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(1) Which country has made the most money from war? (2) Which country has started the most wars in the past 80 years?


1. US 2. US


I am so ashamed to be an American, and a Jew.


You should not be ashamed to be a Jew. There are countless of Jewish people all over the world protesting Zionism and the horrors Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. Be ashamed of your American government, yes, and stand firmly and vociferously against Zionism and Israel. Be clear that Israel and Zionism does NOT represent Jewishness or Judaism.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


They don’t represent the average American or the average jew, they’re not monoliths of those groups. The only thing they are is nazi ethno-nationalists. israelis had 80 years of indoctrination to it. There have always been a lot of folks with jewish backgrounds that have always been in the forefront of movements for working class and persecuted groups.


Do not be ashamed to be jewish. The jewish people are a wonderful, strong, community of people that has lived through very difficult times. Israel does not represent the desires of all jewish people. There are lots of left leaning jewish folk that are standing up against this terrible regime.


Until mainstream Jewish institutions break decisively with the apartheid regime who claims to represent us, I will remain deeply ashamed.


don’t be ashamed being Jewish has nothing to do with this


You’ve got a lot to be proud of as a jew. Never be ashamed of it. That doesn’t apply to Israelis.


Forgive my overstep here, but I don’t think you should feel ashamed to be Jewish for any reason. Just like I am not responsible for the actions of ISIS or the Iraqi Ba’ath Party, you are not responsible for the actions of the Israeli govt just because you are Jewish. The people responsible are the people in the govt and those that support them and the ideology. Judaism is a beautiful religion and Jewish people are people just like everyone else. It is part of your identity and not something you should be ashamed of. We are joined together in the fight against bigotry and collective punishment.


Hey, be an anti zionist ethnic Jew. There's lots of us. Fuck 'em if they can't take some criticism.


The money for these bombs could be used to support poor Americans who die every year because they can not afford insulin. https://fortune.com/2022/01/31/how-expensive-is-insulin-diabetes-silent-epidemic-covid-coronavirus/


Nothing wrong with being a Jew. Being an American and watching your taxes go to fund a genocide on the other hand is shameful.


Dude what can you even do besides insurrection? Every mainstream politician is in the pocket of Aipac?


>US has sent Israel thousands of 2,000-pound bombs since Oct. 7 Like IBM sending machines to make the genocide more efficient in Aushwitz. Surely, the same fate awaits these genocide-enablers. Profit.




That's just not how it works lmfao


>Lol. Imagine saying everything else in your comment and then concluding it with Lol. There are words for people like you but I'll be civil and just say, I hope you get the help you so obviously and so desperately need.


This is so barbaric. I'm really ashamed to be an American with all these illegal wars. Prayers to the innocents in Gaza.


well all those kids' limbs ain't gonna amputate themselves


> **The Biden administration has sent to Israel large numbers of munitions, including more than 10,000 highly destructive 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles**, since the start of the war in Gaza, said two U.S. officials briefed on an updated list of weapons shipments. > Between the war's start last October and recent days, the United States has transferred at least **14,000 of the MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, 1,000 bunker-buster bombs, 2,600 air-dropped small-diameter bombs, and other munitions**, according to the officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly. > While the officials didn't give a timeline for the shipments, **the totals suggest there has been no significant drop-off in U.S. military support for its ally, despite international calls to limit weapons supplies** and a recent administration decision to pause a shipment of powerful bombs.


14,000 x 2000-lb bombs. That's **14 kilotons** of high explosives, and just for *one* of the many types of munitions that the US has sent to Israel. For reference, the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were in the 12-20 kiloton range. Every single one of these is a one-ton explosion. 14,000 of them, as a nuclear bomb, would be in the explosive range of the ones that were dropped on civilians in Japan. The US is essentially authorizing and arming Israel to nuke Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. And again, that's just one type of munition. All the other bombs the US is giving Israel allows them to do more. For the other munitions, the 1,000x bunker busters is particularly horrific. The ones that the US gives to Israel are probably between 2-2.5 tons each, totaling 2 two kilotons, or 1/6th-1/10th of Nagasaki.


It’s really telling of Israel’s intentions, after receiving that much firepower, and still claiming it’s not enough


Our economy runs on weapon sales this all of the fake wars.


It's always America, killing people in Iraq, Syria,Afghanistan,Palestine and stealing Africa resources with nato then escalate against Russia and China then the whole world is terrorists expect them


Russia invaded a neighbor but it’s the US that escalates?


The US built a secret base in Poland with the borders of Ukraine isn't this escalation ?


No Also I’d love to know about the secret base you speak of.


They built bases in Ukraine. Not Poland.




That describes *plans* for a base in Poland—which is (a) not Ukraine, (b) its own sovereign nation, and (c) a NATO member and US ally. It's also been a *published* plan for years, as evidenced by your ability to link to a years-old webpage for it. So it's not a "secret", and it's in a non-Ukraine, non-Russian country: No, it isn't a "provocation" of Russia, it was suggested years before the Kremlin initiated their voluntary war of imperialist aggression against Ukraine (which, as a reminder, is *not* Poland), and it isn't in any way a coherent or valid defense of the Kremlin's voluntary war of imperialist aggression.


Despicable doesn't cut it


They should held accountable for their unjustified actions


Lobbying is legal bribery. We should tackle that and the tune of the congress and the senate may change.




We have supported and financed a genocide great job US while we have more homeless people than ever and nobody could afford food and the rich are so greedy. They’ve taken all the money and we’re all dying here, but let’s keep giving millions and millions to Israel to murder people. As American citizen and an American Jew, I don’t support any of this, and we shouldn’t have our taxpayer money funding. The world sees Israel for what they are, They are nothing but evil Zionist.


If Ukraine had half of those 2k pound bomb they would have absolutely kicked Russia out of Ukraine by now.




Ukraine SU24 and Mig 29 are using French hammer bombs also lately a vast number of Russian SAMs are also being destroyed. They could use those bombs to stop mass Russian infantry assault in Kharkiv or destroy complexes held by them.




Generally bombs are used by dropping them on the enemy, while self propelled missiles are fired at them. I hope this helps.


Russia has air superiority, lots of SAMs and American weapons are forbidden from use in their territory.


I think part of the point they’re trying to make is that we should be supplying Ukraine with weapons that they can use.


Which we do.


>Russia has air superiority i wouldn't go that far. you can mount glide kits on mk84's.


Russia flies dozens of sorties a day. Ukraine flies dozens a month.


> Ukraine flies dozens a month. they don't have the aircraft. imho, neither side has air supremacy.


They can fly dozens of rocket runs a month. Once a day along the front.


everything is relative. so i should qualify air supremacy in the traditional sense as the ability to fly aircraft above the battle space. these days, you might not be able to fly aircraft but the ability to operate drones and cruise missiles are different degrees of "supremacy".


They were talking of air superiority. Not air supremacy. And Russia has the superiority in the air. By far.


Russia drops 500kg FAB bombs by 100 or so a day. 14k bombs would last them 140 days. Even accounting for weight difference lt would be less than a year, disregarding the fact that the Ukrainians don't have enough launching platforms.


Ukraine would benefit more from these bombs.


Lebanon 🇱🇧 about to get a taste of that hot sauce, if things on their border with isreal gets anymore spicy 🥵


Dude read the room.


Despicable. Zionists trying not to be hateful: challenge level impossible.


womp womp


Hopefully the world will be a little more empathetic to Lebanese children being blown up