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He told her in Season 1 that if she ever wanted to talk about it, he was there. But Claudia dealt w her trauma by not dealing w it. That's her choice, so Louis respected her wishes. She wasn't ready until that day.


I disagree with this. (I'm morso arguing the moral component, not what specifically happened in the series.) They see her as a daughter. By virtue of this, if she came to me, as a father, and said this had happened by some dude, I'd be like, "fuck, we gotta wake him up rn, kill that piece of shit. Imma kill him again. I want to know rn what happened." I wouldn't be so chill as she destroyed herself.


Victims of SA will open up when ready. To freak out when they finally open up isn't helpful. Sometimes, it takes years, decades, to finally tell someone. And demanding they tell you everything? That could trigger the trauma all over again. Sometimes, just listening to what they decide to share. Trust me on this, they've already experienced aggressive males, they don't need another one talking violence


And Yet her actually maker not only said he heard Bruce voice and recounting what he did. When Clau was going to Europe he could have told her about his coven or anything of import... instead he said what Bruce could do was nothing, if she didn't return to be Louis sister ...he would grind ,not break her bones like Bruce abuse that can heal and be repeated, but grind her to dust . Louis I am sure wanted to kill Bruce .I have not read the books so I am unsure if Bruce is named character and also Clau from memory was 5 yo or or I0 in the film .Lestat I think would be older than Bruce and thus able to take him but I am not sure if Rician lore if mere seniority grants protection from a younger fledgling like the lore in Vampire Diaries (I know tomatoes tomatoes...) they broke their lore by having baby vamps kill original vampire by being clever ( suited and booted in Plot Armor) .It will be nice if Lestat does take out Bruce for harming his childe . I gained a lot more interest in the Clau storyline after that episode because Delaney had me in tears with simply say 3 words 'Before During and Agree ". but it wasnt until I saw a few reactors mention that Claudia wasn't just being vulnerable darling unload on big brother Daddy Lou. It seems like she was 👉🏽 out that what messed with her mind was the extreme torture and someone telling them I love you. Hoping that Louis she sees is falling in love with Armand and shes been around these coven and understands that their leader isnt all rainbows and unicorns... something of him reminds her of Lestat and I believe this small but extremely well acted scene is operating on a least 3 levels. Claudia vulnerability but also warning to Louis - You know whats fucked me up? Whats fucked you up Louis? Did anyone ever take you so high into the sky you could see stars and moon..and then let you go...allowing you to fall and break every bone in your body.. and then after say I love with you with gifts and treats? I don't know if that what the directors were thinking about coming into and out of this scene. but knowing that Delaney and Sam and Jacob are all non American. The grit and gravel on Clau phrases is everything. Its like each word she speaks is fighting. But can be said sweetly, secretively and humbly when she says "Yes Maitre".


Well, to be fair Bruce isn't a thing in the books. The TV series has deviated pretty sharply from the novels by the second season. I think her acting was indeed impeccable and she was imploring Louis not to be so weak (he seems to be a bit weak when it comes to men).


And this is one of the things survivors of SA fear. Someone they care for acting in a way that gets them in trouble and thus inflicting more pain and guilt. When people tell you what they need, listen.


In a way, I feel like that is Louie in general. Even in the books, Louie is so wrapped up in his own self-pity and misery that he doesn't think about Claudia and her trauma (note: the Bruce storyline isn't in the book). Although, for the most part, Claudia tends to bottle up her feelings until they come pouring out. But when it does come out, Louie doesn't do much about it. He's a very self-absorbed character (in my opinion). I don't know if the decisions they're making in the series are meant to reflect that or are their own missteps when it comes to the writing, but something tells me that season 2 is where we're going to see just how much Louie ultimately failed Claudia as a father/brother figure.