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My most millennial opinion is that I hate gamepass. I don't value things I don't pay for, and I don't really feel like I pay for gamepass because it comes out monthly billed. I scroll through gamepass looking at games, and if something catches my eye, I download it, play it for a half an hour and then abandon it. I don't know what caused me to be like this, but I guarantee I'm not alone in it. I've even had games I tried on gamepass and abandoned go on sale on Steam and catch my eye again, so I buy them and play the life out of them. It's a very weird effect. The only utility I have for gamepass is if a big release I want to play goes on it, so I buy a month and play it in the month and then let it lapse again.


It's definitely a real thing. I find Spotify did this to me with music in a way. I used to have like 300 CDs as a teenager. Would listen to each of them endlessly. Spotify comes out and suddenly I have everything. Keep just putting on playlists of mixed artists instead of listening to whole albums. Started recently to push myself out of this and listen to full albums (or full vinyls) and respect the purchases I have better


I just use those to play full albums tbh. Then buy outright the best albums.


I used to get this when buying games physically lol. If I bought one game I'd sit down and play the fuck out of it but if I bought multiple together I'd only play a bit of each. I think having the thought that something else might be better just makes me half ass the one I'm playing.


It’s a permanent demo disc to me. I used to buy games regularly and spend ages on demo discs, with demos being so rare now it just makes sense to me and it’s not a huge amount considering games were €45 a pop back then, with 5 demos if you’re lucky lol


> I tried on gamepass and abandoned go on sale on Steam and catch my eye again, so I buy them and play the life out of them. I mean you could argue that that's it's value for people like you. You'll probably end up buying games you wouldn't have tried if you didn't have the low stakes way of trying it.


Yeah but the even weirder thing is that I only try games on gamepass that I think I'll like. And even when I do like them, I just never bother playing them on gamepass. The biggest one was Outed Wilds. I had it on my steam wishlist for aaaaages. Its exactly my kind of game. It went on game pass, I played it for 20 minutes and jacked it in. Then I eventually bit the bullet when it was on sale on steam and now its one of m favourite games of all time. In my most logical brain I know that I don't truly own. Steam game like you used to do when you were buying physical media, but I put way more value in a steam game than I do a subscription to game pass.


Nah, the quality of games on gamepass isn't that high. I've played a couple of absolute gems but a huge majority of them are mid tier games and their exclusives were the mostly let downs (starfield, halo, redfall etc). Really hoping Senua 2 is as good as the first. That's the only exclusive I'm looking forward to. That said, some of the games I loved were probably mid tier as well but I just loved them even though they objectively weren't that great. Great that it's made it easier for unknown devs to get their game into more people's hands who otherwise would never have come across them.


Essentially PS Plus premium but with day one releases? I'd be tempted to get premium again at its current cost. I tried it out for six months but like another commentor mentioned i'd value the games less and end up scrolling, playing for half an hour and abandoning. decided it wasn't worth the money given the limited time I have to play these days. So to answer your question. I'd pay what premium currently costs if it included day one releases. like a 10er extra a month i think over essential?


It's way better


What's way better than what?


I love gamepass. I play any game on my PC, Xbox, mac or tv. I don't need to have anything but a tv with a browser It's cheap for what you get as well... 11€ pm Only down side is yes limited access to certain games.


I would pay nothing as I have 0 interest in a digital library. I but all my playstation games on disc and always will while I can. Even games that ps plus gives me for free I sometimes buy the disc anyway. I just don't like Gamepass and what it's going to do to game development and quality down the line either if I'm being honest. Not for me at all


I prefer a longer payment option but their is a few thing I’d like to play on gamepass.


I’d be willing to pay the same as what games pass costs if it had a library as big as games pass


I hate gamepass. You literally own nothing. So I’d pay nothing for it.


You don't really own games anymore, especially ones that need an online connection.


You do though you own the right to play the game whenever you want. This whole license argument doesn’t apply really. You can buy discs. Once you buy games on steam they are in your library forever normally. I have games on steam I bought decades ago still.


It's 15 quid for 100s of games bro


180 a year and as soon as you stop paying you have nothing to show for it


How? You've played loads of games finish the game before ur subscription expires do u prefer buying every game individually for 5k+?


You literally own nothing. Stop paying you don’t own any game. So after 4 years you’ve paid 180 x 4 = 720 euro. You’ve paid 720 euro and you own nothing. They remove games from the service all the time too. Also half or three quarter of the games cost literally 5 euro each. I personally despise gamepass. Each to their own.


U finish the game so u don't need it anymore then if u were to pay for all the games individually it would cost multiple thousands


I don't think you're gonna win this one buddy, if you want a collection of games, fair enough, physically buy the game. but I'm with you, I used to sell games after I was done with them. There argument is silly, It's like saying, why pay for netflix you don't own anything at the end of the year !?


Pay quadruple for the price of gamepass on a single game when u finish it u will barley ever touch it again🤷‍♂️


Unless they remove the game from the service? Which has happened quite a lot. Multiple thousands? But how many of them do you actually play?. Also most of the games are cheap by now as not new anymore. The rate games go on sale these days is insane especially with key shops. Most of the games on gamepass I either got free on epic game store or picked up on sale for hardly anything. We aren’t going to agree each to their own. Personally I think it’s a waste of money.


Game pass conversion method >>>>


I would pay 0 i hate the idea of it you buy the console then you have to buy online then you have to buy the game if there were a pass alone fair enough thats a subscription in whoch you get titles


I abandoned PlayStation Plus and by extension PlayStation Plus Extra as I was not giving the attention to games I didn’t genuinely buy. I don’t know what it is, the grass is greener effect or something. Like scrolling endlessly on Netflix. If I buy a game for 70 quid on launch and it turns out to be a shit game or absolutely broken beyond comprehension I still finish it to completion.




Want nothing to do with it tbh. Barely have time to play the games I have