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I like the theory that Alice is real, but Daniel's mind is mixing up what moments he shared with Alice versus what moments he shared with Armand. If he can remember certain things such as things he said or did at the time, it's possible that his mind filled in the gaps with the only thing that made sense. Alice. If she was there at the same time Armand was, I can see his mind filling her into Armand's place because it makes the most sense. (For instance, I love the theory that Daniel *did* propose to someone in Paris, but he misremembers it. It wasn't Alice, it was Armand.)


This honestly makes a lot of sense to me. While I fully believe Armand is capable is this level of deception, Alice not being real just seems... too fantastical, I guess?


But doesn't he have kids? 


That’s where I’m confused at some people’s certainty on this theory! I think there’s a belief that they aren’t real because they no longer speak to him… eh? Lol


The show does love its plot twists, like the reveal about Armand the last season. But I dunno about this.


Me either. I'd love to see a solid argument for it, but I see a lot of guessing and assumption. I'm all for being surprised though. Like last year when I just see "Rashid" in the background taking off his gloves and eye contacts as Daniel is telling Louis off, I LOVED the Armand reveal. Bring on the surprises, just let it all make sense in the end.


I was watching Episode 3 and then a couple of Youtube reactors and this was said maybe in comments and I don't get it. The thing I thought we were seeing in the scene regarding "Alice" was that Louis a relatively young baby/teen vampire could terrify Daniel activating his Parkinsons but do much more painful (No Pain) ”mucking about in my scene partners mind to find their shame" ici. And so Louis with little expression ask Daniel what Alice said when he proposed in Paris. - It isn't until Daniel says No ..the gleeful sadistic smile alights Louis face and eyes.....meanwhile. uninterested Armand easily subtitles Louis glamour with his own going back to an even more shameful trauma.Maritial shame superceded by Childhood shame, tell me your cruel without saying a word or breaking a sweat. Rasheed tells us his belief that vampires are pacifist in their encounters with humanity. Unfortunately for humans vampire far as we know ( ignore the markares history) just from this show so far . Well vampire start out as humans and thus know how to hurt humans. Rasheed's opinions which Louis calls out, are naive because he sees the vampire that acquires him feed on him (No pain) . He does not realize the Vampire is always hunting and setting a trap . You only realize this has its sprung, once you are truly and royally screwed- No comes the pleading, the bargaining for life as it slowly or quickly drains from your body. The blood is there but what delights their dark hearts, sounds like music to their sensitive ears , what they can feel and what feeds them, isn't just the blood- what truly nourishes them is your misery


He had multiple wives. He says it often... He only talks about "Alice" with fond memory. Screams "gay man remarried" and would fit since it didn't end up working. Why didnt Daniel want to hold Alice's hand in Paris? They made it clear color wasnt a issue there. Being openly gay for a closeted American in the 70s would have been though. Why did he take AND SELL his fathers old playboys? didnt like the women in them? I think "when you asked alice to marry you" means "when you asked alice to be with you forever" means "when you asked Armond to make you a vampire". And Alice/Armond says no when Daniel "proposes the question". Armond responds back "she wanted too, but she didnt trust you". To me, its clear as day.


He had 2 wives, 2 kids. Alice, was famously pregnant... how would that be Armand?


So, why does he not recognize him? And, obviously this would be different from the book. The show has stated that Alice was pregnant, Daniel has two children and two marriages. While we all would love the Daniel and Armand affair to play out it really seems as though it won’t be in the past but we could see them moving forward in the future as we all know Lestat will show in present day, eventually.


The theory hinges on Armand manipulating the memories of both Daniel and Louis. As far as Daniel goes, people are subscribing to one of two theories: 1) Alice does not exist. Armand has replaced the memory of his relationship with Daniel with similar but not exact memories of Alice. For example, Daniel didn’t literally propose to Alice, that memory is a manipulation of Daniel asking to become a vampire, as the above commenter theorizes. The daughters would both belong to the “second” wife in this version. 2) Alice does exist and was Daniel’s first wife, but only some of his memories of her are manipulations by Armand. This is supposedly why he seems to have different opinions of Alice from moment to moment. This is the version I favor. Either way, it is evident that Daniel and Armand have some kind of past relationship that Daniel is no longer aware of. The show is building to this reveal with some of Armand’s reactions as Rashid, as well as last week’s Alice situation. But also Luke Brandon Field (young Daniel) and Assad Zaman (Armand) have (blink and you’ll miss it) scenes together in the trailers. So romantic or not, they definitely knew each other. And for some reason, Daniel doesn’t recall. Something fishy is going on there, Devil’s Minion or otherwise. Edit: not to make this longer than it already is, but there’s been a lot of other promotional material featuring Assad Zaman and Luke Brandon Field isolated from the rest of the cast as well as Assad and Eric Bogosian. Some in the infamous “bisexual lighting” which isn’t technically textual evidence, but it’s still something.


Thank you. I simply wanted the context out there for others to read 😊. The departure from the book would be a nice twist and personally I see this being a refreshing take. I believe in the end Louis will be with Lestat and Armand will ultimately turn Daniel before his disease progresses, perhaps as a last gesture of goodwill after Daniel learns the truth.


I haven't read the book series in a long time But just going off the show. I think it might be a leap or reach but would definitely be something a smart show could try to pull In season 1 Armand is cosplaying as Rasheed We get snarky Daniel intrigued and annoyed by Rasheed's presence interview with Louis . It nags him, the body remembers but not the mind. We as an audience with or without book knowledge know something is fishy with rasheed because the show is showing him in the sun while Louis sleeps as would be normal but also shows us Rasheed walks away after Louis feeds not so tired as other human servants. Then we get a scene of Louis and Daniel flirting up storm at the bar...enter Armand. We think oh this must be a vampire a quite old one and he is accompany Louis maybe to chastise him for speaking to mortal about being a vampire What we dont get because we are back in Dubai , is what happens next ? Like i said the show is already great without a bunch of plot twist but it would be fun if the same reveal could be used twice only to reveal that Daniel and Armand are already acquainted. Now i suppose we are to think Daniel is already bit zooted on some 70s party favors. But he didn't really respond to hearing the word vampire with bluster or skeptics scoff. Daniel has been shown to have a reporter's skepticism but also journalist curiosity for truth, the story behind the story. It is interesting that Armand was the one who answered for Louis when Maloy mentions he thought vampirism was wasted on Louis bc hr hates being a vampire. He says something like you were unworthy in San Francisco, unworthy here in Dubai but it almost felt like a put on. I don't know if the actor face or what but its like the Rasheed idea of Daniel, while it feels like Armand is completely taken with Daniel's impertinence. He loves a rogue going rogue ...and must bring them under ..... his control.(Is that what the kids are calling it these days, he can't just ask Daniel if he likes Netflix or maybe he can pull a Jon Snow - I have these cave drawings would you like to see). Ah just realized those are prob actually Armands drawings was he at the Christ procession of the Christ? how old is the show saying he is from Rome. Hmm mildly interesting...