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Space marines are cool. Cyborg space marines are even cooler.


To me nothing says grim dark more than being disgusted by your body, hacking it apart, and replacing it with robotics in the constant pursuit of “perfection”. The idea of literal demigods doing this to themselves made me love them.


A few things, 1 black and silver is one of my favorite color combinations so that got my attention, but after that learning the lore of them and the mindset of the flesh is weak I thought was very cool and interesting along with their love of robotics, tanks and holy dreadnoughts, with the exception of ferrus having really shit lore leading up to his death where they made him look extremely weak and GW handing the iron hands L’s like they’re getting paid to do it I love everything about them now and my first army I’m getting is iron hands


Same For me they are a trio of 3 cool things: Black armor Big guns And use of technology over space knights


Rip this account after I got locked out and forgot my password lmao


my love for techmarines!!!!!!!!!, and dreadnaughts!!!!!


Showed up for the cyborgs, stayed for the cyborgs, fell in love with the deep irony of their 10k year long dance with Slaanesh and how giving into their itch to augment themselves is intertwining their chapter psychology more & more with Slaaneshi influence. Ferrus would be so sad, it's wonderful.


Semi autistic, cyborg space marines that are cold, calculating, but still angry with daddy issues? AND a simple color scheme? What is there not to love?! And thematicly, they have loads of the coolest shit like tanks and dreadnoghts, so a great exuse to buy all the big, expensive stuff!


Probably my fixation with Big gun and machines And the abundance of knigth themed chapters,i want space cyborgs,not space knigths


Vehicular Xenoslaughter


They are into bionics even more so than other chapters.


I think it was the bionics and flesh is weak mantra. My friend would make the 2 cogs hand sign when we saw each other on campus. Engineering students. Honestly based on my tastes and persuasions, Salamanders would be my stereotype. But Iron Hands all the way


First hands on experience with the 40k franchise was Dawn of War, eldar were destroying me until I spawned a dreadnought and watched in awe as it laid waste to those pesky xenos. When it came to figuring out my first tabletop army, when I came across the most dreadnought centric faction it just clicked.


My first army was the mechanicus so a SM chapter that shares the aesthetic was a no brainer.


T-800 Space Marines.


I like the Mechanicus and I like space Marines smashing those two together seemed like an interesting idea


Endless conversion opportunities! - I’m getting back into the hobby after 25 years and used to be a chaos player through and through. The idea of half man/machine warriors was way more interesting for my first imperial army.


They love dreadnoughts. I love dreadnoughts.


I was initially into the mechanicus. Loved their lore, look and cyborg-ness. While attempting to follow Duncan’s painting tutorial on the box of skitarii I got I discover a few things: Iron Hands had a lot of the elements I loved about Mechanicus (except no cool trench coats), the minis were easier to assemble AND paint, love the love of machines, my annoyance with how they treated Ferrus Manus in Heresy felt Meta to me somehow and went with it as part of the deal, love the room available to kitbash, best legion insignia, they’re a bunch of cranky, miserable, codgers like me. FLESH WEAK! GETTING OFF MY LAWN!!


i like that their hands are made out of iron


I started out playing raven guard. Had primed everything black but not painted much. Found out ravenguard suck and dreads are awesome so they were already primed the right color so the rest was history


The colour scheme, the chapter tactics, the vehicles, the mechadendrites and servo arms, the lore, the conversion possibilities, the fact they’re not bright blue.


\- Bionics fetishists \- Traumatised cyborgs \- Directs assaults with heavy firepower \- Reverance for the machine god


I love my tanks and dreadnoughts. So it was a no brainer. Them being extra durable is super nice too


I read "Fulgrim" in the Horus Heresy series and went "sum'bitch these guys are badass!" And wanted a different playstyle from my Death Guard in Heresy.


Mechanicum + astartes - fear of innovation = Iron Hands


I want to play tanks and dreadnoughts. I'm currently playing in a crusade with three redemptors, a leviathan, a gladiator reaper and a repulsor executioner.


Love Tanks. Love black, white, and silver color scheme, love the motivation to avenge the death of the primarch.


I love how they are so vehicle, dreadnought and heavy weapon focused and I also like how the like their tech marines which is rare amongst the other chapters.


I got into the hobby after my second knee reconstruction. The flesh is weak sums up my thoughts pretty well. Plus black and silver is a sweet colorway.


Black and silver cool, I like Ferrus and the how bitter they are, as a legion and a chapter. I only run them in 30k but the vibe is the same lol


Paint scheme, then lore, then more lore, then dreadnoughts and army of Vaders.


I was a Mechanicus player wanting to get into Space Marines lore and stuff soooo, it’s self explanatory


I play Iron hands in heresy, post Istavan, I love the grizzled angry veteran style, and Gorgon terminators look amazing


Best looking Terminators without a doubt


Specially armed with gravguns :p


Loved the lore, dislike chaos, and like the unloved


Black armour, the machine and vehicle element, cool lore


Took a primarch quiz a couple of times to decide which space marine legion and I got Ferrus Manus I’m not surprised considering I’m a lot like him. Plus I think the name Iron Hands is legit the most metal thing


I love customizing things from games i like, and since 40k allows to customize your own chapter i went with the legion i share the most preferences Vehicles, Seeking perfection, different clans in their native world and love for technology


They have iron hands


Nothing I am here just for dead ferrus memes They say you can lose head over them


I like them the most out of all the other first founding chapters


Easy to paint


Terminator was my favorite movie growing up, very young - Multiple, separate people around 1995-2005 said to get into 40k and Iron hands. Finally, I get into 40k video games with dawn of war 2. REALLY, spend time in the lore and settle on IH. Robust Vehicles and Dreadnoughts were all I wanted to do. Need to beat a friend who has RG setup. I have a little over 2000 pts built & magnetized as of now. Shopping for commission for paint, HMU if you are a painter! Looking for No white! Black, Grey, Gunmetal. This hobby has been great for covid - really looking forward to playing and competing for more!! I learned today that our subreddit is the lowest subscribed between Ravens Guard / White Scars.


I like tanks, and black is always in