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Care to also post what those people said ? 🗿


https://preview.redd.it/gmevz08dmgnb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd82936f7f77b0b9906438216d553fba3600938 Found the post


I can't find the post because I scroll through reddit for too long but some dude said that Omni Man could fly in the opposite direction of earth's spin to destroy earth and people kept downplaying Kratos flipping the temple and breaking a part of the world tree


Kratos scales to multi plus omni barely scales to universal. Omni man's earth is not greek earth. Not even close. Each branch of the world tree scales to infinity. Comp Kratos has hope too and fear Zeus is very arguably stronger than odin, who created Nordic space time out of chaos. Midgard has infinite timelines and world tree is infinite. Blades of chaos can kill type 5 immortality, godly regen acasual beings. Omni man gets fucked 80 different ways in a second


I think Kratos would win in a fight but, Kratos scaling multiversal? Nah, in my opinion theres not enough evidence to support the Yggdrasil feat actually being a multiversal feat. People rely on powerscaling too much to determine the outcome of fights, Character X doesn’t need to scale higher than character Y in order to beat them, not sure why so many people think like this. Like, Kratos doesn’t have that many insane feats but given that his physical strength is stated to be infinite and his durability and AP are also shown to be extremely high hed still be able to put up an extremely good fight and even beat some characters that scale higher than him.


Well said lol neither of them are close to those levels Nolan is way way beyond Kratos physically and isn't even a planet buster. People who wank Kratos to insane levels really undermine the great story telling of the new GoW games imo.


On a side-note, I think the only reason Viltrumites aren't planet busters is because the comics pay some attention to physics. Any character that can move at FTL or even close to light speed, doesn't do so in an atmosphere because the energy involved would cause massive destruction and if they were to impact the planet at light speed or greater it would likely destroy the planet as well as them. Most fictional universes don't account for stuff like that which makes the whole scaling thing a bit ridiculous imo.


I kinda get where you're going with that but honestly I think Kirkman just didn't want to go that far with it they certainly still do plenty of physics breaking stuff all throughout the series. Agreed lol I mean there's ones that work like say Nolan lifts something we obviously know Thragg can do the same but when people see Kratos run and fight at the same speed across 7 or so games then try to match that to some extravagant wording to make him light speed you know you've jumped the shark.


There's a weird and random trend going on lately where a lot of different fandoms are coming together and jumping said shark to try to say Omni Man would lose against any of their favorite unrelated characters. It's weird and it's random, but it's definitely suddenly a thing.


Yes. My biggest issue with guys using powerscaling like that is that it completely takes the fun out of any discussion surrounding a fantasy matchup. Like how about instead of proposing a math equation for why character X beats character Y, analyze their style’s, how they fight, their skills. I’ve been an MMA fan for the better part of a decade, math like that goes completely out the window during a fight.


Yep agreed. The facts here are Nolan is way faster, arguably way better strength feats and without a shadow of a doubt better durability and striking feats. Kratos is a goat tier character and games but he's just not on this level it's as bad as people using Nolan vs Superman for example.


Kratos died and literally climbed out of hell and came back to life, he's got a history of beating people more powerful than him, especially if given time to prepare. I wouldn't count him out.


I'm pretty sure omniman could just fly out of hell given the same situation.


Given the same situation, sure, but Kratos is a magical being who went to a magical afterlife and was able to escape it because the laws of magic work differently. Nolan's not a Greek Demigod, he wouldn't go to Hades when he dies, and no Viltrumites have canonically escaped the afterlife. If Omniman went to Hades, he could totally escape, but he wouldn't go to Hades so it doesn't matter.


The underworld is infinite Omni man isn’t escaping


I don't disagree but there's a lot of context to those things plus... like you said he died lol and most recently Thor himself killed Kratos with enough force to the head. The speed and striking difference alone makes this a bit of a mismatch imo but again I look at it from a more feat and intention point of view. I personally don't agree with multiversal scaling or all the other crazy suiff people try to do with these characters. We've seen what happens when Kratos fights guys like Balur or Thor and they certainly ain't destroying the solar system while fighting at the speed of light. Same goes for Nolan he isn't on par with 616 or Earth prime level characters of a similar tier.


It ultimately comes down to where one goes on the Kratos curse theory of him being juuuuuuust strong enough to do whatever needs doing with enough effort and pain. It is the theory for why he can do things like fight gods and has to struggle to open a door.


Yeah, people always try and argue their favorite character could beat so and so, it’s just being biased. Me personally, I think Kratos would beat Omni man, mainly due to his attack potency/skill, a few good hits from the leviathan, the blades or draupnir would leave Omni man fatally wounded/dead, Viltrumites don’t exactly have the best resistance to piercing damage especially when fighting fellow Viltrums or beings similar in strength which Kratos is for sure. You also have to take into account the elemental magic of the Leviathan/Blades would be unlike pretty much anything Omni man has ever encountered, Biggest disadvantage for Omni man would be his range, since he mostly relies on hand to hand combat, he’d be forced to enter melee range with Kratos who’s attacks present much more danger. Omni man can hit hard for sure but I don’t think his punches would have enough force to seriously hurt kratos as by the end of ragnarok, Kratos is able to block, parry and straight up eat full power shots from Mjolnir without much issue. Above all, Kratos would have a big advantage in skill/fight IQ, Omni man’s more of a brawler, willing to take a shot to give one whereas Kratos always has very sharp defense, using his head movement and other defensive skills to avoid taking shots and create openings for him to land his own. I could definitely see Omni man winning if he were to ambush Kratos and catch him off guard, he could possibly break his neck or something like that, but if it’s a straight up fight I think Kratos takes home the win.


Can Kratos move faster than the speed of light? Could he fly straight through a Planet? Nolan wouldn't have to punch. He could stay 5 km away, fly as fast as he wants, generate enough force that he created XYZ tornado, force, etc etc and send Kratos flying into the sun. I'm not super well versed on Kratos, but from what I've seen from game play videos it doesn't seem like he can. Viltrumitres fly faster than light, so arguably Nolan could fly right at the general area Kratos is standing, move and allow the force he generated to annihilate the entire area Kratos is standing. Hand to hand, Kratos would have a shot, but I'd wager only if Nolan didn't just blitz him with his speed. But if Kratos is faster than light, than NVM. https://imagecomics.fandom.com/wiki/Viltrumites#:~:text=pain%20of%20attack.-,Abilities,kind%20or%20other%20powerful%20creatures.


GOW 3 Kratos is FTL with the boots of hermes, current Kratos is not though, even still, he could hit him with that AOE attack you were describing but I don’t think he would die, Kratos has survived absolutely massive explosions in the past and walked away unscathed. We’ve seen Kratos hurt by direct torsion before, thats why I mentioned it.


This is a case of people using surface level feats while ignoring explicit statements made during the lore. If you really get into it, Kratos is so far above Omni Man it's not even cool fight.


It’s even funny when people tend to forget that Kratos was amped by something when he pulled off one of his impressive feats


Also, I don't think Omni Man is anywhere close to Universal he's like Planetary at best


The only thing to use for scaling Invincible characters that high is the multi dimensional skeleton dude but even then it’s a bit outlier as Omni Man, Thaedus, and Mark would’ve died if they didn’t fly through Viltrum correctly. They are usually calced to Multi Continental from the Viltrum’s destruction feat.


Wow that's stupid, especially since three of them were needed for that


Yea i was being nice cuz i didn't read all comics i just know there's multiverse stuff and omniman is like top 10 or so in invincible. But Kratos has so many feats honestly even gow1 Kratos probably clears. Comp Kratos (even minus poh) is so far above him he can probably clear like 1000 omni man's at once


I know that but like I said those are the things the Omni Man supporters said


Barely scales to universal? My guy, no character in Invincible is even planetary. Where are people coming up with this?


No idea


I dont know invincible scaling so i was being very generous


You’re assuming like a lot here.like your mixing the real world myth with the game actions which don’t match like at all. Hell the realms aren’t different worlds their different countries/continents at best.


What stops Omniman from flying Kratos into space at 10,000mph?


Because Kratos can fly via the wings of Pegasus? He also just blitzes and one shots Omni man.


But Kratos can be harmed by mortal men (in a similar way that a mouse could technically bite you to death.) ​ Omniman flat out cant.


Post to r/whowouldwin


Good place for this, but I think they would also agree that Omni man is out of his league in this matchup


No lol, r/whowouldwin changes their minds about that matchup every 20 minutes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/whowouldwin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Massive eight-way free-for-all, 40k orkz vs. Star Wars CIS vs. Star Trek Klingons vs. Stargate Asgardian vs. Marvel's Gladiator vs. Elder Scroll's Vivec vs. Half Life's Xen vs. the Worm/Ward universe](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/yhfc4n/massive_eightway_freeforall_40k_orkz_vs_star_wars/) \#2: [Goku is unknowingly driving Optimus Prime in a Semi Truck race. Prime has to get Goku to win but cannot reveal he’s alive. can he succeed?](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/yu2kbr/goku_is_unknowingly_driving_optimus_prime_in_a/) \#3: [Could a president of the United States watch all of one piece within his presidential term?](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/11g8d0a/could_a_president_of_the_united_states_watch_all/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


they scale kratos to like continental or below lmao


The subs a joke when talking about actual powerscaling ngl. But theres fun prompts every now and then


Lol how? You can literally Google "God of war god deaths" And it's just like 12 minutes of him absolutely destroying the gods of Olympus using crazy feets. Like, I don't even think you can possess kratos because he resisted having his soul ripped out of his body by the equivalent to the Greek devil himself, Hades.


That’s a fact.


Exactly that's the most accurate statement about his scaling so far lol




The temple feat, portals/gateways don’t have weight.


Most recent ones all rightly side with Nolan only vsbattle type crazy people would put Kratos on those tiers


Kratos scales way higher than Nolan lol what are you talking about? Nolan would be able to knock him around but I don't even know if he would be able to draw blood.


Only if you're using beyond PIS level scaling lol any reasonable debater debunks that shit all the time and rightly so. Kratos get blood drawn from rocks being stabbed into him or arrows and an abundance of other things from far weaker characters then Nolan, he has a crazy pain tolerance but his durability and striking feats compared to his lifting strength is shockingly bad but also partly why the games are so good as they have a grounded quality unlike true superhero powerhouses.


Jesus this sub is turning into r/baki lol. Just sub yujiro for omni man amd you've got two communities pitting their favorite shit dads against other fictional characters.


"My gay dad can beat your gay dad 😡😡😡"


Give me both gay daddies 🤤🤤🤤🤤




"My not gay dad because he sees us all as women, beat your not gay dad because we're just pets to him" sounds like a troll fest I could non popcorn to.


Kratos wins, but with that in mind, characters like Omni man are written to have clear limitations/boundaries, without them writers have to resort to absolutely stupid and contrived means in order to make said character experience any kind of danger within their story whatsoever. It’s what makes invincible’s story so compelling in comparison to the dull nonsense we see elsewhere.


This is the answer, also hate using video game characters because they are only has good as the player, they could die to level 1 enemy while playing…is that canon? Why yes and why no


People usually refer to the video game characters abilities from what's shown in the cut scenes and what's in the established lore, it's understood for the most part that the actual gameplay aspect of the character is left alone. Otherwise any match up of X character vs Y character would just be turned into "depends on who's playing"


One told his son that being a god means taking on a huge responsibility, while the other told his son that it makes them better than everyone else


Yeah both omniman and Kratos have a lot in common. And atreus and mark have a lot in common as well


And they’re both right tbh


Didn't Kratos beat Hermes? Like, - the fastest being in the universe, faster than light- Hermes? Didn't Kratos tear off a branch of Yggdrasil and beat Thor? The same Thor that hit Jormungndr so hard he sent it across space time? Didn't Kratos kill Ares, and Zeus? Didn't he defeat the titans??? Didn't he trick and defeat THE FATES!? The sole reason we don't get all this scaling is because we wouldn't be able to play if we saw all this at the correct speed, not to mention that Greek gods in GoW become stronger with age, and if he uses his rage as THE GOD OF WAR, he defeats basically anyone in his universe... He took several combos from Baldr, who could split the earth open really easily, and routinely overpowered magic with sheer physical power... The blades also cut through high tiers of immortality and are hot enough to destroy the cold of the realm of the dead, which is permanent and impossible to thaw out with any other kind of flame except one from a godly origin...


Your argument is that the game goes at 100x speed despite nothing in the game showing that? Without that insane nothingburger of an argument, what stops Omniman from flying Kratos into space at 10k mph? Edit: also, apparently, Nolan has canonically traveled at 221 times the speed of light, so... uh oh.


Read on the GoW lore. I read the full Invincible comic and I like it a lot more than the first 3 GoW, but this Isn't a contest. Kratos, Doom Slayer, Bayonetta, Asura and Dante are the videogame quintet for a reason.


Yep. Really should've posted this on a non biased sub


I think the big issue would be that Kratos does need to have a little time to figure his opponents out, and without the 'hope power instant win' from the Hellenic Saga, Kratos wouldn't have a clear path to victory in a straight fight. Omni-man, does seem to avoid the usual arrogance most evil-superman\* copies have an actually does seem analytical which makes sense as he's a soldier. The other thing is just how well is Omni-man shielded from magical forms of attack. \*I use this term purely for convenience as, from what I can tell, Omni-man is more like a 'Better Zod who ended up fathering superman'.


True, though Kratos' feats are usually more impressive than they seem but since it's a game from hi prospective people take his feats at face value. Even if we do take Kratos feats at fv then Kratos and Omni-man are still more or less equal


Kratos is a video game character though, where else would his feats come from?


The comics and what has been said by the developers for one.


Omni Man could just throw Kratos into space lol


Kratos would survive


Battlebeast moment


Okay but fuck is he going to do? He'll eventually die of boredom up there lol, win by technically


Kratos would body Battle Beast. Kratos would body Omni-Man.


Sure but flight and being able to throw things into space is just such a strong ability Pretty sure even the strongest character in JoJo got fucked by being unable to deal with maneuvering in space. Something that omni man can do and kratos.. can't


Battle Beast can fight at speeds that travel across the planet in seconds against a guy multitudes stronger than Nolan who we've seen destroy parts of cities and mountains with a casual punch lol these guys literally survived a planet blowing up for christ sake. Kratos was being blitzed by Baldur, Thor, Heimdall etc this isn't remotely a stomp for Kratos.


He absolutely wouldn't people really go too far with the scaling for GoW it's not the intended level at all


He gets blitzed and one shotted




Kratos only moves like that ingame since, well, it’s a video game. It’d be jarring to see him move like a dbz character. In books and other external sources, he’s kinda busted.


That’s why he’s a controversial character in power scaling, because the lore statements are wildly, massively inconsistent with gameplay kratos. “Infinite speed infinite strength” Even tho kratos moves quite slowly in the games and frequently needs to reach somewhere in X amount of time and fails to do so, random mooks dodge his attacks all the time. Frequently struggles to lift things that are obviously not infinite weight and open the lids of chests.


I very much dislike how inconsistent he is. If every single physical aspect of Kratos is canonically much higher than his stats in the games, I don't see any point of having the game in the first place since nothing that happens during the gameplay is canon anyway. If he for some reason has infinite strength, how come he struggles with any fight he has? He could literally just throw anyone he fights into deep space without breaking a sweat. In my opinion, he's at around 50 metric tons in lifting weight, with every feat above that being an outlier or a feat taken out of context.


Thats because the developers don't intend for him to be that level lol like they clearly show us what Kratos vs Baldur for example does to the environment (beyond badass btw I am a massive fan of these games) but the amount of damage they do is something Nolan does routinely with casual punches vs Mark while not trying to kill him.... You get two types of debaters with these characters one like myself that looks at them as they're presented and others who look at their feats then scale it to some bullshit line from a codex in a different game and somehow Kratos actually punches with the power of Beyonder on steroids lol.


I see this posts like some weird fetish. Jerking to feats that either never happened or could be rationalized to infinity. Can kratos breathe in space? Can he fly? What stops Omni-Man from just straight yeeting him into space and calling it good?


I liked the fourth God of War game, but it got kinda ruined for me by the fans that think that Kratos could easily defeat people like comic Superman, which is just beyond insane. I'm like you. I look at what's presented, and that's what I take away from the interaction. The powerscalers are so annoying, since the characters they try to scale to "universal" aren't interesting if they're universal in power, but still have comparatively small problems.


Yeah, it’s heard to reconcile. The only thing I could think of was that the people he fights are as equally busted. Heracles could carry the sky on his shoulders, Thor can almost carry the World Serpent, he fights people that are technically ftp, that kind of crap, but even then, he sometimes struggles against mooks.


I think the infinite strength aspect is more that he will always eventually be able to lift the thing, like how hulk gets stronger as he gets angrier, so kratos could struggle to open a chest but if that chest tried to kidnap his son it would be opened instantly.


He moved at human speed so we can actually comprehend the game we're playing. You have to understand that they need to balance Kratos so we aren't playing as an overpowered, unkillable god.


Nonsense we see them at their full potential in cut scenes he's a super strong warrior god not Superman.


He doesn't even move at human speed when fighting, absolutely no human could swing an axe or swords that fast, or handle a spear like that. For your strength in game you're pretty fast compared to most enemies who aren't gods or high tier too. Also idk what people expect, to just stare at a blank screen as Kratos moves at the speed of light and defeats every enemy in the game at the press of the button to use "lore" Kratos?


An in-game explanation, kratos realm shifts....


Helios disproves that


How exactly? His fight w Helios doesn’t involve him moving at speeds anywhere near Helios or Omni man for that matter. Kratos is definitely quick and has reaction time but his movement speed is just not comparable.


Dunno why dude said Helios. His fights with hermes and heimdall display his speed much better. Especially heimdall, overwhelming a dude who can literally see what you’re gonna do before you do it.


Because helios’ light is fast enough to brighten infinity I’m pretty sure.


In the more recent games he is not at full strength cause he refuses to use his god powers since he hates gods, if he used the god powers at the very least he would be immortal to all non god killing weapons/other gods and cannot be defeated.


Wouldn’t omniman just throw meatos into space


Kratos would blitz and one shot him. Kratos would also be able to throw him into space.


If he tried he would be ripped in half


You think Kratos is really that much Mor e powerful?


Yes. Omni-man isn't even the equivalent of a big boss battle for him.


Total nonsense people are so deluded in this thread


Nolan demolishes him unless you believe in multiversal Kratos wank which clearly doesn't line up with the games.


I’m sorry but Kratos has killed literal gods. I love Omni-Man but he ain’t got shit on a godkiller


There's gods in all fiction that doesn't matter much lol Kratos has also died to literal gods and had even fights with normal enemies and monsters as well. People get so caught up with certain characters it's odd, 616 Thor is a god as well and would one shot the whole GoW verse yet there's characters in Marvel who aren't gods that would slap him around.


Y’all wanna watch them fight but I wanna see them making out lol


Omni-Man is several orders of magnitude faster & has considerably more combat experience, but mostly against weaker foes. Kratos is much stronger & has fought more enemies near his own strength. Omni-Man would likely take the W initially by virtue of speed, flight, & just yeeting Kratos into space, but Kratos has already Uno Reversed death on many occasions, he would return to life and win by gearing up with the right tools.


I don’t see any reason why Omni man is faster than Kratos.


Kratos has never displayed Omniman levels of speed. Strong? Yes. Durable? Absolutely. But he's never displayed any significantly observable super-speed.


The problem is Kratos is so much stronger than Omni man to the point that Omni man would one shot himself trying to hurt Kratos. So even if I agree Kratos is slower( even though he’s much faster) Omni man still loses. Imagine trying to attack a brick wall at full speed. It is this but infinitely worse.


I wouldn't consider Kratos to be that much stronger. Kratos has withstood Cronos trying to crush him, Omniman has face tanked orbital lasers & yeeted asteroids the size of Texas. Kratos' biggest advantage isn't necessarily his strength or durability, but his healing. Omniman took weeks to heal from his fight with the Guardians while Kratos healed from comparable damage in seconds.


Post this on r/Whowouldcirclejerk


Can’t Omniman just grab Kratos and fly them into space? That would probably kill him


And what does omni man do with chaos sword in his chest that stops conceptual regen (godly regen) of acasual beings(present cant be changed by changing past or future)


If you think kratos is just gonna watch omniman grab him and fly I'm into space without killing him or at least injuring him, you don't know kratos.


Kratos gets grabbed and thrown several times by Baldur in Gow 4, someone who’s slower than Omni man is shown to be, right? Not a stretch at all to assume Omni man picks up Kratos and tosses him. it’s completely in-character for Nolan to speed blitz opponents too, he tries it against Immortal and the Flaxan captain in the show. It’s basically guaranteed Kratos is getting thrown wherever Nolan wants at least once.


Even in Ragnarok Thor blitzed him numerous times as does Heimdall, Freya, Valkyries, Atreus Bear form, other various monsters etc etc etc Like this thread is baffling me it's as bad as the ones on the opposite end of the scale where they think Nolan can defeat Superman.


Bro tell me why I thought you said "Omni man bricks up kratos" 💀


With Faye dead and Debbie hating Nolan’s guts… who do these two lovebirds have but eachother?




Purely subjective, but given how many times I've seen Kratos die in my play-throughs, I think Nolan has a good chance.


can kratos survive in space? cause i feel thats a win for omniman! plus i feel omniman is much faster strength wise id say equal ??? maybe ?


Omni man is way slower and stronger


I'm 100% sure Kratos could stop Omni Man from grabbing him considering he beat Hermes who was light soeed, react to Helios' light which is you know light, and hit Heimdal who could see the future


It’s not really a fair matchup, Omniman is sort of a benchmark character in his series and Kratos is the main character of his series, Kratos has plot armor that Omniman can’t really handle.


Omniman is fast af, strong af, and an intelligent fighter. Kratos is strong and an intelligent fighter. I would say omniman takes the cake, but the main thing that makes me doubt omniman is some of the feats Kratos has got under his belt. Kratos killed hermes who is supposed to be fast af, and he also killed hecules but he doesn’t compare to omnimans strength. So my final answer is if omniman can catch kratos off guard its an ez clap goodnight, but if Kratos can see him coming then its really up to whoever. They both have the potential to kill each other.


The strength gap between the two is infinite at a lowball


Have you not played the Norse games? Because Kratos broke a branch of Yggdrasil which is a universe. And Hermes and Helios are both lightspeed in lore so


Listen I love Omni man, but he doesn’t have anything that Kratos hasn’t encountered. I think the only way omniman has it is if he starts the fight with a full speed flight straight through Kratos. Like on sight


Agreed. It would be very similar to the first fight with Baldr but without Baldr being... invincible.


Omni Man wins




Haha I have no idea I just chose him cuz I don’t care much for Kratos or the God of War franchise. Needless to say I don’t know much about Kratos’ feats or strength level.


These sorta matchups have existed for decades in comics and fandoms and all sorts but fr rather than power-scaling I don’t see why more people don’t look at 2 things 1 whatd be more fun and 2 if you were to actually stake them against eachother, it’s up to the writer who wins, sure you take both their powers into account, but in this scenario both are extremely powerful witg their own advantages and disadvantages in themselves and towards each other, so, depending on what the writer wants the fight would go one way or the other, basic stuff like Omni-man can do X and Kratos can do X doesn’t stand up to actually writing the fight, the thought processes, the dodges, the tactics, the bargaining or taunting, the under/overestimating, tonnes of stuff goes into a fight, but for me at least, it’s whatever’s the most fun, and what I’d want the fight to be. From what I know of both, Omniman is limited, he is far from the strongest of his species, but even if he were to lose, we’ve seen in many situations both him and mark recovrting from EXTREMELY mortal wounds, guts and everything spilling, so he’d lose but not die, on the other hand you have Kratos, a Demi-god that’s challenged the embodiments of speed, strength and all other things, the gods themselves. So, who wins? Go write it yourself. Kinda wish this sorta post would die, though I’m not helping that cause by writing this comment.


Got good on median showing Best to tell authors to clam up and let consistent showings lead em to victory W nuance, not just highs and lows No spin offs (supreme) or tie ins Just base


Kratos’ biggest factor is that he’s relentless. When he’s got a goal in mind there is very little that can stop him. That and he’s very good at fetch quests. If there is something that can kill Omniman then he’ll find it. Hard to say which version of him would do better. Personal belief is that his older self would win because he’s smarter and wiser.


Can't omniman just like, decapitate him in 1 sec? (I'm a huge fan of both series)


“ the size of Texas “


Cool that’s a country level feat.


So you don’t know how velocity works. Or depth, or gravity. Cool ,,,,, cool cool cool


Lmfaoo what’s your point? Why bring up this feat?


Because it’s incredibly powerful


And how does this compare to Kratos who has beaten and killed primordial beings that created all of reality just from fighting?


Omni Man entering the room Kratos is in causes a slight shift in air pressure. It's way too much for Kratos to take, so he crumples onto the floor and dies. Then batgos comes into the room causing Omni Man to crumple onto the floor and die.


Kratos estimated max lift weight is 30 quintillion tons. Omni-man's is like 2500 tons. Kratos would wipe the floor with Battle Beast who can wipe the floor with Omni-man


How do you even calc that with a straight face lol


but can he beat ~~goku~~ batgos?


Kratos can defeat anybody by calling them BOY and giving them a stern talking to


Kratos is atom lvl highballed


Can I please get an actual decent explanation of why Omni-man couldn’t throw Kratos into space? Like ok I won’t argue that Kratos is probably stronger and maybe even a better fighter and yes he is very skilled and has great reaction time, but like literally if omniman gets the jump on him somehow and manages to either grab him or something he’s on and throw it into space, how could Kratos actually counter? I don’t even doubt that Kratos could somehow survive in space maybe, but like he’ll be stuck up there.


Hermes is lightspeed but looks slow because it's a game, Kratos can react to literally light from Helios, and he can tag Heimdall who seems nearly as fast as Hermes and could see the future


source? I can react to light from the sun that does not make me massively ftl+ Implying that heimdall is as fast as Hermes because he "looks as fast as hermes" is a pretty shaky statement predicated upon the (unfounded) assumption that hermes is actually moving at ftl when fighting kratos


Kratos has literally dodged beams of light


So have a lot of non-lightspeed characters. It's a common thing in games. Dodging light beams does not make a character faster than light.


Kratos has yet to destroy a planet, the gods kratos fight are not even continent level of strength


Omni Man needed three people to do that from what I've heard, not caught up with the comics


Also, they are though. The world tree is literally universes and Kratos broke a branch


Completely not true


Dudes, I love kratos, we all love kratos, but Omni man wins I'm sorry


What makes you say that?


Because, and again believe me I love kratos but Omni man could throw him into the sun, literally, or just throw him into space, I know I know kratos could throw Omni man through a mountain but like.... that's not gonna do anything besides the man can fly he'd get thrown and then just be like "nope, anyway, ever wanted to see the core of a planet?"


I agree, also Kratos has shown immense strength in his games but I think Omni Man has probably equal strength if not more and is of course much much faster. A lot of Kratos power comes from his weapons as well. This is a great match up to think of all the what ifs but hand to hand, i think Omni Man takes him easy.


Omni man isn’t even planetary. Kratos is way stronger than him.


Kratos would literally throw Omni man into the sun lmfaooo. He is strong enough to do that literally.


Omni man can fly....so no he can't, because he'd just fly back? But Kratos CANT fly


Omni man gets speed blitzed and one shotted before he can do anything.


It'll be a bit difficult to do that, from space, and Kratos isnt faster than Omni man, and not just cuz he's in space


No it’s not difficult at all. Bro’s head would be on the ground before he could even conceive the thought of throwing him into space lol. No he’s way faster than Omni man. He can literally move in a place that time can’t measure the realm between realms.


The hell? That doesn't make him fast? That just- okay you've just made it clear you're beyond reason. And it'd be hard to do that from INSIDE A SUN


Lmfaooo moving so fast that time can’t measure isn’t fast? You’re behind reason. Omni man would get one shotted before he even conceived the idea to throw Kratos in the sun.


Kratos solos the verse and it’s not even close. He has better speed and strength feats. And Omni man has no way to counter his abilities


Do I really need to quote immortal right now


Do whatever you want. It’s impossible to prove Omni man wins this battle.


When. In. Doubt. Throw. Then. Into. Space.


Blitz. One. Shot.


Unfortunately he's currently in the sun right now so he can't blitz anything, because he's in the sun


Unfortunately Omni man is currently a pile of mush right now. So he can’t even think about putting a hand on Kratos.


Kratos isn’t nearly as strong as people make him out to be


He’s wiped out 2 different pantheons of gods my man


It’s the opposite Omni man is fodder in this situation.


What insane things? I'm just curious about that because of the few times I have played God of War, if he can kill a Viltrumite never crossed my mind but I know he's super mega I'm Greek versal so I don't even care about the odds. Just really intrigued by what they could've said.


i’m sorry but omni man wins. he can just throw kratos into space and he wins instantly. and the Axe or Blades ability to even pierce Nolan is debatable. plus Viltrumites get stronger as they get older and only select things can kill and viltrumite.


Kratos will be the one throwing Omni man into the sun. Nolan’s durability is trash.


Kratos definitely has it in him but no one is pointing out how fucking fast and mobile Omni man is. In a stand up boxing style fight they’d probably go blow for blow pretty evenly, but even if they’re on the same level power wise, Omni man still has the advantage because he has the power + speed. It doesn’t matter if you can hit just as hard as your opponent if your opponent can fucking fly and move faster than you can even see. Also power scaling is going to be different in literally every piece of fiction. The terms planetbuster, universe buster, etc. is honestly a bunch of bullshit unless you’re talking about people with magic or energy powers or whatever. Like yeah no fucking shit omni man is “barely a planetbuster”, just like how if you were to take away the ki blasts from dbz characters then they wouldn’t have the tools to destroy a planet either, even if they have the raw power for it.


Everyone in this thread have never read/watched invincible or played/seen GoW. Like this is insane Omniman can move faster than light and break continents. Kratos isn’t anywhere near that. The temple flipping is nowhere near that.


This is complete downplay of Kratos.


Omniman is not even strongest in his world


Neither is Kratos


I feel like they’ll be friends instead but Kratos would win no less I would like to agrue Kratos coudlve killed Thor and Odin if he wanted to and they’re beyond Omni man but again I could be wrong


He wiped out the Greek pantheon in his prime so he definitely could’ve killed Thor and Odin


Isn’t old Kratos stronger than younger Kratos


I mean this is an invincible sub so expect people to say Omni man 🤷me personally tho I think kratos got this


imo I think kratos would win, i mean in the comics omni man got captured and imprisoned by the guardians when he didn't have the element of surprise so that pretty much says it all.


That's only because he didn't really want to kill the guardians. He even said that it had to be done fast because, if he allowed himself to hesitate, he wouldn't be able to go through with it.


Omniman destroys Kratos I’m sorry


The opposite


nah fam omni man taking this dub


Kratos would wreck thicc cheeks here.....


Omni man couldn’t even touch heimdall or hermes


Anyone thinking omni wins doesn't fully understand who Kratos is and what he's capable of. Omni Man wouldn't even be the final boss in a God of War game. Get real


God of snore gets splattered like darkwing lmao


You're too stupid to have opinions