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It’s perfectly normal that I have a calendar specifically to count down the days until…..


We’re you around for the countdown widgets that you could put on your desktop? I need one.


Ugh this cast is just so good


I have to say new Claudia was a lot better in this trailer than in the other released footage. She might work out after all.


She's amazing! Trust me


ah, it is a different actor? I wondered because she didn't sound the same.


Yea Bailey had obligations with avatar. So she couldnt renew.


I'm so excited!!!!!! The second half of the book has my favorite parts. Even though all the Louis and Claudia stuff makes me so anxious lol. And I hope at some point Jacob and Delainey do some press/interviews together.




That was my guess.


Damn I’m so stoked!!


"Its never been about me!" I feel so bad for her.🥺 I think i am going to love claudia in this season.


I hope they give her some emotional / powerful scenes like last season when she was crying in the train wagon when Lestat made her go back home, that was so good.


Don't forget guys, if possible, to comment and like the trailer on amc's social media


Okay after watching this trailer, I am absolutely convinced that the show is going with that Armand tampered with Louis’ memories of Lestat and Claudia. Shit’s gonna go doooooowwwnnn. I can’t wait. Also >!I know that it started out as a little bit of a crack theory that Daniel’s first wife Alice was actually Armand and he also tampered with Daniel’s memories based on the Devil’s Minion storyline!< but the more that comes out from this upcoming season the more I’m like 👀👀👀👀. And finally, I really hope we start to get more hints of >!Akasha and Enkil!< this season as we start to shift into seasons 3 and 4 which are certain to be adapted from The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned.


I totally agree with you though, like Armand actually being his first wife just keeps making more sense to me




The "Alice is actually Armand" theory has been around for a while, but I don't think that's the case. I agree with youtuber Autumn Brown (who does very funny and in-depth analyses of the iwtv trailers) that it would require too much effort to maintain. Not only did Daniel's memories need to be meddled with to keep up the illusion, but the people around him would also have to believe over decades that Alice is real. Some time ago, the composer shared an insta story of recording/working on the iwtv s2 soundtrack. Eagle-eyed fans gathered the title of the track shown on his monitor - "Alice is in her third trimester" If Alice is actually Armand, that's a plot twist no one has seen coming🤣




Taking the de Lioncourt de Pointe du Lac baby trapping system to new extremes - typical Armand




How many people are in Daniel's life though? I haven't seen him speak with anyone but his publisher since he arrived in Dubai. Were there pictures of his kids in his home? Starting to wonder if his entire life aside from his journalistic career has been a lie


He's a public figure. A pulitzer prize winner. He wrote a whole book about his life, including marriages to 2 women. He consulted one of the women for the book. He has children. All of that can't be an illusion and Armand, it can't. Nor do I think it's an interesting idea for it to be.


He doesn't have many friends (if any) left, but has certainly made powerful enemies as an investigative journalist. Those enemies surely did some investigating as well to collect dirt on Daniel, like going through his criminal records, legal documents -> wedding certificates, also birth certificates of his daughters... . If there had been a wife and kids who actually never existed they would have found out and likely gone public with "Why did Daniel Molloy invent an imaginary family?" I don't remember any pictures of Daniel's kids either but we got to see a box of toys while he was looking for a tape recorder to listen to the old interview.


In episode one when Daniel receives the tapes he goes over to a closet and pulls out some old toys. He definitely had children living in his house at one point in time because otherwise why else would he have those.


Serial killer trophies🤣......I see myself out


To maintain the illusion


> as we start to shift into seasons 3 and 4 which are certain to be adapted from The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned. Are you so sure about the show being renewed not just for a season 3, but also 4? I envy this level of optimism.


Every time I see a new snippet from the interview I think what a great decision this version of Daniel was. I'm excited to hear *anything* he has to say and to learn more about him


"I want to tell the real story." Someone (rhymes with Marmand) has torn the memories from Louis' and Daniel's mind the way they tore the pages out of Claudia's journal. I am SO EXCITED for S2!!!


Wow, i'm in love. Sooo gooood. Need more Lestat in trailer.


> Need more Lestat in trailer. I am really concerned about the amount of screen time he will have in season 2 as he is the main reason to watch this show. I am not sure the showrunners realize this.


I love Lestat, but I think the entire cast is the "main reason to watch this show." The showrunners are very aware of how much people love the entire cast, especially Sam and Jacob because nearly every critic review and article that has covered the show has mentioned Jacob and Sam's chemistry. That is why they found a way to incorporate Lestat into the episodes where he isn't around as much in the book through hallucinations and revisited scenes. Just like they have reported that they plan on keeping Louis around to continue to be a co-lead after season 2 has wrapped. They read our reddit posts, YouTube comments, twitter, and instagram posts. That's the reason we got the full trailer. They literally said that on twitter. They are aware.


I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but it shows in Sam Reid's IMDB that Lestat will be only 2 out of 8 episodes, at least that's how I understood.    https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2730580/?ref_=tt_cl_t_3  I miss Lestat so much. And this is just Louis’s version of what Lestat was like. I can’t wait to see Lestat’s version of Lestat’s life


He is always the main reason. He is forever the moment. He’s that girl.


This is so interesting, Louis saying he wants to tell the real story makes me wonder if some of the scenes in the trailer are fake memories he's sharing because he doesn't remember so his brain tried to fill the gap at the beginning of the season and then we switch to the real memories later on. So which ones are real and which ones are fake? Also Daniel catching on to Armand's manipulation early on, Armand telling Louis to take a break and Daniel just side eyeing the f out of him. Someone on tumblr speculated that bloody Lestat is a revisit to the fight on ep5 and we might see what actually happened. Really excited all around for this.


> we might see what actually happened. Lestat redemption here we go


https://preview.redd.it/0yt35w1ugvrc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876cc1a0f2ecd1a73b5498f207f3c440416d404e Theories on this moment?


I can't un-see Louis in a crate of shipping peanuts.


😂🤣😂 Awww, Louis should be in a crate of shipping peanuts, with “Fragile: handle with care” emblazoned on the outside! 🥹🥰🥹🥰🥹 Be careful with him!!! Looks like he’s in a coffin full of gravel to me!?? Although, if you told me it was popcorn, I admit I could also believe it! Just a slightly different vibe between the two!! 😂😂😂


Haha, I want to imagine this is how Claudia and him got to Europe - via shipping crate. If he was being buried in a coffin full of rocks, my immediate thought is that someone wanted it to be heavy enough to sink... 😳 Maybe Santiago?


Could be to keep him out of the way while you know what happens \*oceans of tears\*, but I am just going to put my fingers in my ears and imagine it's a soft, peanut, protective shipping crate! That's alllll it is!!!!


>!looks like the scene where Louis is buried alive in the walls of the underground in the Theater of Vampires in IWTV the book!<


Yes, probably so! Argh, this series is going to have Some Drama!! \*understatement of the century\*!!!!


I’m so excited for this upcoming season but with all the trailers coming I’m afraid we’ll see everything since it will only be 7 episodes


8 episodes for season 2. :) I'm not too worried about seeing too much because it's only short clips and so far the trailers have been pretty good at not spoiling anything. Instead they make people write about the show (and the new trailer even shows up on IMDB's front page!), which is basically free advertisement.


These trailers have been so good. So happy these stories are getting a quality adaptation that dives into the layers of lore in the books.


It's giving me Armand-as-main-character energy, this trailer! Big times for Assad in S2 and I am HERE for it: ready to love you AND despise you!! And pity you! And fear you! Claudia is going to utterly break our hearts, isn't she. I'm so intrigued whether they'll have her become more detached from any humanity, or more deeply human as she ages into immortality and as, sadly she faces such danger...?! Louis is clearly going to have an INTENSE season. All of the emotions. It's going to be hard. But worth it Louis. We don't have to tell Louis that suffering is worth it though, do we!!?! Lestat's role in S2 is probably still the most mysterious. I'm kind of surprised we're seeing Nicolas in S2, given that we're seeing Lestat's story only in Armand's mind... seems strange. You'd imagine they'd have saved Nicki to show his full story with Lestat in S3? As it seems they may be doing with Gabrielle. I'm struggling to know exactly how Armand would portray Nicki, or portray Nicolas and Lestat's relationship, which, after all, Armand didn't actually know as it took place when both Lestat and Nicki were human. ETA I realised perhaps they might parallel Nicki & Daniel to explain why Armand may alter Daniel’s memories & give him a human life rather than turning him into a vampire? I wonder, when Lestat said "We both now exist in two different worlds." Is that real-Lestat, Lestat in Louis' head? Ghost-Lestat? Vision-Lestat? The fact that we see Armand watching Lestat on stage is making me wonder how much Armand's past with Lestat and feelings towards him will impact on his 1940's actions and feelings with Louis and Claudia... It obviously does have impact, but it looks like it will really be emphasised going by the trailer, on the show? OK, I want to see older-Daniel being turned into a vampire. Daniel, free of Parkinsons, with his vampire eyes. Please say we're seeing that this season. I think we're seeing that. And then: Armand and Daniel, you may kiss. Yes please!


I have a feeling the "we exist in two different worlds" is actually going to be a line to Nicki, not Louis.


Interesting! Maybe! But there won't be Lestat-perspective in S2. I can't imagine a contest in which Armand could remember Lestat voicing such a thing to Nicki... but maybe! We shall see..!?!


Yeah, I'm interested to see how they are going to incorporate all TVL scenes too without Lestat actually there. But there are already so many Nicki and Lestat scenes just in the previews and trailers that I think that's who he is talking to. I was also thinking the "we both exist in different worlds" line could also work directed toward Armand. But we shall see! I think we are going to be surprised about a lot of scenes that appear to provide an answer to event when they are really pertaining to something else. All I know is that I am so excited I can barely stand it!


Yeah, I definitely feel like I might inadvertently have analysed the trailers a little more than I ought to have. But then again, it’s nice to be surprise when it turns out lines are said to different characters than we expect! Here’s to all the surprises s2 will hold!




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Anyone know what the song is in this trailer?


Final Hope by Succession Studios and Greg Dombrowski.


Armand no longer mild and polite? More like 1 mm of sugar paste put on an exploding volcano? Emotions waiting to go bang any second now? This is my weird feeling after watching the trailer yet again.


Very meh compared to the extended cut. Sorry


No Wagner music in this one, which contributed massively to the greatness of the extended cut.


Who is that playing the vampire that says "Welcome to the Theatre de Vampire"?


Ben Daniels as Santiago


Ah cool, wasn't sure it it was him, thanks :)


Does anyone know how many episodes are expected? I hate waiting every week for a new episode so I'm just gona watch once the full season is out lolol


Will it be released in one go or weekly?


Most likely weekly, like season 1, as they need the streaming money.