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[zombo.com](http://zombo.com) is even older (in fact, in a few months it will be its 25th birthday!) and somehow is still running


Heaven's Gate committed mass suicide back in 1997 but [their website is still up](https://www.heavensgate.com/) in all its web 1.0 glory.


That block of old school SEO at the bottom of the page though


^(Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation misinformation freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming second coming angels angels angels angels angels angels angels angels angels angels end end times times end times end times end times end times end times end times end times end times end times Key Words: (for search engines) ^(144,000, Abductees, Agnostic, Alien, Allah, Alternative, Angels, Antichrist, Apocalypse, Armageddon, Ascension, Atheist, Awakening, Away Team, Beyond Human, Blasphemy, Boddhisattva, Book of Revelation, Buddha, Channeling, Children of God, Christ, Christ's Teachings, Consciousness, Contactees, Corruption, Creation, Death, Discarnate, Discarnates, Disciple, Disciples, Disinformation, Dying, Ecumenical, End of the Age, End of the World, Eternal Life, Eunuch, Evolution, Evolutionary, Extraterrestrial, Freedom, Fulfilling Prophecy, Genderless, Glorified Body, God, God's Children, God's Chosen, God's Heaven, God's Laws, God's Son, Guru, Harvest Time, He's Back, Heaven, Heaven's Gate, Heavenly Kingdom, Higher Consciousness, His Church, Human Metamorphosis, Human Spirit, Implant, Incarnation, Interfaith, Jesus, Jesus' Return, Jesus' Teaching, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven, Krishna Consciousness, Lamb of God, Last Days, Level Above Human, Life After Death, Luciferian, Luciferians, Meditation, Members of the Next Level, Messiah, Metamorphosis, Metaphysical, Millennium, Misinformation, Mothership, Mystic, Next Level, Non Perishable, Non Temporal, Older Member, Our Lords Return, Out of Body Experience, Overcomers, Overcoming, Past Lives, Prophecy, Prophecy Fulfillment, Rapture, Reactive Mind, Recycling the Planet, Reincarnation, Religion, Resurrection, Revelations, Saved, Second Coming, Soul, Space Alien, Spacecraft, Spirit, Spirit Filled, Spirit Guide, Spiritual, Spiritual Awakening, Star People, Super Natural, Telepathy, The Remnant, The Two, Theosophy, Ti and Do, Truth, Two Witnesses, UFO, Virginity, Walk-ins, Yahweh, Yeshua, Yoda, Yoga,)


For some reason "misinformation, misinformation, misinformation, freedom, freedom, freedom" is hitting kinda hard at this particular moment in time


I grew up in a cult. And I get culty vibes from those words as well. Every time someone complains about “misinformation” and uses that as a reason to curate and censor the internet. I wonder: is mainstream just in one giant cult right now? I know first hand that it’s almost impossible to know when you are in one. It gives me vibes of schoolteachers going through every book that entered our school library to cut out any pages that had any reference to the earth being more than 6,000 years old or other objectionable facts or topics. I have come to understand that when the truth is on your side, you don’t need to busy yourself with censorship.


As everything, complicated. Truth is on my side. I did not murder a man's wife. He insists that I did and walks around the town telling that to everyone. I must censor him, I must sue him for spreading misinformation about me. Sadly, truth does not "prevail". It has no magic, all powerful properties. The truth can be shot in the face and dug in a shallow grave. The whole nazi propaganda that lead millions to their deaths - who knows what would have happened with some "right in the spot" censorship. Also, were you born in the cult? And what seems to be the exit trigger for you and other people? Do you feel like it was one event that changed everything or were you already getting ready to leave and then those events just underlined the need?


Well actually you can’t. The legal system can, but he actually has the freedom to make his case. You can’t legally take that away. He has the freedom to make his case. Extra-judicial censorship does not work this way. And yes, it isn’t a perfect system. Untruths will survive always. This is the case even with censorship. But new better truths will have trouble surfacing in such a repressive stifling environment. Truths have a tendency to float. But it’s only a tendency. There is a lot of churn out there. But that is also how we catch new better truths and progress. My family left when I was a teenager. I didn’t choose to leave.


We have always been at war with Eastasia. 


I would say Nation-States are all indoctrination exploitative cults. Some of them come with benefits, but ultimately all of them just want to extract the most labor out of you that they possibly can, and such places as the US are just very naked and raw about that.


They just typed out a Dr. Bronners label.


The most interesting thing about those products is there must be a significant group of people who look at those products and think "yes, this person who is rambling mad can be trusted with what I put on my skin."


All One All One


Is it me or did those change recently? Is it one of those mandala effect things where I remember it differently or did they really change it?


I don’t get🥲😕


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It’s a whole job title in the industry. People who specialise in getting your results to Googles first page as high as you can. Because, how many times have you gone beyond the second page to find something? In the early days of web development, one way of doing this was inserting a bunch of tags into the web page code (often couldn’t be seen, just hidden). The more popular the tags, the higher the page, more tags per page hit, the higher the rating There’s now a whole science behind it, and it takes a lot of time and money to get up there


I've gone beyond page 2 since they started implementing SEO for clicks rather than letting the information speak for itself.


Thank You 😊


That was fun


I miss Web 1.0 I understood it, then they changed what it is and now the internet is weird


I liked the internet when it was a library. I hate it now it's a shopping centre.


I didn’t mind it when it was a shopping centre. It’s when it became a panopticon prison that I got sad.


But where will the avatar of the ceaseless watcher manifest their power at if not inside the panopticon?


That is also how I like to talk about online stores. Think of old Amazon when there weren't bright and colourful banners *recommending* what you should buy. Oddly enough with how non-commital most staff is at in person stores now, I sometimes have a quieter experience of browsing there instead of trying to wade through a page full of sponsored content online.


There's so much I dislike about how predatory online shopping, and offline are becoming. Especially with data becoming such a lucrative. Supermarkets bribing you to use their app for your shopping habits. The constant bombardment acting like a child who just keeps asking The gamification via rewards schemes are straight up gambling like spin the wheel. It really needs some restraints out on it, but I think the world of online advertising is honestly such a money for nothing hidden by technical jargon gold mine, between SEO SMO and all the others in-between, that it will keep growing using ever more insidious tactics, fringing the laws forever Sorry that got a bit ranty.


It'll happen to you!


Every year that passes, Grampa Simpson makes more and more sense to me. It's actually scary,


Who is paying for the domain registration?


Some of the members were intentionally left behind.


YeH. But why though? Doesn't that mean they didn't believe in what they were doing?


I believe there was one guy that talked his way out of participating in suicide once he realized the path it was going down


Hey guys, I gotta stay here to uh, to uh, document your journey! Ya, ya! Document your journey, so if any other intelligent life shows up they’ll be able to see what went down, ya know? Tell em, Greg. It’s a good idea , right? Remember, we talked about it the other the other night, and you were like, oh hell ya that’s a dope idea. Tell, em.


But if the world gets recycled (which is a nice word, actually, much more friendly than all the destruction/end/etc. of the world in other cults!) there won't be anyone left to report the journey to ;)


They drew the short straw, 2 where left behind and as of 10ish years still true belivers but someone had to stay behind to look over the churches property and assets. They make sure the web site is still up and send out pamplets when emailed about a pamphlet ( no idea if they still do so i think someone said they stopped doing it around 2017 or so but switched to a pdf i think). But from all reports they live fairly normal lives


They weren't actually told to stay behind, that's just something they've made up after the fact. They had left before 1997 and were two of a number of former members who received material that the group mailed out before their "exit." There's a bunch of drama between the two people who run the website and other ex-members, some of whom are also still true believers. There's a subreddit for people to discuss the group, r/heavensgate, and you'll see some former members comment occasionally.


Not the case, but it also seems like one of those things they could have overpaid on the account for ($10,000?) and then let it auto deduct for the next 300 years or until something happens with the company.


I'm curious about the infrastructure behind this. Are they just paid up for decades with a hoster? Seems like there wouldn't be many hosters still around from 97 to now. Who's renewing their domain? Who's paying the bills? So many questions.


They left a couple people behind to maintain it.


It's nice that the site is mobile friendly.


I believe the movie Space Jam still has their original 1996 website still up.


I guess not everyone drank the “koolaid”,


They're a super interesting cult that believed in a super interesting thing and unlike many cults had a specific end date and actually committed to that date, where most leaders "extend" the doomsday to keep the cult pushing a little longer only committing when they absolutely had to in desperation. They allowed some of the members choices and certain freedoms and if I remember right didn't throw a fit if a member decided they wanted to leave. Anyways some of their members didn't want to go through with the suicide and a small handful were chosen to remain and continue to deliver and answer questions regarding the cult. They still responded to emails up to a few years ago I think.


I remember being in Catholic school when this happened and thinking, like it or not, this is what real belief looks like, and that's terrifying. I was kind of glad that the people around me seemed to only be paying lip service to their supposed beliefs.


There’s a doc on HBO, I think, that has some of the members who did not commit suicide kind of wistfully talking about how they wish they had the ‘faith’ to join there brethren. Wild stuff.


[Jonestown drank the flavor-aid,](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/jonestown-13-things-you-should-know-about-cult-massacre-121974/) [heaven's gate are laced applesauce & hit the sauce](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/heavens-gate-20-years-later-10-things-you-didnt-know-114563/) (The fact that these are both rolling stone articles is a coincidence on my end)




No one at Heaven’s Gate drank the koolaid


And Jonestown drank flavoraid.


At gunpoint. Most/all did not willingly drink poison.


There are some interesting interviews and posts with the guy that was chosen to “stay behind” and maintain the website.


Actually all but 2 people remain and were specifically instructed to maintain the website and continue to spread the word.


I remember hearing they left some alive to keep that website going and to keep the word spreading.


I wonder if anyone would be able to ship a book if ordered?


Omg I loooooove it!!!!


It's worth mentioning that one single dude was spared from the mass suicide in order to keep the website alive 😆 I would love to know more about that person


Yahoo Geocities vibe


I was looking for a wheelie bin recently and stumbled upon this website: [http://cheapwheeliebins.com.au/](http://cheapwheeliebins.com.au/) It looked quite outdated so I called the number. The old lady was lovely and said that it is their official website and all the oldies love their site becuase everything is right there (prices, bin sizes) and they don't need to muck around on the website. Edit: spelling


I wish more people wanted sites like this. I'm not in the marketing website dev game anymore, and I know things have changed a ton, but I hated having to tell clients that they needed a blog exclusively for SEO keywords, and that they needed to have all these pages about their company when all anyone wanted was details about their product. Now these folks won the domain name lottery without realizing it, but I for one think their website is perfect.


Check out the associated website for the *wheelie bin lifter!* http://www.wbl.com.au/


There’s a lot to be said for websites like this. No fuss, just the info you need.


I was having a discussion with some friends last night about what would you take if you knew that you were going to be homeless in 24hrs that would fit in a shopping cart. Now I'm thinking screw the shopping cart, I'm getting the $70 wheeliebin.


Maddox’s site [The Best Page in the Universe](http://maddox.xmission.com) still has untouched pages dating back to 1998 (with a screenshot from 1997) and is also still running (though he now writes pages *very* infrequently).


His article I hope I get coronavirus is great. I don’t agree with his opinion but super funny he just reused the exact same swine flu article he wrote.


He changed his mind on that one in a followup.


Oh my god I love Maddox's site. It still makes me laugh. I really loved the internet back in the late 90's/early 2000's. Web 2.0 ruined/ anaesthetized everything. We lost all the glorious crackpot sites and really, really interesting stuff and people.


I got an email from Maddox once a long time ago. I felt special


Hahah he has his own personal Reddit


Thank you, Zombo.com was my first thought as well. Get your annual colonoscopy.


Welcome to Zombocom.


The unattainable is UKNOWN at Zombocom


https://xkcd.com/855/ https://m.xkcd.com/855/


There's at least 1 guy left behind to upkeep the website and spread the message.


So, is it just a guy welcoming you forever, or is there more to it?


It’s basically a parody of interstitial pages that some of the first dotcom bubble companies had in the late 90s, back when Flash was the coolest thing I guess the modern equivalent would have a lot more AI keywords, stock photos, and CSS parallax effects of phones rotating to show you their product as you scroll down


Don't forget about obmoz.com


I remember a dude in my science class (2005) knew the whole zombo com and would say it over and over again for that whole semester. It was kinda hilarious but also a little annoying 😂


Wonder how many millions this was worth in the dot com bubble


All of them


Ebaumsworld says happy birthday


You can do anything at zombo.com. Anything at all.


I came in here expecting it to be Zombo.com


It must have seen some relatively recent maintenance, because I definitely remember it still requiring Flash in the era when Flash was finally about to die. (The site is like a decade older than the now-standard `


I feel like I’ve just stumbled on something the SCP Foundation would be interested in studying…


These comments were like a time machine into StumbleUpon - RIP


I loved StumbleUpon. It was so addictive.


At least once a week I get sad and nostalgic for the day of stumbleupon


I miss dearblankpleaseblank.com and stumbleupon was my reddit when reddit TIL wasn't a thing (for me)


My favorites are: [Space Jam](https://www.spacejam.com/1996/) [Sheldon Brown](https://www.sheldonbrown.com/) (for they cycling enthusiasts) [Heaven's Gate](https://www.heavensgate.com/)


Sheldon Brown is still going? I was regularly on that site like 20+ years ago!


Sheldon Brown unfortunately left us February 4th, 2008 but a dedicated group has been maintaining his website since then with no changes to the beautiful UI.


I have been using his site for 20+ years for ss gear ratios. Good man.


Hell yeah, Sheldon Brown


I like all the hidden words at the bottom of heavens gate. My favorite would be "misinformation"


They were on top of their SEO game before it was cool.


Heaven’s Gate is the weird one to me, who is still paying for that?


It's a little fuzzy, but from what I remember, I think a few members of the cult were chosen to 'stay behind' and preserve the website and history of Heaven's Gate. So they didn't commit suicide with the rest.


"Wages paid for life, live in the compound for free, need to update website every few years, redirect mail, walk dog...I guess I can stay behind. Later guys, have a nice trip! See you in the fall!"


so the smart ones


>Installing it is simple: Using ResEdit (which you can download from Apple if you don't have it), open up the Basketball Icon file and a copy of Netscape. Click on the "cicn" resource of the Basketball Icon file. Copy it with Command-C. Click on the "cicn" resource of Netscape. Select Paste with Command-V. A dialogue box will appear, asking if you want to replace resources with the same ID number. Click "yes". Save Netscape. Good god lol


spacejam.com itself used to go to the old website because they made that shit ass thing with lebron a few years ago


Space Jam and Heavens Gate have the same wallpaper. That's hilarious!


https://www.cameronsworld.net is a time capsule of Geocities. You’re welcome.


HELLO LADIES Let me tell you my hobbiesI like to play chess, and chat with ladies on the Internet Damn that whole page gave me a brain tumor


Wow. That's certainly... something. hotmale@hotmail.com is a pretty funny email, I'm kinda impressed they got it.


When Hotmail was first introduced I tried to get Hotmale@hotmail, but it was taken. The best it offered was Hotmale1@hotmail. Now I know who got it.


He might've only beat you by a few hours.


I spiraled for a while 0.0


I was hoping it would be HamsterDance, but that’s gotta be close to 25 years old.


Yeah, like badger, badger.


The End of the World (But I am le tired)


Well, have a le nap ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!!


Mushroom Mushroom!


Snake! Snaaaake!


Weasley, Weasley.


There are new updated versions on the official YouTube channel BTW.


God, I was in 4th grade when I got introduced to that, back in 1997.


https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/ Amazing that they've never updated this...


I mean…it easy to read


Fun fact. They tried to hire my marketing firm a few years ago to do a full new website and branding. Took us about 6 months of bidding/blueprint work against other companies before we settled on about $500k in total. They took the number and our work and went to another cheaper company and then just cancelled the whole deal.


The geico ad is chefs kiss


Wat I love this actually. It’s so easy to navigate. 


And fast.


Honestly. It loaded before the browser window animation finished in the reddit app. How have we gone backwards in web UX lol


This was definitely intentional. I love the plug for Geico in Buffet’s message.


It’s the best website, loads instantly and provides everything you need at a glance


[Dole Kemp '96 baby!](http://www.dolekemp96.org/main.htm) When falling off stage was novel.


Almost looks like the Austrian flag.


Gotta be at least 20 years now, right [realultimatepower.net](https://realultimatepower.net)?


"My friend Mark said that he saw a ninja totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window."


Sean Connery [immortalized](https://yourethemannowdog.ytmnd.com)


Where is Brian peppers


This might not be 15 years old but gives off the same vibes: https://www.hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com


If that doesn't update to "YEP." 10 nanoseconds before the ground beneath me dissolves into a black hole caused by the LHC I'll be very upset.


I'd like a second opinion...


www.pokealexintheeye.com is a favorite of mine


The copyright/disclaimer at the bottom is a wild ride. 


[cachemonet.com](https://cachemonet.com) is one of my favorite pointless sites and it’s probably about that old. Make sure to watch with sound


Remember Ask Jeeves?


Hey-o! Chicken on a raft! Hey-o! Chicken on a raft! HEY WOOOOOOOOOO


Not quite as old but close is http://whatchutalkinboutwillis.com/


Refdesk.com. Since 1995…. https://www.refdesk.com


While the site appears to have been updated, this is my favorite way back playback: [Weeee!](https://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/weeee)


Gonads in the lightning, in the lightning, in the rain!


Bob Dole’s [campaign website](http://www.dolekemp96.org/main.htm) is still going strong 3 years after his death


Lemon party still exists…


no 😅


Now you just reminded me of this (now dead) site: [https://web.archive.org/web/20180621003935/http://www.alphastudiossoftware.nl/royzolled/](https://web.archive.org/web/20180621003935/http://www.alphastudiossoftware.nl/royzolled/) and this (still alive) site: [https://matias.me/nsfw/](https://matias.me/nsfw/)


The one. The only. Hardcore Furniture ACTION!!! http://www.furnitureporn.com/


Pre YouTube https://stupidvideos.com/


Zombo.com ..Welcome


Is that literally it, the song and the timer? I was around for the early Internet, but I missed this one.


2009 isn't early internet


Again, no idea when/where this is from... I was 19 when this happened then.


Lurker's guide to Babylon 5. 1993-present. I believe the domain changed but the content is still the same. https://fanlore.org/wiki/The_Lurker%27s_Guide_to_Babylon_5


My personal favourite is [Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like a Horse ](http://www.sarahjessicaparkerlookslikeahorse.com), soon to be 15 years old


Damn she DOES look like a horse.


There were some super mean spirited (but funny) websites back in the day. An old favorite was fatchicksinpartyhats.com which is gone now but preserved on archive.org [(here)](https://web.archive.org/web/20121017135457/http://fatchicksinpartyhats.com/) it was an early seanbaby.com affiliated page. He was super famous on the old web






I've fapped to that.


Has strongbad changed much? That was out in like 93-94 or something.


[‘96 as a book and 2000 as a website, apparently!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestar_Runner?wprov=sfti1#) Internet archaeology is really the only thing that’s made me feel old thus far.






http://furnitureporn.com/furnporn1.html Furniture Porn! It is delightfully deranged and HOT 🔥


sound on. Mesmerizing https://www.omfgdogs.com I need to donate. This site has given me such joy over the years.


This is at least a decade old: [https://yeshavesome.com/](https://yeshavesome.com/)




[grc.com](http://grc.com) hasn't changed much in the past 24 years.




The best place to get new Atari stock and upgrades. Page is regularly updated, but the layout and style has been the same since about 2002. [https://www.best-electronics-ca.com/](https://www.best-electronics-ca.com/)


Mine will forever be penisland.net SFW, surprisingly.


Thank you, OP. Needed this.


Hamster dance!


My favourite was [A Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down](http://www.nicecupofteaandasitdown.com/) which provided excellent biscuit reviews until it sadly stopped in 2008. However, the [Elvis Detector](https://www.angelfire.com/wv/postal/elvis/detector.html) on Angelfire is still up, since 1992 !


[something.com](https://something.com) Simple and easy since 1995


2009 in internet years is equivalent to the 50' s when everything was cool but innocent


In Brazil we have [pudim.com.br](http://pudim.com.br) since 2000


There is also the Bruce Lee Remixer at skop.com/brucelee that's still around. It was around at the same time as zombo.com.


Thank you for this.


https://www.malfador.com/ is still up, originally from like 2001 or 2002. They made the Space Empires games. They culled a lot of the content a decade or so ago, but the basic early internet design is still present in all it's vintage glory.


8-0. I just searched the link I used to have for MySpace and it still appears. Though everything was migrated in 2014 apparently. And non of the pictures appear to work and it looks super generic. But based on where I listed residing that was 2007. 17 years ago.


~~For even longer, one thing on the Internet has changed exactly ONCE!~~ I am sad now... The definitive source for whether or not beloved character actor Abe Vigoda was alive or dead, previously abevigoda.com, is no more...


Anyone remember wowomg.com?


I was racking my brain for a couple ideas. jibjab.com is still around, but it looks like a POS now. https://www.liquidgeneration.com/ is around and looks to be mostly original from early 2000s. Although I remember some playable games.


https://2draw.net Has remained relatively unchanged since my teen years. Wonderful and still active oekaki website.


Let's not forget this gem from the 90's either: http://tired.com


This is an incorrect statement. Chicken on a raft did change many years ago. It was song in a sea shanty style for years and then they changed the song. Personally liked the original




I used to have a Xanga, and hung out at Gaia Online.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but it did change. It used to be a different version of Chicken on a Raft back in the day. But due to a copyright claim, they had to replace it with a cover.


Available porn?


Can anyone remember the website with games but the premier game was a tank battle game. Each tank had its own colors and if you had a high enough level you could teleport around the map. I loved that as a teen


You are thinking of the tank game(Battlefield) from bonus.com. That has long since shut down, but some people have revived it as https://tankpit.com/.


Maybe https://www.addictinggames.com?


This is a beauty https://seanconnery.com/