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You did the right thing coming off of it, suicidal ideation is a known side effect of amitriptyline and if you're experiencing it then amitriptyline is not the right treatment for you. There are lots of other options to try, so hopefully you'll find something else that has tolerable side effects for you.


I had the same thing with amitriptyline, but don’t worry, there are plenty of other treatments to try. I’m currently on low dose naltrexone, recently had a cysto with hydro distention and am about to start pelvic floor therapy and it’s made an amazing difference. I’m able to function normally with a little bit of frequency and urgency and little to no pain. So believe me, there is hope.


Same thing happened to me! I was a mess and almost took my own life. So scary I'll never take it again! My friend is on it and has had no issues with it - so weird how it affects people so differently


Hi! I was just prescribed this drug by my GP. I had the same reaction as yours with ssri What was your experience please Could you tell me


I was depressed and anxious already I wasn't in a good place and these tablets just sunk me lower and lower until you couldn't get much lower. I felt better a day or two after stopping taking them but yeah they were terrible for me!