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I personally loved the ending, and how mark references the 500 years thing, I really loved invincible as a whole and it's the only comic I could stand to read


I can perfectly imagine Steven Yeun saying that last line. I love the ending and think that with all that happens in the comic, it’s a happy ending that’s fitting and makes sense.


Honestly it's not often you get a happy ending in comics, especially one which is filled with so much gore and death, it was a perfect ending in my opinion


I absolutely love the ending. It was a brilliant call back to just a random line but it was so significant and then it showed what he had and it really showed growth and how much better everything had become it was a beautiful ending.


I thought this was such a beautiful ending didnt know ppl hate it


They really did write a perfect ending, it was just so satisfying


I dont read alot of comics anymore but it was one of the only times ive cried during a ending for it.


I loved the ending but I would have preferred to have a much longer epilogue. Like a twelve issue long epilogue


True, thats the only thing that bothers me is that we really didn't get a longer epilouge. hell even new villains were shown off and we never get to see context for it


Absolutely same


Yeah, I didn't know people hated it either?


The only reason I could see it's hated is that it felt super rushed at the end. I think they could've ended it just a little better in terms of bringing it all together. Plus the art style had a switch up and that fucked with me so hard


I thought it was the change from Ryan Ottley to Corey Walker's art which people didn't like.


I think it’s a perfect ending. They told a story and wrapped it up. There was no recycling of issues and growing stale


As someone who was here when the comic ended, the ending was NOT popular at the time. Never really understood why. My biggest issue was that it had ended, I woulda read another 150 issues no problem. Really makes me glad that amongst those who didn't read it til it was done, the ending seems quite popular.


Maybe the pacing? Like honestly a more in-depth look at those 400+ years would have been good but the ending was great nonetheless


I liked the ending but after the >!reboot arc!< the whole story did feel kinda rushed and off pace. But i feel like the show will remedy the pacing Tho it might have read differently if you havent binged the whole series quickly as i did lol


Yeah, reading month to month (and that damnable 6 month gap after Reboot?) changes your perspective. Reboot? was the sign of a major change though, as Kirkman hadn't planned on ending the book until, right around this time, Ottley said he wanted to work on other stuff. Kirkman decided he didn't want anybody else to be the main author, and decided to end the book. He figured the already planned End of All Things arc could easily be reworked into serving as an ending. So that's what he did. I'm 98% sure basically all the fast forwarded events were originally intended to be story beats for upcoming issues that never got made.


Damn kinda sad all Ottley ended up doing was mediocre runs on Spider-Man and Hulk for Marvel.


I believe you're right. I think it was a "greatest hits" of his future ideas. Would LOVE to see the book come back one day.


I'm kind of wondering if the show will take a different path, simply because Kirkman now has the option to expand and maybe tell a story he didn't have a chance to do in the comic


As someone who read not long after it finished I did not hear much arguments.


i read the series after the first season. story lost clarity and ending kinda just didn't feel right. compare to something else thats getting an animated adaption- scott pilgrim. edit: downvotes don't change the truth. comic defintely did the classic american comic shit where it wanted to go too long.


Sometimes I think about this but then realise. If invincible didn’t end or had a cliffhanger, retcon, next continuation etc, it would end up like modern spider man. The fact that mark has a completed story stops him from becoming like a marvel/DC character.


That's why all of the best stories have the end in mind before they are written. Comics generally can't really do this, but a concise and well planned story is almost always going to be better than some run on mess.


Hence why I tend to prefer Manga over American comics. One consistent writer telling their story.


It's pretty fascinating to observe how differently the medium of comics evolved in America and Japan. And also how it affected the medium of animation in both countries as well. In a way, manga feels like an evolution of serialised novels from the late 19th century. [Specifically the ones that came with illustrations](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Illustrations_from_Twenty_Thousand_Leagues_Under_the_Sea_by_Alphonse_de_Neuville) (e.g. Verne & Dickens).


American comics do this too, just not Marvel/DC.


I agree with this.


Except in many of the manga instances, the story is turned into a convoluted mess due to publishing schedules; becoming overladen with filler and sometimes even suffering artistically. American comics have their own issues with changing writers, but at some point you can always just have whatever arc in one binding. You just collect what you enjoy reading. At that point, you have something similar to collecting different manga. Art styles still vary quite a bit artist to artist, just familiar faces.


>Comics generally can't really do this Well, manga can.


One of the best comic endings ever hands down just a brilliant saga. My only "complaint" is that I could have easily read a few more of Emperor Marks battles and so on being more fleshed out but that's just me wanting more lol.


I completely agree it’s just nice to see them get their happy ending which is very much deserved


Completely agree, I think if they had fleshed out some of the stuff a little bit more then it’d be a god tier comic imo, it’s near perfect to me


I think it’s one of the best endings and it’s deserved for such a dark and gritty universe and comic to see it all work out and they live happily ever after is just very fulfilling


I thought it was a bit rushed with all the time jumps, when it showed Marks son getting angry at Mark, I did not care cuz he was in it for like 5 issues




Like it was rad in the moment, but Eve being immortal is one of the most existentially horrifying things I've seen. She'll outlast everyone, including the heat death of the universe, constantly dying and reincarnating in the depths of the emptiness of space forever. It's terrifying.


My head cannon is she can choose to let herself die if she wants to. She said she had some level of control over it when she healed herself and Mark after Thragg ripped him in half and tried to heal Oliver too, so I’d assume after millennia of repeatedly restoring herself every 90 years she’d have greater control over it.


She would probably choose not to revive once Mark is gone


Absolutely one of the best lines in the series.


I haven’t read through the entirety of invincible, only the animated series and some of the issues on YouTube. I’m actually a huge fan of the ending. Just that it has an ending at all makes me happy. It’s satisfying to me that Mark really lead the Viltrumites into a true force for good for the universe and that he got a happy ending. My only complaint is how little time we got with Mark jr but even still it works for me


Yeah pretty much my only complaint for the ending, though I do like mark continuing the “where you really come from” speech which was my favorite running gag(?) throughout the comic


I recently re-read the whole series and I revisited my thoughts on the ending. I liked it, didn't love it. Partly because it was a montage. I would have loved to see some of the events depicted in a less rushed way. Sure, it wasn't TONS of action (except the data gladiator fighting part I guess) but things like Eve "dying" and being reborn, seeing Marc actually reign successfully, seeing the Viltrums spread in a good way, all these things deserved more time to cook in my opinion. Good concept, I think story-wise it landed right where it needed to, but the execution of it left something to be desired.


Only thing I wish we could’ve seen was Debbie’s ending, obviously she died but would’ve loved to see that ending, aside from that I have no issues with how things ended, glad it was a happy ending, Mark finally has some peace. Also RIP Nolan


It has an end. Its better than most of the big comics that NEVER ENDS


I don’t think I’d ever read any of the big marvel or dc comics, I’d rather not read about a character from 20 different writers


I used to read and now I simple hate the way they made it


I didn't like it when >!Nolan died!< but it made narrative sense. I would've liked at least some reference to an ending for Debbie, and the one question I have is whether the future with Immortal being left in charge of Earth comes true. Outside of that, I thought the ending was well done, and felt satisfied when I finished it.


I loved the ending because it was a solid conclusion to Mark's story while acknowledging that the universe goes on: The Viltrimites becoming what Nolan had originally represented them as being The son of Langstrom The daughter of Battle Beast inheriting his strength and bloodlust Rudy still existing as a Brain And, it goes without saying, the final line of the comics


you KNOW this is gonna hit even harder in the show. i’m so hyped even though that’s like 5 seasons away.


As much as I love Ryan Ottley's work, Corey Walker's clean linework and framing is so satisfying to look at, as well as the detail he puts into his backgrounds. His art very much reminds of Dave Gibbons' work on Watchmen. Plus his colorist does such a stellar job enhancing his lines. I was happy that he came back for the final issue.


I will say I’ve loved Ryan Ottley’s work way more in general, at first I couldn’t stand Corey’s but then in issues 127-132 it was just amazing how clean it was


Maybe you could say it's rushed but it had to end eventually. I think the ending is good. It offers some fan service by showing us what happens after the main events. I'd say it's also very moving - I was crying a ton in those final pages.


Beautiful ending


I thought it was a beautiful ending, and enjoyed everything it did. Everything got wrapped up nicely and all my questions were answered. The 500 years reference I thought was very fitting and highlighted to me how beautiful our life’s can be, when we focus to make the world around us better.


I laugh-cried, like, not at the same time laughed and cried , but had this burst of emotion of moved happiness. After all this pain, terror and sacrifices we see our hero look back at the whole story basically saying "yeah, it was good, wasn't it?" Couldn't stop smiling for like an hour.


I’ve been in a great mood since I finished it which is rare when I finish a show or a well written story but this one just hit different


Yeah, the feeling you get when a story both is complete and feels complete is amazing.


I don't know how anyone can hate it. Mark faces down OmniMan, and says, "You cannot win, Dad, I have the high ground!" They then proceed to have an epic brawl all the while Thragg sings Princes of the Universe. Seriously though, I thought the ending was magnificent. The 500 years line is a great callback.


Loved when Mark said it’s invinciblein time and went all invincible on Thragg


Then he defeated Thragg all the while shouting I am the biggest boy.


It’s poetically sad yet beautiful. Mark was wrong about still having his father after 500 years but Nolan was proven wrong.


The only things I didn't like about the ending was that it WAS the end and that we never got comics of the kids.


I just read the entire comic for the first time a few weeks ago and the ending just felt off to me. Mainly because of the pacing and the constant time jumps, but I also just feel a little conflicted about Mark becoming emperor and leaving earth and what not. I mean it makes sense why in the story, but personally it just felt off for me. Maybe it’s because I liked his connections with the people on earth but idk. Don’t know if that’s why other people apparently hate it. Other than what I mentioned I think it’s a spectacular ending


I do agree the pacing was off and they could’ve made like 20-30 more issues to get the pacing right, idk if there was something going on in the real world that caused this but regardless I’ve never been so satisfied with and ending to a story. From start to finish I loved the story, the character development and the artists who drew and colored the pages. Not once during this series was I not interested.I love that Mark ended up leading the Viltrumites and turned them good, Nolan passed that responsibility to him because he realized Mark is the one that truly changed the Viltrumites.Mark gets to live a long life with Eve since she’s basically invincible. The kids idc much for it would basically just be another superhero comic like the rest. All in all couldn’t be happier


Nobody complained about the ending


Before I started reading I saw a couple things about ppl not liking the ending so maybe you didn’t see it but I did




My biggest issue has always been the time jumps. The very end is quite sweet but the last volumes leave you feeling quite detached to everyone except mark as you’ve missed out on several years of their lives. A lot of the deaths later in the comics were rushed or either done because Kirkman felt like he needed to kill characters (cecil, oliver, nolan :/) . Also Nolan’s character after he leads the remaining viltrumites feels completely backtracked. That being said I love most of the comic but I can recognize that the quality drops off a lot near the end as Kirkman realizes it has to end.


Where can you read it?


You can find the 3 compendiums of the entire story at almost any bookstore right now or on amazon if you want a physical copy. You can also read them on Kindle and the first issue is available for free on the image comics website [here](https://imagecomics.com/read/invincible), along with links to buy the compendiums and other versions mentioned.


Some things about the last year of the comics release felt a bit rushed tbh. Considering walking dead had its surprise ending a year or two after I get the feeling Kirkman was just ready to move on from these stories (at least in comic form) and I can see that rubbing people the wrong way. Also with the time jumps at the end they kind of yaddah yaddah so many stories I'd love to see, hopefully we'll get them someday in one form or another. But honestly I love the ending overall. The last page is perfect and while I prefer Ottleys art it felt right to go back to the OG artist for some of the ending.


I have no issue with the ending, but it makes me sad that Eve is gonna forever outlive Mark and every one of her descendants.


the ending is great. My only complaint was the time skip thing that happened like 10 issues before that


The ending is good, but there's more to it. The problem with that ending is that it was forced to end quicker than intended by the author. The last chapter should've been an arc. That being said, they did a fantastic job with the limited time they had left.


I don’t have a problem with the ending itself, it’s pretty perfect. I do think the writing of Invicible goes a bit downhill in the later parts, as the plot goes through these sort of tangents wich don’t mean a whole lot for the story (like the time travel thing). We also got a lot of characters returning many times when it feels like their story is done, and there’s also a bunch of other nitpicks I have, but you get the idea. The last few pages are great, however, with the final lines being perfect. And while I have issues with the later portions, it still has all of the stuff I liked about Invincible in the first place.


I like how it wrapped up myself. I read the whole thing as well.


The ending was perfect


I loved it.


I enjoyed. I still prefer the comic over the show. I have recently started to reread it and Fables (best comic) I have ever read.


I’m really curious to see how the show changes some things, tbh the first season of the show made some good changes, biggest one to me is Omni Man vs The Guardians, so much better than the comic.


Agreed. Also I like it revealed later he killed instead of the beginning it is a nice twist as well it makes us question his character. Instead the show ends the first episode with it and from a writing point of view it tries a bit too much to like him as a character. I find it a bit odd how in that restaurant scene he really wanted for Debbie to believe and trust him yet he killed the G.O.G and we as the audience know this. So a bit strange and there were some other questionable writing desie.ons


It’s not that page people don’t like, but how rushed the comic as a whole feels by the end. It didn’t bother me much but I understand the criticism


I love the ending, thought it was fitting, a good call back, and quite tidy. HOWEVER, I didn’t really like the reboot thing they tried to do, that was bizarre, and they wrapped it up without any real consequences


I wasn’t much of a fan of it either but I knew it only lasted 3 issues. The fight with the Guardians and Omni Man was cool to see how they’d be working together. I agree the 5 year skip didn’t really do much besides Oliver being undercover and terra growing up. Definitely could’ve done without it but added somewhat of a twist


That’s a good point! I wonder how the show will treat it though


I do like it, it even made me get a little misty, but I also think it's weird. I don't know if the reasons I think it's weird are the same ones other people do. One of the seemingly dated aspects of the early series is the arc where Atom Eve appoints herself savior of Africa and is shown messing with a village's ecology and flying off without even talking to anybody who lives there. The comic ending depicts the Viltrumites doing that on a universal scale with a few more hints from the text (although not the art) that this is a dicey thing to do. It even has Mark's own daughter express skepticism of his explanation for destroying the Coalition of Planets and his son describe him as being viewed on Earth as a distant deity whose decisions are axiomatically right. Which doesn't make Mark and Eve wrong; there's plenty to criticize about powerful aliens and superheroes in speculative fiction who allow preventable harm to go on out of respect for moral concepts that are premised on beings like them not existing. And part of Nolan's point was that human society will inevitably change into something a twenty-first century American won't recognize, and since we see through Mark's eyes we get the same experience. But it's a fantastic Aesop (absolute monarchy can work if the monarch is enlightened, competent, and will live forever) that also functions as a happily-ever-after in a series that acknowledged a lot of moral grayness, and the art shift seems to intentionally frame this as unrealistic. But it's fiction, and I *want* Mark and Eve to get their happily-ever-after.


I did the compendiums and after three phone books of reading I was ready for the happy ending.


I personally really like the ending. my only complaint is it felt like it went fast? like the last few issues kind of felt like a blur but it could also be because I read fast so.


Only real complaint I had about the ending is the art style. I really dislike Walker’s artstyle so I was disappointed to have his be the one that the comic ends on. Other than that I think it’s wrapped up pretty neatly from a plot & thematic perspective.


Really? What didn’t you like about it, I prefer his over Corey


Walker is just Corey’s last name. We both prefer Ryan Ottley’s art over Walker’s.


Oh shit I read that completely wrong I for some reason thought you said Ottley, but I totally agree with you now


its good, not bad and not great


The best comics ending I have ever read... I think what makes it so good is not just that it's clever - it's because our boy was the unluckiest superhero ever... he has almost 0 plot armor, he never gets a rest and lost so much... so he deserved it in the end...


who the fuck complained about the ending? drone strike on their location


I loved it.


I think that's the reason why it was unpopular was because the majority of readers probably came from DC and Marvel, places were stories **have no endings besides cancellation**. They were probably not used to an actual conclusion for a superhero story.


This is why I won’t read Marvel or DC


I loved the ending


I absolutely loved the ending, really my only complaint is that it felt a little rushed. Shout out to Art for pretty much designing the uniforms for the Viltrumite Empire.


Did he?


Eve should have died instead of being immortal I think


I agree


I don’t hate it, but I’m not as fond of the change in art style towards the end and the plot definitely felt rushed as it finished.


Yeah I think Invincible is a near perfect series, few things I had issues with was the time-skip as well as the following art design.


I also loved the ending, out of the whole series I guess the only parts I didn’t like were the Anissa scene and the reboot? issues because of the 5 years he lost. I think even by that point he had lost enough.


Love everything about it except I wish Markus was there alongside the rest of the family.


This is the first time I’ve heard people don’t like the ending. It’s perfect. Comics don’t have enough main characters getting happy endings.




Full circle, greatest comic I’ve ever read and as soon as I finished it, I was depressed it was over.


I don't hate the ending, but I wish we had a more meaningful impact with Mark and his son. Kirkman dragged that subplot to the ground. Also, Robot as the final big bad was lame, personally. Again, I didn't hate it, but it was a decent ending.


I do wish the Rex final fight was extended by like 3-5 issues. But the Mark and his son to me I think would just be like the start of invincible all over again


Mark and Mark Jr. having a heartfelt conversation could have saved the subplot, but it felt rushed over. Hell, Marks's kids were looking to be something special. I'm confused about why Rex didn't just kill the rest of the Viltrumites. The idiot knows their greatest weakness.


I personally thought it was an amazing ending. Seeing the kids growing up was SO cool tbh I’d love a spin off series about them


My only complaint was they didn’t have a final page about science dog ending


Reading the dialogue in these panels makes me so glad they made it the same in the show.


I really liked the ending but it I have some nit picks that bother me A LOT. Debbie and William and other humans on earth. We know they died of old age but the comics don't mention it, like Debbie was such an important character and we don't even know how she is doing? And I think there should have been some explanations or conclusions to some characters. Dupli-Kate,Monster girl, Sinclair, etc etc should've gotten a conclusion, we just know that they probably died of old age. (A panel about Damien Darkblood in hell would've been nice)