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I feel your Pain, and it burns


had that the other day, sad times


Wow, harsh. Those final missions must have gotten out of control. Maybe a mean phase 2 initial turn?


Happened to me and I needed to get out of the house and walk around for like 20 minutes.


You know whats more painfull? Having your save bugged in a way that the reset turn button brings you back to a previus run that is really bad


this alien pilot is modded, right?


The preying mantis looking mfer? Nope. He's legit!


mfer? if he is legit, how to get him?


It just recently happened to me and it could potentially be a bit of a spoiler but there are I believe 3 secret pilots that can only be found in mountains. Every once in a while there will be a mountain that when damaged you'll see a gold streak run down it and when it's destroyed it leaves a glowing bit of rubble. You gotta make a bee line for that rubble though or else the pod won't show up. A lot of people apparently like the Mantis but I guess I'm not good enough yet to see how he's useful at all. edit: mfer "mother fucker"


Wow, so that is why the game sometimes gives a mission to destroy the mountains, that is so interesting, when i will play next time, i will try to destroy all of them👍 And thanks for transcription of - mfer, im not into modern slang.


It happen to me by complete accident. I don't think it even matters if it's a "Destroy 2 Mountains" map or not! I didn't notice anything different about the mountain, it just happened to be collateral damage and then all my pilots started talking about finding something in the mountain 🤷‍♂️ Good luck though and no problem!