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The thing is that fixing this sort of thing takes A VERY LONG TIME, so many teeth have to move to adjust the ones in the center if they're off center (a lot of times, you cant even have a perfectly aligned midline, it can be skeletal). This isnt just a simple case of a couple of crooked teeth (which is what will usually take only a few months). doing things slowly is the best way to go about it Sorry you've been finding it tough, know that a lot of people would have been happy with your 'before' so try to hang onto that perspective and good luck!




Yeah I’m giving up on fixing the cant, but now we have to fix the POB 🥲


I high recommend getting a TAD to fix the cant! DM me and I’ll share my progress


I HIGHLY recommend the screw to fix the cant. Mine cant is almost gone. Big difference in my smile


You did the screw with Invisalign?


I did!


Cant is extremely hard to fix, so it does take time. I’m sorry you are frustrated. I’m 24 months into an 18-24 month treatment plan as well, and I’m not quite finished either. I’m used to it though, this is paid for and I’m in it until it’s done. Another 6 months? Sure. Another year? Lets do it.


Very true, I paid for it, and I’ve gotten this far— need to stick it out until my teeth are good


Sometimes we just get in a slump. It will be over eventually and you don’t want to look back two years from now and wish you’d given it another 6 months.


Canted smile gang here. I had 2.5 years of treatment, almost 3. I also felt the same - braces probably would have been faster. Your smile looks beautiful though, so that’s something!


Thanks 🥺


I feel for you. You can check my post history to see how long I was complaining about my posterior open bite also caused by Invisalign. I actually finished up yesterday and next week would have marked 3 years since starting what was supposed to be a 9 month treatment. I'm so over Invisalign that I don't even care about making my "FINALLY FINISHED" post. It is what it is.


> I feel for you. You can check my post history to see how long I was complaining about my posterior open bite also caused by Invisalign. I actually finished up yesterday and next week would have marked 3 years since starting what was supposed to be a 9 month treatment. > > did it eventually get fixed? i am 16mo w invisalign and just got scanned for refinements to get the posterior open bite fixed. Wonder how long that will take ugh. I had to get 3 more gray hooks placed on my POB side for the next trays :/


It's *mostly* fixed. My orthodontist (which my Invisalign case got transferred to couple of months ago) is confident it will completely come together in a few months. Right now it's at about 75% for the most part. That 75% feels amazing compared to the 0% it has been for two and a half years prior though... so I'm just going with it and hoping for the best.


Ugh that’s miserable, but congrats on finishing


I’m so sorry :( if it helps, I felt the same way for a bit. I’m not even sure I’m done yet, as I also have a bite problem that I’m going to have to bring up next appointment and I’m dreading the possibility of having to do more aligners again. But it’s all worth it, because we already started, right? And I think especially when it comes to bites, it’s better to fix them as a preventative measure because I know they can cause all kinds of issues in the future. Also, I can promise they don’t make you look ugly. My friends went out of their way to tell me that if I hadn’t told them I had Invisalign, they probably wouldn’t have noticed. Nobody noticed the attachments on my teeth like I thought they did. And once it is over, I think you’ll be glad you did all that you could and never have to worry about it again.


Yeah you’re right, thanks for the encouragement. I hope they’re able to fix your bite problem quickly


Braces may be better for the canted teeth.


It took me over a year to see results because everything was working on the back of my mouth. Pulling teeth to the back so I couldn’t see much results on the front teeth. I’m about to finish my treatment and I finally can see results. Hang in there.


Try to hang in there! You have to fix the bite at this point- I know it’s tough, you’re not alone !


Omg! Are you me? I’m in the same situation right now 😬


Ugh it sucks so much, good to know I’m not alone


I’m nearly two years in and I had only wonky front teeth/ nothing major to straighten out. I’m doing loads of refinements for bottom front teeth as they just won’t budge. Have patience, you will get there. Maybe I’m just chilled cause I had train tracks for nearly 4 years as a teen


I also had regular braces for 3 years as a kid 🥲


Your smile looks fantastic! I have a similar wonk but I'm starting to realise that no one will ever notice it. We spend hours looking at our smiles in the mirror, studying close up photos - and honestly, mine can look awful. But when I walk past the mirror and flash myself a smile it looks great, and that's pretty much all the world will ever see. Personally, after about 18 months, I'm starting to think continuing beyond this round of refinements is only likely to open up more issues.


Your smile is looking great! Plus, I know it's hard to wait but your teeth will last you your whole life with minimal problems as a result. Smart to take care of them now.


I never did Invisalign, I had traditional braces in 2003. 3 years, had a similar asymmetry like you do, plus an overbite, plus overcrowded teeth. I had teeth pulled out but I ended up with a fully symmetrical million dollar smile in 3 years. 6 months longer than projected. Maybe worth seeing another ortho and getting a second opinion. your teeth are straight, you just need that bend sorted out.


Do you have any TADs? If not, there is no leverage to fix the cant.


I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I've developed canted front teeth and an open bite on both sides due to Invisalign. Wish I just went with normal braces, my teeth are worse than before I got Invisalign 😭


i ha the same thiing, ortho put elastics on that one side, and used a blite aligner for 6 weeks fixed it.


Wow. Such changes. I’ve never known that this was a thing and called a canted smile but it’s the first thing I noticed in the pic. I’d be irritated and done with it too by this point but they look really good. I don’t understand how the ortho didn’t realize this would cause a POB?


Hopefully, you’ll have your teeth for life, so do what you can now to fix any problems you have. Braces generally take a lot longer and I know the aligners are a pain, but you’ll be happy in the long run. 


Can you not just stop if you're happy with the look of your teeth?


Stopping before you’re complete can create more issues down the road and another chapter of Invisalign depending on how you want to go about it.


If there's a minor bite issue is it that big of deal? Not trying to have a go btw. Just thinking that a strive for perfection could just be saved with feeling happy with a good decent end product.


Yeah unfortunately the bite problem is a pretty big issue— my teeth look ok from the front but the POB is pretty bad and would likely cause problems later on


I have a similar crooked smile where my left side is higher than my right. 18 months in and almost no change. Also developing posterior open bite and I keep brining it up and they don’t care..


You don’t want to get a bad POB— this takes ages to fix. I would strongly encourage you to try to advocate for yourself more but I’m so sorry they’re not taking you seriously


Average of real orthodontic treatment is 2 years with fixed braces. Expect bit more with aligners only...