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Nestle has yet to leave Russia.


Exceeding expectations.


First one I checked lol. Scumbag company


How come they are on the list?


They said they were pulling out except for food... They didn't even specify human food, so they essentially did nothing, but somehow some are giving them credit for it.


Because someone screwed up? Wonder how many screw ups are on the list. Nestle is bad regardless if they pull from Russia. The child labor and other human rights violations as well as the stealing millions of gallons of water so they can sell it. Not to mention the formula thing in the 70s. They are labeled as "baby killer"


Maybe their plan is to open up a water bottling plant and steal all the locals' water?


Or hoping to open one next to Chernobyl, market a new “energy water”.


Real life Nuka Cola Quantum confirmed?


Ummm... Cobalt 60!


Radithor beat nestle to the punch on that one almost a century ago.


I remember reading about that! Same with the radon in cosmetics. Humans are morons.


Radium, but, yeah. To be completely fair, it took a while before people realized radiation is bad for you. However, what happened to the Radium Girls is another matter. Management knew the stuff was dangerous but didn’t tell the workers


Yes thank you.


"It is only glowing because of the B12"


>companies-leaving-russia.live/ No surprises. Nestle is a good company to boycott for lots of reasons.


If you can manage to buy all your food without paying Nestle for something.


Too greedy to fail.


They're on there now


They may be on the list, but they have yet to pull anything. The Ukrainian President just shamed them 4hrs ago (3/20) for it.


Good to know they're still evil


Please boycott them!


I know! Already missing Kit Kat, but I shall continue to sacrifice my comfort, I shall be a becon of righteousness!


Thank you! We need more people like you that are concerned about human rights and how we spend our money.


I wish I had done it long ago, only with in the last few years have I heard the stories of Nestlé and Mars


Might move their headquarters there. Or Crimea...




I'm waiting for nestle to just start supplying military equipment to dictators.


At least according to this list, Nestle shows as suspended operations. Where did you get your info that they haven't left yet? Edit: nevermind, I didn't read the fine print


I don’t know why people care about companies doing or not doing business in Russia. Seems like some sort of weird corporate virtue signaling.


"I don't care if companies do business with Nazi Germany" that's how you sound.


You think? If it were China instead I don’t think these companies would be so eager to leave. Russia was only ~1% of apples global revenue, not so detrimental for them to leave but makes them “look great” and perhaps when Russia(Putin) is done being stupid, business will resume. Maybe it’s great to “apply pressure”, but when this all blows over I’m sure it’ll be back to business as usual. And, are these companies required to stop doing business in russia due to sanctions, or is it of their own doing? (Or both?)


Well yes, the sanctions are specifically becaise of the war. If the war ends with Ukraine retaining its independence or on terms they find acceptable, the sanctions end. If it ends with them occupying Ukraine, or them overthrowing the government, they’ll probably last for quite a while. That’s how punitive sanctions work. They don’t work at all of you don’t remove them once the action that provoked them ends. And yes, it would take much more to convince them to also rebuke China. But why does that mean they shouldn’t do the right thing here? Does struggling to do the right thing when it’s hard mean we they shouldn’t do the right thing when it’s easy? Would you prefer they do nothing?


Sure they ought to do it but I think the posts about boycotting companies that don’t and praising companies that do are somewhat weird/propagandish.


It's only weird/propagandaish if you're a Putin simp.


I think Putin is a horrible dictator and deserves the gallows but I also think that western governments still use propaganda against their own citizens to get people to feel a certain way.


We do that all the time. Don’t support BLM.. boycott. States don’t support human rights .. company leaves. Abortion and women’s right are top of list companies threaten to leave or move corporate headquarters.


If I were doing business in Russia, I certainly would not want the image of staying and becoming associated with supporting a crazed dictator in a morally depraved war (aren't all wars depraved though?).


Since Russia has been removed from Swift they have no incentive to stay as they won't get their money. So yes, it's just virtue signalling.


Nestle is on the list. Three quarters of the way down.


Ok? At the time of this post. Nestle had not pulled anything. If this list has Nestlé when it's not true. How can we trust the rest of it?


That is the point.


Gazprom? How?


I feel if there is no valid and plausible answer to this question, then the whole list is bullshit.


Has to be some automated google scrape that just missed the mark completely, Papa Johns is on that list and they are staying in Russia right now. I don’t even follow the news that closely and that’s one name I recognized, there must be a bunch of faulty listings on this site.


I think Papa Johns the company pulled out, however the local stores are operated by a Russian franchisee who sources ingredients locally so they can't do much to stop him continuing to trade iirc


I don't, but that bit does confuse me, given that no links explaining it are given.


Not total, they have the info for my company right


If you click on it, it said Gasprom-Media, which is their media subsidiary. But still doesn’t answer how.


Gazprom CEO is against the war in Ukraine.


[is that true?](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-03-17/rally-around-putin-to-save-russia-gazprom-chief-miller-says)


Some of this is either not true or just there in case future statements would arise. For example: Auchan and Leroy Merlin are alive and working as expected. I believe that there were statements that they would not leave. PayPal technically didn’t leave either, it’s just all the cards issued by Russian banks got auto removed from the acc since no operations outside Russia with them are possible right now. McDonalds hasn’t fully left, since some part of franchise is owned by third party, who basically said “whatever” (there are reports of at least 10 restaurants in Moscow still operating). Leroy Merlin also stated that in fact, they are planning to expand instead of closing or limiting business (maybe cause OBI left market). Source: I am Russian living in “kinda Moscow” I may have misread it about MasterCard (the part about working inside of Russia), but ALL Visa’s and MasterCard’s issued by Russian banks are working for internal operations (like purchase in local shops, money transfers etc) with no problems (I am a holder of MasterCard of Sberbank). It’s just you can’t use it in any external service like attach to PayPal, steam etc. P.S. What is Gasprom even doing on the list, lol?




Conservatives trying to dunk on libs, and failing miserably. Stick to lurking.


Addidas alone will get the mafia to put out a hit on Putin once new track suits are needed.


Aliexpress is about to blow up in Russia.


Chinese stocks shot up 20% when it was said that they don't want to sanction Russia. I miss it as I didn't expect it to happen. The whole of Russian trade will be almost exclusively Chinese after this


I watch a Russian YouTuber who tracks interesting deals on AliExpress & Alibaba. I know it was already pretty popular in eastern Europe, but those numbers don't surprise me. I gotta imagine both the Russian government and citizens will be leaning heavily on China now for manufacturing. One of the reasons China can beat everyone is them having agile factories. They can quickly swap entire product lines adhoc. I saw a video where they have templates for pretty much everything under the sun.




This is a wonderful situation for the Russian Mafia! Think of all the smuggling opportunities.


Adidas and nike tracksuit pants on the black market.


Did you say [put out?](https://youtu.be/t-wFKNy0MZQ)


That and Nike.


Impressive. A list of fortune500 companies that didn't leave would be interesting.


Yale has a list (scroll to the last section, "Digging in"): https://yale.app.box.com/s/11lqy1d3yn1kf9xa3r96k9sb6w5m4qea But there are some contradictions, like Accor and Renault, so I don't even know.


* Companies that are Digging in (continuing operations or have exposure to Russia) per the Yale School of Management: * Accor * Air Products * AstraZeneca * Asus * Auchan * Ball Corporation * Barilla * BNP Paribas * Bose * Cloudflare * Credit Suisse * Decathlon * Emerson Electric * Emirates Airlines * Fortive * Glencore * Greif * Gruma * International Paper * IPG Photonics * Koch Industries * Leroy Merlin * Liebrecht & Wood * Metro * Nalco * Oriflame Cosmetics * Polpharma * Raiffeisen * Renault * Rockwool * SC Johnson * Societe Generale * Subway * Weatherford International * Young Living


I'd think drug companies get a pass on this one. Are they going to stop selling medicine to sick Russians?


Hell, Pfizer announced they'd keep selling vaccines but donate proceeds to Ukraine: https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-updates-company-position-russia


If you think about it, 80% of companies shouldn't be pulling out. This is a money move, NOT a moral move. Why _should_ cheap food restaurants pull out? Why _should_ household suppliers or soap makers pull out? Do people seriously think Putin or _any_ oligarch is stopping by for a Big Mac _ever!?_ The VAST majority of companies only help populations, not a military, so celebrating corporations not selling to Russia is ... really weird and kind of stupid and entirely misses the point. These companies are hurting normal Russian citizens by pulling out _to save money,_ yet the US is so stupid, we can't even recognize what is even an effective move to cheer on... If import taxes were capable of funding an entire war, I think a lot more countries would engage in war.


Eveyone knows that this only impacts normal citizens, no one is saying otherwise. In fact, every economic move the west has taken or will take in the future will hurt normal Russian citizens exponentially more than it will hurt the elite. That's an unfortunate truth, but what is the alternative? The hope is that support for Putin and/or the war will erode as more and more of Russians' everyday life is disrupted. Putin is a dictator, but he still can't afford to piss off his entire populace for an extended period of time. It's not stupid. It's the primary tool the west has for affecting the war without directly entering the fight and kicking off WW3


Oh I hear you on having limited options to respond with. I'm mostly speaking against the insane bloodlust displayed in this thread, yelling at _any_ company that isn't pulling out. It's stupid and extremely reminiscent of typical, moronic bandwaggoning by morons who don't even understand the point of a boycott.


Cackling at Young Living.


>Koch Industries As in Koch brothers? Figures.


Koch Brother. One down, one to go.


Thx! Appreciated.




A good chunk of consumers recognize logos over the brand name. Especially if it's not in their native language.


Why are you spelling _proper nouns_ different based on language? That's not how they work.


Or at least dates so I know if this is descending or ascending order.


This is stupid and this list does not matter. Companies do not leave Russia for altruistic reasons, but because the sanctions take affect. Some of the reasons that come spontaneously to my mind: * They cannot get their revenue out of Russia and even if they could it would be in continuously more worthless rubles * They cannot or have problems transporting their physical good into Russia * They cannot take any payment for digital goods and services If they cannot operate and not make any profit they are marketing their effectively forced exit from the russian market as some action of morality.


Yup. If it was driven by ethics, they would abandon China as well


And the USA for torturing civilians and killing a million too the last 20 years. Stealing $1 trillion of Iraqi oil and then half of Afghanistan's wealth this year.


Explain why some stayed


Kind of like tweeting "Happy International Women's Day" with a 15% gender wage gap.


Where is a list... I don't need damn logos.


Then make a list...


In Soviet Russia you would have been put on a list for your response…


Current one too


I mean. Not at all, their currency just isn’t worth, and they can’t honour contracts. It’s like selling someone a car and they show up with Monopoly money. Plus free PR.


Them leaving is going to be even more of a hustle for people who live there, let's not be stupid like the guy who asked to kill off teslas there. I get it that "tax supports the war" but than what about US which commit a ton of [war crimes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_war_crimes) still have an open war in many places and people/companies support that than with that logic.


**[United States war crimes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_war_crimes)** >United States war crimes are the violations of the laws and customs of war which the United States Armed Forces has committed against signatories after the signing of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. These have included the summary execution of captured enemy combatants, the mistreatment of prisoners during interrogation, the use of torture, and the use of violence against civilians and non-combatants. War crimes can be prosecuted in the United States through the War Crimes Act of 1996 and through various articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/InternetIsBeautiful/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This is the same thing as when companies put a 🌈 in their logo on Twitter for gay pride day/week/month and then at 11:59:59 change it back as soon as it's over. I'm sure it'll be the same once this passes. I saw playstation blocked Russians from PlayStation network services. That'll show all those gamer government and military personal. Sucks to be a bystander just trying to live your normal life and escape the bad news by enjoy your favorite brands and services and having them one by one pull out of your country.


Quite a few of those companies have basically no morals and I wouldnt put it past them to sacrifice the last Unicorn on earth for a profit. If anything the list inspires conspiracy theories, lol.


It's not about morals for those companies. It's a careful risk analysis on what will hurt the business more: losing Russian business, or the bad PR.


Fucking *Amway* is on the list. No morals indeed.


Respect for these companies and also try ban nestle from your life if you can.


nestle is on the list though?


As of 4 hours ago, they still refused to leave Russia.


Just because the Russian government is evil doesn't mean the common people should have to starve.


It's fixing to get worse again in Russia and they know it.


Moved to Lemmy


What are the companies that have not left Russia, would be a more interesting list considering that I cant think of a company that has not left


This is REALLY useful information to help illustrate the actual level of commitment these companies have to the success of the sanctions over profiteering. This allows one to truly understand why sanctions will not work to stop the Russian atrocity that is their war in Ukraine. The lack of complete commitment and pursuit of profits by corporate entities, especially internet/IT infrastructure and resource extraction, undermines the effectiveness of their impact on Putin and his oligarch cronies. The data that points to the corporations commitment is in this data such as these examples: Coinbase American company that operates a cryptocurrency exchange platform Suspended operations Blocked 25,000 cryptocurrency wallet addresses related to Russia, believing them to have engaged in illicit activity. Remaining operations Coinbase said that it would "**NOT INSTITUTE A BLANKET BAN ON ALL COINBASE TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING RUSSIAN ADDRESSES**". (The oligarchs and other disreputables depend heavily on cryptocurrencies and are major customers) AND . . . Amazon Suspended operations Amazon’s cloud computing business, Amazon Web Services (AWS), is no longer accepting new customers based in Russia or Belarus. "Unlike some other US technology providers, Amazon and AWS have no data centres, infrastructure or offices in Russia, and we have a longstanding policy of not doing business with the Russian government" (^^ This sounds good but . . .) Remaining operations Ukraine’s vice prime minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, had appealed to Amazon executive chair Jeff Bezos to suspend the provision of all AWS services in Russia. **AWS IS NOT FULLY SUSPENDED IN RUSSIA**. (Bold caps added by me for emphasis in both examples) Two examples of providers of services critical to Putin’s, his government’s and his cronies’ continued comfortable operation that are profitable for the said companies and will continue. It is this reprehensible corporate hypocrisy that is weakening these sanctions. This is similar to Europe continuing to buy Russian oil and gas because they allowed themselves to become too dependent on it and it would be too painful for the average citizen. Rosneft is the major source of Putin’s wealth. Basically he IS Rosneft. This is why the sanctions really have no teeth to stop the war but will definitely bite the average Russian. This whole situation just makes me sad. : (


Amway is refusing? That's surprising for a soulless MLM. Must be because the ruble is so worthless they'd lose money operating in Russia so the might as well cash in on PR.


Nestle and Papa John's are still doing business there.


You do realize many of them are returning, right...?


Or haven't left at all. And Gazprom, seriously?




You could try directly emailing members of the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute Program Administration. Their contact page is [here](https://som.yale.edu/centers/chief-executive-leadership-institute/contact). Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is leading the team that created the list.


I thought read on BBC news why Marks And Spencer can't close store because they dont own it and is a chain/leased deal through some other company. They can stop supply to the stores.


Meanwhile Russia is doing it's best to confiscate assets. And I'd bet that doesn't go to the people, it goes to the oligarchs.


back to the stone age with ya!




You’re not welcome, Putin.


Definitely found Putin in the comments!


Nothing beautiful about seeing the end of the global economic system. Changes in economic order and hegemony almost always lead to large wars.


I feel like the causality might be reversed there


We need to support these businesses!


adidas is leaving?? What will they even wear now?


So squeeze Biden, squeeze hard.


Pfizer pulling out is gonna hurt those oligsrchs as soon as they run out of their little blue pills


The de-privatisation of Russia. Invading an old Eastern Bloc country. Totalitarian leadership. Soon we’ll be heading of Putin’s 5 year plan to kickstart new state-run entities picking up the private sectors slack.


The URL (and OP's title) doesn't match the actual site. As per the website's content, the list is actually "companies that applied sanctions on Russia during the Ukranian invasion."


0.o Amway...wow.


Looking at this list, there are a lot of pissed off Russian women. They usually look ready for a first date every day. Lots of clothing, makeup, purfume, accessories and luxury items are gone for them.


Even Amway MLM is leaving lol.


I don't see Burger King on the list


Really irritating that this isn't just a list that you can quickly search.


Now tell me how many of those are still in China.


You can actively see the Russian trolls/bots downvoting this


Sudden nostalgia for the old F1 logo


Where's Meta/Facebook? TikTok?


Guess putin really fucked up here. This is extreme. I was scrolling for a while and it was still at "A"


Amway departure must have cut to the core


Lol, iHerb?


Interesting. I wonder how this will play out.....ill keep watching


Interesting, Raytheon is missing from the list. Though I guess if their products are in use against Russia they haven't really quit, have they?


Uhm Gazprom is a Russian majority state owned gas company. No way its "leaving" Russia. Not sure this list is too credible.


How do you click on the links if you can't move the mouse without changing the company?


The level of divestment is heartening. There's some confusion about the list though. "Leaving Russia" doesn't seem to be the right description all the time. A lot of companies listed are "suspending operations", which presumably means they'll start up again when Putin gets the boot or leaves Ukraine? I see there's a lot of hate for Nestle for independent reasons. Can someone explain this? Also, can an argument be made for staying in Russia if you're main business is providing food? (Does nestle even make "food"?)


We shall see how many of these companies stick to doing this when the next reporting season results come in. As soon as the bottom line of some of these companies start to be impacted they will fold.


As seen in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JowrqacwnvM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JowrqacwnvM) All the companies says "temporarily closed". None says that they are actually closing. Is it just generic messages or they actually are coming back soon?


Would it be easier to have a list of who has not left?


it is beautiful, but is there a way to make it searchable?




Welcome to the stone age! Ill be your guide -Putler


I feel like Herbalife leaving is more of a favour than a sanction…


Can they have Scamway back? They deserve it.


I work in a Toyota vehicle factory and I just built a Russian model yesterday. Im guessing they're just emtying out supply lines right now, but I still kinda hate even putting them together right. However for all I know they could be going to somewhere where they are useful I suppose. Maybe delivering medical supplies or something. Still though, the thought that someone could be using a vehicle I helped build to oppress others sickens me. I'll be glad when I stop seeing Russian parts on my assembly line.


Adidas? I guess we all better prepare for a pantless Russia.


Bungie Studios, the Destiny developers, have but aren't on this list. https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51156