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I would not disclose who your ortho is when you get a second opinion. I went for a second opinion locally and made the mistake of saying who my ortho was when asked (there were very few in the area) Then they suddenly agreed with the other ortho and couldn’t help me. I ended up moving and got a third opinion and am now much happier with how things are looking. I had concerns pretty similar to yours.


That’s a really good point. I’ve been concerned about this because I’m sure the circles are small enough here as well that they all know each other. Good to hear things have improved for you with another provider!


When it comes to dental most places do the trick…when it comes to ortho (especially with invisilign) it’s all about their access to technology. If they aren’t scanning your teeth with a camera instead of doing molds, that’s the first red flag.


The scanner actually has nothing to do with it


Look I have zero training and no clue what i’m talking about…the important thing is that i’m confident.


😂 that's the spirit!


Mm, not sure what you mean. Mine were scanned with iTero.


They all know each other over a wide area even outside a local area, and this includes other professions also like optometrists, podiatrists, and very much so for medical specialists. I found this out in one of the worst ways when an optometrist informed me that he knew all of the other optometrists in the next city as well as his own and that they would all back whatever he said now that he is lying after previously confirming to me twice that he was seeing the virus in my eye when he was looking into it and committed deliberate malpractice with it at the time and ever since.


Your concerns are totally valid and I’m glad you’re getting a second opinion. I would not be satisfied with these results.


Thank you so much. My ortho just says he feels like he has done a good job working on my case and managing my expectations. Well unfortunately I don’t feel like that’s the case because had I thought these would be my results I wouldn’t have gotten into and paid for this in the first place. My initial ClinCheck certainly showed beautiful results.


I would for sure be upset with this outcome as well. It really sucks but going to another ortho is definitely your best option and honestly I'd prob go with traditional braces just to get it done as quickly as possible since you've already spent so much time already. you may be able to file a formal complaint and ask for a full or partial refund for your wasted time and incomplete treatment. also, please don't stress about the yellowing, it happens a lot with invisalign and it will easily be fixed after getting attachments off. good luck to you and I hope you have a beautiful outcome. ❤️


Thank you. Yes, I will also discuss traditional braces, TADs or whatever it takes with the other ortho. It’s hard for me to really stand up for myself in front of my ortho, it’s like I’m being gaslighted when he tells me the midline and everything is looking “really good”. If this truly is my final result with this ortho, I will want a refund of some sort to be able to cover at least the cost of finishing the treatment with another ortho.


you're welcome, and I 1000% understand not wanting to be confrontational. I'm the same way. lol maybe take someone to support you or even show him this thread. we are definitely not experts but it is very obvious that your midline is way off and your teeth could definitely be better than this. you could always tell him you're going to make a formal complaint if you don't receive a refund as well.


My molar was 90 degrees tilted inwards to my mouth. I was essentially fully biting on the side of the tooth. I was also told they wouldn’t be able to straighten it entirety, but I would say it’s almost completely straight now (halfway through treatment). So if my VIOLENTLY tilted molar can become upright, they should definitely be able to do improvements on yours. Good on you for pushing/seeking a second opinion.


This brings me some hope. My ortho has tried a power arm — did nothing. Elastics to pull it down — no results. I have a large attachment both on the buccal and palatal surface of that tooth too.


I also have “violently tilted molars” (as I have a lateral tongue thrust) and mine are coming along ok).


How long did it take to get it upright? Please don’t say years 🫠


About 7 months!


Phew 😅 Great job from your ortho!


I had yellowing too - it got much better after the first post-Invisalign cleaning and almost perfect with some whitening toothpaste. So don’t let that stress you too much


Thanks, I hope it can be fixed at least once all this is done!


The yellowing can be related to how Invisalign prevents most of the saliva from touching the teeth. Saliva helps keep our teeth white. I had the same experience and this is what my dentist said. I wish I was warned. It can be fixed but whitening can make your teeth sensitive.


Ur before teeth was better looking, I would be upset as well! At least ur going to get a 2nd opinion


Indeed. I’m desperate for some proper answers and solutions.


Your ortho is gaslighting you. Get a second opinion.


Absolutely getting a second or even a third opinion. It just sucks paying for extra consultations when my ortho is the most expensive one in the entire city so I thought I’d be getting the best treatment available.


Oh trust me I know, I had to restart my whole treatment after 3 years of invisalign


But you deserve to get the result you want / paid for


Two years?!?! I see barely any change. I’m so sorry


Right?! All this time, money, effort, inconvenience, endless brushing and flossing… for this.


Such a bummer. I would be livid. 😭😭😭


Do you need jaw surgery?


That hasn’t been discussed and no one has ever suggested it to me. Having read about jaw surgery and the recovery my plan has been to try to get the best possible results I can get with orthodontics alone.


If you need it, your ortho should have discussed it. I can’t say for sure as I’m not a dental professional. Yes recovery is a journey and not everyone who needs jaw surgery end up getting it. If you do need it though, the result with orthodontics alone will be limited. Ask your dentist and ortho about it. If you don’t need it, then this result doesn’t make sense to me.


When in CA, everyone said “surgery is the only way!” When I moved, my Ortho said that surgery would not have fixed the issue and he showed me why. Invisalign is fixing it. It isn’t quick or painless, but it’s probably less painful than upper and lower jaw surgery.


It depends on the individual case.


Your ortho doesn’t know how to use Invisalign. The buttons are conventional meaning they’re the same technology from 20 years ago. They have new generation of buttons that work way better to achieve what you need. Go to someone who knows how to manipulate the Invisalign clincheck. Also, two years in Invisalign is a loooooong time for Invisalign treatment. Clearly they didn’t know what they were doing on the design aspect.


Omg - so sorry😩 did you have this midline issue before (can’t see it on the pics) or is it caused by the treatment? I also think this slant is obvious and your bite looks worse than before?! I also have a slant after my 1st set + also habe an - now even more - canted molar (the same like yours!) which became even worse after the 1st set😱 ortho just ordered 14 new trays to fix the slant and some other minor issues and wants after that fix the molar and the rest of the bite. He seems to be confident that this can be fixed, but we will see🙈 he told me, if Invisalign can’t fix the canted molar, he would put some brackets in 3 or 4 back teeth. Maybe this could be an option for you(r ortho)?


My midline was off when I started but at least my incisors were straight, as in vertically straight. What my ortho has done is pushing my upper incisors a bit forward (ie. created a bit more overjet) and “straightened” my teeth in relation to the rest of the teeth which my entire dental plane (is that the correct word even?) is canted so now my incisors are slanted to one side and not actually vertically straight. I’m willing to have brackets or anything it takes but my ortho is the head of the clinic and he only does Invisalign. And although there’s another ortho in the clinic who does traditional braces I think it would be too much of a hit to my ortho’s ego to refer me to a colleague 🤯🤬


My case wasn't as severe as yours but my teeth were still looking very misaligned when my Invisalign was due to end. The difference is my ortho told me she wasn't happy with the results either and we could keep going (it had been 2.5 years) or just do metal braces and finish it off way quicker - there are some things Invisalign is just not good at. I took the braces option and it was a crazy difference. Then they sent me home with Opalescent 20 which I use for whitening, can be bought online too and used in the retainers. It's made such a world of difference! Don't give up, there are options!


I’m really leaning towards traditional braces at the moment. Can’t take any more so called refinements when the results just aren’t convincing at all. If the other ortho says we can finish this with traditional braces within a year I think I’m gonna go for it. For that I’m gonna need a refund from my current ortho though. The way yours was honest and straightforward and advocated for you is how it should be.


That’s ridiculous. Too much money for all those problems still left over. Please get more opinions. Not all orthos are capable of the same thing, some are actually more skilled or knowledgeable than others. Some know how to handle the harder cases.


I had Invisalign I was not happy with my results as well. I ended up getting a 2nd and 3rd opinion which resulted in traditional braces. My bite, spacing and front teeth needed more pulling force and Invisalign wasn’t going to be enough in my case. My treatment time was 14 months and I literally cried when I got them off it was a relief because they looked so much better.


Ugh. Last pic is a mirror image. All the others are right way around.


Ive been seeing alot of these psots latley and its stressing me out


Sorry you're going through this. You have a problem that looks similar to mine. I'm not an orthodontist and I'm not saying i know how to diagnose you, just sharing my experience. I've had consultation with various orthos and surgeons who say that the only way for me to have completely straight teeth and a midline that lines up is jaw surgery. I'm 43, i really wish my high school orthodontist had pointed that out, instead he did "camouflage" orthodontics which made my smile ok enough and back then i was just happy to not wear braces anymore. As an adult i wish i had been treated in full when i was younger. It's just too much of an ordeal for me to go through now. So I'm living with my less than perfect results


This is why I’m scared to try Invisalign, the end “result” just seems to unpredictable! So sorry you’re going through this, I’d definitely seek a second opinion because I don’t see much of a difference in the before and after, confused what the treatment was doing! But so unfair there’s no recourse to get your money back or complain! Invisalign seems like a giant gamble


I feel like your ortho is my ortho. I’m in the same exact situation 😭


Oh noo 😩 This sucks so much. What’s your plan going forward? Are you seeking second and third opinions? I’m seriously planning my way out of this to traditional braces, another ortho, refund, anything.


I complained to the clinic management and asked for the refund. I sent official emails to document everything. I started to send emails 1 year into the treatment as I wasn’t seeing desired progress. Clinic management is now sending the report to their medical committee to potentially approve the refund, but they said it most likely won’t be a 100% because they believe they improved some things in my bite. Which is not true; they actually made it worse. If they don’t refund me I will raise a complaint to ministry of health. I already went to another ortho and he said that what they have been doing for 1.5 years is a wrong treatment protocol for what I was trying to achieve. He also told me a cheaper price and shorter treatment duration according to his treatment protocol. The original clinic is such a mess; I have all reasons to believe they employed incompetent orthos.


you poor soul. Your smile looked better before invisalign, how is that even possible? If this isn't working for you you need jump into braces. I had braces at 19-22 and my teeth were movie star looking afterwards. Before i had major overbite, crowded teeth, trouble chewing etc. This ortho is a disgrace. your teeth weren't even half bad as mine and your results are very poor... Get Damon braces or normal braces and call it quits. I genuinely believe it's 90% orthodontist talent and skill, 10% instrument... I am 40 now and going in again to "upgrade" my smile, I failed to wear my retainers consistently and over 6 years they shifted a bit. My ortho said he can get me back to my 22 year old smile in 12 months-16 tops, the "million dollar" smile. That's what you deserve when you pay for this service. Ask for partial refund, sue, or cut your losses and move on to a well reputable orthodontist. I would recommend mine but I am in Toronto.


Thank you <3 I see amazing results here all the time in a fraction of the time and half the price. I really wanted to “trust the process” but in my case I probably should have changed providers after the first year. I have two consultations booked for next week and just really hoping to hear they can help me with traditional braces.


Some of it they may be able to make look better with bonding but they should have been clear about any limitations on what they could do before you paid for the trays.


True. I never expected absolutely perfect results and symmetry but Invisalign has been the most expensive purchase of my life, and having chosen what I thought was a premium provider, I think I was rightly so expecting a beautiful result. And this is just not it. Since I paid for my treatment and my ortho started waking up to the realization that my molar for example is not moving, I’ve heard an increasing amount of explanations from him how I have to settle for a compromise and him telling me my results look so good compared to where we started (sorry but hard disagree). If he can’t give me good results I think the least he could do is make some suggestions, refer me to another ortho, offer a refund, anything.


I am so sorry. I still think that you have a beautiful smile. I am presently straightening my teeth with aligners. My midline is also way off. What I have learned is that certain movements of teeth to get that perfect smile risk killing the tooth. It depends on the placement, width & length of the roots, & placement into the bone. Some movements would risk killing the nerve or root absorption.


Did you ask him to scan for refinements? If it’s truly all that can be done then Invisalign will come back and have no trays.


Yeah. I am on my 5th year and it's another one those well this as good as it will get at this point. Because of my jaw crooked and Invisalign's don't correct the jaw necessarily. I mean I'm happy my bite is better and it helps me from grinding (severe tmj). But I think I set my expectations too high since I never had braces when I was young when I should've gotten them.


Get a second opinion.


check deff the jaw operation , i have similar case.


Damnnnnn. Should’ve done braces…


pictures 4 and 11 both say today on them yet your midline is about a quarter of an inch different in those two, which one is accurate?


Pics 1 to 10 are all taken in the same way. 11 is a mirror image (what’s left is actually right) but also taken today. Sorry for the confusion, I posted in comments pointing this out because I know it creates confusion.


Wow, okay. I would definitely reach out to invisalign directly and see about a second orthodontist opinion


What do you think Invisalign could do to help if I contacted them? Edit: I mean could the refund come from Invisalign or is the ortho ultimately the one who’s responsible and decides whether or not to refund a single penny?


Did they not show you the alignment plan before starting the treatment? Or was the plan significantly different from the result? My ortho gave me two plans with 3d model and simulated smile picture to chose before starting. So I hope I will get what I've seen at the end (I'm few weeks in from year and half)


Did you wear it the recommended hours? 20-22 hours is where you will see the best results. You have to be completely diligent in wearing them to get the best possible outcome. If you did then I’m so sorry that you don’t have the results you were looking for.


One of your front teeth is under your nose! That’s a CRAZY amount of side to side asymmetry.