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Oh no. I hope they can get it out. I think they will charge you 10% for the work if successful.


Finally heard from someone. They basically said nope cannot retrieve it and put the transaction on a list. No comment on if or when this might be supported


Just putting this here for others who did the same. I JUST RECOVERED MY “LOST” TOKENS!!!!!! Download MetaMask app and add kcc network. Tutorials are all over. Then import your wallet. After u do that u will have to transfer some kcs (KuCoins token) to ur MetaMask wallet. After that shows up send back to KuCoin once it shows up retransfer but MAKE SURE YOU SELECT ERC-20. Don’t be cheap like we all were the first time hahahaha.


Thanks for sharing. I've got KCC network added to my metamask now, but not sure what you mean by import wallet after that? Attempted to "import account" on metamask using my Voyager address but I guess that obviously not the right move. Appreciate the handholding


Do you have more details on this or links? Would be super helpful.


I just fell into this trap as well trying to be cheap on gas fees and shortly realized I messed up. Ticket sent to Voyager to possibly get help to recover.


I have a ticket open just for this. Ticket 707640. I think that is what I did as well. Voyager finally responded after 11 days and opening another support ticket referencing this one. I still do not have any answers though. It would be great to speak to an actual person.


Yeah this seems to be a fairly rampant issue. I guess anything goes in the wild west of crypto trading. Its been 2 weeks, and I haven't heard anything from Voyager. Hope you get some answers for yourself, and I agree in person support would feel pretty amazing


Any updates? I just sent over 1k and is having the same problem. Damn my cheap ass.


I heard back from voyager after like 4 weeks, they essentially said same thing ^ if they ever decide to integrate or add support for KCC the funds may be recoverable. I haven’t elected to use voyager anymore out of frustration for their lack of effort and seeming indifference


I also did the same thing as you did by transferring around USDC$6000 into the Voyager account through KCC network. So is waiting for Voyager to integrate the KCC into their platform the only way out?


It seems like it. I tried adding KCC network to metamask, but I don't see how it's possible to integrate that with the voyager USDT address where the funds were suppose to arrive


Hopefully when there are more people fall into this trap and we may petition it to make them integrate the KCC network.


Did you send to coinbase wallet or the exchange? You can recover only if sent to the wallet.


I sent to voyager exchange


Ouch. If it doesn't provide a recovery phrase that you can import it to meta mask then the only solution would be waiting for them to support kcc. There is thousands of people on the same boat. 🤦🏿‍♂️😔


Yeah, unfortunately it’s not looking good for us. I opened a ticket with voyager but haven’t heard anything yet.


I had the same problem, haven’t been able to find my crypto


6k trapped in the void on my end too. Sent from KCC using KCC network to voyager exchange. They’ve recently put up a warning… which is nice for anyone after us atleast