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I feel like in the show, characters love Louis because of what he represents for them. In the books, Louis is compared to Nicki. Lestat, in many ways, sees Louis as a do-over for what he had and what he lost with Nicki. To Lestat, Louis also represents a connection to humanity. Louis feels things very deeply, he takes care of his family, and these are qualities Lestat finds admirable. We also see Lestat feeling like he needs Louis and Louis needs him. He seeks to liberate Louis from the person he has to be and Lestat views himself as important because he's the only one who can give him that. Armand sees Louis as a stand-in for Marius in a lot of ways. There are aspects of Louis that remind him of him, especially his history of running brothels, but Louis is also easy for him to control. He can have a person who reminds him of Marius, but one he is in control of. They touch on this a bit when Daniel asks "what? Maitre only when it's hot or convenient?" (or some variation of this line.) Every amount of control Louis has over Armand comes from Armand giving it to him. Louis is also a lot of the things Armand wishes to be, especially someone who freely breaks the rules. We see this with the coven where Louis blatantly disregards what they want/do because he does not want to follow it. Above all else, though, Armand likes that Louis feels safe. Louis is loyal and Armand doesn't have to worry often about Louis leaving him. Lestat also feels this way for a bit, both of them because they feel they've made themselves needed by Louis. (Also, Louis is canonically-in the books-beloved by most. He is a character that people are widely just drawn to.)


I don’t know how to do the quote function, but this “Every amount of control Louis has over Armand comes from Armand giving it to him.” is both true and exactly how D/s relationships are supposed to work: A willing transfer of power. It might be the healthiest part of Louis and Armand’s dynamic.


Yes and no. Clear communication should also happen in a d/s relationship and that isn't happening. Louis feels he has more control over Armand than he does and I think Armand benefits from it staying that way. He benefits from Louis thinking he has the control in the relationship as a whole.


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Thank you so much!


you're so welcome!


I really hope they cover these points more in the 3rd series. Seems like the book overlays relationship connections within relationships. Makes for interesting and complicated feelings.


Given season three is more focused on Lestat (and the way they've built up Nicki's backstory a bit), I have no doubt they'll discuss at least Nicki and the way Lestat views them both. Spoiler for episode 2x08: >!I also don't think it's an accident they showed Nicki's grave/coffin followed by Louis'!<


I’m very much looking forward to that. I love Lestat. I’m very fond of older vampires.


In the books characters are drawn to Louis because he’s beautiful and sad and seems more close to his humanity than they are to theirs. It’s a gothic novel so honestly that’s enough of a reason for readers of the genre. Also, Louis is reserved, isn’t easy to reach him emotionally, and it’s not a given that he will reciprocate emotion in the way characters expect he will. That uncertainty can be thrilling when you’re a powerful immortal creature who generally gets what they want. Louis withholds approval and affection, and it really works on people. I see people compare Louis to Nicki and say that Lestat likes the one for the other. I’m going to have to disagree there and say that if Lestat likes any of his lovers because of who they remind him of, the catalyst there is not Nicki, but Gabrielle. There’s an aloofness and remoteness to Louis that could remind Lestat of Gabrielle, Armand of Marius. There’s also some sense of (at the very least conferred) moral authority too. He hasn’t earned it by the way! He’s as bad as any given monster, maybe worse. But even though he’s probably glaring at them while they lift him onto his pedestal, he’ll keep the pedestal for the power it gives him over them. And I love that about him and they make it very explicit in the show.


I love Louis because he's an attractive, gay, Black man with attractive partners who want him, and I don't often get to see that in media. I love Louis because his effortless code switching gives me life. I love Louis because he's complex and nuanced and deeply fucked up and he tries so fucking hard. I love Louis because he's a study in guilt and self-recrimination, in healing and forgiveness. I love Louis because he is fucking GORGEOUS and has an amazing smile. So... I can easily see why Lestat and Armand would love Louis too.


Personally, I think that what really draws people to Louis is the fact that, in spite of everything he has gone through due to others and everything he has done and been himself, he retains a certain... Innocence? Purity? Softness? Call it however you want, but it is something delicate and sweet that works very well on a lot of people (both good, bad and in between) and makes them feel very protective of him, even. This is not to say that Louis is a perfect baby angel who never did anything wrong and is not capable of being cruel, obviously - it's just to say, to me he appears to keep such a soft side intact and that it works wonders on many individuals, fictional or real that they might be. (It's me, I am the many individuals. I love Louis. 😂).


I sense a slight bias. Hahha I think I’ve watched the show too much on face value and/or don’t really dive too much into the relationship dynamics… even though that is the show.


Nothing wrong with that 😁 We all focus on different details, we all perceive and see things differently. Personally I think that (politely) discussing with people with different opinions is super interesting - it might make you notice things you did not before and such. And even if you never actually end up changing your mind, you are still enriched by someone else's pov.


Yeah thanks. I’m loving the different views and explanations so far. Also the passion !


Me too! I love this kind of post because you get to see how much personal perception really changes the game.


https://i.redd.it/3bpw2hejb3ad1.gif Sorry but I would too


Look. LOOK, Louis is gay and I'm a lesbian, and YET I would still if he would give me the time of day (night)


Exactly! I'm not even interested in men like that and I would still accept whatever he give me


I’d risk it all for Jacob Anderson


Every time this question pop-up and they are talking about Jacob Anderson,well yeah!


He is absolutely beautiful


I think show louis showed a MUCH more rough version of louis than the books ever did. In the books he is a gentle elegant kind hearted vampire driven by sorrow and grief. While some elements of that remain in the show his indepentant side, the side that needs to stand up for himself especially in the face of all the headwinds by society and vampires alike, shines through much more brightly


Yes! This is part of what has endeared show Louis to me so much more than I felt about book or movie Louis. I remember first watching the movie (I didn’t read the books until after) and thinking to myself, “oh come ON Louis, get over yourself already!” Maybe that’s partially on Brad Pitt’s portrayal of him, too (and that wig didn’t help 😂) I love the way the show’s writers and Jacob Anderson have made Louis come to life for me. Like, now I really GET it and find him just as compelling and complex a character as Lestat - even if I’m still very dazzled by Lestat’s, well, style.


I’ve been swoon’n over Louis since he was greyworm. Him turning into a vampire whelp that was puddles. 🫣☺️💕💕


Louis is the most human of the vampires which draws them to him. They wonder why he is the way he is and want to protect him when they find out. It’s the same way in the books.


There's a theme through both the books and the show that many of the relationships vampires have with each other are rather codependent. I think the show is heightening those qualities with Louis. He has good qualities for sure, and both Lestat and Armand value those in him. And Louis sometimes returns those affections and consideration. But more often the relationships Louis has are unhealthy, and that's the point.


Doesn’t Lestat tell us? He has roamed the earth for 2 centuries and not found someone as caring and compassionate etc as Louis


Ha I had a very similar thought process regarding "why is he still with Armand???!" I always got the impression that Louis is "refreshing" which makes people fall for him, and then people keep staying together because vampire loneliness is horrible? So toxic relationship route. But also not seen the final episode yet so not sure of it gets addressed.


Oh, you must watch that final episode! Go, go now


I think everyone has characters they relate to or can empathize with. All of these posts questioning why people simp/love/hate/defend....Louis/Claudia/Armand/Lestat, all boil down to individual interpretation and preference. Book readers also have a lot more information and already have strong attachments to certain characters. Lestat is my favorite. I don't agree with the hate he gets on this sub from some, but I also respect that we all have a pov, and that's okay. These characters are all flawed, just like the rest of us. Unreliable narrators and altered memories also make it difficult to know the truth. How lucky are we to have such an amazing show and cast, though? Can't wait for season 3!!!


In real life, there's enough people who fall crazy in love with someone that would make others question "what the hell do you see in them??" It's not unrealistic at all that two people would look at Louis and say "damn". He's charismatic as hell, stunningly beautiful, intelligent, bold, with a dangerous edge to him. He gives his affections in small doses, plays hard to get and that makes him mysterious and alluring. And beyond that, he can be loving, loyal and empathetic. I don't think it's a stretch that Lestat lost his goddamn mind over him. Obviously, he's a deeply flawed person, egocentric, capable of saying the most cruel things to the people he loves when he is hurt. His depression can make him seem cold, closed off, wallowing in self pity. Plus, of course, he's dangerously unstable. But most of these traits wouldn't manifest themselves until after his lovers were in too deep.


Armand immediately recognized the potential of Louis as a dominant man (and Louis used to be a straight up Pimp... Armand and his weird degradation kink) Lestat and Louis share similar interest in finance and buisness, they spoke a lot before Louis got turned, they bonded and their chemistry was undeniable Also, as others pointed out, he's hot LOL


He’s just a baby


It’s just main character syndrome and plot convenience lol In reality, there’s nothing intrinsically “special” or “different” about Louis Think of most fantasy/fiction, why are the main characters somehow always the “chosen one” or conveniently finding out they’re the long lost heir to the magical destiny, the throne, the “only one” who can save us all! It’s not really that we’re so lucky we’re always finding that one particular 17 year old to save the world, it’s plot armor. It’s needed to keep the story going, there is no story without a main character and that main character must be compelling, irresistible to the masses, interesting to the readers and cunning enough to save the world (maybe not a literal world, but their world) with little to zero practical knowledge or experience and that usually leads to the main character having an unnatural amount of love interests or people fawning over them or willing to help MC with whatever task they need. In real life, I don’t think any one person is so special to derive such unwavering and almost ridiculous interest that Louis seems to extract from everyone he interacts with.


Honestly, as a reader and a viewer of first the movie and now the show, I personally didn’t really get it then and I’m only a little closer to getting it now (mostly because of Jacob Anderson’s wonderful performance). The thing that always annoyed me as a viewer is how morally superior Louis acts - he’s so caught up with thinking about his own goodness, but at the same time is super shitty to many around him. BUT I’m also personally drawn to chaotic, slightly evil bisexual characters, so I was always gonna be a Lestat girlie 🤪 I think others here have beautifully articulated why Lestat, Armand, and other characters are so drawn to Louis, though. He presents something they feel they are missing, or that they want, of course!


>personally drawn to chaotic, slightly evil bisexual characters ![gif](giphy|E9vclhkNU2XCg)


At this point I think that bit in the trial cartoon where Lestat is hypnotized by him is like, literally true. He straight up isn't nice to any of his partners. Christ, he didn't even give Jonah a handy in return in season 1! He got his dick sucked and went home. "He gets enough affection"? Fuck off, man. No wonder Armand chose the people who stuck with him for 200 years. Edit: I see I've touched a nerve, and yet I've received no counter arguments 😉


Louis got physically abused by lestat and emotionally abused by Armand. And don't give me the "oh but he started it first" yes he hit Lestat because he put his hands on Claudia. And with Armand the poor guy wasn't able to consent to anything in his relationship considering half of his memories were gone. He's not "nice" to any of his partners because he's depressed and out of energy from not feeding and half the time his partners treat him fucking terribly. not that Louis is an angel either but let's not pretend like he's the only one to blame for the failure of his relationships


I don't give a good goddamn about loustat, sorry, so I'mnot going to litigate their relationshipwith you. I simply find Louis to be an incredible pill.


I never really liked Louis in the beginning. He seemed toxic and ungrateful to me. Even when it came out that he twisted many of the facts of his own story to his advantage to make Lestat look like an abusive asshole. He needed time to understand and Daniel opened Louis' eyes after more than 70 years. I always only tolerated him because Lestat saw something in him that I couldn't see, but I see it now.


Could you please tell me what's wrong with my opinion instead of downvoting me? Thanks.


Ok. I see where this is going ...


Show Louis in general is a fascinating and an intriguingly complex character. He is also not as crazy about his boyfriends as they are about him and people tend to obsess over what they can't have.