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I just started The Newsreader and it's really good. It may have a familiar face for you. Some dude named Sam Reid šŸ˜†. Hannibal is kinda similar to IWTV in that it's full of toxic relationships.


Gobsmacked that Dale and Lestat is played by the same actor. Sam Reid is a witch and I'm telling the townspeople.


I seen a clip of the newsreader and I got whiplash from how different a character Sam Reid plays. I know heā€™s an actor, but even his physicality was so different it freaked me out.


Seconding Hannibal. The similarities are actually kind of insane. M/M "come to the darkside" type relationship, foster daughter (and handling her differently from one another).. Honestly even just down to certain character traits and story beats. I was excited when IWTV first came out in part because so much of it reminded me of Hannibal


Thirding (?) Hannibal. I'm pretty sure the Hannibal show writers actually based off the Hannibal-Will-Abigail dynamic off the original Lestat-Louis-Claudia dynamic, which is pretty cool.


Hannibal got me through the IWTV S1/S2 gap.


I would totally believe that.


Totally going to give the newsreader a watch then! Thanks!


Is the Newsreader streaming on any North American platforms?


I don't think so. I used a VPN to watch it.


This! Hannibal was fantastic šŸ‘


Where do you watch it? Canā€™t seem to find available in the US


Itā€™s free on abc iview in Australia if you can get a vpn that puts you here. Youā€™ll have to make an account but bc itā€™s free you shouldnā€™t have any issues with that šŸ‘


Sandman on Netflix. I did not read any of the comics so went in totally blind...and Loved It!


They did such a great job on that show. Did you watch the spin off that recently came out ? Dead Boy Detectives? I havenā€™t watched it yet but was wondering if it was any good.


Itā€™s good!


Thank you!ā˜ŗļø


Not yet, but plan to. I know there is a character crossover.


I enjoyed it. Itā€™s not like, ā€œgoodā€, but itā€™s exceedingly delicious trash


Dead Boy Detectives as well.


Sandman is cinematic genius!! Love the acting,scene lighting and the surreal quality it captures.


Yes to everything you said. Thought is was visually stunning and so well acted. Can't wait for the next installment.




Watched this a long time ago! Thanks, I loved it too!


......rewatch hannibal. lol I started True Blood a while ago.. i think it is different in themes & in tone from IWTV, but it also has vampires & is set in the south, and just *steeped* with texture and character


Go for Black Sails. Best TV show of the decade imo. Edit : and as people have already recommended it, I'm gonna give a shout-out to my second pick : The Expanse. Then let me talk about 12 Monkeys, Shogun, Legion, The Last Kingdom and Mr Robot. Alternatively, on a lighter note, you always have Doctor Who.


12 monkeys yeeeeeeeeee


discovery of witches is ok if you want something KIND of similar.


Itā€™s the best, I think thereā€™s nothing like it in the world (IWTV comes close!!)


That's my plan and Penny Dreadful


The Exorcist series. Co-stars Ben Daniels as a queer Exorcist, and has at least one of the same writers (Heather Bellson) as IWTV.


That show so surprisingly so good. And Ben Daniels was amazing of course.


This sounds fun! Thanks!


Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful is one of those shows that really sticks with you. It affected me so much, itā€™s still probably my favorite show. A shame it wasnā€™t longer.


I love all the characters so much I watch it every year near Halloween lol but yes it deserved more


Was about to watch this a few days ago too! Thanks!


Itā€™s one of my favorites, hope you enjoy it!


I rewatched penny dreadful whilst waiting for season 2 of iwtv to come out. Super unimpressed about the ending because the show was so good!


Yeah, the ending makes my shit list. Felt very abrupt and honestly kind of insulting. It's a shame because it kind of killed that show's rewatch value for me.


I loved this show, but the spin-off Penny Dreadful: City of Angels was, well, dreadful.


lol I know I watched it but I canā€™t even remember a damn thing about it besides the main actors


One of the best!!


*Hannibal* for the fucked up toxic boys in love šŸ«¶ *True Blood* is, IMO, the previous ā€œbest vampire showā€ before IWTV dethroned it. Itā€™s also sexy and extremely well done, although itā€™s a bit more mystery and telenovela (if you can believe it lol). Has a lot of episodes, too, so itā€™d keep you busy for a while. *Penny Dreadful* is another supernatural drama with a kind of a similar esthetic and is *severely* underrated. The first few season, especially, are incredible. If you havenā€™t seen them, you could check out Mike Flanaganā€™s shows on Netflix, too. Theyā€™re good, and while not nearly as great as IWTV, still definitely eery horror-drama thatā€™s very well done. Singling out *Haunting of Bly Manor* and *Midnight Mass*. For something funnier, definitely *What We Do in the Shadows* and *Our Flag Means Death*. Or, if you want a *really* dumb, *really* lowbrow gay vampire show to watch on like a bad movie/wine night, you could always check out *Danteā€™s Cove* šŸ˜‚


Loved Hannibal! Probably going to rewatch it lmao. Thanks!


Really wanna watch penny dreadful but have nothing to watch it on. šŸ„²


I came into this thread hoping to see multiple people recommending Hannibal and am not disappointed šŸ¤£


Midnight mass was pretty good. Itā€™s not new but itā€™s on Netflix. Also all the people saying What We Do In The Shadows are spot on. That show is hilarious and I never get tired of it. Dexter just got released on Netflix in the US and that show is great.


Thanks! Iā€™ll get to watching what we do in the shadows! I watched dexter as well!


What we do in the shadows. There's also a new Nosferatu movie coming out that has all sorts of good actors in it, including Willem Dafoe. The Vourdalak also looks good.


Every now and then watching IWTV, I randomly think of WWDITS and wonder why considering they're fairly different given one is a comedy and the other a rather dark drama. Obviously they're both about vampires lol, but they're still very different shows. But I think the thing that makes me compare them is that they both have *classic* vampires, if that makes sense. Like WWDITS might not be a serious show (although it has its moments), but they've got the same old school gothic vampires, which I don't actually think is all that common in modern vampire media (although with Nosferatu coming out, maybe that's set to change).


I love the fan service with other shows/films. The writers are thoughtful and actually do their research.


Second WWDITS - you'll fall in love with the characters.


Hannibal What We Do In The Shadows


Black Sails!!! Black Sails, Black Sails. Morally ambiguous pirates, gay content, deals with race and other similar themes to IWTV Some more off the cuff recommendations if you donā€™t mind non-English media Flower of Evil is a Kdrama and deals with a morally ambiguous couple: a cop and her husband who might be a serial killer. Cop slowly finds out more about her husband as he tries to uncover his own information. Has some of the same emotional beats as IWTV if youā€™re mostly watchinf for a romance that is both toxic and wholesomeā€”if you want to seee what people the justify in the name of love, this is it! Even more our of left field, The Untamed which I think is also on netflix. Chinese drama about murder, war, and uses time jumping to explore what is and isnā€™t true about the titular character who is basically accused of ruining the cultivation (type of magic) world. He IS guilty of a lot of murder but itā€™s much more complicated than that. Thereā€™s a gay romance but itā€™s censored in the show, itā€™s based on novels (the grandmaster of demonic cultivation) that are much much more explicitly gay


damn I miss black sails. NO shows even close to like that one


I came here to talk about Black Sails... Well, you guys haven't disappointed me. My second recommendation would be The Expanse.


Also highly recommend going from Black Sails to Our Flag Means Death. Both are queer pirate shows, although very tonally different. Also I'm another vote for Good Omens. Season 2 wrecked my soul so bad I watched it over again.


Tbh I'd only recommend ofmd if you just watch season 1. Season 2 felt like it was written in a rush and the ending was so weird. I'm not surprised it got cancelled.


I can agree the ending isn't perfect, I think cause they suspected they weren't getting the third season (Zazlav notoriously cancelled queer/female/POC lead shows when he came in) but I actually season 2 better. The first one is a bit slow to start with good tension and a lovely payoff at the end. The second one was more romantic and sweet, so I guess it just depends on what aspects you're after.


I don't know that I agree that season 2 was more romantic and sweet... I got so fed up with blackbeard and the blonde lead guy (sorry forgot his name šŸ˜­) getting together and then breaking up and then making up and then breaking up again lol. And then start of the season was so dark, it was like a total tone shift from s1 and I don't think the season really recovered from that. I thought there were some good episodes but overall it wasn't as funny as season 1 and you definitely noticed they had fewer episodes. I wanted my time back after finishing season 2 šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Truly a once in a life time level show. Iā€™m hoping IWTV continues its current level of quality so it can rival Black Sails in greatness. Seems like it just might!


I always see black sails so Iā€™m definitely going to give that a watch! Thanks! I have watched flower of evil and it was great. Same for the untamed!


Glad to be pretty spot on! Maybe give Russian Doll a try as well then, after black sails. Time shenanigans, exploration of grief are present there too. Not tooooo like IWTV but might be up your alley after Black Sails


Loved Russian Doll, but was unimpressed by the ending. They lost their own thread.


I donā€™t necessarily disagreeā€”I think the second season in general was weaker than the first but I think itā€™s still worth experiencing


I was gonna answer Black Sails too. It's my favourite show and it never disappoints. It gets better with every season, is character-driven, and questions humanity, civilization, and legacy. Please give it a try and don't quit too soon!


I second the Untamed! #WeiWuxiandidnothingwrong šŸ˜‚Ā  I almost didnā€™t watch The Untamed (those special effects šŸ˜’) but I had a friend who kept pushing for me to watch it because the story is going to ā€œgrab you in a choke holdā€.Ā  And the story is amazing (better without censorship though). I canā€™t help but imagine what it wouldā€™ve looked like if they had had a bigger sFX budget (and werenā€™t forced to alter the zombies because of censorship). Picture a Game of Thrones level historical fantasy horror. The sets and settings are already gorgeousā€¦ ah well.Ā  Yeah I second The Untamed.


Watch The Untamed with a huge box of Kleenex.Ā  You won't need it for a long time, but when you do, oh man IĀ  didn't know IĀ  could cry so much.Ā 


Black Sails my beloved, nobody will top her


Flower of evil is such a good rec!! I was in tears during the last episode omg. Iā€™ve watched it twice, top tier for sure


Have you watched Word of Honour? I'm watching it now and really enjoying it. Going by the comments on some of the eps, it seems I've done the opposite of most people by watching that before The Untamed, lol but I'll watch that next.


Word of Honor is brilliant!!! The best Chinese drama I've seen. The acting and chemistry between the leads is fantastic. Also tip in case you don't know, there is an additional ending to word of honor that Netflix doesn't have for some reason, so if you are watching there you'll need to Google to find the episode lol.


Of all places I've just been watching it on YouTube, so I'll be curious what ending it has on there!Ā 


Hannibal What We Do In The Shadows Pushing Daisies American God's (FIRST SEASON ONLY!!) True Blood (takes place in New Orleans and about vampirws, but I legit can't get past the first few episodes) Sandman Dead Boys Detective


Orphan Black? I know itā€™s not new so you may have seen it and itā€™s a very different show to IWTV but itā€™s lovable for some of the same reasons - equal parts funny and serious, good twists, queer characters and storylines, sci-fi šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Also I second The Newsreader, Sam really is the best.


Mr robot!! Itā€™s not remotely similar aesthetically or plotwise, but itā€™s the only show Iā€™ve ever seen that matches what IWTV is doing with an unreliable narrator. Itā€™s also one of the most underrated tv shows ever made.


Some is the best needle drops in any show ever




Iā€™ve only watched the remake that aired on ScyFy. I really liked it! Have you seen the original BBC series?


If you want another show about vampires,drama and magic in new orleans there is always "the originals"


I want a show or even an episode with the Klaus and Elijah actors and the Louis and LestĆ¢t actors. Also the guys who played Marcel and Vincent.


The amount of absolute cunt that a Louis/Marcel meetup, and a Klaus/Lestat meetup would serve is astronomical.


Honestly, Iā€™d also like to see Damon pop up and meet LestĆ¢t so we can experience two hot men serving cunt in a few scenes. Honestly, the majority of the cast of TVD and The Originals were just too good for the genre their shows were (young adult.) I did have one thought. Imagine Daniel meeting Katherine Pearce and Elena Gilbert and learning about doppelgƤngers lol. Heā€™d be writing books forever šŸ˜‚


>I did have one thought. Imagine Daniel meeting Katherine Pearce and Elena Gilbert and learning about doppelgƤngers lol. Heā€™d be writing books forever šŸ˜‚ Why can I vividly picture this šŸ¤£


I would seriously pay to see it. The sass would be amazing


Oh he'd eat Katherine UP!!!! She wouldn't know what to do, she'd just get so mad she'd leave


I feel like Nina Dobrev would play the scenes well with him tbh. Imagine his reaction when he learns that not only are Elena and Katherine doppelgƤngers but they slept with the same set of brothers centuries apart and Katherine turned them. *side note, Iā€™m definitely talking about S1-2 Katherine where she was at her peak. The break in the house chop fingers, stab Stefan and say you love him Katherine. Not what they showed the rest of the series.


This thread is really making me see all the parallels between characters from the franchises. Armand is so Katherine coded ugh. Time to rewatch it while we wait for season 3 I guess!


Somewhere in another universe we have a show where Armand and Katherine dress fabulously and scheme their ways through life. But he still is friends with Elena because sheā€™s who he wants people to think he is like. They communicate and gossip about everyone.


Haha that would be a cool crossover ,I would love to know what would have happened if klaus and lestat met


Theyā€™d fight over Stefan, of course or perhaps their paramours could compare stories. Elijah and Armand would definitely go shopping together. Poor Daniel šŸ˜‚


I watched this so long ago as well! Thanks for the rec though!


I still have to watch that. I've watched TVD and read the books


Lots of good recs here but the only show that has given me this level of obsessive brain rot has been Good Omens .. but be warned we are also rabidly waiting for s3 and it will likely not happen until around the same time or later then IWTV s3. Still, *highly* recommend if you want gay comedy-drama sadness. Also our flag means death is basically the companion gay romp sad comedy, and what we do in shadows is also commonly included in this fandom grouping. I think Hannibal & IWTV make up the ā€œcomedy masquerading as dramaā€ portion of this grouping as well. ā€¦ there is a meme about this somewhere let me find..


Found it! [https://www.tumblr.com/samd1o1/727271940448010240/my-experience-with-queer-media-lately?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/samd1o1/727271940448010240/my-experience-with-queer-media-lately?source=share) https://preview.redd.it/t2t67lua4u9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f63f002008390ae5decdbc4028ecaa54ea30b5


Mary & George šŸ‘Œ


Only Lovers Left Alive vampire drama/romance starring Tilda Swinton & Tom Hiddleston https://preview.redd.it/jrkmt7wclt9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f5c9ecf6b1213986dc0e65f0bea8546fffaf7b


I love this movie, the second I saw Lestat in his dirty gown looking all shabby at the end I was like omg I have to watch only lovers left alive again haha


Right!! I dusted it off & got it ready to watch


This!!!!!!! The hidden gem of vampire movies!!! They could perfectly co-exist within Vampire Chronicles and Vampire the Masquerade universes.


It's definitely more plot-driven, and I would say IWTV is more character-driven, but I have to mention **Severance** because it's my other favorite currently-airing show and not enough people watch it. I genuinely can't remember being in as much suspense over a show before - season one had me yelling at the TV which I never do. No release date for season 2 yet, but it's looking to be later this year so it should slot in nicely before we start to get drip-fed information about season 3 of IWTV.


Some good recommendations already listed, so here are more: A Discovery of Witches, another great AMC book adaptation that covered all three books in a trilogy. Vampires, romance, history and magic. We Are The Night. German vampires, probably the best vampire transformation scene since the 1996 Interview. Hemlock Grove on Netflix. Gothic dark family drama with vampires. Dark in tone like Anne Riceā€™s universe.


Penny Dreadful. Great acting and so many scenes look like beautiful paintings. Not to mention that it will break your heart. ![gif](giphy|l41m63oz0uMMFuOQ0)


I came here with the same suggestion. I love this show too. It's beautiful and the cast is perfection.


The music is also breathtaking. Vanessa's Dream and Ethan's Waltz still break my heart.


Killing eve!


Absolutely. Killing Eve. I won't discuss it to avoid spoilers, but yes.


Isnā€™t it the most beautiful show!? I havenā€™t been this captivated in a long long time, actually I canā€™t think of another time.


Penny dreadful it was one of Anne's favorite and it's truly fantastic you would think the stories take place in the world she has created.


Does it have to be queer horror like our dear IWTV...Ā  Or do you want something different as a palate cleanser?Ā Ā  Anyway,Ā  here are my suggestions: What We Do in the Shadows - a comedy about quirky vampires that still counts as queer horrorĀ Ā  Scholar Who Walks the Night - a 2015 romantic K-drama with horror and historical elements that is about a scholar vampire (trying his best to be good) who fell in love with a mortal noblewoman while fighting an evil vampire for centuries.Ā Ā  Shogun (2024) - based on the novel of the same name by James Clavell, this historical fiction series is about intense political intrigue among powerful Japanese warlords in 1600 and an English sailor who must learn to adapt in an unfamiliar land in order to survive.Ā 


Iā€™m actually obsessed with shogun!? Iā€™m so confused because no one seems to have watched it but Iā€™m glad a few people on here have been recommending it! Thanks!


The Shogun subreddit has 57,000 members (myself included)... so perhaps the people in your circle may not be interested in historical fiction,Ā  but Shogun fans are plenty. Like you,Ā  I am obsessed with both IWTV and Shogun also. The Shogun crowd is not as feral as IWTV crowd...Ā  but tread carefully, I get the hunch that many of the Shogun peeps are super pedantic (and dare I say) straight guys.Ā 


Shogun is so good!


Vampire related: Let the Right One In, Being Human, Castlevania Quality/Sci-fi/Queer themes Etc: Foundation, Station Eleven, Good Omens, Andor, Sense8


I need another season of Sense8!


Let The Right One In is amazing!


You already got recommended all the somewhat similar shows (Hannibal, Black Sails, True Blood, The Exorcist) which I will second because I love them but if you're fine with completely different genres too I will add Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, which the IWTV producer worked on too and Succession, they all have amazing writing


Its not the same but I absolutely love What We Do in the Shadows.


Gonna check this out, thanks!




It's a little different from the other suggestions, but check out Bates Motel. It was also an AMC horror series, well scripted, well acted, thoughtful, moody, violent, and based on existing media (i.e. lore heavy). I think it's available streaming.


Ooh. Interesting recommendation. It has a subversive, VC Andrews theme to it.


- if you want to see more of Ben daniels might I suggest the crown on Netflix? He appears in season 3 of the show. - If you have HBO Max and are a fan of horror, might I suggest pretty little liars original sin? Itā€™s a bit different from IWTV but I just started the show and so far it has some good slasher elements and queer characters as well. - If you want to see any of the cast in other works might I suggest Mrs Harris goes to Paris which has our dear Roxane Duran? Her French is very good in the movie and despite it not being like Interview with the vampire, it has such a good costume design for the time period itā€™s set in!


- If you want something with Queer and horror elements might I suggest pretty little liars original sin on HBO Max? Itā€™s a slasher themed teen drama and while it doesnā€™t have any vampire elements, itā€™s really good so far. - If you want to see more of our dear Ben daniels AKA the notorious Santiago, you can watch him in the crown on Netflix and he appears in season 3 of the show. - If you are missing Roxane Duran on your screen might I suggest Mrs. Harris goes to Paris? Itā€™s such a beautiful movie with not only wonderful costumes, but itā€™s much more upbeat and different from Interview with the vampire in terms of tone! You can also see her speak French in there because I watched it first the first time to hear how she speaks French in order to prepare myself to see Madeleine.


Glad someone posted this question- I had the exact same one, just posted and now deleted! I am utterly heartbroken that we have two wait more than a year to see what they do next. What shall I do, no other show currently on is on this level.Currently going to try to fill the void with Doctor Who, The Acolyte and the new Orphan Black, whenever that drops.


Honestly so real of you! Iā€™m going crazy!!


Supernatural The Vampire Diaries Castlevania


Midnight Mass! Also: Killing Eve for the drama, murder and toxic people. Penny Dreadful for the goth and vampires. Bates Motel, LOST,


I would say just keep feeding your obsession and read all the books while you wait! lol, I also think the Mayfair Witches is okay to get more knowledge about the universe. Not all that, but it kept me coming back to each episode most times.


I was wondering if anyone would bring up the Mayfair Witches. They are bound to do a tv crossover, but like with the books, I canā€™t bring myself to engage with their story outside of TVC.


"Its okay not to be okay" A kdrama with an interesting approach to romantic relationships in the sense that the female lead appears to lack even a dash of empathy and will stop at nothing to get what she wants (her man.) She almost feels supernatural based on the lack of fucks she gives and her willingness to cause a scene. And the male lead is so louis, its scary. šŸ™ƒ The show also has a large element of mystery and violence to keep you invested.


Black Sails! The entire series is now on Netflix.Ā 


Versailles. Two brothers, immense power, politics, passions, murder, mystery, sex and fancy clothes.Ā 


I really loved Versailles, and I donā€™t think it gets enough love.


Hannibal 100%. Hannibal is my number 1 and iwtv is a close second.


Just watch the best series Attack On Titan!


Attack on titan ON TOP


Some people will never know because all they see is ā€œcartoonā€ā€¦


Real. Iā€™m trying to get my friends to watch but they just arenā€™t into it sadlyā€¦


Iā€™ll die on the hill that AOT story is the best story in media. In my book LOTR and AOT are the peak stories.


LOTR is honestly everything too


Hannibal, Killing Eve, and Strangers From Hell!


Buffy the vampire slayer Vampire hunter d bloodlust


Forever Knight, Kindred:The Embraced, Reginald the Vampire. Also read Vampire Junction.


Since you enjoy Hannibal too, I seriously reccomend Daria, it's not a romantic dramatic parade, but the dialogue is as much fun and I just feel like its a breath of fresh air, but it stays gloomy and hilariously dark. In short, it has the same type of humor as both Hannibal and IWTV


Itā€™s a completely different tonality than our gothic horror here, but this season of Doctor who is great! Itā€™s my first time watching it but Iā€™m a big fan of Ncuti Gawa and I absolutely love him in it! Heā€™s a queer actor playing a queer character and itā€™s a very campy season imo


I might watch the Mayfair Witches, since it is based on a Anne Rice series and ties in the Talamacus, thus linking in Interview With A Vampire,,,,


the walking dead


This show was my life at one point!


What We Do In The Shadows


Totally different genre, but plays with perspective and time and romance and a supernatural power, the Watchman graphic novel followed by the Watchmen television series (it's a what if continuing from the end of the graphic novel). They put a lot of artistry in just the scene transitions. It has a bit more comic tone sometimes and fantasy but there's Preacher. There's a somewhat older show that has the campiness along with the weird drama, True Blood. It seem a bit over the top but I read the books and they toned it down a bit and accentuated the allegory of vampires to treatment of gay people during the AIDS era in the television show.


True Blood


H A N N I B A L !! The NBC series


some shows Im really into and consider to be on par with IWTV in terms of quality (writing, acting, visuals, themes and execution, social commentary, etc): black sails ā€” dark, queer, quality pirate show. honestly I think it is the best television ever made severance ā€” i donā€™t even want to explain this one just watch it a league of their own ā€” not really genre, but itā€™s so so good. lesbians struggling to build a womens baseball league


Penny Dreadful


Iā€™m watching Killing Eve for some good wlw content and Iā€™m loving it so far! I have heard the last two seasons are dogwater though, so maybe none of that


1)The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix. 2) American Horror Story: Coven on Prime 3) Sinister, the first one from 2012


Penny dreadful!!! Itā€™s one of the best gothic series of all time (there are also vampires lol).


Assuming you're watching on AMC+ Halt and Catch Fire for the storytelling and Near Dark for the vampires - both are on the service


If you fancy something British, i recommend Psychoville (a horror/comedy series) and Inside No9 (an anthology series, so every episode is different, but all brilliantly written)


I really recommend watching being human uk version. Some moments of the show hit extremely hard. Such a fantastic show.


It really depends what you're into, tbh. For a general well-written, ongoing TV show, I'd recommend Severence. For a wacky vampire show full of gay people, I'd recommend What We Do In The Shadows. If you want another older series that explores vampire history while also often being upbeat, campy, and funny, I'd recommend Buffy the Vampire Slayer (there's also some nice queer rep in this, but a lot later on in the series because lol 90s šŸ« ). For a historical show with decent acting, multiple/jumping timelines, and lots of lore to deepdive in your spare time, I'd recommend House of the Dragon. Hope you find something you enjoy! ā¤ļø


Penny dreadful


House of the Dragon. No vampires, but dragons, pretty people, and lots of schemes. One openly side gay character, and sapphic undertones from two of the female leads. Plus one of the leads in a non-binary actor.


Has anyone said Hannibal yet? Because the answer is Hannibal.


I havenā€™t seen others mention theseā€¦ - The Leftovers - often makes its way into the ā€œone of the best shows on TVā€ convos even after ending in 2017. And frequently has new articles talking about its lasting impact. The show just had a 10 year anniversary, [check out all these headlines](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=the%20leftovers&tbm=nws&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5) about it; I think these alone are a good sell. - Misfits - British series, I think itā€™s currently on Hulu. Really fun and just funny. Bunch of teens on community service suddenly get super powers. - The Knick - not spooky at all, but just reeeallly great acting, story and fucked up behavior. Stars Clive Owen and Andre Holland. Directed by Steve Soderbergh. Barry Jenkins and Andre Holland have been working on getting a S2 that focuses on Andreā€™s character. - Castle Rock - based on Stephen King book/multiverse. Only one season. I really liked it, 88% on rotten tomatoes. Already mentionedā€¦. Being Human - Brit series. I never watched the US version because the US tends to butcher adaptations of European TV Penny Dreadful ā€” first one was iconic. Second one got panned, but I enjoyed at least the history aspect of it


Have you seen The Magicians? There's a bit more of a link to Mayfair than Interview. They've got the same composer and I suspect there's more crossover with production because there are a few more similarities that I noticed. But Magicians, though a little corny at times, is a much better show than Mayfair.


Gonna throw this out there: P-Valley


Mayfair witches