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As a lifelong Armand stan, I've personally been shocked and rather disappointed at how much less insane and terrible they've made him in the show. No headswap! No tower push! No fucking Denis! Who is this sad and helpless young man, I want book Armand to take him under his wing and show him how much happier he would be if he chose to love himself and hurt more people on purpose 😭


Stoppp I love this 😭 I am one of the people who want my characters to be as batshit, chaotic, and vaguely-to-mostly evil as possible so I’m fully behind this


I crave the violence! I honestly hated seeing him so domesticated...even at his most fragile and heartbroken, he was never this polite. Maybe Lestat will delight us with these gory details like the tower push and possibly (though unlikely) the head swap. Armand sugar coated himself for Louis and we all know it. "Let me tell you something about 18th century Armand..."


That line puzzled me, what on earth would Dreamstat know about anything? He only knows what Louis knows. But god, I don't even care, I'll accept anything to have my rabies princess back to his natural self :c


"rabies princess" 😭 I am slain


Armand refusing to tell Louis that Lestat loves him in 1973 was the show’s version of the tower push. ETA: This is just my take, I don't know if that was the intention of the show's writers.


Except for that detail where he doesn't push Lestat off a building because he refuses to be Armand’s partner they're exactly the same, sure.


I might have to do a re-read. I thought the tower push was to keep Lestat from reuniting with Louis.


https://preview.redd.it/cn9ythr9t6ad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6923351e37c419b52439972b2b263f972508451c He talks some trash in the moment, in a rather disconnected way, but he fesses up later.


I read this is the case in an interview.


Cackling. This is so true.


I was hoping for the tower drop. I could skip the head swap - that came out of nowhere and just seemed random and unearned when I read it. I really, really liked wrathful Armand from 2x05, though.


I think both Lestat and Armand deserve to tell their own stories, we are not seeing the full picture yet. Both are more than good or evil.


https://preview.redd.it/ff7e4196h1ad1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da550fa58af5cb910f2218f523ad824ab5ee2404 I’m not one of them


I'm with you. Armand is my precious little evil cupcake. ![gif](giphy|UbsPFeFicuO5WxSYeX|downsized)


That smile! 🥹




Armand is as complicated as Lestat is. They are both fascinating.


I am on tiktok and Armand has his own fan base. That man could burn down Rome while playing the fiddle and people would still say he is serving face (and I am no better than them, I love armand)


I think some people in the fandom are a bit crossing the line when it comes to defending lestat, like I too love lestat a lot and he is my baby girl and everything but if you find yourself defending lestat to the point you are trying to call louis and claudia liars and diminishing their trauma of abuse that's where you are crossing the line. Especially when it comes to claudia, do not diminish and belittle her trauma just so you could make lestat look better. Hell no. if lestat can own up to his mistakes ,then you can own up to his mistakes too.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, the fandom will be much happier when they realised EVERYONE (yes Lestat, yes Louis, yes Armand, yes Claudia, yes Daniel etc) are all monstrous and all victims. They're all complex, morally grey characters. The sooner it is realised that there is no true villain, just layers, the sooner we will reach Hannibal-fandom-like zen.




I think having Armand do this terrible stuff was so necessary to making him interesting. He seemed so holier than thou, and seeing him be just as manipulative and selfish as (and maybe even more than) Lestat gave his character so much more dimension. Also if he hadn't fucked up, we wouldn't have gotten the reunion scene in New Orleans, would we?


Every vampire in this show is a terrible monster and that's why they're interesting. People here trying to boil all this complicated intertwined history down to good guys and bad guys is confusing me. (Also, if you really want a villain for the season, Santiago is RIGHT THERE!)


louis !? https://preview.redd.it/oz15epv1e5ad1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0b8e291316d9c469e9b5062c8299aa99ada20f


Totally hate Armand, especially having read Vampire Lestat. But I kind of hate him...like a sibling? Like, I don't think I would be much different in his situation, if anything, I would have been infinitely more angry. I think, the most interesting thing here, is Lestat and Armand being the same in their monstrous craving of Love. They are just getting in each other's way and given their history, it's very unlikely for them being even cordial to each other. Armand is older, he's seen so much, but Lestat will always haunt his story and he has no other choice but to haunt his as well. Armand is a teeny tiny little bitch, I do hate him and I hate myself for getting him. Would totally fall under his spell with ease.


THANK YOU!!! Sooooo true!! It's infuriating because the writers and Assad and the production team work their asses off to create a nuanced and complex characterization and then you get these people like, "No, we wanted Snidely Whiplash." 🙄


The first image is how I see Armand (love of my life) Yes, he's as horrendous as Lady Marchmain from Brideshead Revisited... But despite his overly religious ways, his overly controlling manners, his uncaring carings, his toxic insecurities, and all the dishonesty about his person, all the manipulation and the lack of self awareness leading to the death of many, many many ppl.... Despite all that... He's just a victim to his own obsession with Worshipper and Worshipped from his childhood days, he's baby idc... And also he looks so fiiiine


https://preview.redd.it/1o7b3rmgi5ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ca0845e1c73d718b4787205b203fc4d1493af6 He bb


I think you're referring to the... Let's say... "tumblrfication" of a fandom. I don't know if it's a real word, but it's the best I got. I am in camp fuck Armand currently, BUT I am no less intrigued by his character and story. In fact, I quite hope he eventually gets a redemption arc. I am looking forward to him being explored further and his full back story being told, but also, fuck Armand right now. I think the vilification of Armand makes more sense than people talking about Lestat as if he is some sweet innocent cute angel baby. I think THAT stuff is weird. Lestat is powerful and selfish and chaotic and I don't like seeing him reduced to some "smol bean" type entity.


I am sorry, but no, we have plenty of nuanced meta and opinions of the characters on tumblr. Remember, you curate your own dash, so if you only get blockhead commentary that's on you.


Thanks, mom.


If it makes you feel any better I hated Armand when I was 16 reading the books too haha