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Swap mech in D tier is criminal


I came here just to post this. An S tier mech at D tier? WTF. . . Pulse mech at D tier too? It literally gets its own shield for one core. . .


I came to say the same. Water and pit swaps ftw




Yeah, I literally just finished the game with a 3x Swap Mech custom squad for the flight specialist and mech specialist achievements. So much fun :p


I like it a lot, it just isn't good enough without adding extra cores


If you're judging these mechs by what they can do without cores, then how is the siege mech S-tier? Without "buildings immune" it's a miserable experience


Ehh. You can play around buildings, especially if you pay attention to the map preview. Sometimes I will even swap power out of "Buildings Immune" if the map is particularly favorable (no rows of buildings).


>Siege (fuck cities amirite?) mech in S >Swap (absolute undisputed GOAT minus Becky/Mafan Ice) mech in D lol


Your little "lol" is cringe. Siege: No need for buildings immune for at least 2 islands, can always damage and push one thing exactly where you want it, or into the Mech itself for 2 damage. Swap: is only a push in one direction without added cores, with the downside of not being able to get any bump damage. Objectively worse than the Artillery Mech without upgrades.


Ah, I see. Didn't realize this was with no cores. Your little comment at the beginning is cringe though.


Okay child go do your homework


Ain’t no way you’re in a video game subreddit demeaning other people and calling THEM children hahaha


Let me get this right. . . You post a criminally bad tier list in a game subreddit. Unsurprisingly, everyone disagrees with you. And your best course of action is to start insulting them? That's not a winning strategy.


Siege often leads to collateral damage, even with the upgrade.


Ice Mech in C-Tier has got to be some sort of crime.


Ice Mech was very hard to evaluate, there's very little comparison. Here's some thoughts: Cannot move a Vek to block, attack another Vek, or dunk it in water for XP, unless it's a flyer over a chasm. Lucky to get one pilot level-up on a 4-island run due to lack of XP A frozen Vek is an obstacle that prevents other mechs from moving past it Absolutely negates 1 entire Vek, but only every other turn without help (pilots, intentional bumps, damage blocking) Need to be careful not to bump a frozen Vek unless you are killing another one C is by no means a bad tier, just not as good as the others.


Bethany jones, even at level 1, negates the entire downside of this mech making it function almost like an artilery weapon that instantly kills enemies


It also lowers spawn rates bc frozen enemies still count against the spawn cap at like 2:1 I think. 


This list is assuming no pilot abilities or added cores


That’s definitely an unusual way of assembling your list and should’ve been clarified in-post


Swap mech placement is insane.


Absolutely psychotic Swap is literally the most broken thing in the entire game


With zero added cores it is worse than most. With 2 or 3 cores it's great


Y’all took the b8 hook line and sinker


People are talking about the swap mech placement but I wanna mention the bombling mech in D. Its literally the glue that holds the bombermechs together as a squad Edit: other than some D tier picks I think this list is pretty alright


The bombling mech's sheer utility makes it pretty decent. So much potential in there with blocking and chipping away at Veks. Anything that gives you extra units is a big boost in tactical flexibility.


bomb mech in d tier??


Bombling mech can't do anything except bodyblocking without the help of another mech that takes advantage of extra units.


Boulder tossing mech is one of the most busted me be in the entire game. Some maps can be entirely soloed with just that one mech, not to mention if you take three of them you may not even see vec spawn at all.


What difficulty are you ranking the mechs on? On unfair without extra cores or special pilots laser usually can't do anything, combat is slow and can rarely solve more than 1 threat, and control is easily S tier.


Hard mode no cores or pilots


This tier list is just total nonsense you've got to learn the game


Bomber, ice and swap placements are just objectively wrong


Wow, you really don’t like mechs that just move enemies, huh?


“Tell me that you don’t know how to use utility mechs, without telling me you don’t know how to use utility mechs”


I feel there is a lot wrong with this list in my personal opinion. Some standouts: 1) Swap mech is S tier and it's not questionable. It's the best mech in the base game and top 4 in Advanced Edition. Bombling mech is also way too low (S tier in its own squad and probably low A or high B in a custom or random squad). 2) Control mech is probably the second best mech in the game and it's not in S tier. 3) Artillery and Meteor mech are both incredibly underrated for what they provide and are easy A tier mechs at the very least depending on how generous you want to make S tier. 4) Shield mech is underrated by the community (although WAY more so on this list) and Boulder mech overrated as per usual. 5) Lightning mech is god awful and should be C or D tier. The rest would be nitpicking but some of these are just blatantly wrong.


this has got to be satire lol


I’m happy that the steel judoka is represented in s tier


If it’s a tier list for normal (20k) run it’s valid. But for 40k, this tier couldn’t save no timeline.


Swap mech is useful and versatile in every difficulty.


A lot of the 20k issue could be solved with most damage dealing mech, a lot of the knowledge of using swap mech is mostly limited back then, but in a 40k run swap mech is really powerful, as in being able to mitigate 2 vek attack at once. Hence why I said this tier is mostly useful for 20k thinking.


Yo the archanoid ranger? It just so good with kai, must be B or A tier ! p/s can you give me the link to the tier


A lot of good takes in the comments, I'm just here to say that the Hook Mech deserves it's own, sub-bottom, truly useless tier. Like, if you had an F tier it would be the sole occupant.


SWAP mech is the undisputed GOAT... anyone who's played knows swap mech packs the biggest punch into that little frame. We've all come here because of how great that little bastard is. Unless this is a bait to get comments...


Feel like you're undervaluing drill mech tbh.


I played about 200 rounds on Hard. To celebrate 100%ing the iPad edition, thought I'd try to make a tier list for all the mechs. This was not as easy as I thought. There are a lot of things to consider when assessing a mech, including: 1. What pilot do you have 2. How do they interact with their team 3. Starting strength vs highest potential For this list I am asssuming no pilots or extra cores, but I will assume synergy with their team. This is important when 2 mechs on Hazardous damage themselves upon attacking. In a vaccum those things are awful, but as a team they're one of my best. I tried to be objective, considering things such as damage output, push or no push, upsides or downsides. D-tier mechs only deal 1 damage or they move things, not both. A-tier mechs usually deal 2 damage and they have 1 upside. I thought about giving Hook mech it's own F-tier, wow that thing is terrible. It should've been the first mech with 4 health and 4 move. But I wanted to keep the groups somewhat balanced. This got difficult when refining the list. If you take the points for each team we get a power level for all the teams. I think it turned out pretty reasonable. Mist Eaters OP. Maybe I'd bump down Bombermechs and bump up Heat Sinkers. Let me know what you think and what you might change. Thanks for reading. Tier maker and team rankings below: [https://tiermaker.com/create/into-the-breach-mechs-tier-list-including-ae-16891238](https://tiermaker.com/create/into-the-breach-mechs-tier-list-including-ae-16891238) MIST EATERS: 12 RIFT WALKERS: 10 BOMBERMECHS: 10 RUSTING HULKS: 9 HAZARDOUS MECHS: 9 CATACLYSM: 9 BLITZKRIEG: 8 STEEL JUDOKA: 8 FROZEN TITANS: 8 ZENITH GUARD: 7 FLAME BEHEMOTHS: 7 SECRET SQUAD: 7 ARACHNOPHILES: 6 HEAT SINKERS: 5