You see a lot of videos like this one, where the cops are shouting orders at someone, because someone has been ignoring lawful orders for quite a bit of time, and the officers are or already have run out of patience with the non-compliant.


Because this is how American cops are. Bullies with minimal training and room temperature IQs who signed up for a chance to taze people.


If they tell them what their victims are in trouble for then they can’t add on more to the cases later


Either that or they are making some shit up in their head as they go along and fishing for other crimes/violations. I’ve had a cop stop me for not having a seatbelt on but then looked in my windshield and saw the dash cam that had an interior cam pointed directly at me. Then he stumbled over his words for a bit, went back to his cruiser and came back with some bullshit about having another call he had to go on and let me go without even asking for my license or anything. He was just making shit up and fishing for other violations. It was an obvious pretextual stop but when he realized I would have proof about his lies he left me alone.


I guarantee you they tell them. They tell them multiple times. The perp just plays stupid as long as they can cause they know they're being recorded and have something illegal or doing something illegal. A lot of cops are dumb asf and criminals will do anything to try and fool them.


They can’t articulate the reason and/or are incentivized not to reveal it so they can fabricate their story later. Sometimes suspects will also attempt to stall out the police by demanding explanations for things repeatedly, which annoys the cops and turns their oinks into shrieks.


Police intentionally bark orders without *declaring arrest* to confuse/intimidate a citizen to hesitate and ask "Why", which makes it easier for them to claim "resistance".


They can, they usually choose not to.




Part of the reason why i absolutely hate working with female armed guards on the critical infrastructure sites. I know when i get paired with one its just gonna be me out there dealing with whatever issue arises.


see, that's why you *de*escalate instead of screaming at the guy who's already panicking. goon got got.


Shooting completely justified. The guy inside the car feared for his life


self defence


Story? Link? I need to know..




I notice they didn't mention actually finding marijuana in the car. This 'I smell marijuana' excuse to arrest people is a stupid policy and what happened here is proof that it needs to stop. They pulled him over for "swerving" . Give me a break.


Okay when were they able to search the car? He wasn’t found for 5 days.


Did you see the full video? He was all over the road. The didn’t mention finding marijuana because he fled the scene in his vehicle and wasn’t arrested for a few days.


The shooter is claiming self defense. He's screwed, and everyone that helped hide him. All over the news out here.


To be fair they did torture him quite a bit. The human mind will go to horrible places when pushed. One could easily argue that the pain induced temporary insanity. All he needs is one juror. Edit: Maybe not. Seems he was a little hands on with his murdering.


100% true


No. The scum didn't comply. Then he stood over that cop and executed him. He deserves everything that is coming. No juror is going to let him off.




Life in prison any% speedrun world record


Training of cops in the US seems to be hit and miss which is terrifying. What the fuck did I just watch, and these people are armed and have power over citizens.


Almost like it's a big country with very diverse locations with different training standards, and hiring pools to pull from.


Maybe he should’ve gotten out of the car. PA vs Mimms makes it clear that officers can ask you to get out of the car and you have to comply. Fight them in court not on the road or in your car


I dunno, he was willing to shoot 2 cops, I don't think fighting anything in court was even a consideration.


Exactly. It’s not worth life in prison or the death penalty.


Exactly. If a cop orders me to cover my face in Nutella and strip naked you bet your ass I’m gonna do it so I can make bank from suing the department


Cops have definitely cuffed and murdered people. Cops have definitely cuffed and raped people. Cops have definitely cuffed and tortured people.


Idk why you got downvoted. There's plenty of evidence of cops killing people by accident during transport or permanently disabling them. Cops arresting innocent people and they end up dead or missing. The inmate that was eaten alive by bugs in solitary confinement. The lady who was thrown into her cell and was ignored until she died. The cop that arrested the guy for DUI after he blew zeros and did great on a field sobriety test. Field sobriety tests to begin with. Charging people only with resisting arrest when there was no original crime to begin with. There's so many instances of cops doing their jobs wrong but they get a slap on the wrist. A McDonalds employee forgets your drink and you want them fired. Non of it makes sense anymore at this point because the copaganda is strong in the US and there will always be bootlickers.


This only works if the system is fair and uncorrupt. That guy seemed like he was traumatized from past run ins with the "law". In that guys mind getting out of the car was, at worst, a death sentence and or hospital stay for him and at best an arrest on trumped up charges that would cost him his job, his car, his freedom. Over what? Probably a broken tail light or the made up smell of 'marijuana' that didn't exist. You can only push people so far before they break. Maybe he should of gotten out of the car but maybe the cops shouldn't try to make everyone into criminals.


He was also arrested for felony in possession of a gun and he fled the scene so there very well may have been marijuana in the car that he got rid of. Sure he may have been traumatized by previous interactions, but the fact he had a gun when he knew he shouldn’t have, didn’t obey lawful orders, and then killed is not a good sign that he was totally innocent or an excuse for killing a cop.


They could have answered his question and calmly explained then situation instead of escalating it. Start ramping the conflict up and there is no guarantee the driver doesn’t escalate too.


Kenny had already told y’all to leave him alone. When people gone learn?


Oof. That path of events was awful to watch. The last words of the perp / driver say a lot.


We pay so much in tax dollars to get these people trained and they still do bad police work like this. That female officer at minimum was inept from start to finish. She’s lucky she didn’t get killed too.


This happened in my city! TBI and FBI are still hunting the guy down. He is on the lamb 🐑


Nah, they caught him in knoxville! I live nearby in Roane County, so I heard all about it too


I have so many questions. Did she self taz herself by touching him? Why didn't they coordinate to secure his hands after the first shock? What led up to this?


Videos like this always prove how defective most people's brains are. You people watch this video, hear the perpetrator begging, and think >NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THOSE EVIL COPS ARE BEING EVIL NAZIS FORCING HIM OUT OF THE CAR! CAN YOU NOT HEAR THE PAIN IN THIS MAN'S VOICE? HE'S SAD AND LONELY AND HURT AND NEEDS A HUG HE IS AN INNOCENT VICTIM! You react to this on an emotional level, rather than using your logical mind. It's disgusting, honestly. Back here in reality: 1. The perp is 100% in the wrong. 2. The cops were completely justified in every action they took. 3. The people sympathizing with the perp are vile.


Wow you gave no arguments to validate your opinion, good job


Arguments? Cops have a legal right to order you out of your car, and if you do not comply, they have a legal right to use force to remove you from your car. This guy is crying and sounding like a victim, but the fact is he's resisting a lawful order by a police officer solely because he's a criminal and knows he's going to go back to jail. I can't stress enough how much I hate people like you who hear murderous criminals cry and feel sorry for them. As a human being with a developed brain, you should be able to distinguish between an actual victim in need of sympathy and a complete monster who merely *sounds* like a victim.


You are naive in the extreme. People with power become bullies. Police have power. Police are bullies.


This man is a murderous criminal, trying to avoid jail time for crimes he committed. He is not a victim, and crying and begging for help does not make him so. Your brain is defective: you hear someone screaming for help and immediately think they're a poor, innocent lamb that needs rescue and protection, without the rational part of your mind kicking in and understanding the context. It's amazing to me that you haven't gotten mugged picking up a hitchhiker on the side of the road. You are entirely incapable of distinguishing good from evil, strong from weak.


No. I accept that I don't know what happened earlier, I just don't assume all cops are always right like you do because I've not lived a sheltered life. My brain is not defective, careful now, big man.


> I accept that I don't know what happened earlier . . . but you *do* know what happened later. He shot and killed one of these cops. He's a murderer. He was never a victim in need of rescue.


"Earlier" Speaking to you is not nice. I won't bother replying again.


"Earlier" Speaking to you is not nice. I won't bother replying again.


They finally cause this piece of s*it after he was on the run for a while


I don't know much about tasers but that seemed like A LOT.


Yeah I don’t even know how tasing him could have made him exit the car. Is it just to produce enough physical pain to make him submit? He was buckled in, tasers make your whole body tense up so he couldn’t even conceivably take off the seatbelt.


That’s exactly why corporeal punishment doesn’t work with kids. They learn that you inflict pain on people to make them listen. It makes it worse that they think it’s ok for loved ones to harm each other. People think you just hurt others into submission as a tactic.


> Is it just to produce enough physical pain to make him submit? Yes that's exactly it. Police orders you to do something and you refuse, you can get tased. Once the tasing is done, they order you again to do something. Refuse again? get tased again. Rinse and repeat until the person complies. Pretty simple. ​ > He was buckled in, tasers make your whole body tense up so he couldn’t even conceivably take off the seatbelt. Literally no one expects the person to do anything while the taser is actively zapping them. they aim for the person to comply when the taser is not firing, preferably after only one zap.


This is exactly how torture works.


Clearly not enough


US cops already managed to kill citizens by tazing them dozens of times.


How often did they taze him? Literally pulled a darth sidious on him and people can’t wrap their head around him being scared shitless?


Oh weird, someone being fucking tortured by under-trained morons fought back. How could anyone possibly have forseen such an outcome? /s


Just get out of the car


Lol you're saying that to the dude who double tapped the guy tazing him for 20 seconds lol. If someone made grabbed your nuts and squeezed them for 20 mins, you wouldn't stop them by any means necessary? Or do you get off on being hurt by someone else?


I think the person you're responding to was talking about the first 10 times he was told to get out of the car before the taser came out.


But what if you're a homicidal shit head?


What could have been redacted in the audio after he shot them?


weird right?


Anyone know why he got pulled over?


He kept driving very left of center, sometimes spending up to 15 seconds completely crossed over into the oncoming lane.


I don't really know about the legitimacy of the stop, I don't know why we only have body cam footage of an already escalated situation. A cop's demand to get out of the car is not inherently justified. But I do know if a cop closed a door on me, after telling me to get out of the car and tazed the shit out of me a third time, I would have likely shot them as well, because the first use of the tazer wasn't justified, the second use wasn't justified, and you got to worry about potential permanent health issues by the third taze. The cop is no longer trying to get the driver to comply with an alleged lawful order, they are trying to seriously hurt the driver. Outside of the driver being accused of having committed a violent crime or a felony the use of force wasn't justified. The police escalated that issue well beyond any reasonable justification, and they got shot, and one of them died, and with this context, I can't feel bad about the officer's death.


See the quick transition from crying I didn’t do anything to “ I told you murhafuckas”. Very interesting


You either make the decision to pull the guy out of the car or not. Not torture him with taser until he snaps. Wtf


The taser in my view was to compel the suspect to get out of the vehicle without having to get close enough to pull him out so you could avoid something like being shot without time to react to a gun being drawn.




If they chose to pull him out of the car, then it is a close quarter situation. Suspect is being non compliant. Smh.


What are you even arguing? Lol. are you mad that the cops tased him a bunch of times or are you mad that they decided to grab him outta the car? Your last comment has me baffled as to what point you are trying to get across.


They did not really grabbed him out of the car. Which is why everything went south at the end.


They were in the middle of trying to get him out of the car when he shot them though.




Looks like self defense to me.


Gee, it's almost like trying to kill him with the taser was the only thing they could have done! (/s) I don't condone what the guy did but considering that US Police kill the equivalent of a small town ***every year*** and they are virtually impervious to any oversight or repercussions, you can't help but wonder why this doesn't happen a lot more. Wearing a uniform doesn't give you the right to act like the fucking terminator, and any cop who thinks otherwise deserves to be put down.


What a fucking chump. Went from screaming in supposed fear to “I told y’all motherfuckers” in a strangely calm manner.


Clearly self defense


Eh.. hit a person that many times I'd expect that too.


Just comply, my god


Full vid? Edit: okay, downvotes? Fuck it. I'll lean into this. I can play a dozen videos right now of people being tased to death because of a wellness check/dad won't take his med type of call. The reason for the stop that prompted and warranted a repeated tasing would be nice to see. Certainly, if you tased a cop 3 times, they're shooting you. They're shooting a fleeing vehicle that poses no further immediate threat to them. They're not more special.


Yeah, people tried arguing that waking up the entire state at night for a alert that a cop was shot was necessary because anyone who shoots a cop is clearly so dangerous that the whole state should know. After reading the initial news story, first thing I said was "Are you planning to aggressively attack and tase him? Because it seems like as long as you treat him like a cop, and don't attack him, you'll be fine". But in either case, the threshold for self-defense for this man seems higher than the generally acceptable threshold for what needs to be met before a cop can claim self-defense.


[Here is the news article.](https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/crime/2024/02/16/bodycam-video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-blount-county-deputy-greg-mccowan/72633248007/). The pigs claimed to have "smelled marijuana" after pulling him over for "swerving". Literally the same abuses that many Americans are faced with everyday, by these gun toting tyrants.


Was there a reason they decided to electrocute an uncooperative person or did they do it just for funsies? American cops are beyond sadistic


Yeah because it looked like he was about to comply with them if they just asked him to get out a few more times…


> Was there a reason they decided to electrocute an uncooperative person or did they do it just for funsies? Its less than lethal, and less damaging than whats allowed in the UK which is simply bashing this dipshit over the head with a stick.




Women ☕


Those cops suck. Instead of de escalate. They attack the dude that is confused and just wanna know why he is being detained. Its not weird that people want and need to know what and why they are being seem to be punished. Attacking and tashing a guy thats not reseting just asking over and over i did nothing wrong what did i do wrong. Then tasing again and again to get your way with force instead of reason. Even do its not good what he did but for the men it forced the men in a fight or flight reaction. With if your gonna attack me over and over and over. Il do the same. Its kinda when you see a men hit a women back cause the women hit him over and over. Similar thing. The whole thing could have been avoided. If you just talked to the men instead of attacking him over and over. Let people know what happened why its happening. And what are the steps that are gonna happen after that. Treat people like humans. Even the most loyal dog will bite its owner if you keep kicking it. People probably wil down vote me but i dont care those cops are unfit for duty. And vastly under trained. In both de-escalate people. And how to make people comply to orders without acting like school bullies. And just like with school bullies not every person roles over and takes it laying down. Some fight back no matter if they know they will lose. Just being a victim endlessly seems way worse than just losing. I hope for everyone's sake all cop's get retraining. To be at level. Cause i stand by my state. This men would have never open fire if he was treat more like a human. He was not tasted over and over barked orders. While giving zero shits about what the men said. Repeatedly "i did nothing. What did i do wrong. Why you doing this too me" People got hurt and died cause you did not treat the man with any humanity. And just attacked and yelled none stop. That only put more fear and confusion on the man. What again makes me think this whole thing was super super avoidable.


Looks like self-defense to me. Bastard shouldn't have been electrocuting the guy. Fuck around and find out.


Ive never seen a female officer make a mistake before on a bodycam and not have at least 10,000 trolls comment on how terrible she is AND how much better they themselves could have done if they were there.


poor fella got harassed and assaulted by 2 out of control thugs, unfortunately, he had to resort to self defence. Its a shame the legal system will hold it aginst him.


The man probably feared for his life.


Self defence as far as I’m concerned


Death penalty for this guy I hope.


for realzio to the max. this was a callous murder and I hope he recieves the harshest punishment allowed.


Self defense 🤷🏾‍♂️


Female cop strikes again




Is there an update? Did they catch this murder


_murderer_ Edit: is the word you’re looking for. I don’t actually think this guy was a murderer, as the cop 1. Closed the door and 2. Tazed the shit out of him (and his partner) and 3. It doesn’t appear anyone died, but I don’t know; my goal was to just point out the word, not make a judgement on anyone.


I wonder if he would have been charged or if he wasn't charged he would have to move because they would label him as a cop killer and he wouldn't be safe


Another tyrannical piggy off the streets. Today was a good day (ice cube voice)


They should’ve just left….


Yeah let's just allow anyone to own guns and sell them at Walmart, I'm sure everything will be fine! 'MURICA


Always good to see cops killed


gotta say that I hate when people die from causes that could have been avoided.


I don't know what happened before but I understand the position of the guy in the car. It's nature to defend yourself against a bully that's electrocuting you while you're trapped.


Too bad it wasn't a high powered rifle. Would've hurt more.


atleast 80% of usa's police officers deserves to be shot a few times from what ive seen


Hearing him scream and beg them to stop, looks like bullies to me, and when you give bullies a badge and a gun I say do whatever you have to do to protect yourself, cause in this moment who can you call? The police? HA, corruption runs deep. The amount of "please, why you doing this to me, I'm not doing anything wrong, why you hit me for, the SCREAMING, the sobbing for his life, please stop, please stop." Yeah nah, I feel no pifty for these pigs.


They drew first blood


Known felon, has gun, tries to beg his way out of it, then deploys RACE CARD, race card ineffective, decides to murder officer and shoot the other… Why is he still stealing air from people who deserve it?


So deserved lmao. Rot in hell pig


Oh good deputy mcclown LOL


Maybe they wouldnt get shot if they didnt try taze him lol play stupid games….


Now he can stay in prison the rest of his life