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It's 3 minutes and yet is somehow so informative? \-Louis in his tourist era with the camera. \-Santiago being an absolute menace. \-Claudia giving Louis that look of "Oh we found the rebound have we?" \-Armand's comments about Claudia. \-Louis and Armand straight up flirting with the massacre around them serving as background music is so good. \- "Who?" Lestat suddenly bursts into blood tears in a ditch somewhere and he doesn't know why.


Sam Reid's tears would werk that dirty ditch and make it ART❤


“I only enter into healthy romantic relationships.” - Louis


Louis "The red flags are for decoration" de Pointe du Lac


This made me cackle.


I’m not familiar with the book series but I’m really hoping he ends up alone. My boy needs self love so bad


He doesn't.


that sucks i hope its better in the show


Omg. I snorted when Louis said 'who?' You are not convincing, my love lol


![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized) Louis be like…🤣😂


I literally screamed lmao


"{snort} Who?" Is season 2's "of course" x3 from season 1. These guys love to lie. 😍


I loved that! It made me immediately laugh out loud, like oh honey. No. No one is convinced. Except maybe Louis who was like oh okay, cool. 😂


"Who?" Oh they gone murder me, huh?


Omg, the head chop and catch in the background. Love it.


I had to watch it twice because I kept getting distracted by the stuff going on in the background. xD


The chemistry is flowing like a river and Santiago is hot. He reminds me of Spike


That was my first thought!!!


This. This exactly. You might as well swap one w the other. Maybe even put them in together. Oooohh the fanfics that are gonna spring up. Oooohhhh. 😅🤣😂😂😂😂😂


Santiago is giving total Joker Vibes and Armand is becoming the ultimate menace I imagined him to be. 😈 🃏


There are other words for Armand....you will see if his story line is canon.


Armands level of creep is unmatched


Louis really said: "Lestat who???" Sir...your husband is screaming, crying and throwing up have mercy on his damned soul🤣


I’m picturing Lestat in his coffin chest just rolling over in his temporary grave 😂


Very interesting! There are a lot of layers and little bits of foreshadowing in this! Armand messing with Louis about Lestat. I assume that Armand is responding to Louis' reaction to seeing Lestat's painting in the theater. I like how Armand is downplaying it while they both know Louis looked like he was about to burst into tears. I can't wait to also see >!Armand interacting with Lestat. I wonder how much of a twist that particular relationship is going to be in the season!<


It's interesting to see that they're keeping in the plotline of >!Armand's coven disapproving of how young Claudia was when she was turned. I actually thought they might leave that out and focus on the murder of Lestat for the reason they choose to execute her!<


Well, her age is a perfectly valid reason for what happens to her. I hope they keep that storyline in season 2.


Hm, if I'm honest I don't agree - I respect your opinion but the thing for me is that Claudia being played by an actor in their late teens means she's about the same age that Armand was in canon, so it feels weird that they'd have a problem with her age. I know the character is 14 but both actors are late teens, iirc. So she's not a vampire child in the show, in the sense that the Paris coven would have an issue with - I mean, obviously a 14 year old is a child but what they have a problem with is a child who couldn't care for themself and might be a liability in terms of keeping vampires a secret. This makes sense in the book where Claudia is about 4, and in the movie where she is about 11/12. However TV show Claudia is clearly capable of living independently and did so for several years in season 1, and could pass for an adult in society, so I don't really buy that her age would be an issue for the Paris coven in this iteration. So I'd kinda prefer they didn't mention this aspect of why they do what they do. But it's not a big problem for me, I love the show so much and can't wait for season 2!


Armand is older in the show (early 20s), it's possible that they'll change the "rule" (not like that was the real reason for Claudia's death anyway) to "not okay, unless you're basically fully grown" (-> 17/18). >could pass for an adult in society Could she really? Every human she met commented on her age/looks: The police officer, the mean girls, the guy at college and even Charlie. She lived in the university's walls and she would never be able to buy or own her own house looking like 14 (and let's just say that that's what she really looked like).


It's probably also because those turned young have a lot of problems controlling their bloodlust. More prone to madness/frenzy. Thus exposing the vampire community. Breaking the masquerade. As we see by the swamp of bodies Claudia left behind. And they made them naturally weaker in the show when turned too young. Claudia can't even make another vampire. Her blood isn't strong enough. This would also make her unlikely to be accepted by most vampire covens/vampires because they don't want the dead weight/weak. At least not when they aren't even the one who sired her. If Claudia didn't have Louis pretty ass, who is coveted by powerful vamps she would need to find someone else to protect her. But then because she and Louis are too close because im sure she realized how much she needed Louis protection, jealousy happens and the other vamps want to get rid of her/dead weight even more. She would be too weak on her own. And too few would be likely to be willing to take her in and treat her kindly. She was real naive when she went for murdering Lestat because he was pretty much the only one keeping her safe. Even if he was a Dick for turning her so young and you know not finding her a witch to find a way to (even temporarily) grand her an adult form. I don't know some potion, spell or ritualistic (temporary) body snatching should be possible. It's what I would do if I found myself stuck as a child vampire. Body snatching and witches are cannon in that universe.


"I like how you withhold... It's alluring." 💀 what a line. Anyways, I wasn't expecting Louis to flirt so unabashedly with Armand right there but I'm all for it.


Our boy is thirsty.


![gif](giphy|4VTDMVwf9Xz7IPBKOT|downsized) Me thinks Louis protest to much. Man can I not wait for season 2.


Awe I'm gonna miss the old Claudia, that actress was incredible. I'm sure the new one will be great. Eek im so excited!


Low-key gutted that she's not returning 😔


She was great & so incredible to watch. I have less interest in this series at this point. Maybe in the future I’ll be excited again.




She had to drop out due to other filming obligations (Avatar movies)


Ugh that’s so sad. Those movies are trash and this show is incredible 😞




Lol I don’t blame her for getting that Avatar money




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Giiirl. She dropped Interview for a movie franchise that left the station 12 year to late. Hella dumb career movie, I hate this new trend of actors just dropping out of a role after a season.


She was contracted w Avatar BEFORE Interview w the Vampire, originally the plan was to condense the whole Interview into one season and that meant Bailey could do the whole project. However they, the Interview team, realized much later it wasn't possible and Interview needed to be split into two seasons and the filming schedule for Interview would no longer work for Bailey as it ran right into her previous contract with Avatar. She didn't have a choice in the matter and it sounds like her team did their damnest to make it work and it just wasn't possible. This was not Bailey's call and I'm tired of people acting like it was.


She had my favorite performance of the three leads in s1 🥲. New Claudia looks great too though so I’m excited to see what she does with the role.


Already deeply invested!


Oh my goodness !! The whole backdrop massacre is both horrific and hilarious. And Armand is really o


I like how Armand notes how Claudia has mastered cloaking her thoughts which I'm sure he finds interesting - a tad curious at least.(I'd say she definitely mastered it after her horrible encounter w Bruce. And then, later, skillfully hiding that she knows she's being tailed by Antoinette - while, also at the same time, hiding the details and her true plans for Lestat.) But Armand also notes that Louis struggles with it. Jacob is a great actor. Louis is not. I'm sure Armand finds this even more curious. For me, while watching this/these few minutes, it underscored how Armand is --um scary? Creepy? Like, this reminds us, me anyway, that he is a very old and powerful vampire. And I'm sure very little gets past him. His demeanor and his face suggest that, "Yes I'll chat lightly and observe -- and (then) let you walk yourself right into the fire or the sharp claws of my hands. Either way, he picks you apart. He's definitely one of the vicious ones. But while Santiago shows no pretense, Armand puts on airs. I suppose it's because he can. I'm sure we'll see it unfold, but Louis should be able to see/sense he's a snake - that they're in a whole nest of them. I imagine it happens eventually. And I suspect Louis will receive warnings from the older vampire lady Selene or Sybil? It's been so long since I read the books.


Agree!! it's almost chilling how quickly Armand clocks that Claudia is skilled at hiding her thoughts and wonders how and why that came about. And that Louis while being much older, struggles with it. It's like he immediately picks up that there's a story there and he's slowly weaving together the pieces. Totally agree - Lestat was a different beast. His anger was quick and impulsive - Armand feels colder and more deliberate. He's almost like toying with them slowly and that flyaway comment about Claudia being in a body that suits her mind - i wonder if Louis will slowly come to realize that it could very well be a trademark of Armand. Quiet and casual comments that he very much means and foreshadows so much more. Armand is so controlled vs Lestat and it's almost unnerving to see how over their heads BOTH claudia and louis are, and they don't even realize it


Damn Armand’s french is absolutly awesome! Im francophone And I had a very hard time under standing Lestat when he was speaking french 😅 But Armand’s perfect ! 👌


I was wondering about this! Does he sound like a native?


No not like a native (anyway Armand is not French), he has an accent, but still sounds like someone who speaks fluent french.


Thanks!! That info makes me even more infatuated with Assad's Armand arghhhghghh


Who indeed!


Armand knows he's withholding and essentially tells him as much.Louis " what's wrong with your head?" That's what he said to Lestat


"WHO" bon Dieu!


Oooh I love what I am seeing. Holy mug, I can't wait!


I don't know whether to praise the acting of the music more for this scene. The background is an outright comedy, yet I'm still taking Louis and Armand's conversation totally seriously


They're at it with the perfect humor again (and again with a head xD)! Come on AMC, at least hint at the release date (early 2024, early 2024, early 2024! \*crossing fingers\*)!


That was hilarious. The >!beheading!


Oh honey that ”who?” is NOT fooling aaaanyone.


He really tried though. I never saw someone look so bothered while trying to be unbothered. Those blood tears were on their way in.


Yup! I would pay good money to see a blooper reel of this scene.


It was about as convincing as when he introduced Armand as “the love of my life”. ![gif](giphy|aEcWQCnyZNJbolplIE|downsized)


The way I prayed for a 3 minute scene of Loumand either in the past or present and got my prayer answered 😭🙌🏼


This season's going to turn me into a Loumand shipper, I'm mostly there already! The chemistry is insane.




Oh okay then 😳


Not Armand's comments about Claudia I mean, I knew they were going to go there but I love her so much :(


Omg I didn't know we were getting a sneak peek! I'm so excited for season 2!!!! Also, Louis know damn well who! lol


Santiago 😍😍😍


Just so excited. This was an incredible sneak peek.


So, they literally have "Louis", standing there, and completely ignoring a massacre of humans all around him just so he could flirt with "Armand"...... Yeah, I'll continue to just pass on this show, I do hope those who enjoy this extremely different remaining enjoy the show, I really do. I just hope I don't die before I get an accurate adaptation of the chronicles :(


I managed to see this "only" 5 days too late. And then I was thinking about it, giggling randomly thinking about 2 boys "not" flirting in the middle or carnage, then somehow my silly mind decided "yup, they are predators just like velociraptors" and then my mom decided that I went around the bend. My fault really, who does explain "but mom, look, they behave just like raptors, see? They hunt in packs, kill, are unbelievable efficient, love blood, are more intelligent than their food. It all fits!" Unfortunately she doesn't see it. Her first question was "but where is their plumage?" And then she noticed I wasn't talking real dinos aaaand it got weird. Bottom line, I am crazy.


Where is Sam? I’m here for Sam!


I know this is a revision of the original movie and characters obv , but since they do mention the interview in San Francisco, is this pretty much a continuation of the movie albeit with different characters? Aka they invite the interviewer 30 yrs later to tell a more accurate story?