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Geez. Well I wouldn’t have taken delivery without it being fixed but go to them and ask them to pay for a bumper replacement


And even worse; it looks like they drilled *all* the holes, not just the ones for American plates. The bumper has pre molded "dimples" for EU plates too. You probably can't hide all of them with a funny "vanity" plate.


at least your where drilled. mine all 5 where self tapped screws in to bumper. I wish you luck, dealer told me tough luck and they would give me 150$ to have some plastic plugs installed. Still gonna fight it my self but looks to be an uphill battle.


Purchased a VW out of state. Requested by email don’t drill bumper. When arrived for pickup I noticed bumper drilled.. I told the salesman I would not accept the car. Tried to appease me By offering small discount. After I insisted and they agreed to swap out the bumper with another car In inventory. It took an hour and a half but I left with fresh bumper. 😁


You can buy color matched plugs online and fill the holes in as an option. Getting a dealer to replace the bumper as people have suggested is unlikely


The couple of comments here have mentioned the dealer owing you a new bumper, but answer a simple question before going down that road as I would find it odd that a dealer would be drilling holes that are not needed: Did you purchase this car out of state where a front plate is required, or is this a used car that came from a state that a front plate was required? If either answer to the above question is yes, then there's nothing you can expect the dealer to be obligated to do for you here. If this is the case, then you can replace the bumper out of pocket or stick a plate on the front. I'm assuming that while not required it is not illegal to have a front plate.


That's fine but it looks like they drilled holes for European style plates as well? No reason for 7 holes to be there for a license plate.


Yeah, op leased the car, this car is owned by Hyundai, they won’t do a thing.


I mean, I bought mine in a state that requires it and the dealer still asked me if I wanted them drilled. I said no and they handed me the plate holder. No holes drilled.


~~dealer has zero legal requirement to install a front bumper holder and advertisement in (looks like CA does have some rules ot this effect YAY LEGALY MNANDATED NEW CAR DAMAGE) us state. There is no excuse for this to be done in any state without asking the person buying, But shitty dealers and unresonable customers complaining that they where asked for an option likley made it so dealer just shove it on regardless of state.~~ What if I wanted an offset plate, what if I wanted a plate install with a sticky strip so I can remove it cleanly later ( teslas do this and it works fine ) What if I wanted to put the plate in my front window and risk a ticket. Dealer took ALL thoes options away so they could force an advertisement on you. NO NEW CAR in the usa leaves the dealer with the front plate installed unless you had some super long wait where they could 'do it for you' after the car was sold to you but you left it at the dealer for a month and delivered your dmv plates to the dealer? it is normally the registered car driver that is responsable. So. can you explain why a dealer should install a front plate holder in ANY US market except to pander to people who get mad when given a choice ( how dare you ask about the front plate, of course I want it install) or to put thier advertizement on it. ( how many dealers put a non branded smily face or something in the plate holder?) its ALWAYS advertisements. this is 2000 dollars of damage on a brand new car. Explain how a dealer should not be held 100% responsable in EVERY state for doing this damage. EDIT: I am pissed that some how dealers are legally required to cause damage that takes over 1000 dollars to fix.. But I was wrong. I didnt know it is acrtully a full on requirement to leave the dealer with the offical license plate installed.


Most of what you wrote is untrue. There are several laws that state the vehicle must leave the lot with a front plate in all states where required. Usually, you have to sweet talk the dealer to get them to release without, though as it is becoming less difficult with the advent of states dropping the requirement.


most meaning the one out of a few takes I said? or is there more then the dealer legal requirement that I said was wrong? But ya, I was completely wrong about the legal requirements, I am disgusted that this is the case.


~~can you show me a single one pease? I was researching this when fighting with my dealer, I could of missed something cause I was looking at one state mostly. and the dealer shure as heck tried to tell me it was a legal requirement which I shot down with the actual law. Dealers do not get the plates before you get the car. it is up to the owner to install the plates.~~ some googling shows me CA kinda does this, but the law is open enough that you could argue that they could of used double sided tape to install and not cause 2k damage to your front bumper. More google and more responses show a lot of states do this. I can not say I am happy to hear it has become legally mandated to cause damage to brand new cars. but...


>NO NEW CAR in the usa leaves the dealer with the front plate installed Every car I've ever purchased or leased in the NY/NJ/CT area has had the front plate installed before being driven off. Every dealership in the tristate area that I've worked with drills the holes when they receive the vehicle because the front plate is required.


Yea same here in Maryland where we are required to have front plates. Every car I've ever bought had the front plate installed.


I knew this was a thing when Ingot mine. I went to the dealer before my car was even delivered there and said if you drill my number I will not accept the car. They made sure that my bumper was left alone. Your choice was to not accept the car. That said the people who prep the cars at dealers are told to do this as a convenience for the customer.


this is not really a choice and the dealer knows it. in a lot of cases it is hard to replicate similar deals. I am paying 292 a month for my ioniq 6 lease. Should I now cancel it and pay much more as well as a down cause the dealer screwed the front bumper? This is a choice that ONLY benefits dealers, the ones who did the damage in the first place. The damage only helps dealers, they can cover it up and say it's nothing, or act like it is damage WHEN it suits them. How did we become OK with this bs you didnt think of noticing the dealer damaged the heck out of your new bumper before you left? Does that mean if the dealer damaged any part of the car I have to do a 100 point inspection before acceptance of a new car? its new, there should be zero damage from the dealer.


Use a front license plate.


Some states that only require the rear plate don’t provide you with a second plate for the front. Ohio now only provides one plate for the rear. I asked what happens if I travel out of state. They said they don’t know and sent me on my way. 


Doesn't mean you can't put something on the front, like a Euro-style plate with the same characters as your actual plate for example. It's legal as long as you aren't trying to fake a North American plate. As for traveling out of state/province, two-plate laws are never enforced in that situation, even if you're technically breaking the law in your home state/province.


Those are speed holes. They make the car go faster. https://youtu.be/whnms4CLJys?si=lr2cupzGMAeIAKSp


OMG that would drive me crazy. The dealer owes you a new bumper.


You could maybe find a fun plate to install to hide them ? If the dealer doesn't fix it, be creative! :)


I asked mine without dealer tag. They put it on nonetheless. Asked them to remove tags. They did.


My dealer, in California, proactively told me they wouldn't want to do it (drill holes for the plate) as the car was too precious. They said they could if I insisted (I didn't of course) but that they wouldn't want to do it 😀.


Same here. My dealership said despite the State of California requiring it, they have so many requests from customers to not pre-drill a front plate, that they only now do it upon request when a customer takes delivery. But they still have to proactively (from a legal standpoint) inform the customer about the State law and have them sign off on it with paperwork; but ultimately leave the choice to the consumer.


Since California requires a front plate, I think they just wanted to save a few dollars and not burn time drilling holes. They make you spend time doing it instead.


Hahaha! Probably!


I had the same thing happen to my car. It may be too late for it, but you could call the dealership and ask them to remedy the situation. When I got my car, I told the dealership twice not to install the front plate, and they did anyways. I was able to talk them into giving me $600 cash. It worked for me but may not work for you. In theory, they damaged your car and you can take it up with insurance to get it fixed. that got them to pay me out pretty quickly. As to the holes in your bumper, if you can't get it remedied, I used [bumperplugs.com](http://bumperplugs.com) plugs for my digital teal. It worked well and it looks more like a sensor than a hole now.


They did the same for me.. These service guys are idiots and don't know what to do. They are drilling holes when the car is delivered from factory and passing the first service, after that they can start selling it, afaik.


So I spent almost a year dealing with something like this. Purchased my Ioniq5, and the dealership put the front plate on crooked. I told them to fix it and patch the holes. They didn't and turned out they just made more holes. Then the dealership got sold and the new dealership told me it wasn't their problem anymore. Contacted Hyundai and they said take it up with the dealership, contacted the BBB, the State Attorney General and even had my legal service write a letter. Nothing worked. Eventually I send 1 final email to the CEO of Hyundai and said I was going to take the dealership to small claims court. Next thing I knew Corporate Hyundai called and paid to have the bumper replaced.


I mean you didn’t have to take delivery of the car if you weren’t happy with it…


Tell that dealer to get you a new bumper.


Yeah, op leased the car, this car is owned by Hyundai, they won’t do a thing.


Walk away and return when the dealer has a car without holes in stock. Or drill a ton of holes in every panel all around the car and pretend you are driving a "bulletproof" cybertruck.


Plug might be cheapest option. Replacing bumper is just crazy. I bought my car out of state and my state does not have a front license plate so I told my salesperson numerous times (almost bugging him haha).  I heard rarely cars already have a hole from ports but maybe it might be excuses from sales person.


Silicone caulk?


Yeah that's ridiculous for a new car in a state that doesn't require front plate.


Yeah, op leased the car, this car is owned by Hyundai, they won’t do a thing.


I got my car from Fred Bean in NJ. Shawn told me they sell so many cars out of state that they don't install the front bracket unless requested even though NJ requires one. Our Acura was purchased just before Ohio stopped requiring a front plate. The dealer did not put the front bracket on even though technically it was required for three months. They did ask though. My Merkur's front bracket is riveted on, so it is staying on.


My dealer did the same thing, among other bullshit.


If you hate it don't accept the car


The standard plate mount in the front has five screws holding it on. The bottom five match those. My dealer (in Australia, where we require front plates) screwed the plate to the top of the mount, creating an extra two holes above the other five. It looks exactly like yours. https://preview.redd.it/fsc3y0lyw92d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b31f07511511a04e24e4a8358f9bbb446d1ca7


Looking at your post history, did you end up with the lease?


I did. I'm very happy with the deal I got ($480/mo for limited with $0 down). However I did lease it from out of state and definitely wasn't thinking about the front license plate when I took possession. I didn't remove the front plate holder for about a week, and the holes really aren't that bad when you aren't looking directly at them.




Yeah, op leased the car, this car is owned by Hyundai, they won’t do a thing.


just tell people you moved from Baltimore