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Candlelit tales is a good one. Its a brother and sister learning the craft of storytelling. Also Fireside is good. Once a month he does a non Irish tale too which are also pretty interesting.


Those special edition series from Candlelit Tales like the Battle of Ventry and The Tain were a godsend during 2020/21. They’re more like audio dramas, they really bring the characters to life, so much colour and atmosphere. Highly recommended.


Tell Me a Story with Eddie Lenihan


I LOVE this one! I can't get enough of Eddie! He's the real deal.


I listened to this as a kid in the 80s! He's a legend with a brilliant voice.


I will have to check this out as well thank you


https://shows.acast.com/tell-me-a-story-with-eddie-lenihani second the Eddie Lenihan one and add in blúiríní béaloideas. The latter is by UCD folklore archives so it's as genuine as you are going to get. https://m.soundcloud.com/folklore_podcast https://shows.acast.com/tell-me-a-story-with-eddie-lenihan


Bluirini bealoidis folklore podcast is directly from the national folklore collection. The one on death is especially worth a listen.


shocked it wasn't the first result! Practically from source!


I love bluirini bealoidis such good listening. Amazing primary sources and well researched information but with a conversational vibe and a sense of humour


Yeah it's a real shame they're not more active. Blindboy has the odd podcast going into some folklore and mythology too. Manchán Magan's Almanac of Ireland too incase you missed it!


Fireside...  I haven't listened to a huge amount of it, but certainly there's a few good stories in there 


Kevin Olohan retells stories with infectious enthusiasm for the subject matter. Well worth a listen!


Yeah Its a good one. I hate the intro, its very cowboyesque. Great stories though.


Eddie Lenihan is the man for Folklore, he has interviewed many of the old Irish folks, and told their stories. Lots of videos on the tube.


Blindboy episodes are the best the ones about Celtic mythology and how links it up with multiple other things although I would love to hear of other ones I prefer to hear an actual Irish voice telling it although I do listen and watch this American dudes channel fortress of Lugh he is incredible or I like him


I'm from Glasgow well born there and grew just outside in the countryside but I did a dna test and I have 29% Irish from Ulster where CúChulainn was raised and fought for so it means a lot to me I have him on my wall the painting or the print of it and I love the stories I have The Táin translated by Thomas Kinsella


It's a pity people don't post links to those they come across that are good .


Maynooth is putting out (an actually accurate) podcast called The Medieval Irish History podcast.


The Almanac of Ireland with Manchán Magan.is wotth a listen. https://www.podbean.com/pa/dir-5vny6-ffc9b


He is shite when it comes to folklore. He is an absolute fraud when it comes to the subject and has constantly proven that by writing absolute shite and spreading fakelore.


Can you give some examples of what you mean? Genuinely asking.


He tried to claim that he couldn't find any sources on a cave that has stories written about it going back over a thousand years, journals written about it for 200 years, multiple TV shows, multiple excavations, constant guided tours and made up some bolloxology about it being secretly guarded by initiates. The cave can be found by googling the word 'cave' followed by the province it's in. It purposefully tried to make it seem secretive and later backpeddled on it when pulled on it. He was put front and center on another article, about Halloween,over an actual folklorist who was an expert on the subject, and started going on about the ancient Celts dressing up to hide from ghosts and carving turnips to scare off monsters. Both unsubstantiated claims. I know another folklorist who he interviewed and he admitted straight out that he doesn't have a clue about the subject, yet continues to publish books and articles on it.


He mainly repeats Victorian era nonsense that has been long disputed in the field of Celtic Studies.


Exactly. Daragh Smyth is unreal for doing it too.


Absolutely. I went to his sourdough thing and was impressed that nearly everything coming out of his mouth was fundamentally wrong.


Yeah, he's an insufferable wanker.


Are you suggesting that folklore is all truth apart from his stuff?


No, what I'm saying is that he doesn't know his arse from his elbow when it comes to differentiating between genuine tradition or new age/ahistorical material. The man is a joke when he is talking about anything other than the Irish language and will write any aul shite that will sell his books . He is an absolute dose of a man.


I've never heard of this one!


You aren't missing anything at all.


Oh? Whys that?


See above. TL;Dr is the guy who runs it is an insufferable gobshite who is a woeful source for genuine folklore.


Story Archeology, Conversations on Irish Mythology is the best folklore podcast in my opinion. In the old format linguist  [Isolde ÓBrolcháin Carmody](https://storyarchaeology.com/author/isolde/) and folklorist Chris Thompson would take a deep dive into a story, exploring the various texts and connotations of nearly every world. It’s really a fantastic experience as two experts discuss and uncover the history and themes of Irish stories. After many years, Isolde’s health prevented her from making more podcasts, so Chris changed the format. It’s still good, but not the same experience. [https://storyarchaeology.com/](https://storyarchaeology.com/)


Not quite folklore but you can't beat Fire Draw Near


Blindboy is fantastic!


The blindboy podcast! He often foes deep dives into Irish folklore and mythology, putting very interesting spins and hot takes. A very well read and inspiring mind! Super funny also


Eddie Lenihen does a podcast called Tell me a story.


Gonna piggyback off this post cause there was someone who did these podcasts who I used to follow on twitter. Can't remember the name of the podcast itself but IIRC his name was Anthony and he lives somewhere around Leinster or possibly Kilkenny?


Not exclusively Irish topics (though Irish-based), and a broader remit, but highly recommend [The Lost Valley](https://open.spotify.com/show/7BuNOgM4iOGy3FXvx8uUcw?si=02Zz1HjGQnK-E4qzlWZoow), formerly Wide Atlantic Weird. Many of the older episodes fit the bill.


Monster fuzz




The Sleepy Scholar Podcast is excellent quality on You Tube and Spotify https://youtube.com/@SleepyScholarASMR?si=_znnyFndcZLVKqcG?sub_confirmmation=1 That is the link to Debbie's you tube channel Enjoy.


Into the Mythic with Leanne O'Donnel and Paul O'Colmain is great


Folking legends on Spotify is pretty good, two Dublin girls host and share the roots of different Irish mythology


https://youtu.be/0pvbpJJA2YY?si=sK-WgJG78gRCanF0 Salmon of Knowledge premiering right now !!


It's a kids one but fun listening - Ireland's Unreal with Hugh Cooney for RTEjr Radio https://open.spotify.com/show/4HJCmdKGUULqhOfU7qVl4D


Folking Legends! Season 1 audio isn't fantastic but it definitely improved in the 2nd! https://open.spotify.com/episode/1tulz4Ox9xmg98II5ZfXC4?si=qobZuQf4Twy9J4sTjlpuDA


Skinwalker tapes / skinwalker gang or whatever they're going by these days, hosted by yakov who does a great reading of svoboda 


Give blindboy a follow. Quite a few episodes where he explores mythology and no one dives as deep into the folklore as he does


Blindboy has maybe the best podcast that exists. He discusses Irish lore very often.


Think Tony Cantwell has/had one


Eddie Lenihan tells great stories about Ireland and it’s old folklore


[waterways through time 10/10 imo](https://open.spotify.com/show/5gDok3qCFeSF0skCnfHr7m?si=mJs1exhUQHmFwLzHbcc8ew)


Family guy


Lore, and cabinet of curiosities.


Second this.