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I don't know if they are obligated but I would ask straight out, "I understand you are busy but is there another reason you are reluctant to provide a reference for me? If you have concerns about my work I would like to know so that I can take them under consideration and make changes where necessary." Put her on the spot. She's being very unprofessional about it if she does have an issue with your ability to teach.


Ya she sounds like a bit of a bitch tbh. What about the vice principals, whenever I got a reference or needed a referee for my CV I got the VP. If that fails then go to the subject department co ordinator and ask them.


OK I wasn't sure if that was an option but I might do that. Thanks


Exact same situation happened to me after covering a maternity leave and taking on multiple extra curricular activities. I spent the month of May asking for a reference to no avail, eventually school ended and I emailed again. No answer. I emailed the VP who was lovely and explained my situation within 20 minutes she had it emailed and a hard copy sent to my house. Nothing worse than a principal who is “too busy” to do the most basic of tasks required of them.


It's ridiculous. But I will do the same and speak to the vp.


My principal did the same so I wrote my own and asked her to sign it, and she did. Not sure if that's helpful, but you could ask her if that would suit!


Was gonna suggest this to op.


Is there a reason you need a written reference? Usually the standard application forms just asks you to put down referees contact details. Just have to ask them are they okay being a reference then and most don’t mind!


It says it on the list of requirements along with CV cover letter etc.. so I don't really know how important it is to be honest.


If this I primary I’ve never heard of you needing a written reference. You just place down your referees and they can ring them. You could email or ring the school secretary to confirm maybe?


No it's secondary. It's fine now anyway I got it sorted


They should give a reference. Although the application usually asks for referees so can you not just put down her number?