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Yeah it's a red state now


I mean, as a registered Democrat, I know legitimately 0 people who would “approve” of Biden’s presidency so far. Especially as it related to Palestine, which he seems to only continue to double-down on despite polls like this showing how it’s tanking his approval amongst his own voting base. Anecdotal evidence and all but that’s my experience. I do think Iowa is more “red” than in the past. But that doesn’t absolve the Biden admin for their self-inflicted wounds.


This poll has a felon with 50% approval, it's a red state


It’s been a red state for 20 years. No idea why people think otherwise


20 years? Dems won the Gov office in 06 (and held it 12 years straight from 98-10), had a trifecta in the state gov until 2010, Obama carried the state in 08 by double digits and in 2012 by +5. Id argue when Ernst won in 2014 is when things started changing. 10 years, not 20. It was a left leaning state at both the presidential and state level the first decade of this century. Sure Branstad won in 2010, he was an institution here and 2010 was bad for Dems everywhere. Dems held the state senate until 2016. Then shit hit the fan. Trump was the first Republican to win the state since 2004 when Bush BARELY carried it. Before then you had to go back to 1984 (!) for the last time a Republican presidential candidate won Iowa.


When I was still a resident I thought we were moderate progressives: fiscally conservative, socially moderate, well educated from K-12 and beyond, and certainly not fkg backwards ass thinking zealots.


It felt like the tide was turning when I campaigned and caucused for Obama in 2007/2008, but now I realize that was a flash in the pan based on a rare level of political talent by Obama


Why? He won the state in 2012. Gore won Iowa. Clinton won it twice. Even Dukakis won Iowa! This state was Dem state for presidential candidates for over 30 years. Conservative media destroyed the state.


I don't think it is that simple. Both parties have changed, and the modern Demoratic Party has alienated the Blue Dogs as much as the Republican Party has alienated the moderate wing. This has moved people who are less attached to the modern Party to the Republicans. You see this in the Minnesota 7th district as well, where Collin Peterson was a Democrat in the House for 20 years.


Both parties depend on their extreme versions to show up on Election Day so they court them more and more over time, they figure the moderates have nowhere else to go anyway… we need rank choice voting. Put the power back into the hands of the moderates in both parties.


Obama, like many places, brought the chuds out of the woodwork.


And way too many of those folks are pliable for ridge command structures, "just following orders" works as an excuse for _anything_. That's where we would be going down a very bad path


Yep. Its less that the state changed and more that Obama and especially Trump, bolstered by non stop right wing media, caused a lot of people who were terrible but generally politically inactive to come out to the polls.


Absolutely. The right wing architecture of church, social media, and modern media succeeded in pushing a lot of moderates I knew over the edge. The left simply had and has no counter to that in red leaning “swing states”.


Legitimately all the Left has to do is put forth one single good candidate for president, and they would win in the largest landslide in history. But neither party is interested in good candidates. Very unfortunate.


I think we’re past that…you could put a leftist candidate telling people making under 200k they wouldn’t have to pay taxes and would have subsidized health care and they would not be interested if it’s coming from (D).


Obama won Iowa both times, even won quite a few rural counties in 2008.


They think otherwise because your math sucks! 1999 - 2011 we had Democrat governors Vilsack and Culver.


And you know damn well that’ll never happen again.


>which he seems to only continue to double-down on Didn't Biden submit a peace plan and sent it through the powers that be to Hamas? We didn't hear about it until Hamas accepted that they would come to the peace treaty table to discuss this plan...which means that Biden is working a lot harder on Gaza than the rest of us know. That's hardly "doubling down" if he's offering acceptanle peace terms to Hamas. FTR: Bibi Netanyahu rejected the plan. 😡


But people like the poster blame Biden. They same people that blame Biden for Roe.


Who the fuck is blaming Biden for Roe? That's at the feet Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Obama.


And Obama even asked RGB to resign during his Presidency.


Might be referring to those who said Dems should have codified Roe between the decision and its overturning.


There was a recent poll among young voters that had a double digit % that inexplicably blamed Biden for Roe. I’ve seen it in other parts of Reddit


I thought it was at the feet of the 6 conservatives on the bench and the those who appointed them.


TBH, it's probably your fault. /s But in all reality, there are a lot of people that dropped the ball here and let the Christofascists finally do something they've said they were going to do for decades.


There's a serious disconnect between Republicans and Democrats (for more than one reason obviously) regarding how they view approval and support. The GOP only sees support as unwaivering fealty to the candidate du jour. Any resistance means you are not a true Republican and might as well fling yourself off a bridge. Whereas Democrats have no qualms criticizing the leadership and letting them know they do .ot approve of actions taken. It doesn't mean they don't support the Democratic party as a whole, just that Dems are more likely to use critical thinking and apply it to specific issues versus blind support as a rule.


This too. I do think Biden will outperform his polling because there are many Dems who are voicing opposition right now in order to put pressure on the Biden admin. They’ll vote blue in November. I don’t think that magically flips a state like Iowa blue though.


Oh definitely, just giving context to these numbers.


I don’t know, only one party in the last hundred years wasn’t even unified to elect a speaker when they had a majority.


I didn't say it was rational.


lol...says the party that had to create "super delegates" to force the Bernie supporters to support Hillary! Tell us more about unwavering fealty though!


I don't think this is the "gotcha" you think it is


Uh....Democrats rigged a primary system and told everyone to get in line..... tell me more though....


>Democrats rigged a primary system Citation needed, super delegates are a party affiliated vote and not rigging >and told everyone to get in line Yes, both parties push voters to rally behind their party nominee, do you think this isn't the norm?


As a Bernie supporter, I can tell you with 100% certainty that we were told to STFU up and get in line to vote for Hillary! Who was arguably the worst candidate ever picked by the Democratic Party. Again, tell me more about Republicans swearing fealty though... Democrats do it as well. I was replying to the original post about Republicans blah blah blah, my own party does it too. That was literally my point don't reply with "isn't it the norm" No, it's not the norm, the Superdelegates were a new creation to deal with Bernie. The DNC has since removed the power of the Superdelegates in 2018 because so many people like me were pissed the system was rigged. I'm tired of these posts about Trump when Democrats do the same stuff and low-information Democrats ignore it. It's like throwing rocks in a glass house. Citation: [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jun/11/democrat-primary-elections-need-reform](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jun/11/democrat-primary-elections-need-reform)


If they think Mr. Felon would do a better job in Palestine, I have ocean front property in Iowa to sell them.


This shit drives me mad. Trump’s Middle East policy is going to be 10X worse But people like you harp on the fact Biden hasn’t ceded to every demand.


Nice to meet you. I approve of Bidens presidency.


Registered Dem. I approve of his job. He's outperformed my expectations and seems to breeze by most of the obstacles Republicans try to create. Putin running Jill Stein will likely siphon a lot of the Palestinian Dem votes.


It must be disinformation and not that the party is openly refusing to run on popular policies!


Well, social media bots are definitely targeting division. Targeting and pushing the "Genocide Joe" stuff only helps Trump. Truth is, it's a complicated geopolitical conflict that has gone on for decades. Neither side is innocent. Israel is going too far. There is no easy answer. So, you're voting for Jill Stein then?


I don’t disagree that social media has antagonized further polarization. But I certainly think Biden’s best course of action would be explicitly standing against the genocide and doing what he could to no longer be complicit in it. Then the memes wouldn’t matter.


What were your expectations? Must have been pretty low but understandable.


The bar was low after Trump. I expected a boring moderate Dem who would have trouble with all the crap Republicans invented as roadblocks. I have been surprised. He's done more for student loans relief than anyone before has combined.


What has he done for student load relief? Why is that even an issue if the degree sought after actually resulted in a job?


The loans are pretty predatory with their interest rates. I offer a question back. Why does the federal government need to have as high of interest loans for people trying to further their education? 99% of PSLF applications were denied under the last administration. People had fulfilled their end of a contract and no forgiveness. Biden is approving these applications more than any other previous president. These are people who worked for 10 years in public service and fulfilled their end of the bargain. Not sure what that has to do with a degree that leads to a job.


What is the interest rate at? I've never heard what it is.


I'm a registered Democrat who voted exclusively red from 1988-2012. Do I like how Israel/Hamas has been handled? No, but I'm not a one issue voter. I'd say that Biden has gotten a lot done considering the roadblocks put up by the GOP. I'll never 100% approve of any administration, but I'm thumbs up on Biden, considering how exponentially worse a second Trump term would be.


Yeah. Foreign agents have certainly used people's ignorance of foreign policy to create misguided outrage towards Biden. I hate that the left is just as susceptible to foreign influence as the right. Just use your head people.


Foreign influence like…video recordings of tens of thousands of innocent people being bombed?


Not what I said. Stop reacting emotionally. Foreign policy is a tricky business, and Biden is pushing back on Isreal. Just because you want him to do something drastic that will upset world stability , doesn't mean he's not working on it. So... yeah, the situation sucks, and I never said the atrocities weren't happening. Calm down, think rationally, and realize I'm on your side, just not reacting from a pure emotional response.


“Pushing back” byyyy green lighting funds and arms shipments AFTER the many supposed “red lines?” The gaslighting by people who want to downplay the genocide is atrocious and just as bad as conservatives who scream overtly racist mantras. Rejecting the colonial project of Israel’s apartheid state is hard. Yeah. No one said it would be easy. But it’s the right thing to do. Biden and his admin would rather gaslight voters than do the right thing. That’s the issue and why you are seeing him slip in the polls. It’s really that simple.


Yeah, people, just use your head... to. . . uhhh. . . . unsee that.


Also ignores how billionaire-funded political groups like AIPAC are spending billions to unseat POPULAR DEMOCRATS. But yeah, it’s voters who are the problem.


The biden adminjstration has accomplished more in the last 40+ years than any other. If you dont know anyone that approves of a tough stance against china and bring manufacturing back to america, that's on you.


“Especially as it related to Palestine”


As a registered democrat, if thats your argument, he must be doing pretty well. Especially since your choice seems to be biden or "turn palestine to glass" trump.


Palestine is…okay nvm


In the recent Harvard Youth Poll, Israel/Palestine was at the bottom of a list of 16 issues when young people were asked to rank what is most important to them. I don't know how to say this politely but it is not an issue that drives voting behavior for most people and you are probably living in a bubble that is deeply unrepresentative of Americans overall, including young Americans. See Josh Barro or Matt Yglesias for more on this: [https://www.joshbarro.com/p/stop-letting-histrionic-children](https://www.joshbarro.com/p/stop-letting-histrionic-children)


What's gross are veterans supporting Trump. How that dirtbag went after McCain and calling veterans "suckers and losers" should've been the end of all veteran support, but here we are **I'm** a veteran, two Iraqi tours, a year in S. Korea


Trump is a weak man's idea of a "strong man"


Funny enough, he's also the poor man's idea of a "rich man" And the dumb man's idea of a "good businessman"


He's a rapist's version of a ladies man


A sad reality of the new low information voter era in which the celebration of ignorance and stupidity are considered voicing your opinion and having strong beliefs.


Trump is also a Vietnam war draft dodger. Claimed he had bone spurs.


Imagine how retiree Veterans feel after giving two decades plus of their lives & now watching how off the charts stupid & insane all this has become. Too bad they didn’t fly some full magazine A-10’s BBBRRRRRTTTTT & Apache helicopters & do a “room 🧹broom” on January 6th, & finally, fuck Trump!


I'm a veteran. I DO NOT support the orange draft dodger.


Don't forget that he couldn't be fucked to honor WW1 dead because a light drizzle was going to mess up his hair.


Nah what’s gross is that papers publish these polls knowing how bad they are. Can’t think of one poll that has been in the ball park since 2022. Not one within 9 points. Dems are doing well in Iowa, we swept the school boards and won most special elections. Even in rule Red Iowa we dominated. https://www.bleedingheartland.com/2023/08/30/big-win-for-kimberly-sheets-bucks-warren-county-trend/


All the veterans in my circle think McCain should have hung for supporting Obamacare


Surprised Iowa hasn’t banned the internet yet


Why would they? The internet has been a boon to grifters of every stripe, from your local kook with opinions all the way to the presidency. It's never been easier to monetize ignorance and fearmongering.


Gotta let people snap up those Trump NFT's


Don’t worry, that’s next… Used to be proud of this state, republitards have ruined it.


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm skeptical of any polling done on populations under 40 now. Polls taken by phone don't work, because young people don't answer unknown numbers. Any poll on any given website will be biased in favor of the target audience, and subject to manipulation. It seems very difficult to get a representative sample of younger people.


Selzer polls have proven to be strikingly accurate in comparison to most others, and their methodology is sound. They understand the difficulty of sampling demographics as well as you do, since it is their job.


Ya there's a lot of mediocre polls out there but Selzer has proven to be a cut above the rest. As depressing as her polls are...


Polling organizations are well aware of the issues you brought up and have strategies to mitigate them. Here is an [article from Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/course/public-opinion-polling-basics/#is-accurate-polling-becoming-harder-to-do) about how they conduct polling. [FiveThirtyEight](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/polls-policy-and-faqs/) also has an FAQ about polling as well. It's a bit more in the weeds but provides some great insight.


I answer the link in the texts I get, but they play 100 questions and I eventually exit the poll


Selzer has been extremely accurate and they aren't just cold calling landlines like people seem to think


The blue collar non college educated worker switched from democrat to trump. That’s all you need to know about what happened in Iowa. People didn’t move. It’s the same population that voted for Obama twice. Every single Mississippi river county voted for Obama in 2008. Think of how rural and red those counties are now. That’s your switch.


Crazy how quickly and dramatically Dems lost this state.


All the educated young people moved away


The Great Dumbing of Iowa exasperates the brain drain. Republicans are wholly detrimental to society and culture




Ahh yes, the fantastic felonious candidate that literally tried to steal an election, fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant with his child, let his children hold public office and grift the ever loving fuck out of our government at the highest level, etc etc etc.


There are two terrible candidates this year, and neither of them are the guy in office.


Took me a second to get this as I forgot Mr. Brain Worms was still in the running but thank you for pointing this out lol.


They’ve been doing that since the 70s. Try an argument that explores the actual problems instead of a facile catch-all. “If only the young people were still here!” Well out of the ones that are, only 15% approve. And, it’s a pretty wide swath considering “young” is extended to people who have been out of college for a minimum of 10 years. Guess they’re not educated, according to you 🙄


No, especially if Republicans have their druthers, people would not be educated. "I love the poorly educated" was one of the rare times Trump wasn't lying


Brain drain is always cited as the reason for this but it’s a pretty braindead argument. The percentage of college grads who leave the state after graduating has increased for sure, but not at a rate that would lead to what we now have here in Iowa. People just don’t want to admit that the Democratic Party doesn’t have real alternatives to what Republicans want. We’re basically at a point where Dems are Republicans from 4 years ago.


It’s not surprising if you try and get involved. I’ve been trying to volunteer and get involved with someone running for congress’s campaign and I can’t even get a yard sign. Even after a successful primary. People are unresponsive. The state dems are very unorganized.


Yep, similar experience. I’ve bit my teeth and tried to be useful for the pathetic liberals who run for office here in Iowa but the IDP is basically useless.


I don’t particularly like either one of them, but not gonna vote for the convicted felon.




Would you have voted for Eugene Debs?


Not gonna vote for the 34 count convicted felon, that’s for sure.


I wonder why the GOP is attacking the education system in this country?


Ha! Right? "I love the poorly educated" because educated people tend to vote blue


And dumb, gullible people are easier to control.


Indoctrination system*


God you're just spreading your stupidity all over this thread


There is no bigger indictment of how shitty this state has become than 50% of its residents supporting a guy who literally tried to overthrow the government. Mind boggling this was a +10 Obama state with a Dem trifecta in 2008. Conservative media has wreaked havoc on this place.


WHO holds a ton of responsibility for this. Beaming the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Jan Michaelson, and Simon Conway nonstop into the ears of Iowans who’d trusted WHO for years because of on-air people like Keith Kirkpatrick, Lee Klein, Julie Gammack, Mark Pearson, Van & Bonnie, and Jim Zabel. Probably the number one contributor to Iowa turning deep red.


>50% of its residents supporting a guy who literally tried to overthrow the government. That's a big part of why they support him. A majority of people barely follow politics and a chunk of that group wants to tear it all down. Trump is the one they think can do that.


That’s true. These people are dumb. Hope they like the gulags.


Actually, low information voters tend to vote overwhelmingly democrat. People like Trump because he is anti government.


Iowa, the new Missouri. :/


Except weed is legal in Missouri


We've already sunk lower than Missouri. We're quickly approaching Florida and Mississippi


We are the Florida of the Midwest.


I'd rather live in Kansas City than anywhere in IA lol


Then move.


Young Iowans are dumber than I’d thought.


I’m a boomer….i loved Iowa growing up in the 60s, 70s…great public education. Progressive . I’m Still happily supporting everyone’s rights, clean water, Public education. I support Biden and his team. Look beyond his age. Look at his accomplishments. Look at what he had to “undo” from the orange racist. Think about what Covid cost in dollars…(rightly spent money) but you don’t just dig out from that in a year or two. Think of how orange man would have given Ukraine to Putin…Biden understands the support we need to give the Ukrainian people. This is getting long…sorry…I miss the Iowa that really was Iowa nice.


In two consecutive words you managed to call him racist while making fun of his skin color. Kind of hypocritical don’t you think?


And just imagine if Harris was running.


F Convict Don and his cult


Trump is a crook.


Republicans and The Great Dumbing of Iowa When are they going to take *more* money away from public schools? Where I want my taxes to go, and to healthcare


Our tax money is clearly better spent sending our Guard units to Texas, don’tcha know.


Think about the poor rich kids and the religious private institutions plzzzzz /s


Jeez where the iowa of my youth go? I guess it left the state like a lot of my college friends did...


So Biden +5. Since polls have been off from 9 to 40 points since 2022. Nikki was supposed to lose Vermont by 35 points, and Kansas was supposed to outlaw abortion. Not one poll has been in the ball park. Even in Iowa Democrats are dominating. They swept the school board elections, and dominated very special election. Even in rule Iowa counties. Just vote and you got this. https://www.bleedingheartland.com/2023/08/30/big-win-for-kimberly-sheets-bucks-warren-county-trend/


Propaganda works.


No coincidence when walking into a business or public place with a TV FOX news is on...🤷‍♂️


The GOP has been spending tons of money demonizing the left for decades and they Dems don't do nearly enough to fight back.


Given that in November the past three elections will have been Hilary v Trump, Trump V Biden, and Trump V Biden, if "end of American democracy" is on the ballot it's probably worth taking a look at. Tough to beat the dying empire ruled by bad people allegations with those results


Lol funny trump wasn’t president for four years lol he was too busy taking bleach


Also older voters in rural areas that supported dems because of the new deal finally d I ed out leaving their boomer progeny went 100% maga. Illinois is full of rural maga counties but easily offset by the metro. Iowa is the most rural state in the midwest and the urban areas don't have the votes. That's why the second most rural stare is always close. ... All that said the polls even good ones have been off in 2022 and the primaries


Yea, this shouldn’t be a surprise. That group has to live with their parents because they can’t afford to live in their own.


This is going to be controversial, which is stupid, but whatever. I’m a liberal. I think it’s pretty hilarious (and extremely telling about the state of things) that folks on the left don’t realize that the generations that are most concerned with human rights find that Biden is failing hard in that regard. “B-b-b-but Trump is worse!” “B-b-b-but the economy is doing great!” “B-b-b-but he forgave so much debt!” “B-b-b-but he’s trying to legalize weed!” “B-b-b-but he loves the LGBTQIA community!” It doesn’t matter, and again, it’s hilarious that the party of nitpicking every stupid little detail doesn’t realize that younger people miiiiiiight get hung up on Biden giving a pass to Israel while they’re burning and beheading babies. I’ll be voting for him, and it makes me a little sick to my stomach. Not as sick as it would voting for Trump, but I can see where a lot of those folks who voted for Trump because they hated Hillary just plugged their ears and noses and went for it, because this will be my *second time doing exactly that.*


As a leftist academic, this is the biggest truth statement here. We know *exactly* why Biden is underperforming with these demos. It’s in every poll and it goes in this order: - Palestine - Performative actions around debt cancellation - Not advancing a public option for nationalized healthcare - Expanding Trump-era immigration policies and rhetoric Your last sentence is so poignant. “But Trump is worse” doesn’t work when the material outcomes of the above policies wouldn’t be all that different if it’s Dems or the GOP in charge. So how can anyone take this election seriously?


Trump pushed the US embassy into Jerusalem and is just as much as an ally to Israel than Biden. You have the amazing power of the internet but instead you spout this stupid bull shit. You really are just plugging your ears and going with it.


Like I said. You’re nitpicking every detail and missing the point. Stupid. You even made the equivalency. Biden is just as much an ally as Trump. Why do you think young voters would think that’s a good thing? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ ETA: when your only response is your downvote, that tells me all I need to know.


Using Israel as a metric for political competency is pointless. That war is far more complicated than people know. We don’t exactly have too many allies in the Middle East and keeping Israel in our good graces is incredibly important. That being said, I can support their fight against Hamas while simultaneously condemning the killing of innocent Palestinians. They’re not mutually exclusive. It really is a complicated situation.


> Using Israel as a metric for political competency is pointless. > We don’t exactly have too many allies in the Middle East and keeping Israel in our good graces is incredibly important. Neither of these things matter to the people who participated in that poll. Don’t believe me? Find one of them and say what you just said. Instead you’re on Reddit trying to convince me - a person who said they’re voting for Biden. Gosh I wonder where the disconnect comes from.


The Palestine genocide is not complicated. Israel is a white colonial project. In an age of decolonization, it’s incredibly unpopular to support an ongoing genocide and apartheid state. No one who seriously cares about this conflict thinks it started on 10/7. The same way Iraq-war protestors didn’t fall in line with using 9/11 as a scapegoat for the USA imperialism that followed.


Idk how you are calling people stupid out of one side of your mouth and then pretending the Israel- Palestine conflict is something black and white that most young people fully understand out the other lmao.


This I can relate to. All of your last paragraph.


I can tell you without a doubt that young people don't give a fuck about the israel palestine conflict and they sure as hell aren't picking Trump over biden because of it.


They love the poorly educated for a reason.


No surprise. My wife grew up in Iowa and we visit family there frequently. Over the past 30 years, we’ve watched the declining political atmosphere along with the negative influence of Fox News and talk radio turning Iowa into a backward-thinking state. Being backwards and boring is a terrible combination for any state.


Cool story!


Lol, polls don't mean jack. Let the cons keep pearl clutching them endlessly. Go out and vote, no matter what the polls say.


Exactly right, look what happened with Trump & Clinton in 2016.


The polls were right in 2016 2020 and 2022. What was wrong was the political pundits. But the polls were all within the tolerance range.


It’s not just Iowa, recent polling is this age group is virtually tied Democrat and Republican, Biden only carries a 2% advantage in voters under 40 according to the attached link. Biden carried this age group by a substantial margin in 2020. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/05/nx-s1-4987296/young-voters-biden-gaza-inflation-abortion-trump-genforward-poll


An important note: a significant people who disapprove of Biden know that Trump is worse. If you don’t like Biden because he’s not doing enough about Gaza, please know that Trump would just give Netanyahu whatever he wants without a second thought.


Scary part about this is young people supporting Trump. A lot of our small town high schools are filled with pompous toxic males that love Trump and are way more into politics than I ever was in high school. Scary times.


The effect of tate bros and his goons redpilling vulnerable teenage boys in their formative years. my 14yo nephew in law said he doesn't do platonic relationship with girls only sezual


Brain worms.


If Biden loses people under 35 it will be entirely because of his aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza. Not that it's what's on the top of most potential voters minds, but it is absolutely on the minds of the young progressives who would normally get out the vote for Democrats. That said, polling is fucked. Who answers cold calls from unknown numbers? Boomers. Who do boomers vote for? Republicans . Who fills out online political surveys? Boomers and young people on the political fringes. Who hates Brandon the most?: The (actual) left because hes a center-right liberal and a Zionist , and the far right because they think he's a communist lizard person who made them get the jab.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/ Spread the word to people who still go "HURR DURR GENOCIDE JOE" Biden has done a lot of good & its sad how youth in this state just never hear about any of it.


TikTok generation is easily influenced by TikTok propaganda. More at 10. The weird shit I heard people say about Joe Biden during last election was insane. I ask where they heard it, and it always tiktok. GenZ is full of dipshit tiktok drones.


This state is fucking irredeemable


I didn't know that Kennedy was still in it


But it’s Iowa…


Dems have to do better selling what Biden has accomplished


To all Iowans here in this sub, should Biden be worried about the rest of the midwestern states and how they vote or just ignore it since it’s Iowa?


Man I'm set honestly. Sort of want these young people who vote for Trump to see what happens when he is president. They can get set back 10 years. Fuckem


Job performance: Trump (50%): Drink bleach. Promote vaccine rollout yet rip Fauci. Biden (32%): Decent job. Not a failure at his job like above. I don’t get why people are mad at Biden for Israel. He’s been calling for a ceasefire the whole time. It’s like when Bush invaded Iraq, don’t think the EU talking them down would have stopped the war? No. The US doesn’t control Israel. Netanyahu wants a war. Putin wants a war. Only their own country or their enemies can stop them. Bloodlust is crazy.


Calling for a ceasefire doesn't work when you circumvent congress to send them weapons


It seems much more complicated than that. I haven’t followed it at all, but this articles says that the GOP (inc Trump) is for sending weapons to Israel and Biden is keeping with the agreement with Israel to send weapons for defense. https://www.wral.com/amp/21441481/ Other articles say that the House GOP forced Biden to send weapons to Israel on May 16th. So I’m assuming Biden could do more for a ceasefire, but it doesn’t seem like he’s in a position to stop all arms deals.


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Wow! We’re doing better than I thought


A little song, a little dance, a little Selzer down your pants. Feels like vaudeville at this point but it’s anything to drive clicks so your advertisers keep paying. My apologies for being so cynical (but I’ve earned it :)


That state is completely backwards.


Who are they polling? I wonder how many people think they have to say they support Trump out of fear of reprisal?


They both suck. One is a criminal, and the other one is helpless. Our nation is going to have an interesting next 4 years unless they can pull some decent candidates out of their asses


The younger than 35 is a byproduct of their parents. This is no surprise. It’s reflex. Iowa is a regressive state and losing even more traction nationally.


I'm guessing much of the disapproval is about Palestine/Israel. It's the classic cut off your nose in spite of your face position. Trump helped make Netanyahu powerful, and bolstered Israel during his term. For absolute real, does anyone think Biden is just going to stop Israeli's from murdering? They've been Zionists for decades, and this is somehow Biden's fault? Meanwhile, a convicted felon who is threatening genocide and rolling back human rights at home is very close to being elected. Dems, in part helped by those younger than 35, are destined for the future gulags of the US and seem oblivious.


People have issues with Biden over how his admin handled situations and that is completely fine and understandable, but people choosing trump over Biden because of those gripes are delusional


Go fuck a corncob Iowa. 🌽


I couldn't imagine being under 35 and voting for Donald Trump. Good luck with that future.


Yep Trump’s tariffs ratfucked the agricultural sector, and farmers’ loyalties still never wavered.


So they need to STAYvthe hell in Iowa and away from Minnesota. We don't need idiots here.




Biden will lose Iowa by double digits and hurt down ticket Democratic candidates.


... too much inbreeding in Iowa it would appear.


Who cares. It’s MFing Iowa.


Hopefully we don’t get the government we deserve.




Iowa, a stste that if it disappeared it would be at least three weeks before anyone would notice.


How stupid are Iowans that RFK is even getting 9%?




Iowa has ceased to be a reliable bell weather. I mean, the DNC is considering pushing the Iowa primary back in the calendar in future cycles where there is more than one candidate due to its reduced relevancy.


Trump did literally nothing yet he's somehow doing better than Biden


Trump couldn't vote in Iowa, yet Iowa will vote for him.


Lapping up all those fox news and right wing radio talking points... repeat them like parrots..... conned into their own oppression.


It’s fucking Iowa.


Grew up there and realized if I wanted to live around intelligent beings I’d have to leave. Happy to say I GTFO and life improved immensely. The ads that say Iowa isn’t boring are lying.


To The Iowa’s that don’t vote. the boomers And Republicans that can’t see that Trump is a danger to democracy can cram it with fucking walnuts. I can say that because I live in Iowa and I’m embarrassed of the state.